Wednesday, 6 March 2024

I want to become the next head of NATO


But unfortunately this idiot is preferred

"I'm the better cyclist, so to speak..."


NATO member state opposes Biden’s pick bid to lead bloc
Dutch PM Mark Rutte previously angered Hungary by saying it should be out of the EU or brought to its knees over gay rights

EU nation’s PM posts ‘proof’ she doesn’t ‘eat Russians’ for breakfast
Estonian PM Kaja Kallas has shared a veiled rebuke after claims that she is too hawkish to lead NATO 


 This is why Rutte is preferred:


We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Kaja is simply not ROTTEN enough! Mark (of the beast) RUTTE is!

  2. NATO goes into full fear-porn mode to shake down taxpayers for cash
    The imagined threat of Russia being about to march on Western Europe is a very lucrative idea for warmongers and arms dealers

  3. Trust in government declines in NATO member state – poll
    The level of public confidence in Estonia’s leadership has fallen by 4% this month, a new study has revealed

  4. 75 years ago, the NATO "Defensive" alliance was created to counter a perceived fear of communist expansion into Europe. Regardless of the fact that there was no plausible evidence that the Soviets ever planned to invade "Europe,"

    When the Soviet Union ceased to exist, so did NATO's marginal rationale for existence. However, the "defensive" alliance kept expanding against the advice of many western voices and those of the Russians.

    These protests and warnings were, of course, ignored as the Alliance continued to peddle a North American world view to Europe and its expanding Eastern European membership. NATO today has proved itself to be a fractious weapons sales scam and political platform, not a military alliance. It has energetically participated in numerous illegal and brutal unilateral military actions serving the political rationale of the Washington, London, and Brussels elite. From Belgrade to Tripoli, NATO has delivered its brand of "freedom" by bombing civilians, their homes, and societies.

    The coming collapse of the Ukrainian misadventure represents such an existential threat to the viability of this paper tiger that it will contemplate almost any avenue other than acceptance of failure.

    Rather than defending Europe from War, NATO looks destined to become part of a self designed self-fulfilling prophecy of War and destruction. Rember, nothing of the Machine ever works against the machine, and NATO is, despite what we are told, a giant profit Mill and ponzi scheme, peddling fear to sell weapons while the citizens of Europe face poverty and societal discontent.

    Russia and the Russians have no designs or desire for a War with NATO, no serious academic or political analysts outside of the echo chamber of Atlantasist fantasy believes that. Remember, if there's a people on earth that understand the devastation of war, it's the Russians.

    If you actually want to examine the engine of the Ukraine war (and all other post WW2 conflicts) and any conflict thay flows from it, lift the bonnet on the Washington and London elites and their greasy association with the corporations profiting from the War.

    Neither they nor their bureaucratic appointees will see their children, brothers, or fathers doe in a War with Russia or indeed wIth China.

    That is an honour they will bestow on the ordinary taxpayers of the EU and US, and while they're at it, they'll also convince you to pay for it all too.

  5. EU state’s PM reminds Macron that Ukraine is not in NATO
    Slovakia has nothing to do with the conflict between Moscow and Kiev, Robert Fico has said

  6. Replies
    1. New NATO boss Rutte supports deployment of long-range weapons within Russia

  7. EU threatens Georgia with sanctions
    Kaja Kallas has accused the Tbilisi of using violence against protesters

  8. Replies
    1. Rutte on extra defense spending: if we don't do it, get out your Russian language courses

  9. Replies
    1. Unmarried, childless NATO chief Rutte wants money for healthcare and pensions to be used to buy weapons

    2. Rutte: “We rekenen op jullie voor onze toekomst en die van jullie kinderen”

    3. Rutte: “We are counting on you for our future and that of your children”

    4. Monsters als Rutte willen altijd andermans kinderen de dood insturen, terwijl ze zelf veilig en luxueus leven...

    5. Monsters like Rutte always want to send other people's children to their deaths, while they themselves live safely and luxuriously...

  10. Replies
    1. Trump makes remarkable move: 'The EU is nearing its end'


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