Thursday, 31 August 2023

He May Come In The Night

He may come in the night
Or maybe when it's light
Are you prepared
Or are you scared
That He might leave without you

This world's a clown show
You don't know where to go
JESUS is right, everything's bad
He wants you

Tonight you could be with Him forever more
Tonight He's the King, just believe what He said
Tonight you can be saved and know it for sure
Tonight you don't have to be sad

He may come in the night
Or maybe when it's light
Th'rapture is near
Y'don't have to fear
That He might leave without you

So if you like to go
With Him, let Him know
Surrender to Him
You'll walk with Him in His light

Tonight you could be with Him forever more
Tonight He's the King, just believe what He said
Tonight you can be saved and know it for sure
Tonight you don't have to be sad anymore


Sunday, 27 August 2023


Warning: the founded earth brothers are absolutely right about the flat earth and about creation, but they do not preach the right gospel, 1 Cor. 15:1-4 and they believe in the occult 'book of Enoch'

Aug 27, 2023 

It's easy to get caught up in all the laughter associated with the horribly faked moon missions happening all the time, but I wanted to shed some light on what I feel is the dark motivation for these animated missions. 


Saturday, 26 August 2023

"O Man" Who Art Thou? | Romans 2:3-11 (Mid Acts Bible Study)

Aug 26, 2023

👉 Scripture References Below. 

For back to back Mid-Acts teachings, download the FREE mobile App @ and listen to our NEW radio station: WTTR - Celebrating the Word of Reconciliation & Songs of Grace.

This channel is one of the few that can teach you how to Rightly Divide the word of truth: (2 Timothy 2:15) Once you learn to do so, the confusion will disappear, and the scriptures will come alive like never before!
In our previous episodes, we have already established that the wrath in chapter one pertains directly to the wrath that has been revealed from Heaven toward Israel because of her rebellion. In the last verse of chapter 1, Paul summarized the reasons why God's wrath was brought upon Israel. We also established that the context, the thought, at the end of chapter one, carried over to chapter 2. Romans 2:1-2, Paul begins addressing someone that he refers to as "O, man." And he tells this man that he should not be critical toward certain others, because when he does, he becomes a hypocrite (vs 1.) Paul goes on to say in vs 2 that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things (the things listed in chapter 1.)

So, why would Paul be calling this "O man" a hypocrite? "for thou that judgest doeth the same things" is the very definition of hypocrisy.

●Today we talk about hypocrisy, and we look at how Paul dealt with it.
●We reveal who the "O man" is in chapter 2.
●We answer the question of how one might "treasure up wrath against the day of wrath" - since all sin was forgiven at the cross.
●Is the "O Man" a saved member of the body of Christ, or a lost person facing tribulation?
●How can Paul speak so harshly to someone, if he also instructs us to use "speech alway with grace?"
●If Paul is talking to and about Jews in the Jews Religion in Romans, what is the practical application for the Body of Christ, who is neither jew nor gentile?
●Does "cookie cutter evangelism" work? ...and much more...
●We will see who Paul was talking to and why.
●Why Paul's mention of the "day of wrath" in Romans 2 makes perfect sense in the context.
●We examine who is being spoken about regarding the "remission of sins."
●Look at some things that Paul struggled with in the flesh concerning the law and why he's even talking about the law in the first place.
●Identify where the false doctrine of Sonship Edification puts its roots in Romans 8.
●Look at some verses that Universalists use to support their false "salvation of all" claim.
●Find out what the "faith of Christ" is and what it isn't.
●We will see whether or not Gentiles are "grafted into" that Olive Tree in Chapter 11.
●Go over what we are to be "fully persuaded in our own minds" about when we go through our instructions for living life after salvation.
●Learn more about how and why Gentiles were never under the law.
●Look at how prayer works and how it doesn't work today.
●Look at today's practical application compared to how Paul addresses the Jews in the flesh in this letter.
●Go over the fact that no one outside of Paul's "dispensation of grace" enjoyed eternal security, nor were they saved by grace through faith ALONE, without works.
●Find out the who, how, and why of "marking" others.
●And we'll tie it all up with the Revelation of the Mystery which was kept secret since the world began.

Check out our complete Romans Study Playlist here:

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

De bezetting - The occupation

Klik op afbeelding - Click on picture

13 in de Oorlog - 13 during the War

Dit product van de linkse staatsomroep is uiteraard niet correct want veel wordt weggelaten en onjuist verteld, zoals over de vlucht van 'Koningin' Wilhelmina op 13 mei 1940, maar zelfs kinderen (voor wie deze serie gemaakt werd) snappen de overeenkomst tussen 'Corona' en de 'avondklokken' en thuis van school moeten blijven, de maskers en de anderhalve meter afstand houden met de bezetting van 1940-1945 en ook de overeenkomst tussen het uitsluiten van de Joden met het uitsluiten van de 'ongevaccineerden'.

Het was de bedoeling dat op 5 mei 2020 de 'bevrijding' van Nederland op grootse wijze gevierd zou worden, maar dat ging vanwege 'Corona' niet door...

Velen denken dat het nu voorbij is maar er komt nog veel meer ellende aan!

Het einddoel is de implementatie van het merkteken van het beest.

This product of the left-wing state broadcaster is obviously not correct because much is omitted and told incorrectly, such as about the flight of 'Queen' Wilhelmina on May 13, 1940, but even children (for whom this series was made) understand the similarity between 'Corona' and the 'curfews' and the mandatory staying at home from school, the masks and the six feet distancing with the 1940-1945 occupation and also the similarity between excluding the Jews with excluding the 'unvaccinated'.

The intention was that the 'liberation' of the Netherlands would be celebrated in a grand manner on May 5, 2020, but that was canceled because of 'Corona'...

Many think it is over now, but there is much more misery to come!

The end goal is the implementation of the mark of the beast.

Monday, 21 August 2023

‘Fallen angels from hell’ – Scholz on critics of his Ukraine policies

Speaking at an event in Munich, the German chancellor claimed his detractors were posing as peace doves 

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz received a frosty welcome during a campaign speech in Munich’s iconic Marienplatz square on Friday evening. Critics of the country’s military aid to Ukraine booed the official, who then questioned the true intentions of his detractors and accused them of playing right into Russia’s hands.

Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Ukraine matters to Biden more than Hawaii – Ron Paul

The retired congressman has slammed the US president for backing a “losing war” as Maui burns 

President Joe Biden is demanding another $24 billion for Ukraine while the US “disintegrates,” former Texas congressman Ron Paul wrote on Monday, pointing out the unprecedented devastation from the Hawaii fires.

Jonathan Cahn Prophetic: The Mystery Of Barbie, Ishtar, and Smashed Babies!

 Aug 14, 2023

Jonathan Cahn shares another prophetic update - Barbie, Ishtar, & the Smashed Babies – Could a doll from the 1950s and a Hollywood movie be connected to an ancient Mesopotamian goddess – and to the end times?  Could there actually be a dark mystery behind Barbie?


Monday, 14 August 2023

Here Are a Couple of Things That Make You Go "Hmmm" About the Maui Fires

None of it makes sense. Something strange seems to be afoot.

Conspiracy theories have been popping up since the massive fires engulfed parts of Maui last week. Everything from climate change cultists to directed-energy weapons have been blamed for the devastating blaze.

Friday, 11 August 2023

UN Declares Christians Who Don’t Accept Pedophiles Will Be Removed From Society

The United Nations has warned Christians that if they do not fully embrace the legalization of pedophilia, they will be excluded from participating in society.


In a disturbing new declaration, UN chief Victor Madrigal-Borloz says religious freedom can only be tolerated if religious people fully embrace the globalist agenda, including radical LGBTQ+ ideology. 


Tuesday, 8 August 2023

The Road to Slavyansk

4 augustus 2023

After the legitimate authorities in Kiev was overthrown, Donbass residents faced heavy bombings by the Ukrainian military. Notwithstanding, the locals stood their ground, forming a militia to protect their homeland. Now, nine years later, with Russian support, they have a chance to return home. This documentary chronicles those events and reveals why the city of Slavyansk symbolises resistance to radical Ukrainian nationalism.

Sunday, 6 August 2023

Pfizer and Moderna Reps Put on the Hot Seat in Fiery Senate Hearing in Australia

Sparks flew during a contentious public hearing in the Australian Parliament earlier this week as Representatives from Pfizer and Moderna gave unsatisfactory answers to multiple lawmakers’ questions.

Saturday, 5 August 2023

Faith vs. Works in James: Resolving the Problem

Faith vs. Works in James: Resolving the Problem


The epistle of James has created much confusion in Christendom throughout Church history. The primary source of confusion has been James’ view of faith and works. Luther, for example, in his Preface to the New Testament, wrote:

Therefore St. James’ Epistle is really an epistle of straw, compared to them; for it has nothing of the nature of the Gospel about it. But more of this in other prefaces.

He elaborated in his Preface to the Epistles of St. James and St. Jude that he did not consider it the work of an apostle. Luther explained his reasons:

Thursday, 3 August 2023

CIA moderating Wikipedia – former editor

Intelligence agencies have been manipulating the online encyclopedia for more than a decade, Larry Sanger has claimed 

Wikipedia is one of many tools used by the US liberal establishment and its allies in the intelligence community to wage “information warfare,” the site’s co-founder, Larry Sanger, has told journalist Glenn Greenwald.

Speaking on Greenwald’s ‘System Update’ podcast, Sanger lamented how the site he helped found in 2001 has become an instrument of “control” in the hands of the left-liberal establishment, among which he counts the CIA, FBI, and other US intelligence agencies.

'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”