Tuesday, 8 August 2023

The Road to Slavyansk

4 augustus 2023

After the legitimate authorities in Kiev was overthrown, Donbass residents faced heavy bombings by the Ukrainian military. Notwithstanding, the locals stood their ground, forming a militia to protect their homeland. Now, nine years later, with Russian support, they have a chance to return home. This documentary chronicles those events and reveals why the city of Slavyansk symbolises resistance to radical Ukrainian nationalism.

 On behalf of the POPE and SATAN!
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. radical Ukrainian nationalism = radical Ukrainian SATANISM

  2. Replies
    1. Front news movie scoop – Russian 127th Motorized Rifle Division shows what is left of AFU in Priyutnoye area (18+) & Situation Report

  3. Replies
    1. Western Analysis: Incompetence and Weak Leadership in the Ukrainian Army

  4. Three dead, 11 wounded in Donetsk shelling – authorities
    Ukrainian forces have used US-supplied cluster bombs against civilians in Donbass

  5. Replies
    1. The Eastern Front of the Ukrainians has collapsed: Kiev evacuates 53 settlements in Kharkiv – Ukrainian AFU: Russians have made a “Shock Fist”

  6. The Film: Despite - Sonja van den Ende


    ❗️❗️❗️ “They made a rack like in the Middle Ages and some men were torn to pieces.”
    🇬🇧 Premiere of the film of the project "DESPITE"!
    🇳🇱 The film premiere of the project "DESPITE" about war correspondent Sonja van den Ende!
    Sonja Van den Ende (https://t.me/devendonline) is a war correspondent from the Netherlands who has become an enemy to her country and her own family, but despite this, she continues to fight for the truth.
    What do the Azovstal catacombs look like a year after liberation? Who is to blame for the shelling of Yelenovka? What happened to the defenders of the legendary Saur-Mogila? And Igor Kimakovsky's frank story about the torture that civilians were subjected to in the dungeons of Ukrainian prisons. Just watch the video and you will find out the truth!

  7. Replies
    1. Breaking: The ignorant receive sobering information about the failure of the Ukrainian counter-offensive – Reality finally sinks in (Video)

  8. Replies
    1. “Blitz” operation with satellites and Electronic Warfare: Kh-47M2 Kinzhal destroyed the German Patriot in Kiev – Ukrainian radars spotted 7.5 Mach dummy missiles everywhere.

  9. Replies
    1. Ukrainians are starting to despair: that's how bad it is

  10. Replies
    1. Mearsheimer: Ukraine is "doomed to lose"

  11. Replies
    1. Polish border villages were shaken: Russian bombing of military installations in Western Ukraine – Yuzhmash factory wiped off the map!

  12. Replies
    1. Ukrainian forces run into Russian ambush in Rabotino, Zaporizhia – Russian T-90s collide with Challenger 2 and Leopard 2 in an inferno!

  13. Replies
    1. The Russians have gathered 45,000 men and 500 tanks in Kupiansk and are preparing for the final assault

  14. Replies
    1. Mikhail Yakunkin
      Drones had been started from Baltics territories. Existing Ukrainian drones are not capable to fly that far in launched from nazi Ukraine. After this information confirmed, this would mean that Nato has started a war against Russia.

    2. Mariner33
      Most likely smuggled into Russia and launched within the country.

  15. Replies
    1. The 47th Ukrainian Brigade has been "burned to the ground" by Russian TOS-1A thermobaric missiles: 1,800 people have been "evaporated"

  16. Replies
    1. The Russians have razed to the ground the largest NATO command center in Odessa after the one in Kiev!

  17. Replies
    1. FAB-1,500 bomb destroys Ukrainian ED headquarters in Donetsk: the largest loss of staff officers Ukraine has experienced

  18. Replies
    1. Zelensky bids farewell to Kupiansk-Liman: deployment of the Russian 25th Army in Kremina – 110,000 troops with 1,085 tanks to advance towards Kharkov

  19. Replies
    1. “Preserve the city at all costs” pleads Zelensky: Ukrainians move all brigades to Avdeevka – Leopard 2A6 and Bradley are on fire

  20. Replies
    1. A 'great result against the unarmed but extremely dangerous Russian civilians'!

  21. Replies
    1. The Russians gave the final blow to Zelensky's army: Ukrainian crash north of Bakhmut – Russian lightning attack on Khasiv Yar

  22. Replies
    1. Untold suffering in the Ukrainian armed forces: The 128th and 47th elite brigades with Leopard 2A6 and Bradley have been vaporized – The Russians have delivered the final blow

  23. Replies
    1. Strategic defeat for Kiev: Russians captured Stepovo and also entered Avdiifka from the north – Crash of Ukrainian T/T formations with Bradley-Leopard

    2. And in the meantime, the conquest of Ukraine by Russia is going SLOWLY, and for example not all connections to Kiev are being destroyed, such as railways and airports and roads, because Western leaders and politicians can still visit Kiev and many Ukrainians who have fled to Western countries are even able to return briefly for whatever reason, and all this proves that this 'war' is not a normal war, otherwise Russia would have achieved complete victory long ago, but the intention is for it to go SLOWLY because this war started as a distraction from the vaccine war against all humanity as part of the Great Reset.
      And Israel's current war against Hamas has the same character and is not intended to be quick.

    3. Russia has air superiority over Ukraine and why doesn't Russia carry out a major airborne operation in poorly defensible parts of Ukraine and BEHIND enemy lines to attack and destroy the enemy from the rear?
      When Hitler's Germany attacked the Netherlands, they did so with the aim of quickly achieving victory.
      And when the Netherlands continued to hold out in the west, Rotterdam was bombed, even though the Netherlands had already surrendered before that.
      Russia has so many more soldiers and striking power than Ukraine and, above all, air superiority, so this war could have been settled in Russia's favor a long time ago.
      This once again shows that this war is not intended to be decided quickly at all because it serves a different purpose: a distraction from the Great Reset.
      Putin has shaken hands with the Pope at least three times = the Luciferian Roman Emperor in disguise and not so long ago Putin was on good terms with Klaus Schwab.

    4. Anyone who thinks that Putin is fighting for a free world is misled, because Russia's most important ally is China, which is one of the most unfree countries on earth and where the goals of the Great Reset have already been largely achieved, such as total control of the population, and moreover, Putin has no problem with alliances with Islamic countries that adhere to an ideology that is at odds with Russia's Orthodox Christian culture.
      Putin lies just as much as the rest of the world leaders about the existence of 'nuclear weapons' and about 'space travel' and about the true shape of the earth, and Putin did use different vaccines than those in the West, but he just went along with the lie of the fake pandemic.

  24. Replies
    1. Major Russian attack on Kupiansk with two armored armies: main line of Ukrainian defense broken – Russians advance

  25. Replies
    1. Ukraine is “running out of [everything],” Putin stated. “They don’t have their own base. When you don’t have your own base, don’t have your own ideology, don’t have your own industry, don’t have your own money, don’t have anything of your own, then there is no future,” he argued.

  26. Replies
    1. Russia: F-16 deployment from NATO airfields means entry into the war

  27. Replies
    1. “The Russian armies are heading for Kiev and Odessa: For the first time since 2022, they are talking about the “liberation of Kiev”

  28. Replies
    1. Russian Supreme Commander Gerasimov: “We crushed NATO and Ukraine's plan in 15 days – This was our goal this year – They lost 160,000 men in six months”

  29. Russian military liberates key Donbass stronghold – Moscow
    Full control of Maryinka, a town immediately to the west of Donetsk, has been achieved, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has said

  30. Replies
    1. Video: Avdiivka residents happy to have been liberated by the Russians

    2. Liberated from Satan Rutte, Satan Biden and the satanic Pope of Rome, the Antichrist

  31. Replies
    1. Russia captures 'indestructible superweapon' from Ukraine

  32. Replies
    1. Russia is on the verge of taking all of Donetsk after multiple breakthroughs through weakened Ukrainian lines

    2. Rusland had allang heel Oekraïne hebben kunnen veroveren en waarom is dat niet gebeurd? Omdat die hele oorlog deel is van de 'Great Reset' waar Rusland aan meedoet!

    3. Russia could have conquered all of Ukraine long ago and why didn't they? Because that whole war is part of the 'Great Reset' that Russia is participating in!

    4. Rusland LIEGT keihard over de vorm van de aarde en de 'ruimtevaart', over het bestaan van 'kernwapens' over de 'pandemie' die er nooit is geweest, over Jeruzalem dat door God aan de Joden is gegeven inclusief heel Israël, dus ook de 'westbank', de Golan en Gaza.
      Verder liegt Rusland over JEZUS Christus middels de Oosters-Orthodoxe religie, de oosterse versie van het Katholicisme, inclusief Maria-verering.
      Rusland weet ook dat de VS een nep-president had met een masker, genaamd 'Biden' en dat de echte Joe Biden dood is....maar Rusland speelt het spel mee.
      Poetin was niet lang geleden een vriend van Klaus Schwab en is een dienstknecht van de Paus, de vermomde Luciferiaanse Romeinse keizer.

    5. Russia is LYING hard about the shape of the earth and 'space travel', about the existence of 'nuclear weapons' about the 'pandemic' that never happened, about Jerusalem that was given to the Jews by God including all of Israel, so also the 'West Bank', the Golan and Gaza.
      Furthermore, Russia lies about JESUS ​​Christ through the Eastern Orthodox religion, the Eastern version of Catholicism, including the veneration of Mary.
      Russia also knows that the US had a fake president with a mask, called 'Biden' and that the real Joe Biden is dead....but Russia plays along.
      Putin was not long ago a friend of Klaus Schwab and is a servant of the Pope, the disguised Luciferian Roman emperor.


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”