Sparks flew during a contentious public hearing in the Australian Parliament earlier this week as Representatives from Pfizer and Moderna gave unsatisfactory answers to multiple lawmakers’ questions.
The Australian Senate’s ‘Education and Employment Legislation Committee’ held a hearing Wednesday regarding the status of the COVID-19 vaccines, which included witnesses from Pfizer Australia, Moderna, and the Australia’s Theraputic Goods Administration (TGA).
Gain of Function
The Mark of the Beast and the Blessed Hope Rapture
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
De vonken vliegen er vanaf tijdens verhitte hoorzitting: ‘Jullie injecties doden onze jonge mensen’
ReplyDeleteSparks fly during heated hearing: 'Your injections are killing our young people'
DeleteZullen ze ooit schoon schip maken over de schade die ze hebben aangericht?
ReplyDeleteEr vindt momenteel een ‘ontwaking’ plaats: ‘Historische’ massazaak tegen Australische overheid
ReplyDeleteAn 'awakening' is currently taking place: 'Historical' mass case against the Australian government
DeleteRegelgevende gezondheidsautotireiten over de hele wereld negeren de Covid-vaccinschade dat hen recht in het gezicht staart
ReplyDeleteHealth regulators round the world ignore Covid vaccine damage evidence that’s staring them in the face
DeleteBribe the children; a new trial vaccine is underway.
DeleteThe endgame is the implementation of the Mark of the Beast
Engeland: Overheidsstatistieken bewijzen: 92% van de covid-sterfgevallen in 2022 drievoudig “gevaccineerd”
ReplyDeleteEngland: Government statistics prove: 92% of covid deaths in 2022 triple "vaccinated"
DeleteBREAKING: Vroegtijdige dementie wordt veroorzaakt door het COVID-vaccin (~25X toename)
ReplyDeleteBREAKING: Early Dementia Caused by COVID Vaccine (~25X Increase)
DeleteIndividuele familieleden ontwikkelen nu op bizarre wijze tegelijkertijd ‘Turbo-kanker’, wat ons meer bewijs geeft dat de globalisten genocidale biowapens op de wereld hebben losgelaten
ReplyDeleteIndividual Family Members Are Now Bizarrely Developing 'Turbo Cancers' At The Same Time, Giving Us More Proof The Globalists Unleashed Genocidal Bioweapons Upon The World
DeleteHoofdverpleegster Nikki spreekt zich uit: ‘In 32 jaar nog nooit zoiets meegemaakt’
ReplyDeleteHead nurse Nikki speaks out: 'Never experienced anything like this in 32 years'
Delete'We've been lied to about everything'
1 day ago
Why is the nurse being interviewed in her underwear?????? Kirsch couldn't you have your nurse be seen in a uniform or at least a blouse??? Kinda diminishes the her reliability IMO
1 day ago
She was doing her health workout rotine when she was called
14 hours ago
Thank you! That's exactly what happened!
1 like
5 hours ago
I should read your post before replying.
1 day ago
I agree with you. Only takes a couple of minutes to cover up. Shows no respect.
19 hours ago
She looks fit and I’d guess she was at the gym or yoga. I’m 71, male and what she is wearing is irrelevant to her courage to speak out on excess deaths due to the shots. Kudos to her! These days - your beautiful wife or sister would wear the same thing after a run and would think nothing of it. So should you.
1 day ago
Oh for goodness sake, you completely miss the point, people died and you are worried about the lady wearing her sportswear?
1 day ago
Speak for yourself son. That nurse is looking like she's in really good shape. But if you're into dudes maybe Steve will get a male nurse for ya next time pal.
14 hours ago
You're not wrong, but Steve had a specific timeline ( in the middle of my training ). After 5 back surgeries, and complete reconstruction of the spine, missing the training wasn't an option. I asked for a later interview, but he had other obligations
18 hours ago
1 like
14 hours ago
exercise cloth, notice she works out
1 day ago
I personally think that she is improperly dressed for this interview
18 hours ago
We'v been lied to for years by well dressed people in suits bud...
14 hours ago
He wanted to interview me during a training I had paid for, so that's why. I wanted a later time, but he couldn't accommodate me, so I instead accommodated him..
Apologies if you're offended by the attire, but hopefully, the content wasn't nullified over it
11 hours ago
All she had to do was throw on a top to cover herself. I'm not a prude but it is a distraction.
1 like
4 hours ago
APilgrim, letting yourself get distracted by this is like letting yourself get thrown off the content by a typo in a book. Oh I was there for many years, being Superspeller, but luckily I got over it. Except if there's a handful of typos on the front cover; that one I have to work on.
KINDERMOORDENAARS: CDC-gegevens tonen aan dat meer dan 118.000 Amerikaanse kinderen plotseling stierven na de uitrol van de Covid-19 injectie
ReplyDeleteCHILD KILLERS: CDC data show over 118,000 U.S. children died suddenly after covid jab rollout
DeleteBijbelse ziekte treft nu gevaccineerden
ReplyDeleteBiblical disease now affects vaccinees
Delete‘Onbestaanbaar dat de kranten hier niet mee vol stonden, dit alles stinkt heel erg’
ReplyDelete"It is impossible that the newspapers were not full of this, all this stinks very much"
DeleteJacht gaat onverminderd door: zij verliest titel van arts en dit is de bizarre reden
ReplyDeleteThe hunt continues unabated: she loses the title of doctor and this is the bizarre reason
DeleteAls je arts je heeft verteld dat je je moet laten “vaccineren” tegen COVID, dan is hij omgekocht, zo blijkt uit bewijsmateriaal
ReplyDeleteIf your doctor told you to get “vaccinated” for COVID, they were BRIBED, evidence shows
DeleteVerpleegster sprak zich uit en werd ontslagen, haar verhaal verdient gehoord te worden
ReplyDeleteNurse spoke out and was fired, her story deserves to be heard
DeleteCorona-vaccinatiecampagne veroorzaakte 338-voudige toename van kankergevallen en AIDS
ReplyDeleteCorona vaccination campaign caused 338-fold increase in cancer cases and AIDS
DeleteOh SH*T, New COVID vaccines being pushed by Biden as new variant emerges | Redacted News
DeleteWearing masks is a sign of obedience because they know they don't work
The endgame is the implementation of the Mark of the Beast.
Biden to ask US Congress to fund new Covid vaccine
ReplyDeleteGevaccineerde mensen hebben een 2X grotere kans om COVID te krijgen dan ongevaccineerden. Oeps!
ReplyDeleteVaccinated people are 2X more likely to get COVID than unvaccinated people. oops!
DeleteUit een geheim Pfizer-rapport blijkt dat het bedrijf sinds februari 2021 WIST dat zijn mRNA-COVID-prik mensen doodde
ReplyDeleteSecret Pfizer report shows company KNEW since February 2021 that its mRNA COVID jab was killing people
DeleteCovid-19 vaccine scientists win Nobel Prize
DeleteThere you have it, final proof the Nobel prize is a joke and the vaccine is not to be used
Explosieve studie naar overlijdens van gevaccineerden gecensureerd door The Lancet
ReplyDeleteExplosive study into deaths of vaccinated people censored by The Lancet
DeleteAustralia apologizes to pharma victims
DeleteNow apologize, or better yet, surrender yourself to authorities for your forced C-19 vaccine mandates and the enormous damage and death you inflicted on your citizens.
Dr. Christine Drivdahl-Smith gave an incredible testimony before the Montana judiciary yesterday:
ReplyDelete"Gene based vaccines, or MRNA vaccines, are the most destructive and lethal medical products, that have ever been used in human history."
Repeat: "Gene based vaccines, or MRNA vaccines, are the most destructive and lethal medical products, that have ever been used in human history."
DeleteArts legt moedige verklaring af: ‘mRNA-vaccins zijn de dodelijkste medische producten die ooit zijn gebruikt’
ReplyDeleteDoctor makes courageous statement: 'mRNA vaccines are the deadliest medical products ever used'