Don't beat around the bush anymore....
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
ReplyDeleteThe endgame is the implementation of the mark of the beast
Ernstige neurologische syndromen na COVID-19 vaccinatie
ReplyDeleteSerious Neurologic Syndromes after COVID-19 Vaccination
DeleteHeftige beelden: voetbalanalist zakt tijdens live-uitzending plots in elkaar
ReplyDeleteFierce images: football analyst suddenly collapses during live broadcast
Delete‘Serious Doubt’ About COVID-19 Vaccine Safety After Forced Release of 15,000 Pages of Clinical Trial Data: Legal NGO
ReplyDeleteRichard Kam
ReplyDeleteWhat a joke the US issuing this warning to its citizens because the crimes committed in Dublin is like a drop in the ocean compared with the violence crimes in the cities of Chicago. Los Angeles and Houston and dozens more.
34 m
Freed Guess
Richard Kam, Everyone is laughing in the US because Detroit is safer than San Francisco. I sure as heck would prefer to live in Detroit rather than San Francisco.
18 m
1 reply
"Leo Varadkar", so Ireland has an Indian prime minister? Why am I not surprised by this?
39 m
US government issues warning to its CIA Spies in Ireland.. right?
43 m
Ivan F. Molina
Martin3z, 1000%
נוצרי לותרני
ReplyDeleteA Papist nation! The North to the Anglican Pope, the King of England, and the South to the Roman Pope, the antichrist of 2nd Thessalonians. Although Irish Whiskey was me favorite (Bushmills)! Our Irish American neighborhood, back in the day, was some of the friendliest in Columbus, Ohio. The exception would have been on Friday and Saturday nights when the liquor inspired many a fight. They were hard workers and loved family and Appalachia.
Nieuwe studie over boosterprik laat zien dat het nog veel erger is: ‘Ongelooflijk’
ReplyDeleteSubclinical Heart Damage More Prevalent Than Thought After Moderna Vaccination Study
DeleteWaarom verandert de persoonlijkheid van mensen plotseling na een COVID-vaccinatie?
ReplyDeleteWhy do people’s personalities suddenly change following COVID Vaccination?
DeletemRNA Covid injecties hebben bij tientallen miljoenen mensen stille hartschade veroorzaakt, zo blijkt uit een schokkend nieuw onderzoek
ReplyDeletemRNA Covid jabs have caused silent heart damage to tens of millions of people, a shocking new study suggests
DeleteToename in miskramen, doodgeboorten direct gelinkt aan COVID-prikken, tonen gegevens aan – Gezondheidsambtenaren “hadden het moeten weten”
ReplyDeleteIncrease in Miscarriages, Stillbirths Directly Linked to COVID Shots, Data Show — Health Officials ‘Should Have Known’
DeleteNoorse man gedwongen opgesloten in psychiatrische afdeling voor delen van Covid “samenzweringstheorieën” op Facebook
ReplyDeleteNorwegian Man Forcibly Confined In Psychiatric Unit For Sharing Covid ‘Conspiracies’ On Facebook
DeleteVoormalig ontwikkelingsmanager van Big Pharma geeft toe dat COVID-prikken ontworpen zijn om “blanken te doden”
ReplyDeleteFormer Big Pharma development manager admits COVID jabs designed to "kill whites"
DeleteRobert Malone Admits BioWeapons Being Developed For Certain Types of Populations
DeleteGoed nieuws: in Thailand is het tij gekeerd
ReplyDeleteGood news: the tide has turned in Thailand
DeleteCOVID-19 vaccins werden nooit met mRNA gemaakt
ReplyDeleteCOVID-19 Vaccines Were Never Made With mRNA
DeleteAlles valt langzaam uit elkaar: ‘Dit is een cover-up, en het is moord’
ReplyDeleteEverything slowly falls apart: 'This is a cover-up, and it is murder'
Delete"Too Big To Hide" - Ed Dowd Slams COVID Vax Injuries "Cover-Up... It's A Crime"
DeleteBrandy Vaughan is the Merck whistleblower who was found dead December 8th, 2020. In this video she is documenting the intimidation tactics being done to silence her
ReplyDeleteArts geeft heftige update: 75 procent sterft binnen 10 jaar
ReplyDeleteDoctor gives intense update: 75 percent die within 10 years
DeleteAsielzoekers krijgen luxe appartementen, terwijl gewone mensen ziek worden door hun schimmelwoning
ReplyDeleteAsylum seekers get luxury apartments, while ordinary people get sick from their moldy homes
DeleteVolgens Mike Yeadon zijn ze iets sinisters van plan met de digitale identiteit: ‘Ik bid dat ik ernaast zit’
ReplyDeleteAccording to Mike Yeadon, they are planning something sinister with the digital identity: 'I pray I'm wrong'
DeleteTurbokanker bij artsen: Top Borstkankerchirurg en Top 20 Oncoloog Influencers
ReplyDeleteTurbo Cancer in Doctors: Top Breast Cancer Surgeon and Top 20 Oncologist Influencers
DeleteDr. Liz O'Riordan, Aged 48, Beat Breast Cancer. She Took Four COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. Now Her Cancer Is Back!
DeleteCOVID-19 mRNA vaccines cause turbo cancers, as well as cancer recurrences in those who were in remission.
There is no indication that even as a “top breast cancer surgeon” and “top 20 Oncology influencer”, she has any idea that mRNA vaccines are causing cancer.
Since she has no job or medical license to lose, it appears she is a true big pharma believer.
She is dying, very likely from the very experimental mRNA technology she took four times and continues to promote.
And she is none the wiser.
These are our top medical experts.
Pfizer: “Niemand werd gedwongen om een vaccin te nemen”
ReplyDeletePfizer: “No One Was Forced To Take a Vaccine”
DeleteUK scientists preparing vaccines for mystery ‘Disease X’
ReplyDeleteKlokkenluiders: coronabeperkingen komen in september terug. Wat kunnen we verwachten?
ReplyDeleteWhistleblowers: corona restrictions will return in September. What can we expect?
DeleteDe PANIEK wordt aangewakkerd: ‘Moeten we weer vrezen voor corona?’
ReplyDeleteThe PANIC is being fueled: 'Should we fear corona again?'
DeleteDeep State drukt op CV19 angstknop voor controle – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
ReplyDeleteDeep State Pressing CV19 Fear Button for Control – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
DeleteMeer slecht nieuws voor de gevaccineerden: Amerikaanse onderzoekers detecteren sporen van mRNA-vaccinatie in het hele lichaam
ReplyDeleteMore bad news for the vaccinated: US researchers detect traces of mRNA vaccination throughout the body
DeleteThe bogus pandemic and the jabs are plans of the POPE = the ANTICHRIST
DeleteThere's Nothing Chic About Satanism
ReplyDeleteHans August 31, 2023 at 12:32
DeleteCommunism is an invention of the Jesuits and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion also come from the Jesuits because they hate the Jews.
Of course, there are very devilish Jews, as there are bad apples among every nation, and they use them to hide behind them. Examples: Soros, Kissinger and Harrari.
The current Pope is not a Jesuit by chance!
Every Pope is the Luciferian Roman Emperor in disguise and the Roman Church is the disguise.
The Pope is the real boss of the US and the EU, and NATO is his military arm, and the Vatican controls ALL the money on earth.
The financial heart is the 'City of London' which is a separate city-state, just like Washington D.C. and the Vatican.
The goal is world domination and the extermination or neutralization (via the mark of the beast) of the Jews in order to deprive Satan's enemy (guess who that is) of the motive to come back and claim world domination.
It will fail but at the cost of a lot of death and destruction because it is so prophesied and also because satan is completely crazy and so are his followers and it shows.
British spies censored Covid criticism – media
ReplyDeleteSterfgevallen stijgen met 14%. Geboorten met 28% gedaald. Invaliditeit stijgt met 37%. Wakker worden, politici!
ReplyDeleteDeaths up 14%. Births down 28%. Disability up 37%. Wake up, politicians!
Delete‘Zeer zorgwekkend’: al 18 maanden onafgebroken oversterfte in Schotland en geen haan die ernaar kraait
ReplyDelete'Very worrying': 18 months of continuous excess mortality in Scotland and no one is talking about it
DeleteBritse regering geeft politie opdracht om burgers te arresteren die de verkeerde mening hebben
ReplyDeleteUK Gov’t Order Police To Begin Arresting Citizens Who Get Fact Checked Online
DeleteSlechts 0,1% van de plotselinge sterfgevallen zijn ongevaccineerd, zo blijkt uit gegevens
ReplyDeleteJust 0.1% of Sudden Deaths Are Unvaxxed, Data Shows
DeleteFact Sheet: Ook in Oostenrijk daalt het aantal geboortes sterk – maar niet onder vaccinkritische migranten
ReplyDeleteFact Sheet: The number of births is also falling sharply in Austria - but not among vaccine-critical migrants
DeleteBoris Johnson beweerde dat COVID “de natuurlijke manier was om met oude mensen om te gaan,” blijkt uit onderzoek
ReplyDeleteBoris Johnson Claimed COVID Was ‘Nature’s Way Of Dealing With Old People,’ Probe Reveals
DeleteUK government keeps secret files on critics – Observer
ReplyDeleteVarious experts have been barred from government-sponsored events for criticizing the cabinet or the prime minister, the paper says
EU state asked social media giants to censor posts
ReplyDeleteThe only platform that refused to cooperate and take down “vile” posts was Elon Musk’s X, the Irish justice minister said
In the aftermath of the riots, Musk, who owns the platform, publicly accused the Irish prime minister of “hating the Irish people” and conducting a “massive attack on freedom of speech.” That was after Varadkar had proposed a modernization of incitement to hatred laws, as well as more powers for police to punish “hate speech” against protected groups such as foreign nationals, LGBTQ members, and ethnic minorities.
DeleteVaradkar has also told Irish citizens that it was “totally wrong” to link immigration with crime following the knife attack that sparked the unrest, explaining that thousands more would come to the country because “Europe is paradise and Ireland is one of the best parts of paradise.”
DeleteMeanwhile, the country with a total population of just over 5 million people has been struggling to deal with unprecedented immigration, with 141,000 arriving between April 2022 and April 2023 alone, according to the Central Statistics Office.
RAF-inlichtingenofficieren deden mee aan het ‘bespioneren’ van Covid Lockdown-critici
ReplyDeleteRAF intelligence officers joined Whitehall and Army in 'spying' on Covid lockdown critics - including David Davis and Peter Hitchens
DeleteCovid Criminals Must Face Military Tribunals Says Stew Peters
ReplyDeleteStew Peters doesn't talk about the Vatican, the Bible and the Mark of the Beast....and he calls the earth a 'planet'
DeleteKijk: Politie arresteert man wegens ‘beledigende’ berichten op Facebook
ReplyDeleteWatch: Police Arrest Man Over ‘Offensive’ Facebook Posts
DeleteBritse rellen: opeens wordt de agenda duidelijk…
ReplyDeleteBritish riots: suddenly the agenda becomes clear…
DeleteFilmpje: Media doen verslag van ‘extreemrechts geweld’ in Engeland, maar worden dan ingehaald door de realiteit
ReplyDeleteVideo: Media reports on 'far-right violence' in England, but is then overtaken by reality
DeleteDeze video die de totale hypocrisie van de Britse regering blootlegt is weggecensureerd
ReplyDeleteThis video exposing the total hypocrisy of the British government has been censored
DeleteDe Britse premier Starmer is een dienstknecht van het vermomde Luciferiaanse Romeinse rijk = het Vaticaan
DeleteBritish Prime Minister Starmer is a servant of the disguised Luciferian Roman Empire = the Vatican
DeleteWesten noemt Rusland dictatuur, maar in Groot-Brittannië zijn 3300 mensen gearresteerd om berichten op social media
ReplyDeleteWest calls Russia a dictatorship, but in Britain 3,300 people have been arrested for social media posts
DeleteLabour schorst raadslid dat oproept tot het ‘doorsnijden van kelen’ van ‘fascisten’
ReplyDeleteLabour suspends councillor who calls for 'throat slitting' of 'fascists'
DeleteJe kunt in Groot-Brittannië al gearresteerd worden wegens een RETWEET: ‘De Woke Stasi’
ReplyDeleteYou can already be arrested in Britain for a RETWEET: 'The Woke Stasi'
DeleteWat is de echte oorzaak van de rellen in Engeland?
ReplyDeleteWhat’s Really Causing England’s Riots?
Delete55-jarige vrouw gearresteerd wegens ‘onjuist’ bericht op social media
ReplyDelete55-year-old woman arrested for 'incorrect' social media post
DeleteMan krijgt 20 maanden cel wegens Facebookbericht: ‘Huiveringwekkend’
ReplyDeleteMan gets 20 months in prison for Facebook post: 'Chilling'
DeleteGroot-Brittannië is bewijs: globalisten willen migranten als huurlingenleger inzetten tegen het Westen
ReplyDeleteBritain is proof: globalists want to use migrants as mercenary army against the West
Delete61-jarige Brit moet 18 maanden de cel in wegens het roepen van de tekst ‘Who the f*ck is Allah?’
ReplyDelete61-year-old Briton sentenced to 18 months in prison for shouting 'Who the f*ck is Allah?'
DeleteAllah is Satan the devil and Islam was invented by the evil Vatican
DeleteAlmost every judge I’ve identified as being involved in the rapid prosecution and incarceration of individuals who participated in the Southport riots has a history of letting convicted pedophiles walk free with no jail time. 🌞
ReplyDeleteA short thread on "two-tier" justice:
This judge, Judge GUY KERL, let a pedo with sex abuse images walk free while sentencing a man who mad an offensive Facebook post to 20 months in jail. #2tierBritain
DeleteBritse regering gaat gevangenen VRIJLATEN om plaats te maken voor anti-immigratiebetogers
ReplyDeleteUK government to RELEASE prisoners to make way for anti-immigration protesters
DeleteBritse journalist gearresteerd op grond van antiterrorismewet: ‘Dit is doodeng en absurd totalitair’
ReplyDeleteBritish journalist arrested under anti-terrorism law: 'This is terrifying and absurdly totalitarian'
DeletePeople are being arrested in the UK for planning or suspected of planning a rally for human rights and civil liberty and cultural preservation
ReplyDeleteBritse man krijgt bezoek van 2 politieagenten en psycholoog nadat hij zegt dat ‘christenen moeten opstaan’
ReplyDeleteBritish man gets visit from 2 police officers and psychologist after saying 'Christians must stand up'
DeleteUK could send criminals to EU – Telegraph
ReplyDeleteVerenigd Koninkrijk laat bijna 2000 gevangenen vervroegd vrij, onder wie deze moordenaar
ReplyDeleteUK releases nearly 2,000 prisoners early, including this murderer
DeleteWatch: Woman Attacked By Migrant Lectured By Police Over HER ‘Offensive’ Language
ReplyDeletePolice officers are the servants of the pedophile, satanic elite!
DeleteZakenvrouw werd gearresteerd en vastgezet door Starmers Stasi wegens een bericht op X, nu doet ze haar verhaal
ReplyDeleteBusinesswoman Arrested and Jailed by Starmer's Stasi for Posting on X, Now She's Speaking Out
Delete‘It’s over for Russia’ – ex-UK PM
ReplyDeleteBritish patriot does not want to see Palestine flags in his city and writes so on his social media. Shortly afterwards, at 4am, British police broke into his house and arrested him.
ReplyDeleteCare worker Cameron Bell was jailed for 9 months after she livestreamed a group of masked and hooded men making racist comments on TikTok after a riot in Staffordshire.
Despite the fact she was not present during violence at the town's Holiday Inn Express, Judge John Edwards said Bell’s comments on the livestream were abhorrent and had the "potential to fan the flames.”
He accused her of being “involved in violent disorder” and said her action demanded immediate custody to act as a deterrent to others.
Freedom of speech is officially dead in the UK.
Source: BBC
The British government genuinely hates its own people.
ReplyDeleteTruly sickening.
Boer onthult: de overheid biedt mij geld om de komende jaren géén voedsel te verbouwen voor jullie
ReplyDeleteFarmer reveals: The government is offering me money to not grow food for you in the coming years
DeleteVoormalig hoofdadviseur van Boris Johnson klapt uit de school: kabinet en overheid zijn NEP
ReplyDeleteFormer chief adviser to Boris Johnson speaks out: cabinet and government are FAKE
DeleteSatanische Britse Overheid wil ALLE koeien in 2030 ’toxisch’ voeradditief geven
ReplyDeleteSatanic British Government Wants to Feed ALL Cows 'Toxic' Feed Additive by 2030
DeleteAlle overheden op aarde zijn massamoordorganisaties namens satan!
DeleteAll governments on earth are mass murder organizations on behalf of Satan!
DeleteKijk: Boze boeren blokkeren drukste straten van Londen met trekkers
ReplyDeleteWatch: Angry farmers block London's busiest streets with tractors
DeleteKijk even hoe de overheid de digitale identiteit aanprijst
ReplyDeleteTake a look at how the government is promoting digital identity
DeleteBritse oud-premier doet boekje open over Deep State: ‘Ik kreeg een metaforisch pistool tegen mijn hoofd’
ReplyDeleteFormer British Prime Minister Opens Up About Deep State: 'I Had a Metaphorical Gun to My Head'