Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Satan's next plan: an 'ALIEN' INVASION!

Half of Brits Believe Earth Will Face Alien Invasion in the Next 50 Years
The True History and Purpose of NASA: Chemtrails-> Project Blue Beam
Saturday, March 15, 2014
The True History and Purpose of NASA: Chemtrails-> Project Blue Beam
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
UFO’s hebben ‘hier al een impact gehad’ en nu komt er een hoorzitting: ‘Tot bodem uitzoeken’
ReplyDeleteUFOs have 'already had an impact here' and now there will be a hearing: 'Get to the bottom of it'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Bull crap!
DeleteBOMBSHELL! UFO evidence disclosure hearing set for Congress | Redacted with Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteAnd Satan is laughing....
DeleteUFO-klokkenluider schokt met uitspraak over niet-menselijke piloten
ReplyDeleteUFO whistleblower shocks with statement about non-human pilots
DeleteWe know that government officials can lie with a poker face...Think of Mark Rutte and Zelensky
DeleteUFO-klokkenluider: wat ik met eigen ogen heb gezien, is zeer verontrustend
ReplyDeleteUFO Whistleblower: What I've seen with my own eyes is deeply disturbing
DeleteAls ze openlijk toegeven dat ze “niet-menselijke” lichamen uit UFO’s hebben gehaald, wat hebben ze dan als volgende stap gepland?
ReplyDeleteIf They Are Openly Admitting That They Have Recovered “Non-Human” Bodies From UFOs, What Do They Have Planned Next?
DeleteThe earth is flat and round with a dome-shaped firmament made of glassy material and there is no 'space' and so people have never been in 'space' and therefore also never in a so-called International Space Station (ISS).
DeleteSo if you want to laugh watch these bad actors who can lie 'good' though.
All those so-called shots from the ISS in 'space' were and are being filmed in planes making parabolic flights, soaring high and making a sharp nosedive that gives the occupants the sensation of 'weightlessness', when of course that is a lie because they fall just as hard as the plane they're in.
Other shots of 'astronauts' taking 'spacewalks' were and are filmed in large water basins in which parts of the ISS have been recreated to generate the effect of 'weightlessness' and electronic and computer techniques are used to add images of the 'round earth' below them and of the dark 'space' around them.
All countries involved in 'space travel' lie about this, so the Russians and the Americans, the Europeans, the Chinese and so on.
The goal is to make people believe that "space" does exist and that the Earth is a spinning ball called a "planet" that revolves around the supposedly much larger sun and with a satellite that is also a round ball that supposedly reflects light from the sun and that we call the moon.
If people believe this then they can also be made to believe that there are 'aliens' that could be a threat to the earth and if those 'aliens' then allegedly attack us with their 'UFOs' then people can be made to believe that the world should be united under one world government against that 'threat'.
That is also why our insane governments are increasingly admitting that 'UFOs' and 'aliens' exist, and that we'e getting reports about them through the mass media controlled by these insane people on behalf of the main lunatic, 'adversary' and in Hebrew 'Satan'.
By the way, those 'aliens' are fellow angels of Satan...
Expert: dit is waarom piloten zich niet uitspreken over de UFO’s die ze zien
ReplyDeleteExpert: This is why pilots don't speak up about the UFOs they see
DeleteGrappig hoe het UFO-narratief samenvalt met de race om de ruimte te bewapenen
ReplyDeleteFunny How The UFO Narrative Coincides With The Race To Weaponize Space
DeleteOpvallende uitspraken van oud-defensieminister over buitenaardsen opgedoken
ReplyDeleteStriking statements by former defense minister about extraterrestrials surfaced
DeletePentagon directeur zegt openlijk dat UFO’s bestaan en buitenaardse oorsprong hebben
ReplyDeletePentagon director openly says UFOs exist and have extraterrestrial origins
Delete‘Aliens,’ or a foreign power? Pentagon UFO chief says someone is in our backyard
DeleteThe earth is flat and round with a dome-shaped firmament made of glassy material and there is no 'space' and so people have never been in 'space' and therefore also never in a so-called International Space Station (ISS).
DeleteSo if you want to laugh watch these bad actors who can lie 'good' though.
All those so-called shots from the ISS in 'space' were and are being filmed in planes making parabolic flights, soaring high and making a sharp nosedive that gives the occupants the sensation of 'weightlessness', when of course that is a lie because they fall just as hard as the plane they're in.
Other shots of 'astronauts' taking 'spacewalks' were and are filmed in large water basins in which parts of the ISS have been recreated to generate the effect of 'weightlessness' and electronic and computer techniques are used to add images of the 'round earth' below them and of the dark 'space' around them.
All countries involved in 'space travel' lie about this, so the Russians and the Americans, the Europeans, the Chinese and so on.
The goal is to make people believe that "space" does exist and that the Earth is a spinning ball called a "planet" that revolves around the supposedly much larger sun and with a satellite that is also a round ball that supposedly reflects light from the sun and that we call the moon.
If people believe this then they can also be made to believe that there are 'aliens' that could be a threat to the earth and if those 'aliens' then allegedly attack us with their 'UFOs' then people can be made to believe that the world should be united under one world government against that 'threat'.
That is also why our insane governments are increasingly admitting that 'UFOs' and 'aliens' exist, and that we'e getting reports about them through the mass media controlled by these insane people on behalf of the main lunatic, 'adversary' and in Hebrew 'Satan'.
By the way, those 'aliens' are fellow angels of Satan...
"They're planning a FAKE alien invasion" as the ULTIMATE false flag | Redacted with Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteThey are preparing the world for the rapture of the Body of Christ to deceive those left behind with the story that the people who were raptured were taken by 'aliens'.
Delete‘Waren het meerdere soorten wezens?’ Congreslid bevraagt getuige over lichamen in bezit van Defensie
ReplyDelete‘Were they multiple types of creatures?’ Congressman questions witness about bodies in Defense Department possession
DeleteHet Pentagon wordt gerund door de Jezuïeten...The Pentagon is run by the Jesuits
DeleteRaadselachtige drones houden Amerika in de greep, FBI start onderzoek: ‘Het is een compleet mysterie’
ReplyDeleteMysterious drones grip America, FBI launches investigation: ‘It’s a complete mystery’
ReplyDeleteMysterie rond drones in Amerika wordt groter, beleidsmaker pleit voor noodtoestand
Mystery surrounding drones in America deepens, policymaker calls for state of emergency
DeleteMysterieuze drones gespot boven legerbasis en andere plekken in Duitsland
ReplyDeleteMysterious drones spotted over army base and other locations in Germany
DeleteDe door Jensbabba voorspelde ‘dreiging van buitenaf’ lijkt aanstaande. Amerikanen nu al in paniek. We zagen het bij Cojona: het kan snel gaan. Mijn advies: aanschouw het theater met een grote bak popcorn erbij. Nooit je in paniek laten brengen. #DRONESOVERJERSEY #UFOTwitter
ReplyDeleteThe 'outside threat' predicted by Jensbabba seems imminent. Americans are already in panic. We saw it with Cojona: things can go fast. My advice: watch the theater with a big bowl of popcorn. Never let yourself panic. #DRONESOVERJERSEY #UFOTwitter
Door Jensbaba voorspelde 😂😂
DeleteJe bent wel echt in jezelf gaan geloven he?
Project Bluebeam is gewoon wereldwijd bekend en dit zag een schildpad nog wel aankomen..
Predicted by Jensbaba 😂😂
You really started to believe in yourself, didn't you?
Project Bluebeam is simply known worldwide and even a turtle could have seen this coming..
50 mysterieuze drones gespot voor de kust, maar dan verdwijnen ze plotseling in het niets
ReplyDelete50 mysterious drones spotted off the coast, then suddenly disappear into thin air
DeleteTrump over mysterieuze drones: ‘Er is iets vreemds gaande’
ReplyDeleteTrump on mysterious drones: 'Something strange is going on'
DeleteEx-astronaut verbijsterd over mysterieuze drones (en dit maakte hij zelf mee)
ReplyDeleteEx-astronaut baffled by mysterious drones (and he witnessed it himself)
DeleteTucker Carlson over mysterieuze drones: er is iets groots gaande
ReplyDeleteTucker Carlson on Mysterious Drones: Something Big Is Going On