Friday, 25 February 2022

The 2014 American Coup in Ukraine


Aug 21, 2020
The end of the Cold war brought peace to Europe and armies began to demobilize. The American empire exploited this trust and ignored promises made to the Russians to expand NATO and absorb former Warsaw Pact nations and even former Soviet Republics. Efforts then focused on conquering the large former Soviet Republic of Ukraine. The Russians had found Ukraine unproductive, corrupt, and troublesome so granted it independence in 1991. The American empire plotted to absorb Ukraine into NATO and sent military units to Ukraine to bolster the Ukrainian army with plans for building American military bases. An American instigated coup in Ukraine led to bloody fighting and major economic disruptions.

"Did the U.S. Carry Out a Ukrainian Coup?"; The Real News; March 3, 2014;

Related Tale: “The NATO Conquest of Eastern Europe”;

Related Tale: “The 2003 Conquest of the Republic of Georgia”;

“Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt phone call”; Ukraine on Fire;

“McCain’s Ukraine Rapid Eye Blinking Video”; Professor Michel Chossudovsky; Global Research TV;

“The Independent Ukraine's Painful Journey Through the Five Stages of Grief”; explains Ukraine’s current status; The Saker;;

"The CIA - 70 Years in Ukraine"; Doug Valentine;

The US Army’s huge effort to secure Ukraine can be seen in the 349 articles posted at its website just over the past five years: (removed...)

The United States provided Ukraine with $1.5 billion in military aid since 2014, to include $250 million in 2019. The purpose of these weapons is to kill Russians.

Poland history
Ukraine history
Crimea history
Ukraine coup
Non-Governmental Organizations
National Endowment for Democracy
Victoria Nuland
John Kerry Ukraine
Obama Ukraine
Arseniy Yatsenyuk
Geoffrey Pyatt
NATO expansion
NATO Crimea
John McCain Ukraine
US Army Ukraine
Donbass war
Russia history
Soros Ukraine
NGO Ukraine


Friday, August 29, 2014

German media talk about war and Russian battle tanks in Ukraine

Putin: Kiev’s shelling in E. Ukraine reminiscent of Nazi actions during WWII

Rusland wil duidelijk oorlog. Kijk maar hoe dicht ze hun land bij onze militaire bases hebben geplaatst...

Russia clearly wants war. Look how close they have positioned their country to our military bases...


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

For all the RETARDS among us regarding the MH17

Ukraine itself shot down the airliner MH17 on behalf of SATAN OBAMA and the DEMONIC Vatican, and subsequently blames Russia.Understood, or is it too hard?

In response to the STUPID drivel about this subject by the VATICAN CONTROLLED main stream media.

Voor alle ZWAKZINNIGEN onder ons m.b.t. de MH17

Oekraïne schoot zelf het verkeersvliegtuig MH17 uit de lucht namens SATAN OBAMA en het DUIVELSE Vaticaan, en vervolgens geeft men Rusland de schuld. Begrepen, of is het te moeilijk?

Dit naar aanleiding van het DOMME GELEUTER hierover in het programma van Knevel en van den Brink namens de ROOMSE EO.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Flugkapitän: „MH 17 wurde vom Cockpit her zerstört“ - Pilot: Cockpit Boeing MH17 was shot at with onboard cannon of fighter plane

Dieses völlig zerschossene Stück MH 17 stammt laut Ex-Flugkapitän Peter Haisenko vom Cockpit der Maschine.

„Das Cockpit von MH 17 wurde mit einem panzerbrechenden Munitionsmix beschossen“. Zu diesem Schluss kommt Ex-Flugkapitän Peter Haisenko, der auf seinem Portal Bilder des Malaysia Airlines Wracks analysierte.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014





Monday, July 21, 2014


Jesus is coming back in order to DESTROY this ENTIRE ROMAN BABYLONIAN shitpile!
Hans S
4:36 PM
+Harold Scheper
Inderdaad, en dit is een afgrijselijke MISDAAD!
Maar het gaat erom te identificeren WIE verantwoordelijk hiervoor zijn, en ik geloof dat het SMERIGE, VUNZIGE Vaticaan hierachter zit, want dat heeft de VS totaal in haar macht (en de EU ook) en 'Obama' voert gewoon uit wat de Jezuïeten hem gebieden.
Bijna al zijn adviseurs zijn mensen met een Jezuïetische achtergrond, en ZEKER vice-president Joseph Biden, die eigenlijk Obama's baas is.

Friday, July 18, 2014

NWO ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION ON PUTIN Wrong Jetliner Targeted Killing 295...

NWO ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION ON PUTIN Wrong Jetliner Targeted Killing 295 on Malaysia Jetliner!

Published on Jul 17, 2014
- I don't think many understand the enormity of what has taken place the past few days with Russia establishing it's own world bank with South America, China, and South African Countries.
- Putin is trying to establish his own NWO outside of the Western Bankers NWO.
- Ukraine Rebels have received sophisticated weapons from the west, including the U.S.
- Also note mainstream media touting "amateur footage" from the downed plane - who was already filming???? LINK:
-- President Putin's plane might have been the target for Ukrainian missile - sources
- Obama on the phone with Putin as a Jetliner is taken down.
- Western Bankers wanted to make sure that S.O.B. (Putin) was dead but instead it was an assassination fail. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Global SITREP C7-14: Intel Brief for June 2014

5 June 2014: The current situation on planet Earth is pretty much the same as it was the last time a global war was in the making.  Ours is a polarized world as the above image depicts, with the world powers moving their chessmen within the various theaters of kinetic conflict. This is completely consistent with the prophetic view expressed in the Bible prior to the 70th Week, and nothing that has not already been discussed on Eschatology Today in recent years. However, an Intel Brief for June 2014 to update everyone on global maneuverings is called for at this time.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Global SITREP C6-14: Ukraine is Essential to Ezekiel 38/39 Fulfillment

Ukrainian combat soldiers on-the-move near Kramatorsk, Ukraine

15 May 2014: OSCE-sponsored talks on the Ukrainian crisis going absolutely nowhere fast as pro-Russian insurgents are unwilling to attend the face-to-face sessions in Kiev, they demand the talks be held in Donetsk, capital city of their self-declared Republic of Donetsk. This stark reality led to the events which transpired last night as Ukrainian military forces once again took the battlefield initiative and launched simultaneous operations against pro-Russian bases outside of two key locations: Kramatorsk and its neighbor to the northeast Slovyansk. Both pro-Russian bases were destroyed according to an Associated Press report that hit the wires very early this morning. The report also cited a Ukrainian defense ministry source as saying there were no Ukrainian casualties in either operation.


Friday, June 26, 2015

Putin Prepares For War

Israeli News Live - Putin Prepares For War

Published on Jun 25, 2015
The unthinkable may become a soon reality. Nato has been for 4 months mounting massive amounts of heavy weapons, tanks, Air defense, and war planes in the former Soviet States. All the while they have fed propaganda to the American Public making them think that The US recently has sent weapons to defend against Russian aggression. Either way we know both sides use propaganda to convince their people why war is inevitable.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Russia Retaliates Over US Build Up

Russia Retaliates Over US Build Up

Published on Jun 17, 2015
The United States finally admits to a build up troops and a heavy military equipment in the former Soviet States, well it is an admission of sorts . The US claims to be placing troops and tanks in response to Russia's build of Missiles.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Russia Knows US and NATO Are Targeting Them

Russia Knows US and NATO Are Targeting Them

Published on May 5, 2015
Tensions of War run high between the Unitedd States and Russia. The US feeling confident with a multitude of Nations gaurding their back. Russia on the other hand faces tuff decisions in the coming months, and that is to stand with their people of Eastern Ukraine or sit back while Western Ukrainians backed by The West oblitarate a race of people.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

War With Russia Seems Inevitable

War With Russia Seems Inevitable

Published on Apr 22, 2015
Czech News is Reporting that Russia intends to take Ukraine in May, and with the push of the United States and the current Ukraine government its seems that if Russia doesn't take action the East Ukrainians will become genocide by the Neo Nazis Regime currently running the country.

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Crusade Against The Russian People

The Crusade Against The Russian People

This message has been banned twice World Wide, it is a must see while you can.

Published on Mar 28, 2015
The truth about what is really happening in Ukraine. Rome is once again on its horse conquering-murdering those who do not agree with her ideology. The Russian speaking people of Ukraine are her latest victims. While President Putin tries to protect his people Rome summons her forces to the front lines, The US NATO and her Allies.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Friday, January 23, 2015

Russia Continues the Invasion of Eastern Ukraine, according to western LIES

22 January 2015: Russia continues its military invasion of the Ukraine with very recent developments being the focus yesterday of Bill Gertz' "Inside the Ring" column at The Washington Times. Here's a quote of the column's first two paragraphs:

"Russian military forces are crossing into eastern Ukraine in larger numbers, according to Phillip A. Karber, a Georgetown University professor currently on a fact-finding tour of the region.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Prelude to next World War on behalf of NAZI-USA and the Vatican

The Satanic scumbags in Washington want another world war in order to reshape their VATICAN New World Order, just like they did in the past when the USA sponsored Adolf Hitler on behalf of Pope Pius XII and the JESUITS.

Friday, December 5, 2014

US Congress declares war on Russia with new law

Today the US House passed what I consider to be one of the worst pieces of legislation ever. H. Res. 758 was billed as a resolution “strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin, which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighboring countries aimed at political and economic domination.”

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Koenders: Obama is een zak en Nederland uit de Roomse EU

In Nederland worden we constant voorgelogen door de 'overheid', en dus besloot ik om maar eens terug te liegen, want dit is wat Koenders werkelijk zei, en dat namens de Roomse EU, de Paus en Satan Obama:

Friday, October 24, 2014

MH17: The Untold Story

MH17: The Untold Story

Published on Oct 22, 2014
Three months after Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was violently brought down from the skies over Ukraine, there are still no definitive answers to what caused the tragedy. Civil conflict in the area prevented international experts from conducting a full and thorough investigation. The wreckage should have been collected and scrupulously re-assembled to identify all the damage, but this standard investigative procedure was never carried out. Until that’s done, evidence can only be gleaned from pictures of the debris, the flight recorders or black boxes and eye-witnesses' testimonies. This may be enough to help build a picture of what really happened to the aircraft, whether a rocket fired from the ground or gunfire from a military jet.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Start World War 3: Ukraine downed MH17 on behalf of the Vatican NWO

A part of MH17 leftside cockpit cabin appears to show 20mm machine-gun holes

Malaysian press charges Ukraine government shot down MH 17

By Alex Lantier
9 August 2014
A Thursday article in the New Straits Times, Malaysia’s flagship English-language newspaper, charged the US- and European-backed Ukrainian regime in Kiev with shooting down Malaysian Airlines flight MH 17 in east Ukraine last month. Given the tightly controlled character of the Malaysian media, it appears that the accusation that Kiev shot down MH17 has the imprimatur of the Malaysian state.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

General Observations

Islamic State on the move in Syria and Iraq
14 October 2014: Here are some rather significant things I have been keeping an eye on lately.
In Syria and Iraq there is very strong evidence that Islamic State forces have used chemical weapons against Kurdish forces in their unrelenting assault on the Kurdish border town known as Kobani (a/k/a Ayn al-Arab) and against Iraqi Shi'a forces in ongoing battles in Anbar Province since this past July.  Within the past couple of days photographic evidence has emerged pointing to the use of mustard blister agent against the defenders in these battles. Where did Islamic State get this kind of chemical weapon? From the depot that formerly belonged to Saddam Hussein at the Muthanna CW bunk complex and that the Obama Administration has said would be of no use to the Islamic State.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Nuclear War could be near, according to Nobel laureate

The United States and Russia are dangerously close to stumbling into a war over Ukraine that could go nuclear and kill hundreds of millions of people in a single day, a Nobel laureate who is one of the world’s leading experts on the dangers of nuclear weapons warned in Washington this week.

“It’s an incredibly dangerous situation. … If there’s a nuclear war tonight, that’s the Northern Hemisphere (of the entire world) gone, Dr. Helen Caldicott told a National Press Club Newsmakers news conference on Wednesday. She was speaking on the topic: “Ukraine: Is Nuclear Conflict Likely?”

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Vice President Biden: We have forced Europe to sanctions against Russia

German article: use translator.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Erdogan Betrays Putin with Staged Coup to Invade Syria

Erdogan Betrays Putin with Staged Coup to Invade Syria

Published on Sep 7, 2016
The US Master Plan; stage a coup in against Erdogan to gain the trust of President Putin so that later Turkey could invade Syria before Putin realizes the nature of betrayal. NATO has orchestrated a master plan to bring Russia down. The prophet Daniel saw these events and spoke about the King of the North troubled by tidings from the North and East: Russia and China's involvement in Syria has stirred him up

Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Two Kingdoms Order out of Chaos

The Two Kingdoms Order out of Chaos

Bishop James E. Quigley in the Chicago Daily Tribune on May 5, 1903: "When the United States rules the world, the catholic church will rule the world"

Monday, July 25, 2016

NAZI Germany Declares Russia An Enemy

Breaking: Germany Declares Russia An Enemy

Published on Jul 25, 2016
In a startling leaked report it appears that Germany has been preparing for a war with Russia and has labeled the sleeping Giant Bear as an enemy of Germany. This may explain the recent German troops that were added troops the front lines of Russia's Border.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Obama Orders Overthrow of Erdogan and Ukraine's Former President

Obama Orders Overthrow of Erdogan and Ukraine's Former President

Published on Jul 18, 2016
In Russian language media reveals that the United States Barack Obama administration may very well have been behind the failed coup attempt on President Erdogan. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Fascist Ukraine downed MH-17 with the backing of the US, the EU and the SATANIC VATICAN!

The Endless Dodge - Why Washington Doesn't Come Clean On The Downing Of MH-17

Submitted by Roberty Parry via (h/t Contra Corner blog),
A newly posted video showing a glimpse of a Buk missile battery rolling down a highway in eastern Ukraine has sparked a flurry of renewed accusations blaming Russia for the July 17, 2014 shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 killing 298 people. But the “dash-cam video” actually adds little to the MH-17 whodunit mystery because it could also support a narrative blaming the Ukrainian military for the disaster.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

G7 Summit's Decision May Ignite War With Russia

G7 Summit's Decision May Ignite War With Russia


Published on May 28, 2016
G7 has decided to keep sanctions in place against Russia and have even promised new sanctions to force Russia's hand. The question remains is how long will Russia allow the world to bully them around.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

EU gives Poland greenlight to ramp up tensions with Russia

EU gives Poland greenlight to ramp up tensions with Russia



The Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski recently called Russia ‘an existential threat’ to Poland and the EU. In his view, Russia is even more dangerous than so-called Islamic State, since the threats posed by the Middle Eastern terrorists are not “existential.” Waszczykowski’s comment was made at a security conference in the Slovak capital Bratislava, and it predictably made waves in Russia. Alexei Pushkov, the head of the Duma’s Committee on Foreign Relations, called Waszczykowski “an existential threat to common sense,” dismissing the fears of the Polish politician as nonsense.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

United States Serious About War With Russia

I's all about OIL = MONEY = POWER!

United States Serious About War With Russia

Published on Jan 26, 2016
Many wonder who will strike first, how will the Battle begin between two superpowers. There are reports Saudi Arabia has met privately with President Putin to persuade an oil deal. With US backing, but if that fails Russia may strike Turkey then the US will enter the conflict. Russia will be surrounded - Only God could help him then.

The VATICAN controlled USA is daring to take this ENORMOUS RISK, because....

Tuesday, January 26, 2016



Published on Jan 25, 2016
While the Washington snowstorm dominated news coverage this week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was operating behind the scenes to rush through the Senate what may be the most massive transfer of power from the Legislative to the Executive branch in our history. The senior Senator from Kentucky is scheming, along with Sen. Lindsey Graham, to bypass normal Senate procedure to fast-track legislation to grant the president the authority to wage unlimited war for as long as he or his successors may wish.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

NAZI-US Covertly Prepares For Russian War

US Covertly Prepares For Russian War

Published on Dec 1, 2015
US covertly prepares for Russian War, as tensions heat up in Syria with Russia and turkey the United States pushes Ukraine to send Tanks to Donetsk Region to provoke another front for the Russians to deal with.

Friday, October 16, 2015

American-style provocation. Boeing-777 flight MH-17

American-style provocation. Boeing-777 flight MH-17

Published on Sep 23, 2015
Contains previously unpublished footage from the catastrophe scene 07/17/2014.

News Front documentary.

On July 17, 2014 Malaysian Boeing 777 was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala-Lumpur. But plane doesn't reach the ultimate goal and crashed in the east of Ukraine in the area of the village Hrabovo, near Torez. On board were 283 passengers and 15 crew members - all of them died. The reaction on the air accident in the media followed almost before when the tragedy happened itself. West categorically blamed the accident on Russia, but still didn't provide any evidences.

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Moret & Battis: Jade Helm-Ukraine-Pope-UN post 2015 Agenda are one integrated Jesuit operation

Moret & Battis: Jade Helm-Ukraine-Pope-UN post 2015 Agenda are one integrated Jesuit operation

Published on Jul 20, 2015
NOTE: You can access links and more context while watching the interview here. Thank you. Leuren Moret & Laurens Battis: Jade Helm, Ukraine, EU & Greece Deconstruction, Pope, UN post-2015 Development Agenda are one integrated Jesuit operation
By Alfred Lambremont Webre

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Monday, April 19, 2021

Dozens of American fighter planes land in Poland; Russian TV teams to Donetsk

Wagonloads of Russian tanks with amphibious equipment arrive in Rostov-on-Don, which is only 60 km away from Ukraine.

Film crews of Russian federal channels are going to Donetsk, Ukraine. Why? They themselves do not know!

Several reporters from such outlets are saying they were "ordered to move forward and wait." 

That means the Russian government knows something is coming because THEY are going to do it, and they want TV crews there to see it, video record it, and report it.

Whatever's coming in Ukraine, is coming very, VERY soon.


Saturday, April 17, 2021

Russia sets US ultimatum: Leave Ukraine within 6 days or we attack

Ukraine President Makes NUCLEAR THREAT Against Russian Crimea: ". . . Will be like Chernobyl; a Dead Area, WORSE than Chernobyl"


When Ambassador John Sullivan arrived at Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday, April 15, he was told "The United States has six days to cease all NATO activity inside Ukraine.  Otherwise Russia will attack Ukraine and stop the NATO activity itself."

Thursday, April 15, 2021


 Russian trucks and armored cars feature white "invasion stripes" 

BREAKING NEWS 9:54 AM EST -- The United States Congress has just been informed by the President of the United States that he's "declaring a national emergency

with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy" of the United States, posed by specified harmful foreign activities of Russia."


Wednesday, April 14, 2021



The Ukrainian Army is encamped, awaiting the order to attack Luhansk and Donetsk.   Thousands of Ukraine Army troops are in these camps along the border of both states, and at more than one of the camps, those Ukrainian soldiers are flying the Nazi Flag

THIS is who the US -- or more accurately, the Biden Administration -- and NATO, are backing!  This is what's running Ukraine nowadays!


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Next stop, the apocalypse? The bumbling Biden administration’s claim to fame may be jumpstarting World War III

Since Biden’s inauspicious rise to power, the world has become littered with hotspots from Ukraine to China where a major conflict could erupt at any time. Is the US deep state desperate to make up for four warless years?

Coincidence or otherwise, the world feels like a much more dangerous place since Joe Biden formally entered the White House on January 20. Now that the ‘Make America Great Again’ bumper sticker has been removed from the US juggernaut, early indicators point to a global joyride riddled with dangerous standoffs and even full-blown hostilities that could spark the mother of all conflagrations. One of the most dangerous stops along this highway to possible oblivion is playing out right now on Russia’s doorstep.


Friday, April 2, 2021

Moscow warns of ‘measures’ against any Western troop deployment in Ukraine, as Kiev cites guarantees of US support in a conflict

Russia has warned that it would regard any deployment of Western troops in Ukraine as a serious provocation, after Kiev asked NATO to step up its local combat readiness and claimed the US would come to its aid in any future war.

On Friday, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry issued a statement saying that it had received guarantees of American support after a telephone call with Washington’s top military official, Pentagon chief Lloyd Austen. “The US Secretary of Defense stressed that in the event of an escalation of Russian aggression, the United States will not leave Ukraine alone,” the Ministry said.


Thursday, April 1, 2021

Warships & submarines entering zone of Nord Stream 2 pipeline in ‘planned & prepared provocations’ to obstruct work, says operator

With the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline nearing completion and US sanctions against contractors failing to stop its construction, its operator has reported an increased “provocative” activity of warships in the area.

According to Moscow news agency TASS, Nord Stream 2 AG’s branch director, Andrey Minin, claimed that the last three months have seen a growth in military presence in the area.


Saturday, March 7, 2020

Donbass and Syria – A Perfect Storm Approaching?

When Recep Erdogan recently met with Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev, aping the words of Ukraine’s nazi collaborators, with a shout of “Slava Ukraine!”, it may well have seemed just another dog and clown show, put on by two US/NATO lackeys who are among the least trusted or respected national leaders on Earth. But this political theater may well have some serious and unpleasant portents for the near future.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

U.S. Citizens in Ukraine – The Flies Come Home to Roost

“Hi, it’s me, I’m back. Slava Ukr-anus!”

The shameful history of US depredations in Ukraine is now beyond dispute and wide open for all the world to see. And it seems that the degenerates, killers and losers who came to Ukraine to exploit the war here for their own ends are all cut from the same cloth. From the pretty boy sex pervert, swindler and crackhead Hunter Biden to the would-be “Punisher” Mark Paslawsky, to thieves, mass murderers, nazis and Pravy Sektor volunteers Craig Lang and Alex Zweifelhofer, to aspiring terrorist bomber Jarrett William Smith, to deadbeat dad and eternal loser Damian Rodriguez to the nazi-loving Jew Simon Ostrovsky, they all share common traits with the original wave of US scum that included the likes of Hillary Clinton, Victoria “Nuland” Nudelman, Joe Biden, Jeffery Pyatt and John McCain.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

You Tube – Google Hate Speech Hypocrisy Exposed

This post will show clearly that You Tube Hate Speech guidelines are selectively and hypocritically being used to silence western voices that speak out against US wars and imperialism while violent proxy groups operating in collusion with NATO and the Atlantic Council are being provided a completely free pass to disseminate their violent hateful propaganda. 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Monday, March 20, 2017


MH17 HOAX: Crash Scene Evidence Reveals No Boeing-777 Engine

 It’s now established that US and international troops were deployed to the Ukraine under Exercise Rapid Trident – a 12-Nation joint military exercise in the Ukraine coinciding with the alleged crash of MH-17.

Rapid Trident supports interoperability among Ukraine, the United States, NATO and Partnership for Peace member nations. The exercise helps prepare participants to operate successfully in a joint, multinational, integrated environment with host-nation support from civil and governmental agencies.
Rapid Trident is a part of U.S. European Command’s Joint Training and Exercise Program, designed to enhance joint combined interoperability with allied and partner nations.
The exercise also supports Ukraine’s Annual National Program to achieve interoperability with NATO and commitments made in the annual NATO-Ukraine work plan.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Who is the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal?

Come and try to DESTROY the country and people of God=JESUS!

You will FAIL!

Gog is a demon king

This article originally appeared on

See also:
The Ezekiel 38 & 39 Videos

"Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog ..." Ezekiel 38:2

"Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, To take a spoil, and to take a prey..." Ezekiel 38:10-12

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Ukraine Who Caused The Coup - Gog and Magog

Ukraine Who Caused The Coup 

Published on Nov 21, 2016
Russia is blamed for everything it seems in this day and age, from Ukraine to Hillary Clinton losing the election to Donald Trump, Russia seems to be reason. But the truth of why Clinton lost or who really caused the collapse of Ukraine is most likely found in the White House.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Croatian MP Member Says; Elites Controlling The EU

Croatian MP Member Says; Elites Controlling The EU



  1. The Holocaust started in Ukraine:

    The “Holocaust by Bullets” in Ukraine

    The Holocaust in Ukraine represents the first phase of the Holocaust in which an estimated 1.5 million Jews were shot to death at close range in ravines, open fields, and forests.

  2. I think most of us remember this guy:

    Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (19 December 1906 – 10 November 1982) was a Soviet politician who led the Soviet Union as General Secretary of the governing Communist Party (1964–1982) and as Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (1960–1964, 1977–1982).

    Brezhnev was born on 19 December 1906 in Kamenskoye (now Kamianske, Ukraine) within the Yekaterinoslav Governorate of the Russian Empire, to metalworker Ilya Yakovlevich Brezhnev (1874–1934) and his wife, Natalia Denisovna Mazalova (1886–1975).

    Russia doesn't see Ukraine as a foreign country.

  3. Replies
    1. A huge 'success' for the Vatican controlled media:

    2. Those percentages make sense. Did you know that 80% of Americans don't have a passport, i.e. haven't traveled to see the world? The 80% are propaganda fodder that keeps their media alive, keeps the Pentagon and the warmongers alive.

      26 February, 04:03 GMT

  4. Replies
    1. The late Vladimir Zhirinovsky is among a group of Russians removed from Brussels’ sanctions list

  5. Replies
    1. Is this the woman who gave the green light to destroy a Ukrainian dam?

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  6. Victoria Nuland quits
    The Deputy Secretary will leave the US State Department in several weeks, Antony Blinken has announced

  7. Replies
    1. Here's what you need to know about retiring Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland

  8. Replies
    1. Video: Victoria Nuland Basically Admits She Sabotaged Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal

  9. Back in 2014, Ukrainian soldiers were firing into civilian homes in East Ukraine, deliberately spreading fear and brutally silencing any opposition to the CIA-backed coup in Kiev......


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”