Monday, 21 August 2023

‘Fallen angels from hell’ – Scholz on critics of his Ukraine policies

Speaking at an event in Munich, the German chancellor claimed his detractors were posing as peace doves 

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz received a frosty welcome during a campaign speech in Munich’s iconic Marienplatz square on Friday evening. Critics of the country’s military aid to Ukraine booed the official, who then questioned the true intentions of his detractors and accused them of playing right into Russia’s hands.

Scholz was confronted by a crowd that was calling the chancellor a “warmonger,” “loser,” and “liar,” among other things. The chancellor parried, insisting that the “right-wing populists” stand for a “gloomy future.”

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Kiev demands more tanks from Germany


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  1. 64% of Germans are 'fallen angels from hell' according to Scholz: Meanwhile, the results of a new opinion poll released by Bild on Saturday indicated that some 64% of respondents would want to see the incumbent “traffic light” coalition government made up of Scholz’s Social Democrats, the Free Democrats, and the Greens replaced. Only 22% are content with the way the country is being governed at present, the media outlet revealed, with 70% of the Germans polled dissatisfied with Scholz personally.

  2. Replies
    1. Rutte in particular has been criticized for announcing the delivery without obtaining approval from the Dutch parliament, and just as he is about to leave government.

      “Madness. Dutch F-16s to Ukraine to attack Russian targets. Even now that Rutte is outgoing, he drags the Netherlands even further into war,” wrote the right-wing Forum for Democracy party on X (formerly Twitter). Instead, the party called for neutrality, an end to arms deliveries to Ukraine, and a move towards peace negotiations.

  3. Replies
    1. "Everything you've been told about the war in Ukraine is a lie"

  4. Replies
    1. TBTB
      Confirmation: NATO directly running the war on Russia!

  5. Replies
    1. KorolKoshek
      Demented, degenerate, depraved old demon spawn devils in meat suits in the West! After Ukraine is completely destroyed as the Proxy of US-NATO, the EU countries will be expected by their Luciferian Masters of the Devil's Country (DC) to step up and sacrifice everything too for Satan.

  6. Replies
    1. Shocking figures from Germany: 'With this the suicide of Europe is not far away'

  7. Replies
    1. Sun Risings
      HAhah! That's a taste of the ungrateful "european principles". The Ukraine should join BRICS! Haha!

      The duped and horribly used Ukrainians always have been (and always will be) much better with Russia as a their close partner and protector.

      More news from the incredibly shrinking Ukraine in a few moments...

    2. AlfiRudolfer
      These Ukrainians are ungrateful punks, aren’t they? 😂 Now imagine the mess these arrogant fools can create if they are allowed to join the European Union. And even worse, NATO. 💥

    3. NotARussianBot
      That would be the grain arguably going to developing nations, but in reality ending up feeding the pigs in the EU, right? lol

    4. David Collishaw
      bite the hand that feeds you, Ukraine really is the rabid dog that needs to be put down

  8. NATO member disavows Ukraine drone claim
    The Romanian Defense Ministry says no Russian UAVs have crashed on its territory, contrary to official statements by Kiev

  9. Replies
    1. Ukraine is trying to blow up pipelines carrying Russian gas to Europe

    2. Oekraïne doet dat waarschijnlijk in opdracht van de Verenigde Staten van Satan die een totale energie-oorlog tegen Europa voeren. Nadat de Yanks Nordstream opgeblazen hebben, zijn ze nu bezig de Trans-Sahara-pijpleiding naar Europa te saboteren. Vorig jaar riepen Amerikaanse senatoren al op om de Russische pijpleidingen die via de Zwarte Zee naar Europa gaan op te blazen.

    3. Ukraine is probably doing this at the behest of United States of Satan, which is waging an all-out energy war against Europe. After blowing up Nordstream, the Yanks are now sabotaging the Trans-Saharan Pipeline to Europe. Last year, US senators called for the Russian pipelines that go to Europe via the Black Sea to be blown up.

  10. Replies
    1. Zelensky's Last Chance: How Kiev Sets Up Ukraine's 'People's Storm'

  11. Replies
    1. Eddie Leong
      Good excuse. Ukraine has lost the War. Now hand it to NATO and call it WW3. Keep trying...

  12. Replies
    1. Boer from ZA
      The US and allies just obey to their Cabal masters to help with their "World Depopulation Program"

  13. Replies
    1. The “Stealth” Kh-50 made the police headquarters in Krivoy Rog disappear – Turks: “40 NATO and Ukrainian officers killed; 60 injured” (Videos)

  14. Ex-Ukrainian president pictured wearing Nazi symbol (PHOTOS)
    Pyotr Poroshenko wore the Sonnenrad or ‘Black Sun’ patch on his shoulder while visiting troops

  15. Replies

    1. ‘NUCLEAIRE WAPENS’ zijn (intercontinentale) raketten met een grote conventionele explosieve kracht

      NUCLEAR WEAPONS DO NOT EXIST The Documentary By Edmund Matthews Worldwide Version

    2. 'NUCLEAR WEAPONS' are (intercontinental) missiles with a large conventional explosive force

      NUCLEAR WEAPONS DO NOT EXIST The Documentary By Edmund Matthews Worldwide Version

  16. Replies
    1. Daniel Christen
      Do you know why Ukraine applies for membership in the European Union but not in the African Union? The level of corruption in Ukraine would be unacceptable in Africa. 🤣🤣🤣

  17. Replies
    1. Moscow has blasted the seizure threat as an example of the EU’s “racism” towards Russian citizens. Finland, a neighbor of Russia that has banned Russian cars, has acknowledged that such measures do “hurt normal people,” as Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen explained.

  18. Replies
    1. Malcolm Nicoll
      I'm not scared of the Maos and the Stalins and the Hitlers of the world.
      I'm scared of the thousands of millions of people that hallucinate them to be "authority", and so do their bidding, and pay for their empires, and carry out their orders.
      I don't care if there's one looney with a stupid moustache. He's not a threat if the people do not believe in "authority".
      - Larken Rose

  19. Germany promises to extend EU into Russia
    “Every meter” Kiev’s forces seize from Russian troops is “paving” Ukraine’s way into the bloc, German foreign minister has said

    1. "And Prussia must become German again and Russia has lost the war".......

    2. Carlo Mare
      somebody find a doctor for this Karen. A good one possibly

    3. antoni monti
      So Annalena is on cocaine like zelensky too?

  20. Replies
    1. giocon
      So much for EU unity.

    2. His legs of iron, and his feet were part of iron, and part of clay.
      Daniel 2:33

  21. Replies
    1. (The satanic) National media dismissed the event as a gathering of “conspiracy theorists.”

  22. Ukraine ‘very cheap way’ to fight Russia – NATO minister
    The Dutch defense minister made a case for funding Kiev at a conference in Poland

    1. Gupta_Pankaj
      QUOTE - Arming Kiev is a cost-effective way of preventing Moscow from threatening NATO, Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren argued on Wednesday at the Warsaw Security Forum... supporting Ukraine is a very cheap way to make sure that Russia with this regime is not a threat to the NATO alliance - UNQUOTE

      Typical thought spaghetti and word spaghetti from a Western Liberal Feminist Lesbian clown.

      It was NOT Russia who overthrew DEMOCRACTICALLY ELECTED Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych in year 2014.

  23. Replies
    1. While the AfD has grown in popularity among the German electorate to the point that it plans to nominate its own candidate for chancellor for the first time in 2025, victory would require one or more coalition partners to run the federal government. Germany’s other parties have thus far refused to work with the right-wing populists, who are often denounced as extremist bogeymen by the media.

      The AfD’s youth wing was designated an extremist organization by the German federal government earlier this year, subjecting its members to covert surveillance and onerous legal hurdles for employment and weapons licenses.

      The party has been illegally shut out of the two main public news channels and was labeled a suspected threat to democracy last year, while some in party leadership worry that despite – or perhaps because of – its increasing popularity, attempts may soon be made to ban it from politics entirely.

      Founded in 2013, AfD is known for its tough stance on migration, LGBTQ rights, and EU bureaucracy. The party has surged in popularity in recent years, polling second after former Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union.

  24. Replies
    1. Global = world wide: the earth is not a globe!

  25. Replies
    1. Weapons for peace and fortune and bloodshed for happiness and satanism...

  26. Replies
    1. But does Putin want to talk with Scholz?

  27. Ukraine will ‘strengthen EU’ – German FM
    Annalena Baerbock says there should be no “gray areas” in Europe

    1. Last month, Baerbock said that Ukraine’s future “lies in” the EU, including regions that were incorporated by Russia in 2022 but are still claimed by Kiev. “[The EU] will soon stretch from Lisbon to Lugansk,” Baerbock told journalists on the sidelines of the EU foreign ministers’ meeting in the Ukrainian capital.

    2. So Annalena Baerbock wants war with Russia...

    3. Arrien Westhuis
      This uninformed radical left politician is smoking crack while trying to bring the EU to the brink of ruin

  28. Germany in ‘serious crisis’ – Bavarian leader
    Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government is “completely helpless,” head of Bavaria Markus Soeder says

  29. Replies
    1. Roderich Kiesewetter should fight and die for Zelensky himself

  30. 82% of Germans disapprove of government – poll
    Olaf Scholz has the lowest approval rating for a chancellor since the survey began in 1997

  31. Germany may declare emergency over Ukraine – Scholz
    The chancellor has called on parliament to bypass the national debt threshold for the sake of helping Kiev

    1. Farangutan
      Scholz weakening Germany to support Ukrainian Nazis who won't be there in a year

  32. Replies
    1. Over vieze spelletjes gesproken...Speaking of dirty games...

  33. Replies
    1. Moscow has repeatedly slammed the practice of taking away the belongings of ordinary Russians as illegal, with Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova calling it outright “racist.”

  34. Replies
    1. War council in Germany: State of emergency and Europe prepares for war with Russia – Statements by Scholz and Pistorius (video)

  35. Only 17% of Germans ready to defend their country – survey
    Four in ten Germans have said they would never take up arms even to defend their nation, a fresh survey has shown

  36. Replies
    1. Overall, however, Germans seem to be dissatisfied with the government, with around 70% thinking it is doing a ‘rather bad’ or ‘very bad’ job.

  37. Replies
    1. Acknowledging that the measure is not likely to be popular, Schnitzer, who leads the German economic advisory council better known as the ‘five wise men’, insisted that it is nevertheless necessary, arguing that it would be wiser to act now as “at the end of the day, our freedom is also at stake in this war.”

  38. Replies
    1. Bizarre video message about farmers' protests: Scholz denies people their free will

  39. Replies
    1. German farmers are being robbed so that the left-wing government can hand out billions around the world on absurd projects - a summary

  40. Replies
    1. German Chancellor calls for nationwide protests to defend democracy against the consequences of his own policies

  41. Replies
    1. Things are getting out of hand in Germany - Open call to kill AfD members

  42. Duitsland stelt het staatsburgerschap open voor 1,5 miljoen Turkse immigranten en krijgt het benauwd als de “rechts-populistische” en “autoritaire” AK-partij van Recep Erdoğan plannen onthult om een Duitse afsplitsing op te richten

    1. Germany opens citizenship to 1.5 million Turkish immigrants, then gets the vapours when Recep Erdoğan's "right-populist" and "authoritarian" AK Party reveals plans to establish a German offshoot

  43. Replies
    1. Watch this 'historic' speech by AfD leader Alice Weidel, she goes all out

  44. Replies
    1. Brayan Stoyanov
      It was 0,0,0,0 until they told him to change it. OQ levels are severely down from all the COVID injections Germans administered to themselves.

    2. I guess Brayan Stoyanov means IQ levels...

    3. Maar Robert Jensen heeft gelijk: alles is zo DOM, DOMMER kan het niet!

    4. But Robert Jensen is right: everything is so DUMB, it can't get DUMBER!

  45. Replies
    1. "Have you all lost your minds?” Watch Sahra Wagenknecht rage in the Bundestag

  46. Replies
    1. TBTB
      “We will not accept a dictated peace at the expense of Ukraine,”, says vassal Olaf.

      Instead, Scholz should issue the following speech to reflect reality. "But Germany accepts being occupied by 1000s of US troops. We also accept the sabotage of NS1 and NS2 by our occupier. We further accept paying 4x more for LNG. Moreover, we accept the deindustrialization of Germany and collapse of its economy to save US proxy regime in Ukraine. We also accept Germany spending billions on Ukraine to serve American hegemonic interests. Last, we accept being devastated once more by a global conflict, like our humiliating defeat in WW1 and WW2. Because we are NAZIS'. Olaf is extremely delusional. The German army will be crashed in a week. If Scholz and the Nazi ruling class in Germany think the US will protect them, then they will become the next Ukraine - devastated and left to bleed alone.
      1 hr

      The madness continues in the EU - this time it appears to be the German Chancellor's turn to show his defects. The West does not seem to comprehend that they are NOT in charge of this conflict, even though they are the cause of it. Russia is fighting to get the NATO menace away from its borders and to protect its fellow Russians who were being bombed, shelled and killed by a fascist regime which has been supported relentlessly since 2014. Russia will deal with this issue in its own way no matter what Scholtz and the other rabble has to say.
      1 hr

      diogenysis, Agree, well stated. Herr Olaf is delusional.
      1 hr
      1 reply
      tony p
      NAZI Germany won't have any say in the matter just like their surrender in 1945.


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”