Monday, 14 August 2023

Here Are a Couple of Things That Make You Go "Hmmm" About the Maui Fires

None of it makes sense. Something strange seems to be afoot.

Conspiracy theories have been popping up since the massive fires engulfed parts of Maui last week. Everything from climate change cultists to directed-energy weapons have been blamed for the devastating blaze.

Entrepreneur and conspiracy theorist Steve Kirsch posted a response to a video that has been making it's rounds for a couple of days.



Something isn’t adding up about Maui and the media is already done talking about it…tells you everything you need to know...


Was Maui Hit With Directed-Energy Weapons?


Maui Under Attack. Massive Plasma Fires. Trees Burning From the Inside-Out. Not Climate Change. A Directed Energy Weapons Firestorm. Media Blackout and Coverup



WATCH PROOF DEW Maui Fire From Directed Energy Weapons


Maui proof of Directed Energy Weapons & elsewhere, who benefits from these land grabs?


Why are They FAKING Photos from Maui?


Related:  Was Dresden another Fake?


Related: NUCLEAR WEAPONS DO NOT EXIST The Documentary By Edmund Matthews Worldwide Version


It’s Called Direct Energy Weapons 


Saturday, September 12, 2020

Directed Energy Weapons Now Being Used Around the World

This picture is from The Desert Sun of the Camp Fire telling of how a family was reunited with its cat a month after the fire. It’s too sad and heartbreaking to think of all the cats, dogs, other pets that their families didn’t have time to chase down and get into a crate. Don’t see any cars which is a good sign that the people in this neighborhood made it out.

Notice how every home on this block burnt totally flat. Not a single item left–no refrigerators or bath tubs, granite counters, ect. Not only did the trees again not burn even though the fires were at least six times the required heat to burn wood; bath tubs which are made of ceramic and requires six times the heat of wood, burnt totally, were totally vaporized. If you look at the temperature chart in Celsius (linked above), you’ll see that ceramic requires 1,800 F to 3,000 F to burn and wood 374 to 500 degrees F.

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)

Something strange is happening in the West Coast is this the new normal? The wildfires EXPOSED


We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. Here are a few things that will make you think about the Maui fires

  2. Replies
    1. Maui Times editor: 'Government is lying about Hawaii wildfires'

  3. Replies

    1. @ForbiddenHistoryLIVE
      40 minutes ago

      This was just sent from a born and raised Oahu friend

      Just reported from a whistleblower:

      What your not hearing from our local government

      I just got out of a meeting where I was informed by someone in the Mayors office about developments that are being kept from the public. I am not a conspiracy theorist and I don’t want to make trouble but here’s what I’ve heard.

      The amount of fatalities is expected to be more than 500 but less than 1000.

      Many of the fatalities will be children who were at home because they canceled school. Parents worked and were not there to evacuate the children. Kids had no idea they needed to leave and by the time they noticed their homes or apartments were on fire, it was too late.

      The government is worried about how we will react when we learn that the fire department left the fire earlier in the day and claimed it was 100% contained knowing that the winds were expected to be 70mph by the afternoon. This is against all fire control protocols. The fire department should not have left the original fire unattended. They are scared that the public calls for accountability will be more than they can control and protests and riots will occur.

      They plan to lock down Lahaina for several months. It will take months to clean up the hazardous and environmental contamination. They won’t have enough housing for
      All the displaced.

      There were 2,000 unaccounted for this morning. They have a list where they are trying to keep track. They found 700 today. But there are still 1300 missing.

      They are very worried that the community is going to freak out when they find out how not a single fire truck responded to the fires. The emergency sirens were not activated (hurricane sirens) and loss of life could have been kept down by better emergency management which utterly failed.

      I’m not trying to make waves or stir up problems but I was so angry and sad when I found out how many children are dead that I knew I had to post this and let everyone know what I have learned.

      It’s time for our officials to stand up, tell the truth, and face the music. They failed Lāhainā guys. Our government is full of incompetent nepotism. The fire chief is the son of the former fire chief. We need to hold officials accountable for the mistakes they made.

      Please don’t hate the messenger. I’m just relaying what I learned today.

      God bless Maui and Lahaina! Pray for all the victims.

    2. HAWAII UPDATES: ''I just got out of a meeting where I was informed by someone in the Mayor's office about developments that are being kept from the public. I am not a conspiracy theorist and I don’t want to make trouble but here’s what I’ve heard. The amount of fatalities is expected to be more than 500 but less than 1000. Many of the fatalities will be children who were at home because they canceled school, parents were working, and were not there to evacuate the children. The children had no idea they needed to leave and by the time they noticed their homes or apartments were on fire, it was too late. The government is worried about how we will react when we learn that the fire department left the fire earlier in the day and claimed it was 100% contained knowing that the winds were expected to be 70mph by the afternoon. This is against all fire control protocols: The fire department should not have left the original fire unattended. They are scared that the public calls for accountability will be more than they can control and protests and riots will occur. They plan to lock down Lahaina for several months. It will take months to clean up the hazardous and environmental contamination. They won’t have enough housing for all the displaced. There were 2,000 folks unaccounted for this morning. They found 700 today but there are still 1300 missing. They are very worried that the community is going to freak out when they find out how not a single fire truck responded to the sinister. The emergency sirens were not activated (hurricane sirens) and the loss of life could have been kept down by better emergency management which utterly failed. I’m not trying to make waves or stir up problems but I was so angry and sad when I found out how many children are dead that I knew I had to post this and let everyone know what I have learned. It’s time for our officials to stand up, tell the truth, and face the music. They failed Lahaina guys: Our government is full of incompetent nepotism.'' - Oahu whistleblower.

  4. 🚨 Locals in Maui Were Refusing To Sell Their Land To The Elites 🚨

    ⚠️ The Part of The Island Mainly Destroyed By The Fires Was Prime Area Right Next To Lavish Mega-Mansions ⚠️

    ⚠️ Now, A Lot of Those Locals Are Forced To Sell Their Land and Many Tragically Died in The Flames ⚠️

    Oprah Winfrey Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

    Jeff Bezos Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

    Lady Gaga Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

    Bill Gates Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

    Morgan Freeman Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

    Will Smith Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

    Julia Roberts Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine


    WAKE UP!

  5. Why is the federal government blocking access for supplies?

    Why isn’t the federal government sending in supplies to help the people?

  6. Replies
    1. Police drive right through blockade of climate extremists: 'That's how you do it in Nevada'

  7. Beverly Hills is now effectively a ghost town.

    What once was a thriving shopping mecca of LA is now a desolate wasteland as high end shops, banks and restaurants shutter their doors.

    You can travel the world and stand in the ruins of once great cultures. You can go to the Coliseum, or go to Egypt and see the pyramids. When you visit these places it makes you wonder, “How can a culture be so great to have built this at one point?”

    Now you can see the bones of the decay in California, and see what was once great that is now destroyed.

    It’s painful to watch.

  8. I’m not saying I believe these pipes are definitely to gas people.

    They could be for fire suppression.

    I’m not saying they ran electronics to the windows to put in roll down shutters to hold you in.

    That could be for sensors, although you wouldn’t need wiring capable of 110v for that.

    I’m not even saying anything about how convenient it is that they just have these ready in Hawaii.

    Maybe they were just prepared.

    ALL I’m saying is there is something creepy about these little prison houses and I wouldn’t go in one.


  9. Replies
    1. So then! The truth about fires on Maui will still come out through this TV item


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”