First of all: 'world war 1 & 2' were organized by Satan and his Jesuits so this applies also to the next world wars.
Secondly: ALL world leaders cooperate with the ANTICHRIST who is the DISGUISED Luciferian-Babylonian Roman Emperor, the 'Vicar of Christ' = the 'in place of Christ' and that's ALWAYS the POPE!
What's happening right now is already a world war through the WORLD WIDE FAKE pandemic and the corona TERROR measures and the 'vaccines' that have already MURDERED more people world wide than all the MURDERED Jews during the Holocaust of the '2nd world war'.
The world economy already collapsed in September 2019 and they could have chosen to go to war, but instead they chose to follow the script of the 'great reset'.
Of course this sinister plan is from Satan and his Jesuits.
They know that the RAPTURE must take place first before they can start a REAL war, and that will be the war of 'Gog and Magog', Ezekiel 38/39.
That's why my blog is called Ezekiel 38 Departure and my former main blog, which satanic Google-Blogger has blocked, is called Ezekiel 38 Rapture.
I believe that directly after the rapture this prophetic war will take place.
Major players of that future war include Turkey (Togarma), Iran (Persia), Ethiopia (Sudan), Libya (Put).
Check out this info from 1996:
What Nations will be Involved in the Military Attack Against Israel Predicted in Ezekiel 38?
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Ten years ezekiel38rapture and it started in Dutch
De opname voorafgaande aan Ezechiël 38/39
The rapture prior to Ezekiel 38/39
Sunday, December 19, 2010
De opname voorafgaande aan Ezechiël 38/39
Ezechiël 38 en 39. Niet de inval van het 'Noorderland' in Israël staat
voor de deur, maar de in Psalm 83 voorzegde strijd die zal leiden tot
een 'groot Israël' dat in gerustheid en zonder muren leeft.
Lindsey (foto), de man die met zijn in de jaren ’70 verschenen boek ‘De
planeet die aarde heette’ het onderwerp ‘eindtijd’ voor veel
christenen op de kaart zette, heeft weer van zich doen spreken.
Allereerst in een videoboodschap, maar vervolgens ook in enkele columns
voor diverse bladen, zegt Lindsey nu dat de in Ezechiël 38 en 39
beschreven inval van het ‘Noorderland’ – waarin hij een coalitie van
enkele Arabische staten onder leiding van Rusland ziet – nog niet
aanstaande is. Lindsey merkt, zegt hij, dat veel christenen verwachten
dat die inval de volgende grote gebeurtenis in het Midden-Oosten zal
zijn. En daarvoor wijzen veel mensen juist naar de uitleggingen die
Lindsey in het verleden deed.
Maar dat wil Lindsey zich niet aan laten leunen. “Ezechiël 38 en 39 zal vervuld worden”, zegt hij. “Geen twijfel mogelijk. Maar ik zie het nu nog niet gebeuren, dus men moet mij geen woorden in de mond leggen als zou ik Ezechiël 38 en 39 aan de horizon zien opdoemen. Dat is niet het geval. Eerst moeten er andere zaken plaats vinden.” Lindsey wijst op een aantal zaken die een spoedige vervulling van Ezechiël 38 en 39 onwaarschijnlijk maken. Allereerst is daar de coalitie die volgens Ezechiël Israël aanvalt. Rusland en Iran zijn weliswaar de banden aan het aanhalen en dat is geheel volgens de verwachting, maar een aantal landen worden niet in de coalitie genoemd terwijl ze nu toch wel degelijk een rol spelen in het Midden Oosten-conflict: Palestijnen, Syrië, Egypte, Libanon, Jordanië, Saoedi-Arabië. Houden zij zich afzijdig? Lindsey denkt van niet. Zijn ‘oplossing’? Die landen bestaan niet meer of zijn althans zo verzwakt dat ze geen rol van belang meer spelen. Lindsey zegt dat Israël, aan de vooravond van de inval van het ‘Noorderland’ wordt omschreven als een volk dat leeft zonder zorgen (Ez. 38:8), zonder muren (38:11), een natie in vrede (38:11), een van de rijkste naties op aarde (38:13), en een land dat een ‘grote buit’ heeft verworven (38:13). Daar lijkt het nu allerminst op, zegt Lindsey. Israël woont niet in vrede, is juist bezig en muur op te trekken tussen Israël en de Palestijnse Gebieden, etc. Er moet dus eerst nog iets anders plaatsvinden om aan dat beeld van Ezechiël 38 te voldoen. En daar komt Hal Lindsey met Psalm 83 op de proppen. Volgens hem wordt daar een Arabisch-Israëlische oorlog beschreven die waarschijnlijk “spoedig” zal uitbreken. Een Arabische federatie van Palestijnen, Syrië, Saoedi-Arabië, Libanon, Egypte en Libanon en alle aan hen gelieerde terreurgroepen valt Israël aan. Maar de strijd zal maar kort duren en Israël zal een eclatante overwinning behalen. Israël, zegt Lindsey, zal “veel land en grote buit” veroveren. Dat leest Lindsey onder meer bij de ‘kleine’ profeet Obadja (1:19) en bij Jeremia (49:2). Daarna zal Israël een van de rijkste landen op aarde zijn geworden, leest Lindsey bij Sefanja (2:7,9). Nadat de Arabische staten zijn weggevaagd en een ‘groot Israël’ is gerealiseerd, zullen Rusland en Iran zich achter de oren krabben. Terwijl Israël schijnbaar in vrede woont, beramen Rusland en Iran hun snode plannen. Plotseling, zonder veel aankondiging vooraf, zullen ze hun legers in de richting van Jeruzalem sturen. Pas dan, zegt Lindsey, zijn Ezechiël 38 en 39 een feit. |
Het is komen vast te staan dat Rusland in zijn oorlogswapens een materiaal verwerkt, dat 'lignosteen' wordt genoemd.
Lignosteen is overigens een Nederlandse uitvinding. Het is een speciaal soort hout dat sterker is dan stalen veren. Bovendien is lignosteen zeer elastisch en het brandt beter dan steenkool.
Ook de grote hoeveelheden energie, onder andere olie, die in militair materiaal
samengebracht zijn om de 'Blitzkrieg' uit te voeren, zullen langdurig kunnen worden benut.
6) Vanwege het gelovige overblijfsel van Israël activeert God dan ook de twee getuigen Gods die de antichrist 3½ jaar zullen dwarszitten en zullen voorkomen dat hij dat overblijfsel zal kunnen vernietigen, omdat ze het merkteken van het beest zullen weigeren, want allen die het merkteken van het beest zullen aanvaarden zullen bij voorbaat verloren zijn, en helaas zal twee-derde deel van 'de Joden' ook liever kiezen voor deze wereld dan voor God, en zij zullen ook het merkteken aanvaarden op hun rechterhand of op hun voorhoofd.
Het gelovige overblijfsel van Israël zal door God in veiligheid worden gebracht in de woestijn, waar Hij op soortgelijke wijze voor Zijn volk zal zorgen als destijds toen Zijn volk in de Sinaï-woestijn verbleef, na de uittocht uit Egypte.
7) Na 3½ jaar tegenstand door de twee getuigen Gods zullen die twee worden gedood door de antichrist en zij zullen, na 3½ dag dood te hebben gelegen, wonderbaarlijk opstaan uit de dood en ten hemel varen, waarna de antichrist in woede zal ontsteken en hij met Armageddon zal beginnen, met als ijdele doel dat het dan zo'n puinhoop op aarde zal worden, en vooral in Israël, dat de Heer Jezus helemaal niets meer zal hebben om nog naar terug te keren.
Gedurende die periode zullen ook de schalen van gramschap worden uitgestort en de rest lees je gewoon in o.a. Openbaring.
Onthou dit van mijn betoog: zie de overeenkomst tussen Ezechiël 38/39 met Exodus 14, want opnieuw moet een grotendeels ongelovig Israël tot geloof worden gebracht door God in de enige ware YaHWeH-God die Hij is.
PS: wat velen nog steeds niet snappen is dat Gog niet een mens is (het gaat in principe niet om Poetin, Medvedev, Zjirinovsky of om welke Russische leider dan ook) maar een DEMONENVORST, en DAAROM is het mogelijk dat Gog en Magog TWEE KEER voorkomt in de Bijbel (Ezechiël 38/39 en Openbaring 20)
Ezekiel 39:9 King James Version
And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall
set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the bucklers, the
bows and the arrows, and the handstaves, and the spears, and they shall
burn them with fire seven years
Ezekiel 39:9 begins the
description of the aftermath. It is gruesome but also amazing in its
detail when looked at in comparison to today. “Then those who live in
the towns of Israel will go out and use the weapons for fuel and burn
them up – the small and large shields, the bows and arrows, the war
clubs and spears. For seven years they will use them for fuel. This
statement is remarkable for two reasons.
First is the nature of
the weapons. In the time that Ezekiel wrote this, burning weapons made
perfect sense because they were made of wood. What of today’s weapons
however? How do you burn warplanes and other metals? Amazingly, Russia
has been using Lignostone in the production of its weapons. Lignostone
“is a special kind of wood used for ‘coke breakers.’ It is stronger
than steel, is very elastic… and it burns better than coal.” (90 LaHaye
Are We Living in the End Times?) You can read more about Lignostone on
its website at
So it's clear they won't use wood.
I believe Gog & Magog, Ezekiel 38/39 will happen shortly after the rapture.
Yes, I already knew that occult people are also looking forward to the pre-tribulation-rapture, but from Satan's point of view.
Luther already knew that the Papacy is the Antichrist by default, but
especially in north-America they can't imagine that, because they live
so far away from Europe and the original Roman Empire, and often they
don't acknowledge that ALL the America's are part of the Roman Empire,
which is the disguised Luciferian-Babylonian Vatican, disguised as the
Roman Catholic church, the true church of Satan.
So they keep thinking someone else will be the Antichrist and that's exactly what Satan wants!
didn't discover the America's but he came to CLAIM it for the Vatican
and quickly most of the America's became CATHOLIC due to the Catholic
colonizers Spain and Portugal.
The Papal Colonization of America
north America the Roman Empire had a set back because so many
PROTESTANTS from Europe went to that part of the American continent.
the JESUITS through their FREEMASONS were quick to establish a basis
for the future, because Washington D.C. was build on CATHOLIC soil and
its original name was ROME!
D.C.'s original name was Rome, Maryland
now the Catholic church has taken over the US and also Canada because
the most powerful of those two countries, the US, is being run by a
CATHOLIC and a TRAITOR who came to power by FRAUD: Joe Biden.
Biden is not really in charge but his handlers, the Jesuits, and behind
the scenes also 'Obama' still plays an important role.
Read here why I no longer participate on the site Now The End Begins.....
Monday, December 19, 2016
Who is the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal?
Gog is a demon king
This article originally appeared on
See also:
The Ezekiel 38 & 39 Videos
"Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog ..." Ezekiel 38:2
"Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, To take a spoil, and to take a prey..." Ezekiel 38:10-12
+Clarence Goldsby
Not the Jews but the JESUITS are fucked in the head by Satan, and they have a motive, because they want to provoke the God of Israel and cause Him to PUNISH them because of their hideous crimes on behalf of LUCIFER.
And God has a motive to allow this to happen, because He wants everyone on earth to choose sided so that He can show His enemies that their time is running short:
Ezekiel 38:23 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
23 Thus will I be magnified, and sanctified, and known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know, that I am the Lord*.
*'I AM (that I AM), the God of Moses and of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob=Israel and of JESUS the Christ, who is ONE with 'I AM', because He is 'I AM SALVATION'.
So this the GAME and THESE are the rules.
Choose which God you belong to and there's NO in between.
Turkey is on the side of the Vatican NWO=Roman Catholicism and Islam was invented by the Vatican, and the Vatican is the ROMAN EMPIRE and the Pope is CAESAR.
The Caesar (Csar) of Russia used to be on the side of CAESAR of ROME but he has become a REBEL.
Which side will he choose?
The only way to survive is to choose the side of the God of ISRAEL = JESUS.
All others will eventually be DESTROYED.
This round FLAT earth belongs to the God of the Bible and He'll see to it that it will remain that way.
Shared: RT - SPECIAL COVERAGE: Russian ambassador dies following... | Facebook
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Shared publicly - 6:55 PM
RT - SPECIAL COVERAGE: Russian ambassador dies following... | Facebook
SPECIAL COVERAGE: Russian ambassador dies following shooting attack in Ankara; Follow LIVE UPDATES here
Giovanni Truvia's profile photoAizen bradley's profile photoClarence Goldsby's profile photo
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6:59 PM+
God bless him.
Nuke turkey now.
Alois Kolar
7:06 PM+
My condolences to his family, to Russia!
7:07 PM+
How come they killed the assailant
Before questioning him ?
This is a bad movie produced by Mossad ■
sasha burton
7:08 PM+
My heart goes out to him and his family.
Tag Pillay
7:08 PM
Mossad in action, live.
Giovanni Truvia
7:12 PM
so tragic and my depest sympathies to his family
Aizen bradley
7:14 PM+
Shari'a law are bullshit💩 like killing gay and people who leave fucking with humanity if you don't like this!!
Clarence Goldsby
7:37 PM
I feel the Israelis all over this I just felt
It as soon as o heard the news. Israelis travel freely their they did this they love others fighting while they wAtch at the chaos they createdFAKE!!! - Russian ambassador shot in Turkey
Thanks to the lying (JESUIT controlled) main stream media we must take this possibility into considerationClear example of a WRONG eschatology
This is the RIGHT eschatology: Pre Wrath Rapture?
End Times Part 2; Rapture 1
The Day of Christ vs The Day of the Lord
My Blessed Hope - The Rapture
Genesis 6
Steven is still cooperating with the JESUIT Paul Begley: Turkey is Getting Cozy With Iran
Gog - Magog, Russia sign deal on supply of S-400 missiles
I don't say I agree with everything this article says, but it describes Ezekiel 38/39 as part of one and the same event.
Gog is NOT a human being!
CIA-MI6 operatie Kazachstan overtuigt Putin dat VS/EU/NAVO uit zijn op oorlog
ReplyDeleteCIA-MI6 Operation Kazakhstan Convinces Putin That US/EU/NATO Are Out for War
DeleteUPDATED SUNDAY MORNING-SEE BOTTOM - 10:29 AM EST -- Satellites Would Be Attacked First, Then These Radar Stations if WW3 Commences next week
DeleteVIDEO: Ferocious Gun Battles as West Tries to Overthrow Kazakhstan Gov't Just Like They Did to Ukraine
DeleteU.S. & E.U. Can't Grab Ukraine Without a Fight . . . So They're Overthrowing Government of Kazakhstan
DeleteU.S. & E.U. is the VATICAN = the ROMAN EMPIRE disguised as church
DeleteWhy The Kazakhstan Crisis Is A Much Bigger Deal Than Western Media Is Letting On
DeleteRUMOR: Biden and Harris EVACUATED to Area 51 on Saturday
DeleteKazakhstan crisis ‘attempted coup’ – President
ReplyDeleteHoe een oorlog met Rusland eruit zou zien
ReplyDeleteWhat War With Russia Would Look Like
DeleteWees gewaarschuwd: Rusland verklaart NAVO-besprekingen tot mislukking, zegt militaire middelen te zullen gebruiken
DeleteRussia & NATO fail to find common ground – Moscow
DeleteUH OH - U.S. Gov't Now Talking "False Flag (by Russia)" to Justify Invasion -- Likely means U.S. Going to attack and CALL IT "False Flag by Russia"
ReplyDeleteUPDATED 12:21 PM EST -- Russia Says Talks Have Failed, No Sense in Continuing at this time; Massive Movement of Military Hardware Now Taking Place
DeleteEU to Stage Large-Scale Cyberattack Exercise on Supply Chains
Kremlin identifies ‘red line’ in NATO-Russia relations
ReplyDeleteUS nearly wiped out tens of thousands of civilians with dam strike in Syria – NYT
ReplyDeleteAfter Failed Geneva Meeting, Military Escalation Happening at Stunning Pace
ReplyDeletePutin Could Take All of Europe in the Blink of an Eye – Its Time to be AWAKE – not WOKE
ReplyDeleteU.S. Military Cargo Plane "Disappears" from Flight Tracking After Leaving Ukraine and Violating Russia Air Space -- Russian Fighter "APPEARS" Over Kiev!
ReplyDelete'Russia Secretly Plotting Regime Change In Ukraine': UK Govt Issues Astounding Charge
ReplyDeleteUS Embassy Orders Evacuation Of Non-Essential Staff & Diplomats' Family Members From Ukraine
ReplyDeleteChina Says It Chased US Warship Out Of Its "Territorial Waters"
ReplyDeleteCHINA COLONEL ON TV: Will Sink US Aircraft Carriers, Escalate Immediately to Nuclear War with USA
ReplyDeletePutin: Have You Forgotten Who Took Berlin? Was It The Americans, The British Or The French?
ReplyDeleteLavrov: Poland Become Even More Russophobic After Joining NATO And West Told Us Opposite Will Happen
ReplyDeleteTURKEY - INDUSTRY SHUTS DOWN as Electricity is CUT OFF for 4 DAYS - Over 67,000 Businesses Affected
ReplyDeleteDiscussion on RT Russia also uses Discus and it's also controlled by Satan:
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by RT.
Massale mobilisatie leger Belarus; president dreigt einde te maken aan Litouwen
ReplyDeleteMassive mobilization army Belarus; President threatens to end Lithuania
DeleteAs S-400 Air Defenses Arrive on Streets of Moscow, Russia Sends Final Communique to OSCE "Do You Intend To Fulfill Key Security Obligations?"
DeleteChina Will Play Major Role In Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Experts
DeleteRemoving Russia from SWIFT – The Nuclear Option
DeleteUS & NATO Refuse to Grant any Concession to Russia
DeleteRuslands leger, ooit krakkemikkig, is modern en dodelijk
ReplyDeleteRussia's Military, Once Creaky, Is Modern and Lethal
DeletePoetin persconferentie maakt nucleaire oorlog duidelijk: Als Oekraïne toetreedt tot NAVO of iemand probeert de Krim met geweld in te nemen
ReplyDeletePutin Press Conference Makes Nuclear War Clear: If Ukraine Joins NATO or anyone tries to take Crimea by force
DeletePutin Roasts Zelensky With Famous Russian Saying For Refusing To Fulfil UN Approved Minsk Agreements
ReplyDeletePutin: Russia Is Ready To Grant Political Asylum To Poroshenko... For Humanitarian Reasons!
ReplyDeleteVerharding van Russische houding – Noemt Britse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken “Clown die kwam om onze tijd te verspillen”
ReplyDeleteBritish Foreign Secretary called "Clown Who Came To Waste Our Time" By Russia!
DeleteMacron in paniek over “DNA diefstal” en weigert Covid-test voor Poetin ontmoeting
ReplyDeleteMacron panicked over ‘DNA theft’ and refuses Covid test for Putin meeting
DeletePutin Was Never So Upset: USA Parking Missiles At Our Doorstep! Beware Of The Anger Of Patient Man!
ReplyDeleteWill US-EU-NATO and WEF get their desired war with Russia next week?
ReplyDeleteCheck out the English sources at the end of the Dutch article.
WATCH Lavrov Hilarious Reaction To A Question About Ukraine That He Answered 100 Times So Far!
ReplyDeleteUkrainians should have been asked whether they wanted to join NATO – Zelensky
ReplyDeleteMoscow responds to US ‘intelligence’ on Russian invasion
ReplyDeleteRussia mulling ‘chemical attack’ – US
ReplyDeleteNAZI-America would like Russia to be blamed for a false flag caused by themselves so that Russia is hit hard by sanctions so that the North Stream 2 project cannot go ahead.
DeleteHere’s what Russia told US and NATO after its proposals were rejected
ReplyDeleteLavrov On OSCE Withdrawal From Donbas: USA Did The Same Thing In Serbia's Kosovo Before NATO Attack!
ReplyDeleteOorlog of geen oorlog – hierom heeft Vladimir Putin al gewonnen
ReplyDeleteWar or no war – this is why Vladimir Putin has already won
DeleteLinks to English sources below the Dutch article
Document confirms US told Russia NATO won’t expand
ReplyDeleteBiden makes ‘Russian invasion’ prediction
ReplyDeletePressed about what evidence the White House might have about Moscow’s decision-making, Biden declined to elaborate, saying only that “We have a significant intelligence capability.”
DeleteRussia's Zakharova Roasts UK's Liz Truss: She Lies As Naturally As She Breathes; She Must Apologize!
ReplyDeleteMobilization ordered in eastern Ukraine
ReplyDeleteTwo artillery shells hit Russian territory, Moscow claims
ReplyDeleteUkrainian minister, MPs, and journalists come under fire in Donbass – Kiev
ReplyDeleteNATO chief issues new warning to Russia
ReplyDelete“So, if the Kremlin’s aim is to have less NATO on its borders, it will only get more NATO. And if it wants to divide NATO, it will only get an even more united alliance.”
DeleteAt the same time, Stoltenberg insisted that NATO was a defensive alliance “not threatening Russia or anyone else.”
DeleteRussia hits back at German chancellor
ReplyDeleteMAD Boris Johnson: ‘Omens are grim’ for Ukraine, UK PM warns
ReplyDeleteEVIL EU issues warning about Russian 'isolation'
ReplyDeletePutin Launches Massive Nuclear Drills!
ReplyDeletePutin: Sanctions Against Us Will Be Imposed Anyway Since The Main Goal Is To Contain Russia
ReplyDeleteUkraine makes request to West
ReplyDeleteRussia planning ‘full-scale attack’ – NATO
ReplyDeleteMentally unstable Jens Stoltenberg believes risk of invasion ‘very high’
DeleteLukashenko: Russians And Belarusians Do Not Want War! We Are Seeing Stupidity Of Western Politicians
ReplyDeletePutin On Biden's Claim Of "Imminent Russian Invasion" Of Ukraine: I Don't Pay Attention To Fake News
ReplyDeleteRussian guard post on Ukraine border hit by artillery shell – Moscow
ReplyDeleteDonbass rebels call on Russia for urgent 'military assistance'
ReplyDeletePutin asks parliament for right to use Russian military abroad
ReplyDeleteEU to sanction every Russian MP who voted for Donbass deal – media
ReplyDeleteRusland stelt S-550 satelliet killers in grensgebied Belarus met Polen op
ReplyDeleteRussia deploys S-550 satellite killers in Belarus border with Poland
DeleteCheck out the links to English sources below the article.
'Satellites' are usually just high flying balloons with equipment underneath which is what the 'satellite' is.
Russian parliament grants Putin right to deploy military abroad
ReplyDeleteRussia discloses plans for Donbass military bases
ReplyDeleteWhile Russia has struck a deal that enables it to deploy troops and military hardware on a long-term basis to sites across the Donbass, at present it has no concrete plans to establish installations in the newly recognized Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, Moscow has revealed, despite speculation its troops are already there.
DeleteVatican controlled EU to hit Russia with sanctions that ‘will hurt a lot’ – Borrell
ReplyDeletePutin: Russia Immediately Recognises Donbas Republics As Independent Countries!
ReplyDeletePutin: I Asked US President Bill Clinton "How Would USA Feel About Russia Joining NATO?"
ReplyDeleteMinsk Agreements No Longer Exists Since Kiev Regime Publicly Rejected Them!
ReplyDeletePutin: Are Ukrainians Aware That Ukraine Is Reduced To American Colony Kiev Puppet Regime In Charge?
ReplyDeletePutin On Kiev Threats: Appearance Of Tactical Nukes In Ukraine Is A Strategic Threat To Us
ReplyDeleteFun fact: NUCLEAR WEAPONS DON'T EXIST The New Documentary By Edmund Matthews
Biden unveils Nord Stream 2 pipeline sanctions
ReplyDeletePutin: Why Good Must Always Be Frail & Helpless? Good Means Being Able To Defend Oneself
ReplyDeleteDonbass republics ask Putin for military help
DeleteThey don't want to be murdered by the US backed Kiev government.
Meanwhile the US government is murdering its own citizens through the poisonous 'vaccines'....
DeleteLeonid Gankin: War between Russia & Ukraine would be a nightmare
ReplyDeleteEzekiel 38-39: The War of Gog & Magog (Part 1)
ReplyDeleteI don't say I agree with everything this article says, but it describes Ezekiel 38/39 as part of one and the same event.
DeleteGog is NOT a human being!
DeletePutin announces 'special operation' in Donbass
ReplyDeleteRussia closes airspace as Moscow confirms strikes against Ukraine
ReplyDeleteRussian Missiles Reported Flying Across Ukraine Skys – Ukraine Launches Anti-Aircraft Missiles in Response
ReplyDeleteUkraine cuts diplomatic ties with Russia
ReplyDelete‘War criminals’ go straight to hell, Ukrainian UN ambassador tells Russia
ReplyDeleteOn the Verge of World War III: Russia Launches Full Invasion of Ukraine
ReplyDeletePutin will decide when Ukraine offensive ends – Kremlin
ReplyDeleteBelarus responds to claims its troops invaded Ukraine
ReplyDeleteBeelden! Poetin lanceert “speciale militaire operatie” in Oekraïne, Kiev noemt het “grootschalige invasie”
ReplyDeletePutin Launches “Special Military Operation” In Ukraine, Kiev Calls It “Full-Scale Invasion”
DeleteZelensky ‘does not know how much longer Ukraine will exist’ – Austria
ReplyDeleteRussian troops ‘trying to seize’ Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Zelensky claims
ReplyDeleteTijdslijn: Euromaidan, de oorspronkelijke “Oekraïne-crisis” – Echte volksrevolutie of door de NAVO gesteunde staatsgreep?
ReplyDeleteTimeline: Euromaidan, the Original “Ukraine Crisis” – Real People's Revolution or NATO-Backed Coup?
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Russia ready to negotiate with Ukraine – Kremlin
ReplyDeleteINSANE UK's Johnson announces raft of new sanctions on Russia, bans Aeroflot
ReplyDeleteWar in Ukraine started 8 years ago, Russia is now ending it, Moscow claims
ReplyDeleteRussian army advances to Kiev; Ukrainian brigade lays down arms and refuses to fight
ReplyDeletePosted on 24/02/2022
(13.55) – Numerous Russian military units continue to penetrate Ukraine's border regions without encountering any resistance. Dozens of Russian helicopters are also active. Eyewitnesses report that some of the planes put troops on the ground. In several places, the Ukrainian army has blown up bridges to stop the Russian advance towards Kiev, but it has failed. The entire 57th Ukrainian brigade near Luhansk, however, has chosen eggs for its money and laid down its arms. They refuse to fight any longer for the fascist regime in Kiev. Elsewhere, dozens of soldiers and border guards have defected to the Russians.
The Russian military engineers had already taken into account undermined bridges and provided crosswalks. The army's advance towards Kiev has hardly slowed down as a result. The troops and tanks receive air support from dozens of Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopters.
Near Mariupol, a missile was fired at two Russian cargo ships in the Sea of Azov. A fire broke out on board an oil tanker, and one person was seriously injured. The fire has since been extinguished, after which the ships were able to continue their course.
As could be expected, the West only sticks to the well-known hypocritical harsh condemnations and threats with 'serious consequences'. Both the US, the EU and NATO emphasize that Ukraine will not be helped militarily. Apparently there is some awareness in Washington, Brussels and London that this would mean outright suicide.
Even the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine is still running smoothly, official sources admit. The Kremlin knows that while NATO is a loudly barking dog, it hardly has any teeth left. What are we supposed to do with this outdated organization that was primarily defensive during the Cold War, but then turned into an aggressive and murderous tool to promote American imperialism?
By continuing the gas supplies, President Putin underlines once again that he wants to leave European citizens untouched, and only want to restore peace and free Ukraine from the Western neo-Nazi puppet regime, which, under great pressure from the Pentagon and the CIA, has brought danger to the entire world peace.
Oekraïense official: Bij operatie Tsjernobyl worden EU-landen mogelijk met radioactief afval bedekt
ReplyDeleteUkrainian official: Operation Chernobyl may cover EU countries with radioactive waste
DeleteAnd that's another lie: Nuclear danger is a HOAX!!! It is only heat!
DeleteNATO Turkey Accelerates War Crimes while Hyenas Bark over Ukraine Nazimaidans
ReplyDeleteMinister Jaafari Explains Recognition of Donetsk & Luhansk Independence
ReplyDeleteOrder Out Of Chaos: How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists
ReplyDeleteCould Putin Attack Britain - Ukraine War Special
ReplyDeleteVladimir Putin - KGB Agent
ReplyDeleteAnother war? United States gives Israel green light to attack Iran
ReplyDeleteDe ommekeer? Russische strijdkrachten openden vuur op Israëlische gevechtsvliegtuigen in Syrië
ReplyDeleteThe turnaround? Russian forces opened fire on Israeli warplanes in Syria
DeleteNATO Turkey announces new military offensive
ReplyDeleteAnkara says it wants a 30-kilometer “safe zone” along entire Syrian border
Poland and NATO have eyes on Western Ukraine – Belarus
ReplyDeleteOutside actors are plotting a takeover of Western Ukraine and Belarus, the Belarusian president claims
DeleteIsrael simulates massive strike against Iran with hundreds of aircraft
ReplyDeleteIsrael secretly coordinates Syria airstrikes with US
ReplyDeletePutin tells US to stop ‘looting’ Syria
ReplyDeleteIsrael may strike Iran over atomic program
ReplyDeleteSnubbed Ukrainian grain heading to Russia-friendly Syria
ReplyDeleteRussia comments on Israel’s attacks on Syria
ReplyDeleteIsrael attacks Aleppo international airport – Syrian media
ReplyDeleteIsraeli Commanders Resist Attack on Iran; "We can't win"
ReplyDeleteSources below the Dutch article
De facto alliance, Russia and Turkey
ReplyDeleteUS is not invincible – Iran
ReplyDeleteSyrian and Russian Armies Eliminate 93 al Qaeda Terrorists in Idlib
ReplyDeleteIran has developed hypersonic weapon – top commander
ReplyDeleteUS endorses Turkish operation in Syria
ReplyDeleteIsrael pushes US on military action against Iran
ReplyDeleteMissiles strike US base in Syria – Pentagon
ReplyDeleteErdogan wants meeting with Assad. US forces in Syria isolated
ReplyDeleteTürkiye agrees to withdraw troops from Syria following Moscow talks – media
ReplyDeleteWill Türkiye and Syria reconciling pave the way to ending the Syrian conflict?
ReplyDelete‘Putin considers Erdogan a real man’: Why Russia maintains friendly relations with one of NATO’s key members
ReplyDeleteKamikaze drones strike US base
ReplyDeleteThe Syrian government has repeatedly declared Washington’s military presence illegal, and continues to accuse US forces of stealing vast amounts of the country’s energy resources.
DeleteNATO bombed Libya to ‘protect civilians’ 12 years ago. This led to thousands of deaths and a country in ruins
ReplyDeleteRussia and Islamic world share geopolitical vision – Syrian envoy
ReplyDeleteVladimir Avatkov: Russia has at least eight reasons to get closer to its ‘sworn enemy’
ReplyDeleteFrom hatred to love: Why Türkiye is so important for Russia today
Putin congratulates ‘good friend‘ Erdogan after Turkish elections
ReplyDeleteThe first Christian book I ever read was Hal Lindsey's 'The Late Great Planet Earth' and it helped me to understand the pre-tribulation-rapture.
But he didn't teach me the right Gospel, 1 Cor. 15:1-4 and I also don't believe the earth is a 'planet' anymore, and the same goes for 'nukes'.
He also didn't point out that the Papacy is the Antichrist by default.
Yes, I also know a lot about TBN as a Dutchman.
They don't preach the right Gospel and it's all about money.
John Threethirty
4 hours ago (edited)
Thanks for the video Hans ! I went to Tetelestai Christian Church in my early Christian years, where Hal was teaching, I remember singing on TBN ( with my hair ratted up to the sky) when Hal Lindsey and Chuck Missler would go on the show to cover for Jan and Paul, But I think they knew what was happening, for them it was air time, I later on in my life learned about TBN. funny I just saw this Hans
Russia-Iran relations at whole new level – defense minister
ReplyDeletePutin meets Libyan commander Khalifa Haftar
ReplyDeleteWhy is the Temple Mount a flashpoint?
ReplyDeleteHar Habayit
DeleteRusland en Iran komen overeen een bilateraal strategisch pact te ondertekenen
ReplyDeleteRussia and Iran Agree To Sign a Bilateral Strategic Pact
DeletePentagon PANICS as IRAN prepares for War with US and ISRAEL