Monday, 10 January 2022

The Mayflower: The Puritan Voyage Of The Pilgrim Fathers | Journey Into The Unknown | Parable


Apr 20, 2021
For many Americans, the journey of the Mayflower in 1620 symbolizes the birth of their nation. Led by William Bradford, the Pilgrim Fathers traversed the Atlantic to Plymouth, Massachussetts, in search of religious freedom. To this day, the Pilgrim Fathers are a glorified symbol of American virtue and Thanksgiving. In this film, we delve into the significance of their story for America and wider religious history, as well as their conflict and eventual treaty with the Native Americans.

The Bible the 'Pilgrim Fathers' brought with them was not a product of the Frenchman Jean (John) Calvin.
The Holy Bible – Geneva Edition
1st Printing, 1st Edition in 1560
Given back to the people so all may understand
The Geneva Bible was first printed in Geneva, Switzerland, by refugees from England, fleeing the persecution of Protestants by Roman Catholic Queen “Bloody” Mary.
Many copies were smuggled back into England at great personal risk. In later years, when Protestant-friendly Queen Elizabeth took the throne, printing of the Geneva Bible moved back to England. The Geneva Bible was produced by John Calvin, John Knox, Myles Coverdale, John Foxe, and other Reformers. It is the version that William Shakespeare quotes from hundreds of times in his plays, and the first English Bible to offer plain roman-style type in some of its early printings.
The Geneva Bible was the first Bible taken to America, brought over on the
Mayflower… it is the Bible upon which early America and its government was founded (certainly not the King’s of England’s Bible!) The Geneva Bible was also the first English Bible to break the chapters of scripture into numbered verses, and it was the first true “Study Bible” offering extensive commentary notes in the margins. It was so accurate and popular, that a half-century later, when the King James Bible came out… it retained more than 90% of the exact wording of the Geneva Bible.
The Geneva Bible was the “Bible of the Protestant Reformation”, and the Bible of the Puritans and Pilgrims. It was the first Bible taken to America, brought over on the Mayflower. The Geneva Bible is the Bible upon which America was founded. You can imagine, most early American colonists, who were fleeing the religious oppression of the Anglican Church (Church of England), wanted nothing to do with the King James Bible of the Anglican Church!
Textually, the Geneva Bible offered a number of radical never-before-seen changes: It was the first Bible in English to add numbered verses to each chapter of scripture. Also, the Geneva was the first Bible to introduce easier-to-read “Roman Style Typeface” rather than the “Gothic Blackletter Style Typeface” which had been used exclusively in earlier Bibles. Another curious innovation; the Geneva was the first “Study Bible” with extensive commentary notes in the margins.
The Geneva Bible is the version quoted from hundreds of times by William Shakespeare in his plays. Also called the “Breeches Bible”, the Geneva Bible is the only Bible ever able to outsell and exceed the popularity of the King James Bible, as it did in the early 1600’s until its printing ceased in 1644. In fact, one of the greatest ironies of history, is that Protestants of all denominations today embrace the King James Version of the Bible (which reads 90% the same as the Geneva), even though the King James Version is not a Protestant Bible (it’s Anglican / Church of England). Most Protestants have never even heard of the Bible of their own heritage: the Geneva Bible. It was produced by John Calvin, John Knox, Myles Coverdale, John Foxe, & other English refugees in ever-neutral Geneva, Switzerland… fleeing the persecution of Roman Catholic Queen “Bloody” Mary in England. Mary would not tolerate the Protestant Geneva Bible, which proclaimed the Pope an “antichrist” in its commentary notes.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Papal Colonization of America

Published on Dec 15, 2014
I believe the pope of Rome is Antichrist (Daniel 7:7-27,2Thessalonians 2:1-12,2Peter 2:1-22,1John 2:18-25, Revelation 13:1-9) and Rome 'Mystery Babylon the Great the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth' (Revelation 17:1-18).I urge every true Christian to come out of her.(Revelation 18:1-8) KJV Bible

During the Reformation this is what most Preachers taught regarding Antichrist
1522 Martin Luther,1536 Jean Calvin,1543 Phillip Melanchthon,1545 Andreas Osiander,1554 Nicolaus von Amsdorf,1558 Johann Funck,1560 Virgil Solis,1570 Georg Nigrinus,1572 David Chytraeus,1530 Johann Oecolampadius,1557 Heinrich Bullinger,1550 William Tyndale,1545 George Joye,1554 Nicholas Ridley,1553 Hugh Latimer,1582 Thomas Cranmer,1550 John Bale,1562 John Jewel,1587 John Foxe,1547 John Knox,1593 John Napier,1614 Thomas Brightman,1618 David Pareus :
-Antichrist,Man of Sin - Pope of Rome
-Book of Revelation Chapter 17 Harlot,Babylon - Roman Catholic Church
-Book of Daniel Chapter 7 the Little Horn -- Papacy

After the Reformation this is what most Preachers taught regarding Antichrist
1798 Richard Valpy,1798 Joseph Galloway,1798 Edward King,1797 David Simpson,1796 Christian Thube,1795 George Bell,1794 Joseph Priestly,1793 James Bicheno,1768 Johann Ph. Petri,1764 John Wesley,1758 John Gill,1754 Thomas Newton,1745 John Willison,1740 Johann Al. Bengel,1735 Thomas Pyle,1729 Th. Crinsox de Bionens,1727 Sir Isaac Newton,1720 Charles Daubux,1712 Heinrich Horch,1706 William Whiston,1703 Daniel Whitby,1701 Robert Fleming, Jr.,1701 Johannes Cocceius,1700 William Lowth
-Antichrist,Man of Sin - Pope of Rome
-Book of Revelation Chapter 17 Harlot,Babylon - Roman Catholic Church
-Book of Daniel Chapter 7 the Little Horn - Papacy
-Book of Revelation Chapter 13 Beast from the sea - Rome,Empire

Before the Reformation, this is what most Preachers taught regarding Antichrist
c. 1310 Dante Alighieri,c. 1331 Michael of Cesena,c. 1350 Francesco Petrarch,
c. 1367 John Milicz,c. 1379 John Wycliffe,c. 1390 John Purvey,c. 1412 John Huss,
c. 1497 Girolamo Savonarola
Book of Revelation 17 Harlot - Roman Church
Antichrist - Pope of Rome
Man of Sin , Abomination of Desolation -- Papacy

After the Reformation,this is what most Preachers taught regarding Antichrist
1689 Drue Cressener,1687 Pierre Jurieu,1685 Jacques Philippot,1684 Thomas Beverley,1681 Johann Alsted,1670 William Sherwin,1664 Henry More,1655 John Tillinghast,1654 Thomas Goodwin,1643 Johannes Gerhard,1631 Joseph Mede,1618 Daniel Cramer,1618 Matthias Hoe,1612 Andreas Helwig,1603 George Downame,1600 James I of England
-Antichrist,Man of Sin - Pope of Rome
-Book of Revelation Chapter 17 Harlot,Babylon - Roman Catholic Church
-Book of Daniel Chapter 7 the Little Horn - Papacy
-Book of Revelation Chapter 13 Beast from the sea -- Rome

Biblical Expositors of the Post-Reformation Era-America:
1639 John Cotton,1644 Roger Williams,1644 Ephraim Huit,1646 Thomas Parker,1653 John Davenport,1658 Edward Holyoke,1669 Increase Mather,1698 Nicholas Noyes,1702 Cotton Mather,1724 William Burnet,1739 Jonathan Edwards,1757? Ezekiel Cheever,1757 Aaron Burr, Sr.,1767 Isaac Backus,1774 Samuel Langdon,1788 Benjamin Gale,1793 Samuel Hopkins,1794 Samuel Osgood,1794 William Linn
-Book of Daniel Chapter 7 the Little Horn - Papacy
-Book of Revelation Chapter 13 Beast from the sea - Rome
-Antichrist,Man of Sin - Pope of Rome

Biblical Expositors of the Early Medieval Period
d. 430 Augustine of Hippo,6th century Andreas of Caesarea,d.735 Bede,12th century Waldensians,d.1105 Rashi,d.1164 Abraham ibn Ezra,c. 1178 Petrus Comestor
-Book of Daniel Chapter 7 the Four Beasts - 1Babylon,2Persia,3Greece,4Rome
-Book of Daniel Chapter 7 the Little Horn -- Antichrist

Biblical Expositors of the Early Church Period
c. 100 Josephus,c. 90 Yochanan ben Zakai,c. 61 Barnabas,c. 165 Justin Martyr,c. 202 Irenaeus,c. 236 Hippolytus of Rome,c. 240 Tertullian,c. 254 Origen,c.304 Victorinus of Pettau,c. 320 Lactantius,c. 339 Eusebius of Caesarea,373 Athanasius of Alexandria,c. 376 Cyril of Alexandria,c.? 407 John Chrysostom,c. 420 Jerome,449 Isidore of Pelusium,457 Theodoret of Cyrus
-Book of Daniel Chapter 7 the Little Horn - Antichrist
-Book of Daniel Chapter 7 the Four Beasts - 1Babylon,2Persia,3Greece,4Rome




The Pope owns your money and your life!



Washington D.C.'s original name was Rome, Maryland




Christopher Columbus Unmasked at Last!!


  1. Google is the problem and the problem started long before the creation of Google: The Papal Colonization of America
    Hans S
    6:25 AM

    Watch Gladys Knight introducing a crazy Dutch band in 1973
    Best live rock peformance ever! Focus- Hocus Pocus (''73) Killer-- amazing!

  2. +Sal Esquivel
    You're an Aztec, and not an 'Indian'.

    This fool, called Columbus, thought he had discovered a shorter way to India, and he called the people like you, 'Indians'.
    He was being sent by the Roman Catholic church, and this CULT mixed the habits of your ancestors with their Babylonian version of 'Christianity', like the worship of the not the SON, JESUS Christ, but the SUN...'god'.

    I'm Dutch, so English is also my second language.

    Here you've got something to read:

    Enjoy your day too!
    Hans S
    10:32 PM

    +Sal Esquivel
    This is interesting: The Papal Colonization of America

  3. +Crux Driven
    He said "You're even dumber than I thought"
    Don't waste your time on this FOOL.
    His god is 'me, myself and I'.

    Hans S
    2:13 AM

    +Randall Wilks "I served my country"
    No, you served the Pope and the Vatican and Satan:

  4. The effort to change the federal holiday of Columbus Day to “Indigenous Peoples Day” is gaining momentum across the country as two more cities make the official change.
    30 U.S Cities Have Officially Changed Columbus Day to ‘Indigenous Peoples Day’




Friday, May 20, 2016

Native American Genocide

The American Indian Holocaust, known as the “500 year war” and the “World’s Longest Holocaust In The History Of Mankind And Loss Of Human Lives.”

Genocide and Denying It: Why We Are Not Taught that the Natives of the United States and Canada were Exterminated

Death Toll: 95,000,000 to 114,000,000

 Read more... 



The Catholic Origins of the First Thanksgiving


Atrocities Against Native Americans 



Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide?
Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide?

Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide? 



Genocide of indigenous peoples



Genocide and American Indian History 



The American 'jesus'



American Holocaust of Native American Indians (FULL Documentary) 



The biggest genocide in human history didn't occur in Nazi Germany, but on american soil.



Thanksgiving: Celebrating the Genocide of Native Americans



The Papal Colonization of America 









Proof that the USA is Controlled by Foreign Corporations






The US-NAZI-Empire on behalf of the SATANIC Vatican and the JESUITS




  1. +Will Rickerson
    Ah, you are a JEW-KILLER!

    Ever heard of the JESUITS who are the real EVIL MONSTERS behind this place called CONCENTRATION CAMP EARTH with Satan as its ruler, ALLOWED by God, because people are so VERY EVIL and ROTTEN?
    You're LOST without JESUS Christ!
    Hans S
    12:58 PM

    +Will Rickerson
    You can DO two things: commit SUICIDE or surrender to your maker JESUS Christ.
    All other options are WORSE than committing SUICIDE!

    Have a nice day!

  2. +Peter Welsh welshy46
    Be BETTER informed: the JESUITS are behind all EVIL and NOT 'the Jews'!

    The Satanic Power Tree

    Peter Welsh welshy46
    12:44 PM

    +Hans S +Giovanni Truvia​ Didn't take long for a pussy whipped white regressive leftist to turn up with their white men are the biggest evil in the world Bullshit. Note it's always whites who have been brainwashed by the Jew owned media, who are the first to denounce white people. +Hans S​ you do know those evil white devils did it all in God's name don't you.

  3. The American 'jesus'



 The US killed about 20-30 million people after 1945






  1. @Salvador Vizcarra Look it up: The US killed about 20-30 million people after 1945

    Columbus was an agent of the Vatican and he didn't discover the Americas but he came to claim it for the Vatican.
    Most of the America's got colonized by Catholic countries Spain and Portugal.
    The problem for the Vatican was that their enemies, the Protestants, also came to the 'New World'.
    But over time the Vatican managed to control the Protestants too and when the Pope visited the US in 2015 under their puppet 'Obama' the work was done.
    Currently the Catholic pawn of the Vatican (Biden) is president, controlled by 'Obama', that other Vatican controlled puppet.
    What is the Vatican?
    That's the disguised Luciferian-Babylonian Roman Empire and the organization that is behind the current great reset disguised as a fake pandemic. leading to the implementation of the Mark of the Beast, the final 'vaccine' disguised as a bandaid and which is the quantum dot tattoo containing Luciferase.
    Believe the Gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and be saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture ready.


    Lana Dell hatestheclock
    Lana Dell hatestheclock
    8 months ago
    So many negative comments here. You win. I don't even want to see the video now. Next!
    Salvador Vizcarra

    1. Salvador Vizcarra
      8 months ago
      Negative Comments? There are no negative comments. Just verifiable facts about the founding of the US. For example: Please check out these FACTS that are on the Web: In 250 years of existence as a nation, the US has fought against 29 sovereign countries. We have "grown" 711 times the size of our territory from the original 13 colonies. We have provoked with total impunity, Genocides, inside and outside our own borders, and assassinations of Govt. Leaders, Coups d'État and Economic Blockades in 6 UN member nations. (Between 1947 and 1989, the US tried to change other nations’ govts. 73 times. It includes 66 covert Ops. and 7 overt ones.) We have almost 800 Military Bases scattered around the world; 93 of which are against China. On the other hand, China and Korea (The so called "Axis of Evil" of our times), in 1,000 years of history have NEVER invaded anyone. These nations have fought their Civil Wars, defended themselves against foreign invasions, and secured their immediate borders, but they have never been meddling or aggressor countries. Do you know how many Military Bases China or Korea have outside their territory? None. Zero. Any. NADA! They do not have a single Base. These are verifiable facts. Neither China nor Korea will invade the world; We do... that's DONE, as we do in the Middle East. Iran also does not have a SINGLE MILITARY BASE outside its national territory, and it is surrounded by 16 US Bases, and it is we who call the Iranians Terrorists. We killed Muslims in Afghanistan, We killed Muslims in Iraq, We killed Muslims in Syria, Somalia, Libia, Lebanon, Iran, Kosovo… But we are very VERY! concerned about human right of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang, China, even though we know that China does NOT kill the Muslims of Uyghur. Well... You see it? There are no negative comments. Just verifiable FACTS. ("War is a Business" Wars are made by Bankers. US is a BIG BANK, disguised as a country). And Finally, an announcement from the US Ministry of Tourism: "If you haven't visited the US, don't worry, eventually the US will visit you, regardless of the country where you live". LOL
      Lana Dell hatestheclock
      Lana Dell hatestheclock
      8 months ago
      @Salvador Vizcarra I don't need your instructions. Go away.
      Salvador Vizcarra
      Salvador Vizcarra
      8 months ago
      @Lana Dell hatestheclock Okay. I Go Away. But is NOT my "Instructions". At this point I have NOTHING to get involved with. My personal opinion has nothing to do with it here either. They are Only Facts and no "negative comments". I just did Copy-Paste.

  2. Replies
    1. The native Americans have a tendency to be pro-'Palestinians'

    2. If the Europeans had never gone to the Americas they would never have heard of JESUS Christ and the Bible and that principle also applies to Australia, the former New Holland and New Zealand and everywhere else the Europeans went

    3. The saving gospel came to Europe and the then Roman world through Paul.
      Northern Africa was also Christianized before Islam (created by the Vatican) destroyed everything that was Christian there.

    4. And later there was a new impulse to proclaim the gospel from Europe through the Reformation and the printing press.

    5. The Vatican = the disguised Luciferian empire, did and is doing everything it can to stop this through the counter-reformation and through satanic lies such as heliocentrism, the 'universe', 'evolution' theory and the 'big bang' theory and through falsified bibles.

    6. Everything atheists believe in comes from the Vatican and the Jesuits and Satan....

    7. The Vatican = the Roman Empire, by the way, wants to get rid of Islam and atheism and replace it with Lucifer worship...


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”