Friday, 27 December 2024

De Dick Schoof Show - The Dick Scoaf Show 2

De Dick Schoof Show - The Dick Scoaf Show




We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.  


  1. Replies
    1. Harsh criticism of Prime Minister Schoof: 'How far off the mark are you if you deliver your Christmas message in front of a tank?'

  2. Replies
    1. Mayor Halsema also BANNED this speech by journalist Sonja van den Ende: 'I have been silenced'

  3. Replies
    1. Watch: 'But wasn't the WEF just a "talking club" according to our government?'

  4. Replies
    1. Prime Minister Schoof will go to the WEF later this month with these ministers, using our tax money

  5. Replies
    1. ‘Top economist’ advocates digital euro for climate and is inundated with criticism: ‘This is extremely dangerous’

  6. Replies
    1. VVD MP about WEF: has become part of 'a conspiracy-like crazy story'

  7. Kijk hier naar ellendige berichten uit Nederland: Binnenland
    Nederland is bezet door volslagen idioten, debielen en imbecielen en het is zeer deprimerend om dat soort berichten door te geven, dus kijk zelf maar.
    Het belangrijkste nieuws wordt toch niet verteld en dat is dat alles zo moet gaan omdat God de wereld gaat oordelen voordat JEZUS Christus de totale wereldmacht zal overnemen en dat alleen in HEM redding is.
    De meeste mensen hebben schijt aan hun eigen maker, JEZUS, en dat geldt ook voor degenen die sites hebben.

    1. Look here at miserable news from the Netherlands: Domestic
      The Netherlands is occupied by complete idiots, morons and imbeciles and it is very depressing to pass on such news, so see for yourself.
      The most important news is not being told and that is that everything has to go this way because God is going to judge the world before JESUS ​​Christ will take over the total world power and that only in HIM is salvation.
      Most people don't give a shit about their own maker, JESUS, and that also applies to those who have sites.

  8. Replies
    1. Defense Minister Brekelmans tackled: 'But you accept that the US blows up Nord Stream?'

  9. Zojuist antwoorden van het kabinet ontvangen naar aanleiding van onze vragen over de “NAVO-verplichtingen” waar minister Agema naar verwees. Wat blijkt?

    Bewindslieden zijn op initiatief van Algemene Zaken een paar weken na hun aantreden op de hoogte gesteld van deze verplichtingen door de AIVD en NCTV.

    Deze briefing is gegeven op het ministerie van Algemene Zaken en mag vanwege de rubricering niet (!) met de Tweede Kamer worden gedeeld. Deze briefing is dus geheim.

    Rutte heeft Nederland tijdens de NAVO top juli 2023 gecommitteerd aan deze NAVO-verplichtingen.

    Deze NAVO-verplichtingen (op alle terreinen denkbaar welteverstaan zoals energie, opvang, zorg, transport) worden door de NCTV “kabinetsbreed” in kaart gebracht en uitgewerkt.

    Begrijpt u wat dit betekent?👇

    1. Just received answers from the cabinet in response to our questions about the “NATO obligations” that Minister Agema referred to. What do we find?

      At the initiative of General Affairs, ministers were informed of these obligations by the AIVD and NCTV a few weeks after taking office.

      This briefing was given at the Ministry of General Affairs and may not be shared (!) with the House of Representatives due to its classification. This briefing is therefore secret.

      During the NATO summit in July 2023, Rutte committed the Netherlands to these NATO obligations.

      These NATO obligations (in all conceivable areas, such as energy, shelter, healthcare, transport) are mapped out and elaborated on a “cabinet-wide” basis by the NCTV.

      Do you understand what this means? 👇

  10. Replies
    1. 'As Prime Minister, Rutte made secret agreements with NATO that our parliament may not view'

  11. Replies
    1. Prime Minister Schoof on WEF: I think it is important that the Netherlands is present there

  12. Replies
    1. Insane CDA MP calls for new form of conscription and unleashes flood of criticism

  13. Replies
    1. Wybren van Haga lashes out at WEF: this elite club openly advocates a semi-communist 'New World Order'

  14. Replies
    1. Watch: ‘Most Important Man in the Netherlands’ Arrives at the WEF: ‘Do You Really Belong Here?’

    2. De ergste landverraders van Nederland komen samen in Davos om ons land verder uit te leveren aan de ANTICHRIST

    3. The worst traitors of the Netherlands gather in Davos to further deliver our country to the ANTICHRIST

  15. Dick Schoof:
    De verschrikkelijke agressieoorlog van Rusland tegen Oekraïne duurt al bijna drie jaar, en iedere dag die het nog langer duurt is er een te veel. Rusland mag deze oorlog niet winnen. Op het #WEF25 heb ik aan president @ZelenskyyUa
    opnieuw toegezegd dat Oekraïne op Nederland kan blijven rekenen zolang als nodig, met politieke, militaire, financiële en morele steun. Oekraïne moet zo sterk mogelijk uit deze oorlog komen. Het belangrijkste principe daarbij is: niks over Oekraïne zonder Oekraïne.
    Russia's terrible war of aggression against Ukraine has been going on for almost three years, and every day that goes on is one day too many. Russia must not win this war. At the #WEF25 I promised President @ZelenskyyUa
    again that Ukraine can continue to count on the Netherlands for as long as necessary, with political, military, financial and moral support. Ukraine must emerge from this war as strong as possible. The most important principle is: nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine.
    Hans S:
    De verschrikkelijke agressieoorlog van de door het westen gesteunde fascisten tegen tegen ethnische Russen in Oekraïne duurt al bijna 11 jaar, en iedere dag die het nog langer duurt is er een te veel. Zelensky en het duivelse westen mag deze oorlog niet winnen!

    The terrible war of aggression of the western-backed fascists against ethnic Russians in Ukraine has been going on for almost 11 years, and every day that goes on is one day too many. Zelensky and the devilish west must not win this war!

    1. Ontwaak toch eens uit die wef-coma,kerel.
      Wake up from that wef coma, man.



      Brilliant Video ‼️

      "The King is Naked" #ViewFromAbroad

      ACTOR is a First-Class Crook and Liar

      "Zelensky Unmasked": the second episode focuses on Zelenksy’s carefully crafted image and the PR-machine responsible for it.

      Zelensky is a criminal.
      He's shut down churches.
      Dragging Christian men with crosses around their neck to their death.
      Corrupt oligarch.
      Suspended elections.
      Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Zelensky is a danger to the world.

  16. Replies
    1. Watch: Director of NATO chief Rutte's private office spotted at the WEF

  17. Replies
    1. Pepijn van Houwelingen warns: 'In a sense, this is de facto a coup'


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