Thursday, 28 December 2023

Nederland is een dictatuur geworden! The Netherlands has become a dictatorship!

Minister Kuipers vertikt het om aangenomen motie uit te voeren 

Minister Kuipers refuses to implement the adopted motion

Het bewijs is opnieuw geleverd dat Nederland een dictatuur is geworden!

Proof has once again been provided that the Netherlands has become a dictatorship!

Prinses amalia doet Hitler groet

Princess Amalia does Hitler salute

What is that woman interfering with?! - Waar bemoeit dat mens zich mee?!



De bezetting - The occupation 3

Klik op afbeelding - Click on picture

13 in de Oorlog - 13 during the War

Dit product van de linkse staatsomroep is uiteraard niet correct want veel wordt weggelaten en onjuist verteld, zoals over de vlucht van 'Koningin' Wilhelmina op 13 mei 1940, maar zelfs kinderen (voor wie deze serie gemaakt werd) snappen de overeenkomst tussen 'Corona' en de 'avondklokken' en thuis van school moeten blijven, de maskers en de anderhalve meter afstand houden met de bezetting van 1940-1945 en ook de overeenkomst tussen het uitsluiten van de Joden met het uitsluiten van de 'ongevaccineerden'.

Het was de bedoeling dat op 5 mei 2020 de 'bevrijding' van Nederland op grootse wijze gevierd zou worden, maar dat ging vanwege 'Corona' niet door...

Velen denken dat het nu voorbij is maar er komt nog veel meer ellende aan!

Het einddoel is de implementatie van het merkteken van het beest.

This product of the left-wing state broadcaster is obviously not correct because much is omitted and told incorrectly, such as about the flight of 'Queen' Wilhelmina on May 13, 1940, but even children (for whom this series was made) understand the similarity between 'Corona' and the 'curfews' and the mandatory staying at home from school, the masks and the six feet distancing with the 1940-1945 occupation and also the similarity between excluding the Jews with excluding the 'unvaccinated'.

The intention was that the 'liberation' of the Netherlands would be celebrated in a grand manner on May 5, 2020, but that was canceled because of 'Corona'...

Many think it is over now, but there is much more misery to come!

The end goal is the implementation of the mark of the beast.
I don't don't give a damn about you           
to hell with the Chamber and to hell with democracy


Return to the Hiding Place (2013) | Full Movie | John Rhys-Davies | Mimi Sagadin

And the Netherlands has been occupied again by the Nazis...


We dienen allemaal gered te zijn van dat we onze eeuwigheid in Gods poel van vuur moeten doorbrengen, want dat is een lot dat we ALLEN verdienen.
Dus wees GERED en geloof dat God zo VEEL van ons HOUDT dat Hij Zich op aarde manifesteerde als de Heer JEZUS Christus die Zijn zondeloze bloed vergoot voor de vergeving van onze zonden, die werd begraven en opstond uit de dood, drie dagen later, 1 Korinthiërs 15:1-4.
Als je dit gelooft, ben je niet alleen gered, maar verzegeld met de Heilige Geest en opname gereed.
Lees elke dag je Bijbel en praat met onze Schepper over alles en maak Hem je beste Vriend en deel dit GOEDE NIEUWS = EVANGELIE met anderen.

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.



  1. D66, dat zich democratisch noemt, is de meest FASCISTISCHE partij van Nederland!

    1. D66, which calls itself democratic, is the most FASCIST party in the Netherlands!

    2. De bewindslieden van D66 zijn stuk voor stuk erger dan Anton Mussert

    3. De bewindslieden van D66 zijn stuk voor stuk erger dan Anton Mussert

    4. The D66 government officials are all worse than Anton Mussert

    5. Het zijn zelf fascisten en ze schelden hun tegenstanders uit voor nazi's en fascisten

    6. They are fascists themselves and they call their opponents Nazis and fascists

  2. Replies
    1. Columnist makes explosive discovery about NOS: 'This cannot be true'

    2. Nederland is verrot tot op het bot The Netherlands is rotten to the core

  3. Netherlands should prepare for war with Russia – Army chief
    “Entire society” must be ready “when thing go wrong,” General Martin Wijnen has said

  4. Replies
    1. Journalist explains in 2 minutes why Kaag is by far the worst Minister of Finance ever

  5. Replies
    1. Support for tough actions against the government is growing: '2024 will be the year of change!'

  6. Replies
    1. The blatant lies of former CU leader Segers about the World Economic Forum

  7. Replies
    1. Forum for Democracy goes BACK to the World Economic Forum

  8. Replies
    1. Brilliant pitch about future vision 2035: NPO politburo abolished and Gates in jail

    2. En dat allemaal ZONDER JEZUS Christus....Nederland werd vrij dankzij de REFORMATIE!

    3. And all that WITHOUT JESUS Christ....The Netherlands became free thanks to the REFORMATION!

  9. Replies
    1. The European Parliament has just adopted a very worrying proposal

  10. Replies
    1. The Hague will ban fossil vehicles from a large part of the city, with 'major consequences'

    2. En de overheid gaat maar door OORLOG te voeren tegen het volk op basis van LEUGENS!!

    3. And the government continues to wage WAR against the people based on LIES!!

  11. Replies
    1. Surprise about interview with Queen Maxima: 'I know what it is like to have financial stress'

  12. Replies
    1. 'Fly Countess' Eloise van Oranje under fire: 'Such nonsense that comes out of it'

  13. Replies
    1. BBB leader Van der Plas creates misunderstanding by standing up for Rob Jetten

  14. Replies
    1. We wonder why the train ticket is so expensive: 'Unbelievable'

  15. Replies
    1. Forget the 15-minute city, here is the 10-minute city: 'Oss as a prison'

  16. Replies
    1. Former judge warns: since corona there is no longer a rule of law

  17. Replies
    1. Flavio Pasquino from Blckbx files a report due to serious threats: 'This is not a good thing that is happening'

    2. De politie doet niks want de politie is het machtsmiddel van de WILDE BEESTEN die over ons heersen!

    3. The police do nothing because the police are the means of power of the WILD BEASTS that rule over us!

    4. Kinderverkrachtende topambtenaren en beleidslieden maken de dienst uit namens het Vaticaan en satan!

    5. Child raping top officials and policy makers are calling the shots on behalf of the Vatican and Satan!

    6. Ze zien er heel beschaafd uit maar het zijn bloeddorstige BEESTEN!

    7. They look very civilized but they are bloodthirsty BEASTS!

  18. Replies
    1. War Propagandist Wilders receives Ukraine Ambassador and expresses support for the war

  19. Replies
    1. Video: Just weeks after the elections, VVD promises are again thrown in the trash

  20. Replies
    1. 24 billion for asylum while 1 million Dutch people live below the poverty line, and asylum king Van der Burg laughs about it

  21. Replies
    1. 500 BILLION of our money is at stake, but Minister Schouten refuses to implement the motion

  22. Replies
    1. Queen Maxima receives criticism after WEF performance: 'Extremely controversial and restrictive statements'

  23. Replies
    1. Loud calls for the abolition of the royal family after Maxima's statements in Davos

  24. Replies
    1. Dutch media let a member of WEF advertise for WEF without mentioning that he is a member of the WEF

  25. Replies
    1. Professor warns of civil war: 'So-called elites have a plate in front of their heads'

  26. Replies
    1. Eat ze bugs! King Willem-Alexander promotes insect burger

  27. Replies
    1. Kaag about 'unacceptable' role of Queen Maxima at WEF: 'She fulfills her role very purely'

  28. Replies
    1. Watch: Dutch constitutional law lesson for Queen Maxima, can she fulfill this controversial dual role?

  29. Replies
    1. Chamber refuses debate on controversial WEF conference in Davos and these are the reasons

  30. Replies
    1. Chamber does not want to debate controversial Maxima statements in Davos, look at the reaction of VVD and NSC

  31. Replies
    1. Anne-Marijke Podt of D66 is doing a happy dance after being told this afternoon that the whole of the Netherlands is being forcibly saddled with asylum seekers.

  32. Replies
    1. Watch how Queen Maxima dodges all the tough questions in Davos

  33. Replies
    1. Lawyer issues important warning to politicians, their reaction is very surprising

  34. Replies
    1. “This betrayal is so great that a popular uprising is inevitable and immediately justified.”

  35. Replies
    1. Former politician Rob Oudkerk is furious about the cancellation of Holocaust lectures by Utrecht University of Applied Sciences

  36. Replies
    1. Angry reactions after Ukraine discovers fraud in its own army: 'What on earth are we doing there?'

  37. Replies
    1. Another remarkable thing happened at broadcaster Ongehoord Nederland

  38. Replies
    1. Ollongren under fire for strong support for Ukraine: 'Let her go to the East herself'

  39. Replies
    1. NSC before elections: nitrogen law off the table, NSC after elections: we want to achieve the goals in 2030

  40. Waarom heeft het FvD maar 3 zetels? De rest van Nederland is 'gevaccineerd'...

    1. Why does the FvD only have 3 seats? The rest of the Netherlands has been 'vaccinated'...

  41. Replies
    1. Video: Former Prime Minister Balkenende is 'strongly in favor' of Great Reset goals

  42. Replies
    1. MP GroenLinks-PvdA complains that 'anti-institutional extremists' hinder 'war economy'

  43. Replies
    1. Shouldn't your children have an appetite for a dirty war? Then their bank accounts will simply be frozen

  44. Replies
    1. The vast majority of the House of Representatives does not think it is a problem that Dutch soldiers will fight against the Russians in Ukraine.
      The motion below was rejected this afternoon.

  45. Replies
    1. 'Top speech' by FVD leader Baudet: 'You have to see this'

    2. De suggestie dat Israël bewust 'Palestijnse' (Arabische) kinderen in Gaza bombardeert is net zo fout als te zeggen dat 'de Joden' achter alle kwaad zitten'.

      https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=TKl4GSDyBcM

    3. "De Houthi's, de fiere Jemenitische strijders"
      Waar bemoeien die Houthi's zich mee?

      Simpel: het zijn ISLAMIETEN en de Islam HAAT Israël en de Joden.
      Doe onderzoek en zoek op: How the Vatican created Islam
      Wat is het Vaticaan?
      Het vermomde (als kerk) Luciferiaanse Romeinse rijk.

    4. Egypte en de omliggende Arabisch-Islamitische landen WEIGEREN de Islamitische Arabieren in Gaza die in meerderheid Israel HATEN = willen VERNIETIGEN, op te nemen en 'dus' wordt Israël beschuldigd van 'genocide' en 'etnische zuivering'

    5. To suggest that Israel deliberately bombs 'Palestinian' (Arab) children in Gaza is as wrong as saying that 'the Jews are behind all evil'.

      https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=TKl4GSDyBcM

      "The Houthis, the proud Yemeni fighters"
      What are the Houthis interfering with?
      Simple: they are ISLAMISTS and Islam HATES Israel and the Jews.
      Do your research and look up: How the Vatican created Islam
      What is the Vatican?
      The disguised (as church) Luciferian Roman Empire.

      Egypt and the surrounding Arab-Muslim countries REFUSE to accept the Muslim Arabs in Gaza who in the majority HATE Israel = want to DESTROY Israel and 'so' Israel is accused of 'genocide' and 'ethnic cleansing'

  46. Replies
    1. Parliament has no problem with sending Dutch soldiers to Ukraine: 'Extremely worrying'

  47. Replies
    1. Petition calls for: no Dutch soldiers to Ukraine

  48. Replies
    1. Outrage about CDA MP Boswijk's statement: 'What a bastard'

  49. Replies
    1. Emeritus professor calls on the House of Representatives: send away ministers who refuse to carry out motions


    2. Annette
      2 uren geleden

      Paul Cliteur vertolkt precies de gevoelens van een groot deel van de Nederlandse bevolking.

      De hele Tweede Kamer zou net zo goed opgeheven kunnen worden, want wat ze MOETEN doen, doen ze niet.

      Het grootste deel bestaat namelijk uit ongelooflijke lafbekken, die, althans volgens mij, nog eens hartstikke bang zijn voor ZEKER zo’n demon als Mark Rutte.

      Mark Rutte doet al méér dan 12 jaar precies wat het WEF hem dicteert.

      Het feit, dat deze charlatan gewoon precies kan doen wat hij wil, betekent dan ook niets meer of minder dan dat wij in een illusie leven, dat er nog zoiets bestaat als een democratie.

      Trouwens….. Rutte is niet de enige die aangenomen moties aan zijn laars lapt. Dat enge wijf van een Van der Wal heeft natuurlijk precies hetzelfde gedaan.

      Als wij nu eens met z’n allen hetzelfde gaan doen als Markje…. gewoon alles wat er gezegd wordt vanuit de overheid, lekker aan ons laars lappen.

      Uiteindelijk geven zij zelf het goede voorbeeld.

      Er is op dit moment maar één antwoord op alle kolder. En dat is: BURGERLIJKE ONGEHOORZAAMHEID.

    3. Annette
      2 hours ago

      Paul Cliteur precisely expresses the feelings of a large part of the Dutch population.

      The entire House of Representatives might as well be abolished, because what they SHOULD do, they don't do.

      The majority consists of incredible cowards, who, at least in my opinion, are extremely afraid of DEFINITELY such a demon as Mark Rutte.

      Mark Rutte has been doing exactly what the WEF dictates to him for more than 12 years.

      The fact that this charlatan can do exactly what he wants means nothing more or less than that we live in an illusion that there is still such a thing as a democracy.

      By the way... Rutte is not the only one who ignores passed motions. Of course, that creepy Van der Wal bitch did exactly the same thing.

      Now if we all do the same as little Mark... simply ignore everything that is said by the government.

      Ultimately, they themselves set a good example.

      There is only one answer to all the bullshit right now. And that is: CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE.

    4. Het meerendeel is gevaccineerd = hersenbeschadigd The majority have been vaccinated = brain damaged

  50. Replies
    1. In dit qua geluid en vraagstelling slechte interview zei Henk toch wel wat interessants: dat je niet aan de macht komt als je niet tot de 'elite' behoort, zelfs als je de steun van de bevolking hebt.

    2. Heavily vaccinated Henk Westbroek interview

      In this poor interview in terms of sound and questioning, Henk said something interesting: that you do not come to power if you do not belong to the 'elite', even if you have the support of the population.

  51. Replies
    1. Thierry en Tom hebben totaal geen benul waar het naar toe gaat in deze wereld, omdat ze de BIJBEL niet kennen, het WOORD van God.

    2. Thierry Baudet and Tom Zwitser about Ukraine, the farmers and the FVD social movement

      Thierry and Tom have absolutely no idea where this world is going, because they do not know the BIBLE, the WORD of God.

    3. Tom Zwitser had het wel een BEETJE over de Bijbel.

    4. Tom Zwitser talked a LITTLE about the Bible.

  52. Replies
    1. Extreme tensions around Holocaust museum: 'This is un-Dutch!'

  53. Replies
    1. Senate quietly approves law: 'Stasi would lick its fingers'

  54. Shocked reactions to prosecution of Raisa Blommestijn: 'Something is going seriously wrong'

  55. Nederland is een dictatuur geworden! The Netherlands has become a dictatorship!

  56. Replies
    1. VVD minister REFUSES to implement motion: 'Crooked act'

  57. Replies
    1. 'Largest disinformation spreader in the Netherlands' Hugo de Jonge investigates Russian 'disinformation'

  58. Replies
    1. 'NOS and AD commit a journalistic and legal crime'

  59. Replies
    1. CDA leader Bontenbal's statement makes people shudder: 'A sinister level and it gives me chills'

    2. Hij had moeten vragen 'wanneer gaat u naar het Oekraïense front?' He should have asked 'when are you going to the Ukrainian front?'

  60. Replies
    1. The NOS Great Cut and Paste Show: 'These types of montages are very bad and misleading'

    2. Number 5 found. This time, Dilan Yesilgöz is portrayed as a particularly interested listener during Pieter Omtzigt's speech, just before a 'cut' takes place. (left: NOS montage, right: live debate)

  61. Replies
    1. Yesilgöz and Omtzigt taken to court: 'Are you also sick of the old political games during the formation?'

  62. Replies
    1. 'The dogs don't like what happens behind the scenes in the royal family'

  63. Replies
    1. Orange family exposed on TV: 'Unbridled power, everything they want will happen'

  64. Replies
    1. Emeritus professor criticizes the repeated failure to carry out motions: 'We are in an era without democracy'

  65. Replies
    1. Princess Amalia's decision is not well received: "Whether the House of Orange would benefit from this?"

  66. Replies
    1. Wybren van Haga takes a stand against prospective Prime Minister Dick Schoof: 'Totalitarian potentate'

  67. Replies
    1. Why 'nothing, absolutely nothing, will change' under Rutte 2.0

  68. Replies
    1. Princess in tears on TV about grandfather Bernhard: 'Disgusting veneration of a Nazi'

  69. Replies
    1. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima on a working visit to the US with a convicted pedophile

  70. Replies
    1. Surprised reactions to King Willem-Alexander's statement about Rutte: 'Pardon?'

  71. Replies
    1. Edwin de Roy van Zuydewijn opens up about 'notorious Nazis' in the royal family: 'It's all covered up'

    2. Nazisme en pedofilie op Paleis Soestdijk. ‘Meisjes van 16, 17 en 18’. Aldus de gewezen echtgenoot van prinses Margarita bij @ongehoordnedtv
      . Hopelijk wijdt ooit iemand een serieuze bio of docu aan Edwin de Roy van Zuydewijn. De verwoesting van zijn leven schreeuwt om revanche.

    3. Nazism and pedophilia at Soestdijk Palace. 'Girls aged 16, 17 and 18'. Said the former husband of Princess Margarita at @ongehoordnedtv
      . Hopefully one day someone will dedicate a serious bio or documentary to Edwin de Roy van Zuydewijn. The destruction of his life screams for revenge.

  72. Replies
    1. Royal couple takes part in army exercise: 'They are happy to participate to increase the 'willingness to die in war''

  73. Replies
    1. This is what fascists look like in modern (?) Netherlands. They brought about a division in society, just like in 40-45. In fact, they would do it again tomorrow

  74. Replies
    1. Hard clash in Overijssel over Tristate City: 'These are conspiracy theories!'

  75. Replies
    1. Gideon van Meijeren: the fact that we are moving in this direction step by step gives me the shivers

  76. Replies
    1. FvD member Van Houwelingen receives conditional fine for tweet with Nazi flag


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”