Tuesday, 9 January 2024

Canada has descended into tyranny

Internet in shock over brutal arrest of journalist: 'Tyranny'

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Justin Trudeau tries to LECTURE Italy and it doesn't end well

May 24, 2023
This buffoon wants to lecture us

Justin Trudeau son of Fidel Castro

Giorgia Meloni herself is bat shit crazy as well  
"Yes, indeed!"

And they all serve the ANTICHRIST...

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


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  4. UPDATE: The police are still keeping our reporter David Menzies in jail

    Instead of arresting the violent Hamas thugs, they arrested David Menzies.

    in downtown Toronto at the 52 Division police station. Our reporter @TheMenzoid
    is in the jail inside. Here’s hisupdate:

    Ezra heard from Leora Shemesh, the lawyer we hired for David. She says the police are deciding whether to release him tonight or to keep him in jail, and actually have a bail hearing for him in the morning. As in, to try to keep him in jail until his trial.

    Trial for what? If you watch the video of his arrest, it’s David who was assaulted by pro-Hamas protesters. They hit him, shoved him and slapped the microphone out of his hand. And they hit our cameraman, @realmonsanto
    , too. David did nothing wrong at all. Police were standing RIGHT THERE.

    But instead of arresting the violent Hamas thugs, they arrested David. David was completely flabbergasted. When he asked what the charge was, you can hear the cop saying it’s for failure to leave the premises. Huh? It’s a public square. In front of City Hall. Where a public gathering was happening — a pro-Israel vigil to remember the victims of Hamas’s terrorist attack six months ago.

    It was the Hamas thugs who came to disturb the peace. But the cowardly Toronto cops knew that if they took on the Hamas mob, they would likely fight back violently. And they’d probably get an angry phone call from Justin Trudeau, too, who has already had a highly inappropriate private meeting with Toronto’s Police chief, to tell him what to do. So, right now we don’t know if David is going to be released tonight or not. Efron and Ezra are going to wait here until we find out. This really has to stop.

    Toronto Police have to stop being the personal concierges for Hamas hate marchers. They have to uphold the law. And that law includes the Charter of Rights which guarantees David freedom of the press. This is a two part battle:

    1. Defend against the B.S. criminal charges against David (and fight the bail hearing, if required); and

    2. Go on the offensive, and sue the daylights out of the Toronto Police.

    If you want to help us with those important projects, we could sure use a hand. Please go to http://StandWithDavid.com. Thanks very much for standing with David — and for standing up for all freedom-loving Canadians.

    1. Our reporter David Menzies has been released from jail

      Toronto Police smashed Rebel News reporter David Menzies’ head when they arrested him.

      David Menzies just got out of jail, more than three hours after he was falsely arrested and jailed.

      And the first thing I noticed was the cut on his head.

      That cut wasn’t from the Hamas extremists who assaulted David.

      That cut was from the police, who roughly threw David into the back of a police truck, knocking his head against the roof. They also tightly forced his shoulders back, deeply aggravating a previous injury.

      The police roughed him up.

      That’s outrageous. That’s absolutely a personal vendetta. That’s Toronto police showing total cowardice towards actual criminal gangs but abusing and punishing a peaceful journalist.

      I’m sick of it. We’re going to defend against the bogus charges today. But when those charges are thrown out, we’re not done.

      That’s when we’re getting started: suing the Toronto Police, to teach them that they just aren’t allowed to beat up Canadian journalists.

      This is Canada, not Gaza.

      If you want to help me cover David’s legal expenses, please do — we need all the help we can get. (Thank you.)

      I’m really getting sick of this — which is why we need to get a judge to put a stop to it.

      Please make a donation to help us get to court — thanks.



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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”