Thursday, 11 January 2024

Moon Landing - The World's Greatest Hoax?

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🚨Must Watch Documentary🚨
Moon Landing - The World's Greatest Hoax?  

When Neil Armstrong took the first steps on the moon in July 1969, the world was suddenly split into two categories – those who believe the Apollo 11 landings, and those who don’t. 

In this show we’ll search for a definitive answer by recreating the moon landing for ourselves, testing the various competing theories against each other.   Featuring interviews with leading experts, conspiracy theorists, archive material and highly detailed reconstructions of the landing, we put this debate to bed once and for all.


How did this turn into this then back to this?



We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. And the 'vaccines' are 'safe and effective'....

  2. Replies
    1. On 9 for news they still believe in fairy tales such as 'space' and 'astronauts'....


  3. Beautiful story, but no one has ever been to the moon, and that is not possible
    because the moon is not a solid object on which to land, because God created the moon as a light for the night, as he created the sun as a greater light for the day.
    In addition, 'space' does not exist and for example the three-stage Saturn 5 rocket was a concept that had already been devised during the Second World War by the Nazis and in particular Wernher von Braun with the aim of being able to bomb New York from Germany, as they were already able to do with the single-stage V2 rocket that they fired at London, among other places.
    After the war, the Nazi Wernher von Braun went to the US together with other Nazi scientists and technicians via 'operation paperclip' and they succeeded in realizing that three-stage rocket, originally intended to be able to bomb the US from Germany. The Soviets had achieved much the same thing with the help of other captured German Nazi scientists and that was what the whole 'space race' was based on and it had a purely military purpose, and in order to mislead the general world public, they were made to believe that it was a race to see who could be the first to land men on the moon.
    A three-stage rocket like Saturn 5 only goes straight up for a relatively short time, and then makes a turn so that it can make a parabolic path, over the ocean and towards the next continent: the intercontinental ballistic missile....ICBM....
    God created the earth first and only on day four of creation did He create the sun, the moon and the stars and planets, and planets are stars that move independently of the other stars.
    God created the firmament after the earth and he stretched that firmament like a dome over the round and flat earth, and this strong firmament holds everything in like air and water.
    Everywhere on earth, and whether it is small bodies of water or oceans, water is flat on the surface. What is considered 'space' is simply the atmosphere between the earth and the firmament.
    It is true that the atmosphere becomes thinner as we ascend and near the firmament the atmosphere is thinnest and coldest.
    Jet airliners that are pressurized inside can best cross the atmosphere at about 10 kilometers altitude.
    Pilots know that the earth is flat and they never have to correct the nose of their plane downward to keep up with the so-called 'curvature of the earth', because there is NO curvature!
    Yesterday I posted this comment and it was removed by YouTube because YouTube hates the truth, because YouTube belongs to Google-Alphabet and to Satan!
    PS: 'nuclear weapons' don't exist so there are no ICBM with 'nuclear warheads'. All the "nuclear weapons countries" lie about this just as they lie about "space travel".

    1. Beautiful story, but no one has ever been to the moon, and that is not possible because the moon is not a solid object on which to land, because God created the moon as a light for the night, as he created the sun as a greater light for the day.
      In addition, 'space' does not exist and for example the three-stage Saturn 5 rocket was a concept that had already been devised during the Second World War by the Nazis and in particular Wernher von Braun with the aim of being able to bomb New York from Germany, as they were already able to do with the single-stage V2 rocket that they fired at London, among other places.
      After the war, the Nazi Wernher von Braun went to the US together with other Nazi scientists and technicians via 'operation paperclip' and they succeeded in realizing that three-stage rocket, originally intended to be able to bomb the US from Germany. The Soviets had achieved much the same thing with the help of other captured German Nazi scientists and that was what the whole 'space race' was based on and it had a purely military purpose, and in order to mislead the general world public, they were made to believe that it was a race to see who could be the first to land men on the moon.
      A three-stage rocket like Saturn 5 only goes straight up for a relatively short time, and then makes a turn so that it can make a parabolic path, over the ocean and towards the next continent: the intercontinental ballistic missile....ICBM....
      God created the earth first and only on day four of creation did He create the sun, the moon and the stars and planets, and planets are stars that move independently of the other stars.
      God created the firmament after the earth and he stretched that firmament like a dome over the round and flat earth, and this strong firmament holds everything in like air and water.
      Everywhere on earth, and whether it is small bodies of water or oceans, water is flat on the surface. What is considered 'space' is simply the atmosphere between the earth and the firmament.
      It is true that the atmosphere becomes thinner as we ascend and near the firmament the atmosphere is thinnest and coldest.
      Jet airliners that are pressurized inside can best cross the atmosphere at about 10 kilometers altitude.
      Pilots know that the earth is flat and they never have to correct the nose of their plane downward to keep up with the so-called 'curvature of the earth', because there is NO curvature!
      Yesterday I posted this comment and it was removed by YouTube because YouTube hates the truth, because YouTube belongs to Google-Alphabet and to Satan!

      PS: 'nuclear weapons' don't exist so there are no ICBM with 'nuclear warheads'. All the "nuclear weapons countries" lie about this just as they lie about "space travel".

    2. I expect this comment will also be deleted by anti-Christian YouTube....

    3. When I wanted to post this comment I saw the following below in red letters:

      We weren't able to add your reply. Please try again.

    4. Read more comments because luckily there are more people who know that we have never been to the moon.

  4. This is one of, if not the best moon landing video I have ever seen.

    This dude nails it on a consistent basis.

    Managers note: Please deposit all Globie tears in the appropriately marked buckets. Your tears will be used to water a tree that will one day become petrified wood that NASA will try to pass off as a “moon rock”.

    I sure do wish we could talk to this dude @jtfollowsjc

    Maybe if I manifest it hard enough he will be next week’s guest!?!? 😉


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”