This viral speech by Professor Stefan Homburg is a must-see
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Italian neurologist makes shocking statements in the European Parliament about the Covid shot

The Mark of the Beast and the Blessed Hope Rapture
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Deze viraal gaande toespraak van professor Stefan Homburg moet je gezien hebben
ReplyDeleteThis viral speech by Professor Stefan Homburg is a must-see
DeleteNooit eerder is de mensheid op wereldschaal zo systematisch en grootschalig bedrogen
ReplyDeleteNever before has humanity been deceived on such a systematic and large-scale on a world wide scale
DeletePfizer wedt ter waarde van $43 miljard dat ‘Turbo-kankers’ over de hele wereld zullen ontploffen
ReplyDeletePfizer Makes $43 Billion Bet That ‘Turbo Cancers’ Are Going To Explode Around The World
DeleteEU states threw away €4 billion worth of Covid vaccines – Politico
ReplyDeleteOp zondag 10 december vond in Karlsruhe een ongekende en zeer bijzondere gebeurtenis plaats
ReplyDeleteOn Sunday, December 10, an unprecedented and very special event took place in Karlsruhe
DeleteSleep die schoften voor de rechter! Take those bastards to court!
ReplyDeleteAnd hence, there is no Covid19 Pandemic
It is all a huge fraud
All thanks to a wonderful German Engineer, Marvin Haberland, and a great American researcher Christine Massey and an incredible German biologist, Dr Stefan Lanka and many others
Christine has proved through hundreds of FOI requests and responses, that the SARSCOV2 virus has never been isolated anywhere in the World
See and and the hundreds of FOI’s on Christine’s website
When Greg Hunt, the then Australian Federal Health Minister was questioned in the Australian Parliament by Solihin Millin he responded with a pathetic letter (see stating he was unable to prove the explicit existence of the SARSCOV2 virus other than through citing the results of a single pseudo-scientific experiment carried out by the Doherty Institute associated with the University of Melbourne in Australia
For the results of a scientific experiment to be validated a second precisely similar experiment must be carried out without introducing the supposed causative agent, in the case of the Doherty Institute, a human sample supposed to be infected with the SARSCOV2 virus
Marvin Haberland was astute enough to question this Doherty Institute pseudo-experiment, and the Doherty Institute under FOI (Freedom of Information) confirmed that the Doherty Institute never carried out a control experiment, thereby scientifically invalidating there findings
Further, a great German biologist Dr Stefan Lanka showed through running the missing Doherty Institute control experiment that the results using a placebo (inert substance) resulted in exactly the same experimental outcome. (see
Marvin Haberland was fined by the German Covid19 authorities and refused to pay the fine, so he was taken to court
DeleteHere is his complaint (translated into English)
Marvin Haberlandhas won his case in Germany heard on the 26th April 2023
This is now hard scientific and legal evidence for MAHA to raise in our up and coming Australian Federal Court Class Action that the SARSCOV2 virus does not exist
Hence Covid19 does not exist since it is meant to be caused by the non-existent SARSCOV2 virus
And hence Covid19 is a total fraud
In addition there is a great deal of proof that the PCR test and associated false positives that was used to create the false Covid19 cases, is completely false and cannot be used to test for a disease
A Portuguese court confirmed this – see
As did a request for retraction of the original Drostin paper recommending the PCR test to test for SARSCOV2 and hence Covid19 (see and
Further huge amounts of evidence are available to MAHA confirming that the Covid19 Plandemic has been falsely constructed to enable the distribution of otherwise illegal, dual purpose gain of function poisonous bio-warfare mRNA based nanotechnology gene altering injections and other lethal and harmful nano substances by the United States of America Department of Defence
What has been called the SARSCOV2 virus is a chimeric (made by humans) in silico (only exists in computers, created by human imagination) biological poison developed for bio-warfare. (see
We’ve won
In addition we have hard evidence that the Australian TGA has hidden death statistics in order to support the false Australian Government Covid19 injection narrative. (see and
With these simple facts which will be presented via the MAHA Class Action to the Australian Federal Court we have proved the falsity of the entire Covid19 Plandemic
You are about to be compensated for this hugely destructive shocking lethal and injurious fraud that the Australian Governments have inflicted on us all
There has NEVER been a pandemic! There was a PCR-test-'pandemic'!
DeleteThe goal was to FRIGHTEN people into being injected with POISON!
DeleteVerdenking van een advocaat: Speciale vaccinaties voor eigen werknemers, besmette voor het volk
ReplyDeleteSuspicion of a lawyer: Special vaccinations for our own employees, infected for the people
DeleteSlechts 162 Italianen onder de 40 jaar stierven in 2020 aan COVID-19. Dus waarom de grote vaccinatiepush ?
ReplyDeleteOnly 162 Italians under the age of 40 died from COVID-19 in 2020. So why the big vaccination push?
DeleteArts voorspelt mondiale aanval: ‘Dit wordt groter dan corona!’
ReplyDeleteDoctor predicts world wide attack: 'This will be bigger than corona!'
DeleteJournalist die concentratiekampen eiste voor ongevaccineerden valt dood neer op 33-jarige leeftijd
ReplyDeleteJournalist Who Demanded Concentration Camps for Unvaxxed Drops Dead at 33
DeleteArts slaat alarm om ‘duizelingwekkende’ oversterfte: ‘Deze cijfers hebben we nog nooit eerder gezien’
ReplyDeleteDoctor sounds the alarm about 'staggering' excess mortality: 'We have never seen these figures before'
DeleteHet aantal plotselinge hartdoodgevallen blijft toenemen
ReplyDeleteThe number of sudden cardiac deaths continues to increase
DeleteLuister en huiver: advocaat Reiner Füllmich vertelt zijn kant van het verhaal
ReplyDeleteListen and shudder: lawyer Reiner Füllmich tells his side of the story
DeleteOud-farmabestuurder over DNA-verontreiniging covidprik: ‘We hebben een enorm probleem’
ReplyDeleteFormer pharmaceutical executive about DNA contamination of Covid shot: 'We have a huge problem'
DeleteUitvaartondernemer onthult: ‘Lange tijd hadden de overledenen die binnenkwamen een pleister op hun arm’
ReplyDelete'Funeral director reveals: 'For a long time, the deceased who came in had a plaster on their arm'
DeleteDATA: De gevaccineerde bevolking van Engeland had bijna een miljoen sterfgevallen in 23 maanden; de ongevaccineerde bevolking had minder dan 61.000 sterfgevallen in dezelfde periode
ReplyDeleteDATA: England’s vaccinated population had close to one million deaths in 23 months; unvaccinated population had less than 61,000 deaths over the same period
DeleteFarmabedrijven verwikkeld in race om turbokankers te behandelen, iedereen wil graantje meepikken
ReplyDeletePharmaceutical companies are in a race to treat turbo cancers, everyone wants a piece of the pie
DeleteArts (67) krijgt bijna 3 jaar cel om vrijstellingen voor mondkapjes en vaccins
ReplyDeleteDoctor (67) receives almost 3 years in prison for exemptions for face masks and vaccines
DeleteJe gelooft je ogen niet: in Duitsland ging de beerput open, maar de Oostenrijkse beerput is misschien nog wel groter
ReplyDeleteYou won't believe your eyes: the cesspool opened in Germany, but the Austrian cesspool may be even bigger
Delete“The magnitude of this crime against humanity is becoming increasingly clear. The medical profession has committed the highest form of treason, abusing public trust to inflict serious harm on the population.”
Delete“That means we can no longer trust our health to doctors. They are corrupt. Those responsible should be brought before a tribunal,”
DeleteDominee geschokt na bezoek aan begraafplaats: ‘Ik heb zoiets nog nooit meegemaakt, het lijkt wel oorlog’
ReplyDeletePastor shocked after visiting cemetery: 'I've never experienced anything like this, it's like war'
DeleteJournalist verklaart niet-gevaccineerden op tv tot winnaars van coronacrisis, eist excuses van politici
ReplyDeleteJournalist declares unvaccinated people on TV winners of corona crisis, demands apology from politicians
DeleteVaccinramp: het daadwerkelijke aantal gevallen van bijwerkingen is werkelijk duizelingwekkend
ReplyDeleteVaccine disaster: the actual number of adverse event cases is truly staggering
DeleteDuitse corona-enquête officieel afgeblazen uit vrees voor tribunalen
ReplyDeleteGerman coronavirus survey officially cancelled over fears of tribunals
DeleteOm de leugen te beschermen wordt de democratie uitgeschakeld To protect the lie, democracy is disabled
DeleteVerzoek om ‘vaccinweigeraars’ vrij te laten uit de gevangenis afgewezen door ‘de marxistenregering alhier’
ReplyDeleteRequest to release ‘vaccine refusers’ from prison rejected by ‘Marxist government here’
DeleteJe kunt nu filteren op bijwerkingen, 1 miljoen gevallen: dit zijn de ‘killer-batches’
ReplyDeleteYou can now filter by side effects, 1 million cases: these are the 'killer batches'
DeleteAfD-leider Alice Weidel wil dat er verantwoording wordt afgelegd na ‘vele vaccindoden’
ReplyDeleteAfD leader Alice Weidel wants accountability after 'many vaccine deaths'