Tuesday, 19 December 2023

🚨𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐀𝐒𝐧𝐠🚨𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞🚨

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We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.



  1. Full 10 Min Report, Experts CONFIRM Barack Obama Birth Certificate is FAKE

    Obama’s Presidency Was A Fraud & Has “9 Points Of Forgery” Everything Obama Did Should Be Undone

    “Today you're going to hear lots of information that some of you are going to understand and going to be able to tell the true story. In fact, please know that this is a very technical, but the evidence is clear if you'll pay attention. Please note you're going to hear about two separate experts. These experts are two separate continents with no knowledge of each other and they draw similar conclusions. Again, that said, I know some of you are going to get this story and are going to tell the story the way it was.”

    —- “We and anyone else who dared to question the document have been the line falsely labeled grossly criticized in the bulk of the media on certain internet sources for years. Today we're going to set the record straight. I believe you will be shocked by what you hear and see today.”

    —- “Like the sheriff just told you, when you conduct criminal investigations, you have to let the evidence lead you. You never lead the evidence. And in doing this, my motive was to clear the document. Because to be quite honest with you, I didn't believe it. I didn't believe this was possible. I didn't think this would ever happen in this nation. I didn't believe it.”

    — “Back in 2012, I told you about Reed Hayes, a document examiner. Let me tell you about Reed Hayes, a man with 40 years, since 1974, 40 plus years of experience in examining forensic document, handwriting, a man who's well respected in his expertise, a court recognized expert, a document examiner. He is the man you go to when somebody gives you a bad check with a bad signature. This is the guy you run to. — Mr. Hayes told me right off the bat, I'm an Obama supporter. I voted for him twice. He goes, and I will never do anything to hurt the President of the United States. What I had said to him was, Reed, I am not asking you to hurt the President of the United States. I'm asking you to take a look at this document and clear it and tell me there's nothing wrong with it. Would you at least do that? And he took a look at it. And when he called me back, he told me, Mike.”

    “I can't clear this, there's something wrong with it."

    And I asked him, I said, Reed, would you continue? I said, I know your position, but would you continue? And his answer to me was, this is what I do. I'll look at it, I'll do it. That's a man of integrity, respecting what his ability is to get to the truth. Because for Sheriff Apoyo and myself, this was never about Barack Obama. This is about a document. You take that document and you remove the name, Barack Hussein Obama, and put your name on there. If it was your document and it was brought to us, we would do the same thing with this document.”

    — You are looking at two long-form birth certificates from the state of Hawaii. According to the dates on the certificates, these births took place in Honolulu during the month of August of 1961, just 16 days apart. The birth certificate on the left belongs to Barack Obama. The birth certificate on the right belongs to Johanna Ane.

    After five years of intense investigation, which included consultation with one of America's most respected forensic document examiners, and a team of European media forensic experts, the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has reached a conclusion utilizing forensic techniques both old and new. It is the opinion of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office that the birth certificate on your right, belonging to Johanna Ani, was in fact used as a source document in the digital creation of Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate.

    Nine points of forgery in which words, letters, and hand-placed date stamps have been digitally copied from the Adneid long-form birth certificate and pasted onto Obama's long-form birth certificate”

    They COULD NOT clear the document. Much more info in this video if you watch it all

  2. I finally watched "Leave the World Behind" last night, and while everyone is focused on the obvious predictive programming portrayed about a cyber pandemic and sonic/energy weapons bringing us into systemic collapse, there is another point that I think some people missed in regards to the daughter Rose being addicted to entertainment and the fake reality being created through movies and TV shows, and how much it has captured the mind of the youth into derealization, escapism, and completely contorted perceptions of what's important, with these weird emotional attachments to celebrities and the characters they play as if they're real.

    Within the first few minutes of the movie after the title scene, it shows her riding in the car watching Friends on her iPad before the internet goes out, and she asks her dad when they get back to city to take her to see the Coffee shop in Friends, and he responds to her "I don't think that's real honey. It's just a set". This is setting the tone for her for the remainder of the movie.

    The next scene she is waking up her mom to complain about the internet still being out and how she has "incredible anxiety about how they're going to wrap up the show". Again depicting the youth as being consumed by entertainment and TV to the point of it making them mentally ill and anxious about fictional TV characters and how a show ends.

    1. Later towards the end of the movie, she again wakes her brother to ask if she is never going to know how Ross and Rachael end up, and her brother asks why she cares so much about Friends. She says it's because they make her happy, and "If there is any hope in this f--ked up world, we'll at least find out how things turn out for them. I care about them".

      The film ends with GH giving a speech about a 3 step plan he heard from his defense contractor client on how to topple a nation by making it so dysfunctional that it cannibalizes itself, before cutting to the end scene with Rose breaking into a wealthy home, inundating herself with toxic junk food and soda, roaming around the house until she enters the bunker, and then finding a TV and a wall of DVDs with her favorite show Friends. The final scene is her playing episode called "The Last One" and smiling mindlessly at the TV at the same time bombs are being dropped on cities nearby and sonic space based weapons deployed on the populace.

      Considering this movie was written by the same person behind the show Mr Robot, Sam Esmail, which was full of the same depictions of the typical brainwashed consumerist Americans fixated on celebrity worship, mindless entertainment, and political theater with elites at the top pulling the strings and manufacturing world events and controlling narratives, I think this movie is trying to convey a similar message beyond just the predictive programming about collapse, which already started years ago with the youth, as far back as the 60s.

      Many people have become so exhausted, demoralized, and disillusioned with the world and all it's insanities, that they'd rather just disconnect from all of it and get lost in entertainment and live through other peoples lives vicariously. This has become especially prevalent in the youth with their cellphone addictions and subsequent monstrous drops in intelligence and performance in school. Their mind and souls have been captured, monetized, and farmed for profit in this attention economy by criminal corporations that know exactly what they're doing and how it's destroying society.

      The former Facebook executive @chamath
      said this years ago in that viral video about how social media was ripping apart society and that they created a monster, but this monster was created years ago with the advent of television and Hollywood, which we all know has been an arm of the CIA with this expressed purpose of destabilization, demoralization, degeneration, and the eventual collapse so they can rebirth their NWO from the ashes like a phoenix.

      “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

      - Former CIA Director William Casey

    2. If you want to truly destroy and destabilize a nation, you go after the youth and pollute their minds with propaganda that glorifies vapid materialism, sexual degeneracy, wokism, LGBTQ, and every other means of corrupting morals and degenerating their minds into slush that are easily controlled and subjugated once adults.

      So if you're a parent reading this and you want to save your kid and the future of humanity from this monster of inverted degeneration, you need to start policing what they do with their devices and what content they're consuming because it is having a profound and immeasurable impact on them and the future of America and the rest of the world.


      End scene with GH:

      ->"Because my primary client works in the defense, I spent a lot of time looking at the cost benefit analysis of military campaigns. There was one program in particular that terrified my client the most. A simple 3 stage maneuver that could topple a country's government from within.

      First stage, is isolation. disable their communication and transportation. Make the target as deaf, dumb, and paralyzed as possible, setting them up for the 2nd stage. Synchronized chaos. Terrorize them with covert attacks and misinformation overwhelming their defense capabilities, leaving their weapon systems vulnerable to extremists in their own military.

      Without a clear enemy or motive, people would start turning on each other. If done successfully, the 3rd stage would happen on its own.

      So what's the 3rd stage? A coup de tat, a civil war, collapse. This program was considered the most cost effective way to destabilize a country, because if the target nation was dysfunctional enough, it would in essence do the work for you. Whoever started this wants us to finish it."

      >>>This program was considered the most cost effective way to destabilize a country, because if the target nation was dysfunctional enough, it would in essence do the work for you.

  3. Replies
    1. Gay men and women don't have 'sex' with each other: they're MASTURBATING by using the body of someone of the same sex

  4. Replies
    1. This post may be fake, but what isn't fake is that "Michelle" Obama is Michael.
      And 'Obama' is not the name of 'Barack' because his name is Bari Shabazz and he is the son of Malcolm X and of one of the daughters of...........Adolf Hitler.

  5. Replies
    1. Government raids small Amish farmer who refuses to participate in meat-milk industrial complex

  6. Replies
    1. At least 7.5 million people – more than the population of the state of Arizona – have entered the US illegally since Biden took office in 2021, according to US Customs and Border Protection data.


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”