Italian neurologist makes shocking statements in the European Parliament about the Covid shot
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House of corona whistleblower surrounded by police: 'This is absolute tyranny'
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Studie onthult dat mRNA-vaccins eerder sluimerende virussen en ziekten ‘reactiveren’
ReplyDeleteStudy Reveals mRNA Vaccines Are ‘Reactivating’ Previously Dormant Viruses and Diseases
DeleteOostenrijkse vaccinator Dr. Cornelia Tschanett na 3000-4000 vaccinaties – 10% heeft nu problemen
ReplyDeleteAustrian Vaccinator Dr.Cornelia Tschanett after 3000-4000 Vaccinations - 10% now have problems
DeleteDEPOP OP: Een miljoen COVID-gevaccineerden zijn het afgelopen jaar overleden in Engeland vergeleken met slechts 61.000 ongevaccineerden
ReplyDeleteDEPOP OP: One million COVID vaccinated died in England over past year compared to just 61,000 unvaccinated
DeleteNog meer slecht nieuws voor de mRNA’s
ReplyDeleteMore bad news for the mRNAs
DeleteSteeds meer lockdown deskundigen geven toe dat ze fout zaten en smeken nu om vergiffenis
ReplyDeleteMore and more lockdown experts are admitting they were wrong, now begging for forgiveness
Delete‘Leger’ van meer dan 1000 mensen sleept overheid voor rechter om vaccinatieschade
ReplyDelete'Army' of more than 1,000 people is taking the government to court over vaccine damage
DeleteDuits lab test op DNA-verontreiniging coronaprik, limiet tot 354 keer overschreden: ‘Zorgwekkend’
ReplyDeleteGerman lab tests for DNA contamination of corona shot, limit exceeded up to 354 times: 'Worrying'
DeleteKijk: verpleegster blaast in 22 minuten het Covid-narratief omver
ReplyDeleteWatch: nurse blows away the Covid narrative in 22 minutes
DeleteDuring corona you could hear a pin drop in her hospital, but after the vaccines it filled up with vaccinated patients. Macrae also said she would not take sick family members to a hospital. “It's a dangerous place.”
DeleteItaliaanse minister van Volksgezondheid aangeklaagd voor moord – Wist dat de injecties dodelijk waren en stelde ze toch verplicht
ReplyDeleteItalian Health Minister Charged with Murder – Knew the injections were fatal and made them mandatory anyway
DeleteHoe het Duitse Bureau voor de Statistiek de cijfers over overtollige sterfte heeft vervalst voor 2020
ReplyDeleteHow the German Statistical Office falsified excess mortality figures for 2020
DeleteHuiveringwekkende beelden: zanger (30) zakt tijdens optreden in elkaar en sterft
ReplyDeleteChilling images: singer (30) collapses during a performance and dies
DeleteDe wereld weet dat mRNA Covid injecties hebben gefaald
ReplyDeleteThe world knows mRNA Covid shots have failed
DeleteDe ongevaccineerden werden tot zondebok gemaakt voor het falen van de Covid-vaccins, zo blijkt uit onderzoek
ReplyDeleteThe unvaccinated were made scapegoats for the failure of the Covid vaccines, research shows
DeleteMensen die een COVID-prik kregen, vertonen nu grote persoonlijkheidsveranderingen als gevolg van door vaccins veroorzaakte neurologische schade, waarschuwen experts
ReplyDeletePeople who got COVID jabbed now displaying major personality changes stemming from vaccine-induced neurological damage, experts warn
DeleteKWAADAARDIGE NAALD: Studies bevestigen dat vaccinatie daadwerkelijk de grootste misdaad tegen de mensheid is
ReplyDeleteEVIL NEEDLE: Studies corroborate that vaccination is truly the greatest crime against humanity
DeleteDuitse publieke omroep zendt reportage over vaccins “besmet” met DNA uit op prime-time TV
ReplyDeleteGerman public broadcaster airs report on vaccines “contaminated” with DNA on prime-time TV
DeletePfizer aangeklaagd voor “valse en misleidende” COVID-19 vaccinclaims
ReplyDeletePfizer sued for “false and deceptive” COVID-19 vaccine claims
DeleteDe heersende klasse raakt in paniek omdat er “weinig tot geen interesse” is in het nieuwe COVID-vaccin
ReplyDeleteRuling Class Panics As There’s “Little To No Interest” In The New COVID Vaccine
DeleteCanada rapporteert een stijging van 300% in ‘ongespecificeerde doodsoorzaken’, wat oproept tot onderzoek
ReplyDeleteCanada Reports 300% Increase in ‘Unspecified Causes’ of Death, Sparking Calls for Investigation
DeleteTop-epidemioloog doet explosieve bewering over het ‘vaccin’
ReplyDeleteTop epidemiologist makes explosive claim about the 'vaccine'
DeleteGezondheidsagentschap doet schokkende bewering: er bestaat niet zoiets als ‘long covid’
ReplyDeleteHealth agency makes shocking claim: there is no such thing as 'long covid'
Delete“We need to LOCKDOWN faster in the new pandemic” UK govt says | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteProfessor die aan wieg stond van eerste wet over biowapens: ‘COVID-19-injecties zijn massavernietigingswapens’
ReplyDeleteProfessor who was responsible for the first law on bioweapons: 'COVID-19 injections are weapons of mass destruction'