Sunday, 3 December 2023

House of corona whistleblower surrounded by police: 'This is absolute tyranny'

House of corona whistleblower surrounded by police: 'This is absolute tyranny'

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'Our' satanic governments are persecuting whistleblowers and truth seekers.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has been arrested

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. House of corona whistleblower surrounded by police: 'This is absolute tyranny'

  2. Are you in favor of a world wide 'pandemic treaty'? Then you are a follower of SATAN!

  3. Replies
    1. Shocked reactions after arrest of statistician who revealed staggering figures

    2. Ik stuurde dit bericht door via e-mail naar mensen die ik ken onder deze titel en ik kreeg van mijn provider een bericht dat het niet kon worden verstuuurd omdat het 'waarschijnlijk spam' is.
      Dit bewijst dat ze onze e-mails ook censureren.
      Ik gaf de e-mail daarna een andere en totaal niet gerelateerde titel en toen werd het wel verstuurd.

    3. I forwarded this message via email to people I know under this title and got a message from my provider saying it couldn't be sent because it's 'probably spam'.
      This proves that they are censoring our emails too.
      I then gave the email a different and completely unrelated title and it was sent.

    4. De duivels in mensengedaante die ons willen vermoorden zullen hun straf niet ontlopen!

    5. The devils in human form who want to kill us will not escape punishment!


    6. De waarheid kan en mag niet boven komen.

      Dan nog liever een paar miljoen injectie doden erbij.

      De agenda die tientallen jaren in voorbereiding is geweest mag niet gestopt worden.

      Agenda 2030, mensenhandel en kinderhandel, legalisering pedofilie, CBDC, oorlogen als witwas machine, moderne slavernij, 15 minuten open gevangenissen, klimaat hoax, wereldregering, SDG’s alles met volle stoom vooruit.

      Het gaat om het overleven van de cabalistische parasitaire “elite” en haar volksverraderlijke collaborateurs.

      Guus Velraeds
      2 uren geleden

    7. The truth cannot and must not come out.

      Then it would be better to add a few million injection deaths.

      The agenda that has been in preparation for decades must not be stopped.

      Agenda 2030, human trafficking and child trafficking, legalization of pedophilia, CBDC, wars as a money laundering machine, modern slavery, 15 minutes of open prisons, climate hoax, world government, SDGs, everything moving full steam ahead.

      It is about the survival of the cabalistic parasitic “elite” and its traitorous collaborators.

      Guus Velraeds
      2 hours ago


    8. gekleurd
      1 uur geleden
      na 53 minuten


    9. Tijdens het jaarlijkse Ambassadeursdiner van de VN in 1994
      riep David Rockefeller expliciet op tot een vermindering van de wereldbevolking. De clip wordt nog verontrustender wanneer hij expliciet het jaar 2020 noemt als een jaar dat van belang is voor de globalistische elite.
      Dit is de donkere kern van Rockefellers globalistische agenda. De mensen stilletjes, efficiënt en zonder hun religieuze gevoeligheden te beledigen doden. Hij is niet de enige globalistische titaan die spreekt over het belang om beschaafd te blijven terwijl langzaam de aarde te ontvolken. Het is een terugkerend thema geworden.
      Rockefeller rekruteerde Henry Kissinger, die vorige week op 100-jarige leeftijd overleed, en Kissinger rekruteerde Klaus Schwab, die sindsdien elk kabinet in het Westen is gepenetreerd en regeringen over de hele wereld heeft gecorrumpeerd.
      Zoals Rockefeller toegaf, bleef Kissinger tot het einde toe zeer invloedrijk in globalistische kringen. Hij was ook verantwoordelijk voor het mentorschap van Klaus Schwab ver terug in de donkere nevelen van de tijd in de jaren 1950 toen Schwab een jonge, ambitieuze Duitser van nazi afkomst was die zijn weg probeerde te vinden in de wereld. Wanneer de globalistische elite voor het Neurenberg 2.0 proces wordt gesleept, zullen we al het bewijs hebben, rechtstreeks uit hun mond, om hen te veroordelen voor hun misdaden tegen de mensheid.Dit jaar riep een hooggeplaatste wetenschapper van het WEF op tot een vermindering van de wereldbevolking met 86 procent zodat de globalistische elite “onsterfelijkheid” kan nastreven en van een “hogere levensstandaard” kan genieten.Volgens Rockefeller en de mondiale elite is de economische groei in de westerse wereld in de tweede helft van de 20e eeuw een slechte zaak. Volgens Rockefeller verdienden mensen in Westerse landen, waaronder de VS, te veel geld, hadden ze te veel plezier, kregen ze te veel kinderen en aten ze te veel Thanksgiving-maaltijden. Volgens de elite is dit een probleem dat alleen kan worden opgelost met zorgvuldige planning en meedogenloze efficiëntie.

      1 uur geleden

    10. At the UN's annual Ambassadors' Dinner in 1994, David Rockefeller explicitly called for a reduction in the world's population. The clip becomes even more disturbing when he explicitly mentions the year 2020 as a year of significance for the globalist elite.
      This is the dark core of Rockefeller's globalist agenda. Kill the people quietly, efficiently and without offending their religious sensibilities. He's not the only globalist titan speaking about the importance of remaining civilized while slowly depopulating the Earth. It has become a recurring theme.
      Rockefeller recruited Henry Kissinger, who died last week at the age of 100, and Kissinger recruited Klaus Schwab, who has since penetrated every cabinet in the West and corrupted governments around the world.
      As Rockefeller admitted, Kissinger remained highly influential in globalist circles until the end. He was also responsible for mentoring Klaus Schwab way back in the dark mists of time in the 1950s when Schwab was a young, ambitious German of Nazi descent trying to make his way in the world. When the globalist elite are brought before the Nuremberg 2.0 trial, we will have all the evidence, straight from their mouths, to convict them of their crimes against humanity. This year, a senior WEF scientist called for a reduction in world population by 86 percent so that the globalist elite can pursue “immortality” and enjoy a “higher standard of living”. According to Rockefeller and the global elite, economic growth in the Western world in the second half of the 20th century is a bad thing. According to Rockefeller, people in Western countries, including the US, made too much money, had too much fun, had too many children and ate too many Thanksgiving meals. According to the elite, this is a problem that can only be solved with careful planning and ruthless efficiency.

      1 hour ago

  4. Replies
    1. This is Mike Yeadon's video message that could not be shown due to a 'technical error'

  5. Replies
    1. Video: Mayor collapses during press conference

    2. Another useful idiot going down...

  6. Replies
    1. The European vaccination scandal is only getting bigger due to these leaked documents

  7. Replies
    1. Investigation into Italian Hugo de Jonge for murder: 'That is going in the right direction'

  8. Replies
    1. Every time I see news reports like this I'm glad I wasn't injected with poison from big pharma.

  9. Replies
    1. Health economist is sounding the alarm about staggering figures from Switzerland

  10. Replies
    1. Sued for 508 BILLION because he advised people to take zinc and vitamin D during corona

  11. Replies
    1. MSM journalist who advocated dismissal of vaccine refusers died at the age of 33

    2. Mattie
      5 hours ago

      This man certainly never knew that NO ONE of the narrative had been vaccinated and did not need a vaccination certificate?
      What a dumbass 🙈

  12. Replies
    1. Charges against 599 German politicians and judges for 'crimes against humanity'

  13. Replies
    1. 25% of vaccinated people now have VAIDS, Cambridge scientists warn

  14. Replies
    1. Italian neurologist makes shocking statements in the European Parliament about the Covid shot

  15. Replies
    1. More and more is coming out: 'The figures from New Zealand are horrifying'

  16. Replies
    1. Canada begins euthanizing citizens with 'long COVID'

  17. Replies
    1. High excess mortality: Australian scientists call for suspension of mRNA injections

  18. Replies
    1. What did the government know and when about the dangers of the Covid shot? Doctor submits a request for information and gets the shock of her life

  19. Replies
    1. Shocking revelation: 'The minister whispered in my ear: you have been vaccinated and will soon die of cancer'

  20. Replies
    1. Database administrator raised the alarm with government about significant excess mortality and this was the response


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”