Friday, 8 December 2023

You're equal but different, It's obvious

Thursday, December 17, 2015


Spending time nowadays
Nowadays it's nice
It's paradise

Equal time
Equal spending
Yes it's nice
It's paradise

Nowadays you cook eggs
Equal breakfast
And again and
Bet it's nice

You're equal but different
It's obvious

Spending time nowadays
By my side
That's oh so nice
And again with you
It's equal nice
It's paradise

Nowadays you wash sheets
Send a buck
Scrub my back for me
That's paradise

You're equal but different
It's obvious

Spending time nowadays
By my side
That's oh so nice
And again with you
It's equal nice
It's paradise

Nowadays you wash sheets
Send a buck
Scrub my back for me
That's paradise

You're equal
But different

You're equal but different
It's obvious
So obvious 

Au Pairs - It's Obvious



Au Pairs @ Pinkpop 1982


Nooit geweten dat ze op Pinkpop hebben gestaan... Goede show!

+E Zandman Ja, en ik was daarbij en het was goed. Na het optreden nam Lesley Woods een duik in het zwembad met haar kleren aan en liep vervolgens door het publiek en vlak langs mij. Yes, and I was there and it was good. After the gig Lesley Woods took a dip in the pool with her clothes on and then walked through the crowd and right past me.




  1. +TONY>>woman is the root of all evil not money<<
    No, that's not true, because then JESUS the creator would be evil too, because He's the designer of women.

    He also didn't create a rotten angel, but a very intelligent and very gifted and beautiful angel, called 'Morning Star, Son of the Dawn, Light bringer/bearer = Lucifer, who became Satan = adversary, after his rebellion against God = JESUS.
    If God says that (the lust for) money is the root of all evil, than this is the truth.

    Men and women are equally WRONG toward God and need JESUS = God, manifested in the flesh, in order to receive salvation and grace.

    Adam was just as wrong as Eve, even though Eve was the first human rebel against God, because he didn't take the lead, and he didn't say a word when the serpent was deceiving Eve, and after Eve had eaten from the forbidden fruit, he took from her and ate also, WITHOUT SAYING A WORD!

    So he allowed his wife Eve to be a 'pioneer in SIN'.

    That was VERY STUPID of Adam!

    JESUS is also called the 'last Adam' and He would have acted differently toward Eve, than Adam, and He would have warned her very strongly NOT to EAT from the forbidden fruit, or else she would DIE = become a MORTAL and a SINNER.

    Conclusion: Adam FAILED to be a righteous MAN.

    Putting the blame on Eve and women in general is irresponsible and incorrect.

  2. +Charles T lawson
    This my personal playlist:
    Watch Later
    by Hans S
    121 videos

    How did you get to know that?

    Lilith never existed, but in the imagination of sinful people.

    The Bible is the ONLY truth.

  3. +X Montgomery
    You're equal but different, It's obvious
    You say you're an ex-atheist and you call yourself a 'Christian'.
    I'm a JESUS Christian.
    Do you LOVE JESUS Christ, God, manifested in the flesh?

  4. The Death of Women's Bodybuilding

  5. +Meira Yolanda Lettieri
    In God's eyes we all deserve to be cast into the lake of fire
    , and Eve was the first who became an ally of Satan and then Adam.
    JESUS is the only way out of this MESS and believers in Him don't need wailing walls and temples: just (the right) WORD of GOD and JESUS is the WORD.


    Ham R.
    commented on a video on YouTube.
    Shared publicly - 12:32 AM

    Thank you Sister Jana and Bother Steven for this news cast. Very sad that there are those that would deny a women to bring the Word to the Wall or anywhere else. Women have just as much right as men when it come to the Almighty Father's Word. It's high time they change this old way of thinking. Yahshua even tried to show them their wrongs in the treatment of women. I pray that the eye's of the powers that be at the Wall will be opened.
    Woman Detained By Police For Carrying The Bible
    Hans S's profile photoMeira Yolanda Lettieri's profile photo
    Hans S
    5:06 AM

    Ham R
    Eve did ADD to the word of God, because she said to the serpent that they were not allowed to TOUCH the forbidden fruit, which God had not said!
    And you're a REBEL against the teachings of the Apostle Paul, concerning the position of women within the Body of Christ, and Paul teaches ON BEHALF OF JESUS!
    Meira Yolanda Lettieri
    10:10 AM

    You don't undestand that equal does not mean same. I am an Orthodox woman and I bring the Word to the wall in my heart and spirit. I don't need the outward trappings. I am perfectly permitted to pray at the wall any time I wish. I have my obligations as to worship and my husband has his. In fact, women are seen as greater spiritually because we DON'T need the outward trappings of "religion" to connect, but you men, being recalcitrant and stiff necked need discipline. Our freedom as women is in acknowledgement of our greater spirituality and yes, that's from the rabbis.

  6. +Ham R. Yes, of course God-the Lord JESUS (YESHUA for HEBREW SPEAKERS) loves women just as much as He loves men, but that's not the issue: Steven deliberately gave his video a deceptive TITLE, because of his WIFE, who doesn't want to be told that women aren't allowed to teach and preach within the context of a mixed congregation, and she's going against the teachings of Paul, who was (and still is) authorized by JESUS Himself.
    So I believe both Steven and his wife are wrong on this and I have debated this issue with him in the past and then he became angry at me, and since then he's ignoring me.
    He's also quoting from unbiblical books, like the 'book of Enoch' and 'the gospel of Thomas', plus he's still friends with the Jesuit infiltrator, Paul Begley.

    Women (sisters in JESUS) are allowed to teach and preach to UNBELIEVERS and CHILDREN and fellow female believers in JESUS, but NOT in the setting of a mixed assembly of believers in JESUS, and this as a remembrance to the fact that it was Eve who had deceived Adam and not the other way around.
    This doesn't mean that women are inferior to men within the Body of Christ, but because of God-the Lord JESUS we respect HIS order when we gather as an assembly in honor and worship of Him.

    I'm disappointed in all of Steven's followers who don't confront him with the Biblical truth, so that he will be corrected by JESUS.

    I still like him, but I don't like his fallacies.


    Meira Yolanda Lettieri
    11:23 AM

    Ham R.
    4:42 PM

    +Hans S I think you need to read and study a bit more my friend. Genisis 2:15-17. As far as the teachings of Paul on women. Mankind has perverted what Paul taught about women. Our Great Creator and Savior holds all women dear to HIS heart.
    Ham R.
    4:52 PM

    +Meira Yolanda Lettieri I do understand and respect that you hold the Word in your heart and spirit,which we all should. Hallelu-Yah for that my dear sister. But, if a women whats to bring her Bible to the Wall ,she should have be able to do so. What harm could it cause anyone.? I pray you understand my perspective and take no offence to it my friend.
    Meira Yolanda Lettieri
    5:01 PM

    I CAN bring my Bible to the wall, In fact, I don't have to. They have racks of them tere for my use. This was a Torah scroll not a persohal book printed Bible. and they try to read it in the public area which is forbidden in Jewish law.
    Ham R.
    5:11 PM

    +Meira Yolanda Lettieri Sorry sister, I should have said "Torah scroll" My mistake on wording. I do realize it's a Jewish law. I have to admit though. I do not agree with it. I'm sure Abba Father our Great Creator would be so pleased to hear women reading out load from HIS Word. Giving praise and esteem to HIM and HIS Word. But, unfortunately men have made laws against things like this. It's just how I feel about some things. I love Abba Father and HIS Truth and think it should be shouted from the roof tops for all to hear.

    1. +Ham R.
      What Bible do you read?

      Here are the words of the Apostle Paul ON BEHALF OF JESUS:
      1 Timothy 2:14 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
      14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived, and was in the transgression.

      Eve DELIBERATELY ate from the forbidden fruit!
      What you're trying to do is quite serious!

      Justifying SIN=transgression=disobedience to God.

      Of course Adam was just as BAD, but he was NOT the first, and that's why women may not have AUTHORITY within a gathering of mixed believers in JESUS.

      And what about my other points concerning Steven's quotations of unbiblical books and being friends with JESUIT infiltrator Paul Begley?


      Ham R.
      6:36 PM

      +Hans S Hello friend. I do not see in the Scriptures at all that Eve deceived Adam. What I see is Eve was deceived and tricked by satan by putting doubt of the Father's Word in her mind, then after she ate it, Adam took it from her, knowing full well what he was doing. In Genesis 3:6 it reads. "And the women saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eye, and a tree desirable to make one wise, and she took of it's fruit and ate. And she also gave to her husband with her, and he ate." I don't see any talk of him being deceived. Then later in verse 12 Adam technically blames Abba Father for the situation. He (Adam) says, "the women You gave me". It's very clear to me that mankind has used these texts to rule over women down through human history. This is what I see, and no offence to you and what you believe my friend.

  7. +Meira Yolanda Lettieri
    The 'book of Enoch' is a fraud:
    Hans S
    8:36 PM

    +Ham R. Again:
    Here are the words of the Apostle Paul ON BEHALF OF JESUS:
    1 Timothy 2:14 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
    14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived, and was in the transgression.

    Eve DELIBERATELY ate from the forbidden fruit!
    What you're trying to do is quite serious!

    Justifying SIN=transgression=disobedience to God.

    Of course Adam was just as BAD, but he was NOT the first, and that's why women may not have AUTHORITY within a gathering of mixed believers in JESUS.

    There are no perfect translations of the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts in English, but I prefer the Geneva Bible 1599 and the World English Bible Translation 2002.

    God's NAME is so simple that any child can understand: 'I AM', which is the short form of 'I AM that I AM'

    JESUS is GOD in the capacity of Savior.

    Listen: I'm a Dutch ex-ATHEIST and I'm glad you're not an ATHEIST or a SATANIST or an UNBELIEVER.
    Talk to such people for a while and you'll agree that they are completely LOST without JESUS.
    Well, I used to be such a person.

    Then JESUS saved me, and not because I wanted to be saved, but because He chose to save me, just as He chose to save Paul.

    He even TALKED to me!

    This is what He said:

    Now, it's not about me, but about JESUS, but let's TRY to AGREE on what the WORD of GOD is telling us, and JESUS is the WORD.

    Okay? Amen?


    Ham R.
    7:51 PM

    +Hans S Hello again my friend, As far as Steven reading from other sources like the book of Enoch,Thomas and the like. He has made it very clear it is to just to gather other information from these sources. I can see how he uses these other writings to maybe shed more understanding and get a clearer picture of the events of the times. I don't believe he holds any other book in the same caliber to the Fathers Word. The Fathers Word can't be compared to any other writings on this planet in my opinion.. As far as Paul Begley being a Jesuit, I don't know whether he is or not, and don't care to know. I don't watch or follow him anyways, and I'm not interested in doing so. As far as what Bible do I use. When I was young, KJV, but now a days, I've compared many versions, but mainly I use what seems to be the closest direct translation to the Aramaic/Hebrew, The HalleluYah Scriptures. I like the fact that the Great Name of our Creator and Savior have been restored in this version. Along with many other names being restored to what they should be.
    Meira Yolanda Lettieri
    8:10 PM

    Enoch is quoted in the Book of Jude. It was men who decided it didn't belong in the Canon. If you read any commentaries, why can't you read extra Biblical books from original sources? Just recognize they are not the Inspired Word. For that matter, when you listen to these videos, you're llistening to the words of men. They don't have the same force as the Inspired Word but they should be weighed and considered.
    Ham R.
    8:16 PM

    +Meira Yolanda Lettieri Are you commenting to me Meira or to Hans.?
    Hans S
    8:26 PM

    +Meira Yolanda Lettieri
    The 'book of Enoch' is a fraud:

    1. +Ham R.
      I have NO problems with feMALES and woMEN.
      They are meant to be like the ANGELS and so are MEN, and we're BOTH meant to be 'SONS of God'. SERVANTS and WORSHIPERS of God-the Lord JESUS.

      There are NO 'daughters of God'!

      Just look it up in the Bible and you'll agree.

      JESUS = GOD knew exactly what He did when He created Eve.
      He knows ALL about woMEN!


      Ham R.
      8:52 PM

      +Meira Yolanda Lettieri Just to show you a little thread tool here Meira my dear friend. Up to the right of the one you want to respond to is the word "reply" put your pointer there and click. That will open a little window for your response. You may have already known that though. I hope I was helpful. And to respond at what you said about men being forbidden to hear women sing or the like and staying separate. I do understand your perspective. And I do respect your beliefs in that matter. Abba Father knows very well, as do I myself , that men can be very weak at times, when it comes to the lady's.:-)

    2. +Ham R.
      JESUS is a JEW and God, so God is a JEW, whether people like it or not, and we're not going to the New Washington or New Amsterdam, but the NEW JERUSALEM.

      God the JEW wants to feel AT HOME!
      All the non-JEWS must acknowledge this and those who refuse to do so.....JESUS will deal with them.
      We serve the God of ISRAEL: JESUS-YESHUA!
      I don't know whether you believe in the pre-Time of Jacob's Trouble-rapture, but I do, and in fact from the start of my conversion in January 1984.
      It's prophetically necessary, because after Revelation 3 the Body of Christ is GONE.
      Unfortunately in most translations the word 'church' is being used, except in the WEB:

      Revelation 1:17-20 World English Bible (WEB)
      17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet like a dead man.
      He laid his right hand on me, saying, “Don’t be afraid. I am the first and the last, 18 and the Living one. I was dead, and behold, I am alive forever more. Amen. I have the keys of Death and of Hades. 19 Write therefore the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will happen hereafter; 20 the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lamp stands. The seven stars are the angels[b] of the seven assemblies. The seven lamp stands are seven assemblies.

      The RIGHT word is indeed ASSEMBLY/ASSEMBLIES and in most Dutch translations the Dutch equivalent is being used (gemeente, say something like gumainte).
      Only in the CATHOLIC 'Bible' the Dutch word for CHURCH (KERK) is used.

      The Body of Christ didn't yet exist when JESUS was on earth and not even at 2nd chapter of Acts, which was for the Jewish believers in YESHUA.
      It started when JESUS suddenly changed the former persecutor Saul into Paul: a true MIRACLE!
      My sudden conversion was also a true MIRACLE.
      I did NOT ask for it!
      One time I was the most cynical person in history and the next I believed in God, and a little later I found out that God is JESUS.
      There is only ONE GOD.
      My name in English is John, (Johannes in Dutch/German) and this name derives from the Hebrew name YOCHANAN, meaning 'I AM (who I AM) is MERCYFUL (YHWH is mercyful).
      I say AMEN to the meaning of my name!

      This is basic knowledge every JESUS-follower must know: Israel's Kingdom Gospel and Our Grace Gospel


      Ham R.
      9:42 PM

      +Hans S I am not Hebrew that I know of,just a plan old American. And Hallelu-Yah that you believe now my friend. And yes, HIS name means Salvation. I praise HIS Mighty name my friend. HE has blessed me far more than I deserve.

    3. +Ham R.
      Amen: BEFORE the start of the 70th week of Daniel 9!
      I'm glad we agree on that!

      JESUS is with us!


      Ham R.
      11:04 PM

      +Hans S I'am happy to see you have been learning some great truth my friend. I don't know everything about Abba Fathers Word but have been learning a lot as well. Thank you for sharing this with me Hans. And yes, I believe in the harpazo/rapture. And from what I've learned so far believers/the Bride has to be snatched away before the 70th week of Daniel. Hallelu-Yah for that. We are not appointed to wrath my friend. :-)

  8. Replies
    1. Next video: Message For Women Who Have No Respect For Men....

    2. Somebody asked me this question: "A convincing face is DeNun, but what is he doing with the Jesuit Paul Begley?"

      Paul Begley Jesuit

      My answer was this:

      What they both have in common is that they ask for money for their 'ministry', which means that it's their main source of income, and they both bring 'prophetic news'.
      I've confronted Steven BenNun with what I know about Paul Begley, but he told me that Paul is 'learning', and he tried to convince me that he has a positive influence on him, and he calls him 'brother Paul'.
      Steven teaches several fallacies like on the position of women within the Body of Christ and about the rejection of eating meat, and he doesn't believe in the pre-Jacob's Trouble-rapture, and that's why he's drawing wrong conclusions all of the time, because he believes we're near to the revelation of the two witnesses, who have nothing to do with the Body of Christ, because God-the Lord JESUS is going to use them AFTER the rapture concerning Israel, so this also means that Steven believes in the wrong gospel according to this very important teaching: Israel's Kingdom Gospel and Our Grace Gospel

      What I do like about Steven is that he's at his best as 'news man', and he knows that the Pope is the Antichrist, and of course that he believes in JESUS, whom he personally rather calls by His Hebrew name, Yeshua.

      But the problem with Steven is that he refused to listen to me after we've had an argument about the position of women within the Body of Christ, and I believe this has a lot to do with his bossy wife, and since then he's no longer responding to me.

      Steven is 52 years old.

  9. WHO created this MESS in the first place?

    1. God-the Lord JESUS didn't create a MESS: because Adam and Eve had listened to the devil, this world became a MESS.
      But God provided SALVATION through His alter ego, His SON JESUS!
      JESUS means 'I AM SALVATION' and 'I AM' is God's name.
      Christ from Messiah, means (the) anointed (one).
      Christ JESUS means: 'The Anointed I AM SALVATION'.

  10. Replies
    1. +David Graves Believers in JESUS know FOR SURE through the GIFT of GRACE and FAITH that they'll LIVE FOREVER in HAPPINESS, even after their physical death, just like their Savior JESUS!
      All people are meant to be like the angels and they will exist forever, and the question is WHERE?

    2. +Imperial ᗩאgᖇ૪ "even your ad hominems are poorly researched"
      So what?
      I'm Dutch and I talk English the way I want.
      And talking about English: English: the language of the Roman Empire-Vatican NWO

    3. +TripMaster Monkey You win nothing because you're a dumb atheist and you got it wrong.
      Heliocentrism - False Science

      Atheists are a bunch of crazy Roman Catholics!
      They're just as crazy as the POPE!

    4. +DancesWithBears The subject of the video is mocking feminism from an atheist perspective.
      Hans S's profile photo
      Hans S

      It's a funny video, because i know that atheists are INSANE and FEMINISTS too!



We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


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