Forgoing procreation, disrupting fellow humans’ lives, and wishing for death on a massive scale, environmentalism shows cult-like tendencies
History teaches us that some ancient civilisations killed their children to change the weather. They used to practice child sacrifice to appease their gods in an attempt to court their good graces. Those primitive peoples believed that through human sacrifice, the forces of nature could be coerced in their favour.
For example, one of the ways the Aztecs honoured their gods was by killing people in a field with arrows so that their blood might fertilise the land.
Good article, except for the use of the word 'planet' because the earth is not a 'planet' but the beginning of God's creation and planets and stars and the sun and moon were not made until day four of creation and they revolve above us and the flat and round earth which is stationary in the firmament.
Pope Francis slams climate change skeptics and the 'irresponsible' Western lifestyle
Pope Francis Says Disabled People Should Be Euthanized To 'Fight Climate Change'
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
The Pope wants to kill most of us so he can fart more without harming the climate too much!
ReplyDeleteNow the boss of the Netherlands, among others, wants us to believe that climate change causes inflation!
ReplyDeleteNieuwe studie: de omvang van het moderne zee-ijs is bijna het grootste in 9000 jaar in het noordpoolgebied
ReplyDeleteNew Study: Modern Sea Ice Extent Is Nearly The Highest In 9000 Years Across the Arctic
DeleteThe Earth has been around for about 6,000 years since creation, so yes...but clearly there is no human-caused global warming!
DeleteThe green scam: How electric vehicles harm the environment that they’re supposed to save
ReplyDeleteNet Zero Elektriciteitsfantasieën gaan de Britse consumenten de komende zes jaar £100 miljard kosten
ReplyDeleteNet Zero Electricity Fantasies to Cost British Consumers £100 Billion Over Next Six Years
DeleteKijk: privéjets op weg naar global warming-conferentie letterlijk vastgevroren op landingsbaan
ReplyDeleteWatch: private jets on their way to a global warming conference literally frozen on the runway
DeletePrivate Jets Headed To Global Warming Conference Literally Frozen On Runway
DeleteDue to 'global* warming': German city paralyzed by heavy snowfall (VIDEOS)
ReplyDelete*the earth is not a 'globe' but stationary, round and flat with a dome shaped firmament and man made climate change is a big fat lie concocted by satanic morons!
“Er bestaat geen wetenschap” die zegt dat het uitfaseren van fossiele brandstoffen noodzakelijk is om de opwarming van de aarde te stoppen, zegt de VAE als gastheer van COP28
ReplyDelete“There is no science” that says phasing out fossil fuels is necessary to stop global warming, says UAE to host COP28
DeleteCOP28 president claims there is ‘no science’ behind calls to phase out fossil fuels – Guardian
DeleteThe UAE’s Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber reportedly says gradual cuts in oil, gas and coal use would 'take the world back into caves'
British grid operators are desperate: wind and solar energy provide barely an eighth of the electricity needed in winter
ReplyDeleteHet grootste windpark van Europa dreigt failliet te gaan – Niet genoeg wind
ReplyDeleteEurope's largest wind farm is in danger of going bankrupt - Not enough wind
DeleteMet elektrische bussen zou Oslo het milieu sparen – Nu kunnen ze niet rijden omdat het koud is
ReplyDeleteOslo would save the environment with electric buses – Now they can't run because it's cold
DeleteElektrische auto’s op veerboten: Een nachtmerrie die staat te gebeuren
ReplyDeleteElectric cars on ferries – a nightmare waiting to happen
DeleteDuitsland kapt het sprookjesbos van de gebroeders Grimm om mega-windturbines te bouwen, terwijl over de hele wereld windmolenprojecten afgeblazen worden omdat ze onrendabel zijn
ReplyDeleteGermany is cutting down the Grimm brothers' fairytale forest to build mega-wind turbines, while wind turbine projects around the world are being canceled because they are unprofitable
DeleteBeschaamde experts flip-floppen, waarschuwen nu: “zal de komende jaren heviger sneeuwen”!
ReplyDeleteEmbarrassed Experts Flip-Flop, Now Warn: “Will Snow More Heavily In Coming Years”!
DeleteHittegolf in Australië, ruim 40 graden in Sydney
ReplyDeleteHeat wave in Australia, over 40 degrees (Celsius) in Sydney
DeleteDe idiote Australische premier Anthony Albanese noemde de hittegolf in een persconferentie volgens The Sydney Morning Herald "een herinnering dat er misschien wel een kern van waarheid zit in al dat gedoe over klimaatverandering".
DeleteThe idiotic Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese called the heat wave in a press conference, according to The Sydney Morning Herald, "a reminder that there may be some truth in all this climate change fuss."
DeleteOnderzoekers: Windparken hebben “grootschalige impact op de zee”
ReplyDeleteResearchers: Wind farms have “large-scale impact on the sea”
DeleteLonden: Eigenaren van elektrische voertuigen moeten extra betalen om te parkeren, omdat ze tijdens de bouw een grotere ecologische voetafdruk hebben
ReplyDeleteLondon: Electric vehicle owners will have to pay extra to park as they have a larger carbon footprint during construction
DeleteBreathing contributes to global warming – study
ReplyDeleteDe klimaatfraude onthuld door COP28
ReplyDeleteThe climate fraud exposed by COP28
DeleteLEFTISTS freak out after COP28 Leader SLAMS Climate SCAM in Dubai | Redacted News
DeleteThe term 'fossil fuels' is wrong: the earth produces hydrocarbon energy sources itself
DeleteAnd the above-mentioned article repeats the well-known lies about the earth existing for 'billions of years', while the earth has existed 'only' about 6000 years since creation.
DeleteThese are the well-known lies of Satan and his Jesuits regarding the 'big bang' and 'evolution' theories = delusions.
Everything the 'great reset' is about is based on dirty lies from Satan and his Vatican world system.
Mary Robinson is not by coincidence a Roman Catholic and a servant of the 'climate change champion' and super leftist Jesuit Pope Francis.
DeleteJe kon erop wachten: ademen is slecht voor het klimaat, zegt nieuwe ‘klimaatstudie’
ReplyDeleteOne could have waited for it: breathing is bad for the climate, says new 'climate study'
DeleteFormer BMW boss tells the unpleasant truth about CO2 consumption between electric cars versus diesel cars. Electric cars produce almost twice as much CO2 as a diesel car.
ReplyDeleteOnce more
2023 is een jaar van recordkoude temperaturen – Media blackout
ReplyDelete2023 Is a Year of Record Cold Temperatures – Media Blackout
DeleteBegraafplaatsen voor elektrische voertuigen: Niemand wil gebruikte auto’s kopen
ReplyDeleteElectric vehicle graveyards: Nobody wants to buy used cars
DeleteDuitsland wéér opzettelijk overstroomd om klimaatpaniek te kunnen zaaien
ReplyDeleteGermany deliberately flooded again to sow climate panic
DeleteA little science lesson for people who still believe in "global warming".
ReplyDeleteIschgl Austria 🇦🇹: At a temperature of -3, demonstrators (Last Generation) who have taped themselves to the road surface to warn of the impending heat hell are provided with blankets by the police. It is now clear that these #climate terrorists are supported
ReplyDeleteSince 'Corona' we know the police are terrorists themselves on behalf of our governements
DeleteToyota's New WATER Engine Will Destroy The Entire EV Industry!
ReplyDeleteSmart design. But will the global warming-lie mafia accept this? Electric cars fit better with their goal of controlling people through chips and electronics.
Delete‘Opwarming van de aarde’: Rusland en Scandinavië ervaren recordkoude – Noord-Zweden registreert -46ºC, de laagste temperatuur ooit gemeten in de regio
ReplyDelete‘Global Warming’: Russia and Scandinavia Experiencing Record Cold – Northern Sweden Registered -46ºF, the Lowest Temperature Ever Recorded in the Region
DeleteOpwarming van de aarde! Het is momenteel te koud voor elektrische bussen in Zweden
ReplyDeleteGlobal Warming! It’s Currently Too Cold For Electric Buses In Sweden
DeleteElektrische dubbeldekkerbus vliegt in brand tijdens de spits in Londen – De zoveelste
ReplyDeleteElectric double-decker bus catches fire during rush hour in London – Yet another
DeleteKlassieke milieurampen zijn niet langer een probleem voor ‘klimaatbeschermers’
ReplyDeleteClassic environmental disasters are no longer a problem for 'climate protectors'
DeleteAutoverhuurgigant ‘Hertz’ gaat 20.000 gebruikte elektrische auto’s verkopen en keert terug naar auto’s op benzine
ReplyDeleteCar rental giant 'Hertz' will sell 20,000 used electric cars and return to petrol cars
DeleteBijna 5.000 Britten vroren vorig jaar dood als gevolg van de opwarming van de Aarde
ReplyDeleteNearly 5,000 Britons froze to death last year due to global warming
DeleteComplotdenkers krijgen gelijk over klimaatlockdowns
ReplyDeleteConspiracy Theorists Were Right About Climate Lockdowns
DeleteElektrische fietsen veroorzaken recordaantal branden in New York en vermoorden ruim 100 mensen
ReplyDeleteElectric bicycles are causing record numbers of fires in New York and killing more than 100 people
DeleteKijk: Milieulobbyist vertelt Britten “Er is een moreel probleem” met kinderen krijgen
ReplyDeleteVideo: Eco Loon Tells Brits “There Is A Moral Issue” With Having Children
DeleteVeganistisch restaurant begint vlees te serveren om te voorkomen dat klanten weglopen
ReplyDeleteVegan restaurant starts serving meat in bid to keep afloat
DeletePAY ATTENTION! Something very STRANGE is happening in Ireland, this is about get ugly | Redacted
ReplyDelete‘De gedwongen elektrificatie van ons wagenpark duwt ons in de afgrond’
ReplyDelete1900 wetenschappers eensgezind: er is geen klimaatcrisis!
ReplyDelete1900 scientists agree: there is no climate crisis!
DeleteZweden laadt elektrische bussen op met DIESELGENERATOREN
ReplyDeleteSweden is charging electric busses with DIESEL generators
DeleteStudy Finds That Electric Cars Pollute 1,850 Times More Than Fuel Powered Vehicles
ReplyDeleteCO2 Follows Warming Not The Other Way Round:
According to temperature proxies and atmospheric concentrations of CO2, through long periods of time, as estimated by examination of drilled ice cores:
-temperature changes PRECEDE changes in CO2.
-therefore, CO2 CANNOT be the principal driver of temperature changes.
-there are several, well-understood factors that cause surface temperature fluctuations over geological periods of time, principal among them being changes in the sun’s output and alterations in the shape of earth’s orbit around the sun & variations in the angle of the axis of rotation of the earth, relative to the plane of its orbit.
-then there is the motion of the sun around the barycentre of the solar system, which is not at the centre. This is due to the gravitational pull of the planets, especially Jupiter and Saturn, on the sun
-temperature changes occur first and after a substantial time delay (several hundred years up if not up to one thousand years) the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere changes in the same direction.
-the reason for the lag is that the mass of the atmosphere is small compared to the mass of the oceans, so it takes a long time for warmer air to warm up the oceans (same lagging process when cooling down).
Technical notes:
1. Atmospheric CO2 is measured directly in trapped bubbles of air, captured when the snow fell.
2. Temperatures were estimated using a proxy, something else that changes with temperature. I’m not familiar with this one, but I think it has to do with the ratio of oxygen isotopes such as O16 & O18, which changes with temperature. So long as the proxy is directionally reliable, precision isn’t important.
3. These principal findings have been reproduced by several independent research groups.
What is not correct about this narrative is that there would be millions of years and that the Earth would be part of a solar system, but otherwise this is a good story.
DeleteAustralian geologist, Viv Forbes, explains why geologists reject the human-induced climate change scam:
ReplyDelete"They've read a bit of geological history. They've read climate history. They know there is nothing new about today's climate. There's nothing extreme, there's nothing new, the fluctuations are very minor, the temperature is very moderate. And even if it warms up a bit, we'll probably benefit."
Weer een complottheorie die uitkomt: geo-engineering in Dubai loopt de spuigaten uit
ReplyDeleteAnother conspiracy theory coming true: geo-engineering in Dubai is out of control
DeleteHet kaartenhuis stort in: waarom windmolens juist klimaatverandering veróórzaken in plaats van tegengaan
ReplyDeleteThe house of cards is collapsing: why wind turbines cause climate change instead of combating it
DeleteSchokkende NASA-onthullingen: vrijwel alle recente global warming veroorzaakt door ‘groen beleid’
ReplyDeleteShocking NASA Revelations: Virtually All Recent Global Warming Caused by 'Green Policies'
DeleteDenmark Introduces World’s First Carbon Tax Targeting Farts and Burps of Livestock
ReplyDeleteEU state to tax cow farts
DeleteDefinitely feeling that global warming down here in #Australia
ReplyDelete‘Eindelijk doorbreekt de dam’: Narratief rond klimaatverandering stort in elkaar
ReplyDelete'Finally the dam breaks': Climate change narrative collapses
DeleteBelieving in man-made climate change is SATANISM
ReplyDeleteWaarom je GEEN elektrische auto moet kopen: ‘Dit hadden ze van tevoren niet verteld’
ReplyDeleteWhy you should NOT buy an electric car: ‘They didn’t tell you this in advance’
DeleteWetenschapper hekelt ‘eenzijdige en misleidende’ berichten over ‘hittedoden’: zo zit het echt
ReplyDeleteScientist slams 'one-sided and misleading' reports of 'heat deaths': this is how it really is
DeleteAtlantische Oceaan koelt in recordtempo af en niemand weet waarom
ReplyDeleteAtlantic Ocean is cooling at record pace and no one knows why
DeleteMedia maken opmerkelijke draai: ‘We doen dit sinds de jaren veertig, we manipuleren het weer al heel lang’
ReplyDeleteMedia Makes Remarkable U-Turn: ‘We’ve Been Doing This Since the 1940s, We’ve Been Manipulating the Weather for a Long Time’
DeleteVideo: Tientallen windmolens omvergeblazen door — wind
ReplyDeleteVideo: Dozens of wind turbines blown over by — wind
Delete‘Schok voor het systeem’: uitzonderlijke sneeuwval en kou in Europa
ReplyDelete‘Shock to the system’: exceptional snowfall and cold in Europe
DeleteBioethicus komt met wel heel bizarre oplossing tegen ‘klimaatverandering’: ‘Volstrekt gestoord’
ReplyDeleteBioethicist comes up with a very bizarre solution to 'climate change': 'Completely insane'
DeleteVoormalig KLM-piloot: ‘We worden hier zwaar vergiftigd door wat er allemaal uit de lucht komt vallen’
ReplyDeleteFormer KLM pilot: 'We are being heavily poisoned here by everything that falls from the sky'
Delete‘Klimaatcrisis’ vanaf nu onderdeel van opleiding GENEESKUNDE, en raad eens wie dit financieren
ReplyDelete‘Climate crisis’ now part of MEDICINE training, and guess who is financing it
DeleteGroene beerput: tot 41 miljard aan klimaatgeld KWIJTGERAAKT
ReplyDeleteGreen cesspool: up to 41 billion in climate money LOST
DeleteSPAIN - Floods!
ReplyDeleteThe total failure of the government is being disguised as ‘climate change’
Because let’s look at a more likely culprit …
Over the past 20 years, Spain has actively removed dams to ‘restore river ecosystems and enhance biodiversity’. As dictated by the UN and WEF agenda 30.
While specific data for the Valencia region is limited, Spain has been a leader in this initiative. In 2021 alone they removed 108 dams. More than half of the 239 dams dismantled across Europe that year.
Shhh … they didn’t want you to notice this 🤡
‘Niet klimaatverandering, maar DIT is de oorzaak van de overstromingen in Valencia’
ReplyDelete‘Not climate change, but THIS is the cause of the floods in Valencia’
DeleteDe krankzinnige weerpresentator Reinier van den Berg had het gelijk over 'klimaatverandering' The insane weather presenter Reinier van den Berg immediately started talking about 'climate change'
DeleteKlimaatverandering: dit is het ergste wetenschappelijke schandaal van onze generatie
ReplyDeleteClimate Change: This is the Worst Science Scandal of Our Generation
DeleteWeermanipulatie speelde mogelijk rol bij dodelijke overstromingen Spanje
ReplyDeleteWeather manipulation may have played a role in deadly floods in Spain
DeleteDenemarken gaat massaal landbouwgrond opkopen en laat boeren betalen voor koeienscheten: ‘Echt hélemaal gek geworden’
ReplyDeleteDenmark to buy up farmland en masse and make farmers pay for cow farts: 'It's really gone completely crazy'
DeletePlastic recycling is a “dead-end street."
ReplyDeleteThat quote…unbelievably…is from @Greenpeace
In my new video, we debunk the recycling religion.
‘Past niet in het narratief’: 26 procent meer zee-ijs op de Noordpool tijdens minimum dan in 2012
ReplyDelete‘Doesn’t fit the narrative’: 26 percent more sea ice at the Arctic during minimum than in 2012
Delete"1,100 eminent scientists declare: There is NO climate emergency."
ReplyDeleteAls het aan de EU ligt ga je vanaf 2027 betalen voor CO2-uitstoot: ‘Dit was toch een rechtse complottheorie?’
ReplyDeleteIf it were up to the EU, you would be paying for CO2 emissions from 2027: 'Wasn't this a right-wing conspiracy theory?'
DeleteDankzij "global warming" kunnen 60 miljoen Amerikanen nu genieten van sneeuw tot 2 meter hoog.🤣😎
ReplyDeleteThanks to "global warming," 60 million Americans can now enjoy snow up to 6 feet high. 🤣😎
Eén van de verantwoordelijken voor ‘klimaatverandering’ in Los Angeles is gearresteerd wegens brandstichting
ReplyDeleteOne of those responsible for 'climate change' in Los Angeles has been arrested for arson
DeleteActrice uit Los Angeles krijgt horrorbericht over brandstichting: ‘Het gebeurt overal’
ReplyDeleteLos Angeles actress receives horror news about arson: 'It happens everywhere'
DeleteWe gaan nu jaarlijks 1,5 biljoen euro uitgeven voor slechts 0,00135 graden minder opwarming: ‘Absurd!’
ReplyDeleteWe are now going to spend 1.5 trillion euros annually for just 0.00135 degrees less warming: 'Absurd!'
DeleteZweedse partij wil totaalverbod op windenergie: ‘Onbetrouwbaar en schadelijk’ 😊🥳
ReplyDeleteSwedish party wants total ban on wind energy: 'Unreliable and harmful' 😊🥳