The Satanic Power Tree
Credits to Eric Jon Phelps for this scheme, updated by me
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Klimaatwaanzin op de troon
ReplyDeleteClimate Lunacy Enthroned
DeleteHierom spelen gedragspsychologen een cruciale rol bij de grote klimaathoax, net als tijdens corona
ReplyDeleteThis is why behavioral psychologists play a crucial role in the great climate hoax, just like during corona
DeleteGreat Reset: ‘Ook op andere gebieden is een dergelijke dictatuur in voorbereiding’
ReplyDeleteGreat Reset: 'Such a dictatorship is also being prepared in other areas'
DeleteMike Yeadon doet globalistische plannen uit de doeken: ‘Het is echt beangstigend’
ReplyDeleteMike Yeadon reveals globalist plans: 'It's really scary'
DeleteHunger is here: Farmers are on the verge of survival as climate change destroys crops, and scientists say it will only worsen
DeleteThere's no such thing as Climate Change. It's a psyop being used to control the plebs. The changes in the weather that we are seeing are being caused by intentional weather modification, directed energy weapons, low/high frequency weapons and geoengineering.
John Kerry zegt dat “klimaatveranderingsontkenners” tot een “gevaarlijke sekte behoren die de mensheid bedreigt”
ReplyDeleteJohn Kerry Says ‘Climate Change Deniers’ Belong To a ‘Dangerous Cult Threatening Humanity’
DeleteMan made climate change is a LIE of the POPE = the ANTICHRIST
DeleteDe gigantische wetenschappelijke leugen die ten grondslag ligt aan het gehele collectivistische Net Zero politieke project
ReplyDeleteThe Giant Science Lie that Underpins the Entire Collectivist Net Zero Political Project
DeleteThis article itself contains a great unscientificity: "600-million-year paleological record"
DeleteThe earth exists about 6000 years....
John Kerry zegt hier in feite dat ‘hongersnood prima is zolang we het klimaat maar kunnen redden’
ReplyDeleteJohn Kerry is essentially saying that 'famine is fine as long as we can save the climate'
DeleteIt's all a scam folks
ReplyDeleteCNN Technical Director, Charlie Chester, in a secret Project Veritas recording from April 2021: Once the public are no longer scared of "Covid", "climate change" will take centre stage as the new imaginary boogeyman to terrify everyone into submission with.
ReplyDelete"They've already announced in our office that once the public is open to it, we're going to start focusing mainly on climate… There's a definitive ending to the pandemic. It'll taper off to a point that it's not a problem anymore. The climate thing is gonna take years, so they'll probably be able to milk that for quite a bit."
"Be prepared, it's coming."
And sure enough, two and a half whole years later, we're now seeing this play out in the mainstream media—in absolute lockstep, just like with the "Covid" narrative.
Bill Clinton and Pope Francis Call for ‘Urgent Depopulation’ To Save the Planet
ReplyDeleteThe earth is not a planet
DeleteKlimaathoax – De Malediven verdwijnen niet onder zee, maar breiden gestaag uit
ReplyDeleteClimate hoax – The Maldives are not disappearing under the sea, but are steadily expanding
DeleteKardinaal over ‘uitroeiingsprogramma’ globalisten: ‘Iedereen die dit bekritiseert wordt een nazi genoemd’
ReplyDeleteCardinal on globalists' 'extermination program': 'Anyone who criticizes this is called a Nazi'