Sunday, 12 November 2023

Clown world 🤡

Second Chechen War

Civilian casualties
Estimate total number of casualties:
30,000 civilians dead (25,000 killed and 5,000 disappeared) according to AI

Putin Masonic Handshakes, All in the 'Club'


Oct 3, 2014 

Putin Masonic Handshakes, All in the 'Club'

We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Dozens of Russian citizens evacuated from Gaza
    Assistance is being provided to people as they cross into Egypt, according to the Emergencies Ministry

    1. The Rafah Crossing was shut down shortly after the deadly attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7. It reopened last week, but only foreigners and Palestinians in need of urgent medical assistance are allowed to cross into Egypt.

    2. So who's keeping those people in Gaza? HAMAS!

    3. So who's not allowing most of the Gazans to flee to safety? EGYPT!

  2. Replies
    1. Tony Blair is a ROMAN CATHOLIC war criminal and he's part of the clown world of SATAN

  3. Replies
    1. Rusland wil dat een islamitische 'Palestijnse' staat wordt gevestigd in het LAND Israël DAT VAN GOD IS met 'Oost-Jerusalem' als hoofdstad van die staat.

    2. Russia wants an Islamic 'Palestinian' state to be established in the LAND OF Israel WHICH IS GOD'S, with 'East Jerusalem' as the capital of that state.

    3. Rusland zoek dus een confrontatie met de GOD van Israël

    4. So Russia is looking for a confrontation with the GOD of Israel

  4. Fyodor Lukyanov: Here's the secret behind Russia's stance on the Middle East crisis
    Moscow’s policy is shaped by its confrontation with the West in Ukraine, forcing it to establish closer ties with countries that empathize with Hamas

  5. "forcing it to establish closer ties with countries that empathize with Hamas"

    1. And this will be Russia's downfall: Gog and Magog, Ezekiel 38/39

    2. All countries that want to destroy Israel don't fight the people of Israel but God Himself!

    3. Because it's HIS LAND and they will commit SUICIDE!

    4. Don't believe me? Ezekiel 38:14-23
      1599 Geneva Bible

      14 Therefore, son of man, prophesy, and say unto Gog, Thus saith the Lord God, In that day, when my people of Israel dwelleth safe shalt thou not know it,

      15 And come from thy place out of the North parts, thou and much people with thee? all shall ride upon horses, even a great multitude and a mighty army.

      16 And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land, thou shalt be in the latter days, and I will bring thee upon my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.

      17 Thus saith the Lord God, Art not thou he, of whom I have spoken in old time, by the hand of my servants the Prophets of Israel which prophesied in those days and years, that I would bring thee upon them?

      18 At the same time also when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, my wrath shall arise in mine anger.

      19 For in mine indignation, and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken it: surely at that time there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel,

      20 So that the fishes of the Sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all that move and creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the earth, shall tremble at my presence, and the mountains shall be overthrown, and the stairs shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.

      21 For I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord God: every man’s sword shall be against his brother.

      22 And I will plead against him with pestilence, and with blood, and I will cause to rain upon him and upon his bands, and upon the great people that are with him, a sore rain, and hailstones, fire, and brimstone.

      23 Thus will I be magnified, and sanctified, and known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know, that I am the Lord.

    5. So if you want to commit SUICIDE try to destroy Israel and God will destroy you and torture you forever in His lake of fire because then you are a former single celled embryo that turned into a DEMON.

    6. JESUS Christ is the GOD of ISRAEL!

    7. He's not the prime minister of the STATE of Israel, but the God of ISRAEL = JACOB!

    8. By the way, the US and the "West" don't support the God of Israel but the SECULAR STATE of Israel

    9. The SECULAR STATE of Israel is a project of the Vatican and Satan!

    10. The US and the EU are also projects of the Vatican and Satan!

    11. The US and the EU don't give a DAMN about the God of Israel!

    12. The US and the EU only give a damn about MONEY = POWER!

  6. Replies
    1. roymichael19
      They are an extremist group, what’s worse is they target children.

  7. Replies
    1. “There are probably 2 million Russian-speaking people in Israel. We certainly have cultural, humanitarian ties. But there are also the political interests of Israel, an obvious strategic reason: Russia has presence in Syria and is working with Iranians, which makes the game more complicated,” Shafir said. “We definitely should keep good relations with Russia because it gives us some leverage towards Iran.”

  8. Putin to take part in emergency BRICS summit – Kremlin
    The meeting will be dedicated to the ongoing escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Moscow has said

  9. Replies
    1. Hamas hostages live under the threat of death: the captured 'Palestinians' who are exchanged for them do NOT live under the threat of death!

  10. Replies
    1. Russian troops positioned between Syrian and Israeli forces: Set up border checkpoints in Golan

    2. If Russia believes that Israel should return the Golan to Syria, then Russia should return East Prussia to Germany...

  11. Replies
    1. Chemical attack
      Main article: Moscow hostage crisis chemical agent

      Early in the morning before dawn, at around 5:00 a.m. Moscow time, the searchlights that had been illuminating the main entrance to the theater went out.

      Inside, although many hostages at first took the gas (aerosol) to be smoke from a fire,[36] it soon became apparent to gunmen and hostages alike that a mysterious gas had been pumped into the building.[37] Different reports said it came either through the specially created hole in the wall, that it was pumped through the theater's ventilation system, or that it emerged from beneath the stage. The security services pumped an aerosol anaesthetic, later stated by Russian Health Minister Yuri Shevchenko to be based on fentanyl,[38] into the theater through the air conditioning system. The discovery caused panic in the auditorium. Hostage Anna Andrianova, a correspondent for Moskovskaya Pravda, called Echo of Moscow radio studio and told on-air in a live broadcast interview that the government forces had begun an operation by pumping gas into the hall:

      It seems to us that the Russians have started something. Please, give us a chance. If you can do anything, please do! ... I don't know which gas it is. But I see [the Chechens'] reactions. They don't want our deaths, and our officials want none of us to leave alive! I don't know. We see it, we feel it, we are breathing through our clothes. ... It began from outside. That's what our government has decided – that no one should leave from here alive. ....[39][better source needed]


      The Chechens, some of whom were equipped with gas masks, responded by firing blindly at the Russian positions outside. After thirty minutes, when the gas had taken effect, a physical assault on the building commenced. The combined forces entered through numerous building openings, including the roof, the basement, and finally the front door.[27]

      When the shooting began, the terrorists told their hostages to lean forward in the theater seats and cover their heads behind the seats.[27] Hostages reported that some people in the audience fell asleep, and some of the gunmen put on respirators. As the terrorists and hostages alike began to fall unconscious, several of the female terrorists made a dash for the balcony but passed out before they reached the stairs. They were later found shot dead. Two of the Spetsnaz Alpha Group were also overcome by the gas.[27]

      After nearly one and a half hours of sporadic gun battles, the Russian special forces blew open the doors to the main hall and poured into the auditorium. In a fierce firefight, the federals killed most of the hostage-takers, both those still awake and those who had succumbed to the gas.

    2. Russia accuses Israel of what it does itself...

  12. Replies
    1. Hamas belongs to Satan so Russia explains relationship with Satan...

  13. Replies
    1. Russia knows a 'Palestinian' state has only one goal: the destruction of Israel!

    2. So Russia is on the side of those who want to destroy Israel!

    3. Will Russia accept a two-state solution in Ukraine? No! Because the other Ukrainian state is run by Nazis who want to destroy Russia and Russians and who want to make Russia part of NATO and the EU, two entities that are hostile to Russia.
      So Russia has only ONE option: to conquer ALL of Ukraine and rule with an iron hand.
      But the hypocritical Russian leadership wants Israel to live in one country together with their murderers!

    4. Russia wants NATO as far away from its borders as possible and to this end Russia needs to conquer most of Ukraine, but Ukraine is many times larger than small Israel and Russia has the luxury of turning western Ukraine into an independent state that can control itself, but NOT from Kiev, because Russia must also conquer that city, because it is the cradle of Russia.
      An independent state has the right to make alliances with whomever it wishes, otherwise it would not be an independent state.
      That independent part of Ukraine should therefore be able to become a member of NATO, no matter how much Russia is against this, but then that Ukrainian NATO member is a lot further away from Russia's borders than is currently the case.
      And that independent NATO member Ukraine can no longer wage war against Russia on its own, otherwise Article 5 of NATO would come into effect and the Third World War would break out.
      So it would actually be beneficial for Russia to have a western rump state of Ukraine that becomes part of the West.

      But Israel does not have that luxury!
      Israel is so small and if Israel were to allow a state hostile to Israel to be established on the same territory that the Israelis consider theirs, then that would be asking for war and misery, and that is exactly what the hypocritical and devilish world, including Russia, asks of Israel.
      The devilish and hypocritical world is in fact asking that Israel commit suicide to achieve 'peace'!

      An independent 'Palestinian' state also has the right to arm itself as much as it wants and to make alliances with whomever it wants, such as with countries that hate Israel and want to destroy it, otherwise it would not be an independent country, but this option is completely unacceptable for Israel.

    5. All people who are in favor of an independent 'Palestinian' state within the land of Israel, hate Israel and want to see Israel's destruction!!

  14. Holocaust doesn’t give Israel impunity – Lavrov
    The Soviet people were also subject to Nazi genocide, but Russia doesn’t have carte blanche in the global arena, he says

    1. The Russian Federation is a HUGE country and Israel is VERY SMALL

    2. Yet, the whole world, including Russia wants to FORCE Israel to live with their BUTCHERS

    3. They only 'love' the 'Palestinians' because they HATE Israel and the Jews MORE

  15. Russia, like the rest of the world, wants to force Israel to share parts of Eretz Israel, such as Judea and Samaria, which the world calls the 'West Bank', with those who want to destroy them.

  16. Replies
    1. Hypocritical position of Russia and why is Hezbollah not condemned?


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”