Monday, 13 November 2023

The REAL Reason The World is Obsessed With Israel

 J-TV: Jewish Ideas. Global Relevance.
Nov 6, 2023
Rabbi Daniel Rowe looks at the deeper reason for the world's obsession with the Jews. Watch the full unedited video here on Aish UK Channel -



  1. Greta Thunberg chants for Palestine at climate march (VIDEO)
    A Dutch man interrupted the famed activist’s speech and grabbed her microphone before being removed from the stage

    1. So the link is clear: those who believe in the climate change hoax are pro-Hamas

  2. Replies

    1. I stand with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
      and who manifested Himself on earth as Yeshua HaMashiach, aka Jesus (the)Christ! God's name is 'I AM' and 'JESUS means 'I AM SALVATION'.

    2. The reality is that unfortunately there are also many bad Jews and I will mention Zelensky, Soros, Hariri and Kissinger as examples and there are also many bad female Jews, just as there are just and unjust people among EVERY people on earth.
      God is the one who will judge righteously all people on earth, Jews and non-Jews.
      However, it is a Biblical fact that God is guaranteed to save a third of HIS people and He does not give that guarantee to any other people on earth!

    3. The 'elite' of the bad Jews all cooperate with the satanic Vatican!!
      They are NOT in charge but they are used by the JESUITS of whom Pope Francis is one.

  3. Replies
    1. The diplomat then referred to the ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ slogan, which has become popular among pro-Palestinian protesters. “And where will Israel be? … In the sea? This points to the destruction of the State of Israel,” he said.

      The ambassador also warned that his nation would not go down without a fight and Jews “would no longer die in concentration camps … we will defend ourselves and our enemies will pay a heavy price.”

  4. Replies
    1. Gaza verandert in een Merkava-kerkhof – Hamas publiceert beelden van hun strijders in gevecht met Israëlische soldaten en tanks in Gaza

    2. Deze foto bewijst niets: pantsers die worden beschoten raken aan de buitenkant beschadigd, maar dat betekent niet dat hun pantser is doorboord, en de pantsers op de foto zijn niet allemaal Merkava's.

    3. This photo proves nothing: armored vehicles that are shot get damaged on the outside, but that doesn't mean their armor is pierced, and the armored vehicles in the photo are not all Merkavas.

    4. wordt ook gemaakt door een Jodenhater, Godhater, Bijbelhater, die ook nog eens een hekel heeft aan 'negers''

    5. is also created by a Jew hater, God hater, Bible hater, who also hates 'niggers'

  5. Replies
    1. According to the World Jewish Congress (WJC), France is home to nearly 500,000 Jews and has the third largest Jewish community in the world, behind Israel and the US.

  6. Replies
    1. Israel captures Shifa hospital – No sign of Hamas command center or tunnels

    2. Volgens de Hamas-fans op to the Hamas fans on

  7. Replies
    1. Yes, that's nice, Dr. Coleman, to see all those thousands of Hamas fans protesting?
      Hamas wants to exterminate ALL Jews in all of Israel and if possible in the whole world!
      And that is how they raise their children from BABY on, even if they are not yet born!
      Just watch videos of 'sweet little' Palestinian children who want nothing more than to exterminate Jews.
      They learn that from their parents and from their society from Satan, because that is the god they believe in!

    2. Did you feel that bad at the time, Dr. Coleman, when your country bombed German cities and killed many German civilians, including (small) children, pregnant women and babies?

    3. And how sorry were you, Dr. Coleman, when your country bombed The Hague because the Nazis used the Dutch population as human shields to fire their V-2s into London?
      Many civilians were killed, including (small) children, and Rotterdam was bombed by your country more often and more than the Nazis did on May 14, 1940, throughout the entire war, and many Dutch civilians were also killed, including (small) children.

  8. Replies
    1. Haligonex
      They really do not care what leftists and other losers say. Israel is doing the needed cleanup regard;less.

  9. Replies
    1. Palestinians overwhelmingly support Hamas' October 7 massacre


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”