Friday, 29 September 2023

Oil is not a fossil fuel; it is the second most prevalent liquid on Earth

During an interview in 1994, L. Fletcher Prouty spoke about what petroleum is.  It isn’t what we think it is.  It isn’t a fossil fuel.  And it is the second most prevalent liquid on Earth, he said.

L. Fletcher Prouty was Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under US President John F. Kennedy. A former colonel in the United States Air Force, he retired from military service to become a bank executive and subsequently became a critic of US foreign policy, particularly the covert activities of the CIA about which he had considerable inside knowledge.  He died in 2001 aged 84.

De reactie van de duivel op een boek - The devil's reaction to a book


In de Kamer gebeurde iets opmerkelijks. Baudet overhandigde zijn boek ‘Het Coronabedrog’ aan minister Hugo de Jonge. Die weigerde het boek in ontvangst te nemen: “Daar staat zoveel verschrikkelijks in. Echt, geen enkele behoefte aan.”

Waarop Baudet vroeg: “Heb je het gelezen?” Het antwoord van de minister: “Nee, natuurlijk niet.”

De FVD-voorman vroeg hem vervolgens: “Hoe weet je dan dat er zoveel verschrikkelijks in staat?”

Something remarkable happened in the Chamber. Baudet presented his book 'The Corona Deception' to Minister Hugo de Jonge. He refused to accept the book: “It contains so many terrible things. Really, no need whatsoever.”

To which Baudet asked: “Have you read it?” The minister's answer: “No, of course not.”

The FVD leader then asked him: “Then how do you know that there is so much terrible stuff in it?”

Baudet overhandigt zijn boek aan minister De Jonge, luister naar wat hij zegt

Baudet hands over his book to Minister De Jonge, listen to what he says

 Put the page in English via the language button at the top right



Thursday, 28 September 2023

WEF Declare ‘We Are Gods, If You Stand In Our Way, You Will Die’

WEF Declare ‘We Are Gods, If You Stand In Our Way, You Will Die’

These idiots, who produce urine and feces every day, which all humans do, really think they are gods!
They think that of course under the influence of the 'god of this world', also known as Satan, who does NOT produce urine and feces on a daily basis, just like all other (fallen) angels and God himself, except when God became man on earth as JESUS Christ and also as every normal person had to daily relieve himself, because He was equal to us in everything in order to be able to deliver us from our sins and an eternal stay in His lake of fire, in which Satan and the fallen angels and the condemned people will have to spend their eternity.
The saved people will be LIKE the angels and never produce urine or feces again and never have to eat and drink and sleep and wash and brush their teeth and dress cleanly because they will be in perfect condition forever.
But the condemned will have to be NAKED forever in a terrible place of rot and immense heat and at the same time in complete darkness, while they will confess that JESUS is LORD, and God and his saved loved ones and his faithful angels will NEVER look after them again, because they have better things to do: be happy forever together with God-the Lord JESUS! 

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

The true ruler of the USA...and the world



Every Pope is the disguised LUCIFERIAN ROMAN EMPEROR and the ruler of the WORLD!

Every Pope plays the role of religious 'Christian' leader, but every Pope is a LOST SINNER and a number 1 pawn of SATAN

The only one who equals him is the BLACK POPE: always a JESUIT.

And now we have TWO JESUITS in power.

REPENT = CHANGE YOUR MIND and escape the coming 7 years of HELL ON EARTH and an ETERNITY in God's lake of FIRE by TRUSTING in what GOD-the LORD JESUS CHRIST has DONE for us!

'Biden' is not only a ROMAN CATHOLIC but the REAL Biden is DEAD!

Disgusting – The 'Insects in Food' File

Disgusting – The 'Insects in Food' File

Disgusting – The file “Insects in Food”. New trend or ice-cold calculation? More insects have recently been approved for admixture in our food. The mainstream media are eager to make these palatable to us and are concealing fundamental facts. Parallels with the Corona reports suggest themselves. This documentary reveals the motives behind this global agenda and its serious health risks

Monday, 25 September 2023

20 Proofs NASA Faked the Moon Landings

Sep 15, 2023 

20 Proofs NASA Faked the Moon Landings

March 31, 2022

Whether you believe the Earth to be flat, globular, hollow, concave or otherwise, the freedom to independently travel and explore the Earth, from the North Pole to whatever exists South of the South Pole, to any and everywhere else, should be a fundamental and unalienable right.  Military vessels near the North Pole and Antarctica have repeatedly barred independent teams of explorers from traveling into these heavily patrolled and restricted waters.  The Antarctic Treaty prevents all independent travel South of the 60th degree South latitude, where rebels like Yarle Andehoy and his team have been repeatedly turned around at gunpoint, jailed and fined for daring to attempt.  What is so important in Antarctica that 53 of the most powerful countries in the world have agreed to patrol and enforce harsh restrictions and penalties on anyone who attempts to independently explore it?  Why has the entire continent of Antarctica and everywhere else on Earth below the 60th South parallel been caged off from us?  The only way we can experience Antarctica is by being a government employee and working at one of their bases, or doing one of their overpriced penguin tours along the Antarctic coast.  No one, even these very few humans, is granted the freedom to explore the continent, so even they are clueless as to what may exist at the furthest Southern extents of the Earth.

Saturday, 23 September 2023

WEF Calls For Free Speech Concentration Camps To Jail ‘First Amendment Terrorists’

 The world has reached a critical juncture according to Klaus Schwab who has ordered world governments to begin jailing and re-educating anybody who opposes the globalist agenda. 

Friday, 22 September 2023

Why would they lie about the shape of the earth? - Flat and Biblical Earth Special

Why would they lie about the shape of the earth? What do they have to gain from lying? Why does it even matter? What are they hiding from us? All these questions are answered in this video👇

 Flat and Biblical Earth Special


Thursday, 21 September 2023

Ukraine’s Pregnant Soldier Uniforms Highlight The Absurd Horror of The Satanic War In Ukraine

 Shaking Zelensky

Last Updated on September 20, 2023

A nonprofit organization honored by Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky manufactures military uniforms for pregnant Ukrainian soldiers. With the Joe Biden regime and Zelensky refusing to negotiate a ceasefire with Russia, the world is beginning to notice that pro-Ukraine globalist political forces are prolonging the costly Satanic war.

Monday, 18 September 2023

De bezetting - The occupation 2

Klik op afbeelding - Click on picture

13 in de Oorlog - 13 during the War

Dit product van de linkse staatsomroep is uiteraard niet correct want veel wordt weggelaten en onjuist verteld, zoals over de vlucht van 'Koningin' Wilhelmina op 13 mei 1940, maar zelfs kinderen (voor wie deze serie gemaakt werd) snappen de overeenkomst tussen 'Corona' en de 'avondklokken' en thuis van school moeten blijven, de maskers en de anderhalve meter afstand houden met de bezetting van 1940-1945 en ook de overeenkomst tussen het uitsluiten van de Joden met het uitsluiten van de 'ongevaccineerden'.

Het was de bedoeling dat op 5 mei 2020 de 'bevrijding' van Nederland op grootse wijze gevierd zou worden, maar dat ging vanwege 'Corona' niet door...

Velen denken dat het nu voorbij is maar er komt nog veel meer ellende aan!

Het einddoel is de implementatie van het merkteken van het beest.

This product of the left-wing state broadcaster is obviously not correct because much is omitted and told incorrectly, such as about the flight of 'Queen' Wilhelmina on May 13, 1940, but even children (for whom this series was made) understand the similarity between 'Corona' and the 'curfews' and the mandatory staying at home from school, the masks and the six feet distancing with the 1940-1945 occupation and also the similarity between excluding the Jews with excluding the 'unvaccinated'.

The intention was that the 'liberation' of the Netherlands would be celebrated in a grand manner on May 5, 2020, but that was canceled because of 'Corona'...

Many think it is over now, but there is much more misery to come!

The end goal is the implementation of the mark of the beast.

Sunday, 17 September 2023

Wearing masks again made mandatory in Russian Government House

The decision was made following a seasonal uptick in acute respiratory viral infections, flu and COVID-19

Putin with a globe

MOSCOW, September 16. /TASS/. Wearing masks as well as other preventive measures have again been made mandatory in the Russian Government House over a seasonal surge in colds, flu and Covid, the cabinet of ministers told TASS.

Saturday, 2 September 2023

That's why it's called grace!

Why the Gospel of Grace is such Good News! The "Good-O-Meter"

Published on Apr 17, 2014 - This video is a great illustration why the Gospel of Grace is such Good News! Several people step on a scale called The "Good-O-Meter" to see if they can get into Heaven, but only one person is good enough to get in: Jesus Christ.

This clip can be downloaded at

"If you don't get excited about the gospel, you've never really grasped what it's telling you"

The true gospel is 100% good news. There's is no bad news in the good news.

'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”