The world has reached a critical juncture according to Klaus
Schwab who has ordered world governments to begin jailing and
re-educating anybody who opposes the globalist agenda.
According to Schwab, human history is now officially over and anybody who disagrees with the globalist agenda must be canceled, de-platformed, arrested and imprisoned as an example to the rest of society.
Schwab and Harari
DAVOS in the CATACOMBS: Klaus Schwab’s Secret Vatican Connection
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested
Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for
the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead,
three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make
Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
WEF roept op tot concentratiekampen voor vrije meningsuiting om ‘Terroristen van het eerste amendement’ op te sluiten
ReplyDeleteWEF Calls For Free Speech Concentration Camps To Jail ‘First Amendment Terrorists’
DeleteI don't promote Russel Brand but he has an important message about the attack on free speech: So...
ReplyDeleteWEF: AI zal in “vijf jaar menselijke dominantie beëindigen”
ReplyDeleteWEF: AI Will ‘End Human Dominance’ in ‘Five Years’
DeleteDit lang beraamde plan voor wereldovername is geavanceerder dan een normaal mens kan bevatten
ReplyDeleteThis Long Plotted World Takeover Scheme Is More Advanced Than Any Normal Human Can Fathom
DeleteThe real Klaus Schwab 👀😮
ReplyDeleteBOMBSHELL: Nieuw gevonden e-mails bewijzen dat het Witte Huis van Biden de schade van het COVID-vaccin voor het publiek heeft verborgen
ReplyDeleteEen nieuwe studie schat dat tot nu toe 17 miljoen mensen zijn omgekomen door covid-injecties, en dat het risico op overlijden het hoogst is in oudere leeftijdsgroepen
ReplyDeleteA new study estimates that 17 million people have been killed by covid injections so far, and the risk of death is highest in older age groups
DeleteWEF Signs Order Cancelling US Election And Says Americans Must Be Ruled By Global Elite
ReplyDeleteINSANE and SATANIC Hillary Clinton Sounds the Alarm: ‘Meddling Russia Will Ensure Trump Victory in 2024’
ReplyDeleteZo dwingt Klaus Schwab 20 wereldleiders om Great Reset uit te voeren: ‘Dit is een mondiale staatsgreep’
ReplyDeleteThis is how Klaus Schwab forces 20 world leaders to carry out Great Reset: 'This is a global coup'
DeleteVigano zegt niet dat zijn eigen baas achter alles zit: DE PAUS! Vigano doesn't say that his own boss is behind everything: THE POPE!
DeleteIemand probeert je nog steeds te vermoorden, laat dat niet toe
ReplyDeleteSomebody is Still Trying to Kill You, Don’t Let Them – Catherine Austin Fitts
DeleteKronkelend Beëlzebub tegemoet
ReplyDeleteSlouching Towards Beelzebub
DeleteOncoloog geschokt: ‘Dit is iets wat ik nog nooit eerder in mijn carrière heb gezien’
ReplyDeleteOncologist shocked: 'This is something I have never seen before in my career'
DeleteLook at these criminals. They’ll never stop lying.
ReplyDeleteKIJK: “Heb je desinformatie gehoord?” – Elon Musk post hilarische video over de leugens van Big Pharma en Dr. Fauci over de werkzaamheid en veiligheid van vaccins
ReplyDeleteWATCH: “Have You Heard Dis Information?” – Elon Musk Posts Hilarious Video Exposing Big Pharma and Dr Fauci’s Lies About Vaccine Efficacy and Safety
DeleteSterfte onder jonge mensen ongekend hoog: ‘Hier gaat iets flink mis’
ReplyDeleteDeaths among young people are at an all-time high: 'Something is going terribly wrong here'
DeleteDe Nieuw-Zeelandse regering heeft de elite vrijgesteld van ‘dodelijke’ Covid-vaccins, terwijl ze de bevolking het vaccin oplegt
ReplyDeleteThey continue because the end goal is the implementation of the mark of the beast.
DeleteBizarre psychiatrische gevallen onder de COVID gevaccineerden
ReplyDeleteBizarre Psychiatric Cases Among the COVID Vaccinated
DeletePsychosis, Panic Attacks, Hallucinations: Bizarre Psychiatric Cases Among the COVID Vaccinated
DeleteNa het bekijken van dit filmpje haal je nooit meer een coronaprik
ReplyDeleteAfter watching this short video you will never get a corona shot again
DeleteTragedie in Israël: jongetje (8) uit reclame over coronavaccins sterft na hartstilstand
ReplyDeleteTragedy in Israel: boy (8) from advertisement about corona vaccines dies after cardiac arrest
DeleteDuizenden zorgmedewerkers kregen in het GEHEIM vrijstelling van vaccinatie
ReplyDeleteThousands of healthcare workers were SECRETLY exempt from vaccination
DeleteNa haar geslaagde massamoord kreeg Jacinda Ardern een 'mooie' baan bij het WEF...
DeleteAfter her successful mass murder, Jacinda Ardern got a 'nice' job at the WEF...
DeleteThe TRUTH About Jacinda Ardern – WEF Stooge
DeleteIs this where we are headed? "Fauci's Zombie Apocalypse"🧟♂️
ReplyDeleteAuteur van explosieve studie: 1 sterfgeval per 800 injecties
ReplyDeleteAuthor of explosive study: 1 death per 800 injections
DeletePharma/EU Cabal zet valstrik voor Reiner Füellmich
DeleteWEF-insiders verlaten het zinkende schip terwijl aanklagers Neurenberg 2.0 processen voorbereiden
ReplyDeleteWEF Insiders Jump Ship As Prosecutors Prepare Nuremberg 2.0 Trials
DeleteVrouwen wanhopig op zoek naar ongevaccineerd zaad, vraag piekt
ReplyDeleteWomen desperate for unvaccinated sperm, demand spikes
DeleteWEF-bureaucraat roept leger op om bevolking te vaccineren: “Stop met het uitleggen van de wetenschap”
ReplyDeleteWEF Bureaucrat Calls for Military to Vaccinate Public: ‘No Science’
Delete🚨 WEF Document Confirms 6 Billion Humans Will Die in 2025
ReplyDeleteA World Economic Forum report hiding in plain sight confirms that upwards of six billion people will die in 2025 – and according to reports from Davos, Klaus Schwab has confirmed the stated goal is on target to be achieved.
The global elite have been warning us about their plans to radically depopulate the earth by any means necessary, and now the results are playing out before our eyes.
If we have any hope of stopping them from achieving their goal of murdering the vast majority of humanity and turning Earth into a prison planet to enslave the rest, the information in this report must be shared far and wide.
The depopulation agenda has been in planning since decades
Delete🚨 Thousands of YouTubers Sponsored by Pfizer Have Died From mRNA Poisoning - Media Blackout
ReplyDeleteYouTubers and social media influencers played a crucial role in spreading Big Pharma’s propaganda during the pandemic, fueling the mass formation psychosis that left a large portion of the population practically hypnotized into blindly following the draconian COVID measures.
Fast forward three years, and karma is catching up with those same YouTubers who pocketed Big Pharma’s money and promoted the shots.
Now, the devastating consequences are unfolding right before our eyes, as tens of thousands of young, healthy influencers are being diagnosed with rare and aggressive “turbo cancers,” and many others are dropping like flies of heart attacks and catastrophic brain bleeds.
🚨 FBI Insider: Elite Planning 'Doomsday Attack' To Kill Millions of 'Non-Compliant' Citizens
ReplyDeleteThe World Economic Forum and globalists have completely infiltrated our alphabet agencies, and they are scheming a false flag attack on America that is set to leave 9/11 in the shade.
But don’t just take my word for it.
This alarming information comes from FBI whistleblower Marcus Allen, who has issued a chilling warning about an imminent doomsday attack. His predictions align with those of Klaus Schwab and the global elite, who anticipate a mass casualty event aimed at disrupting the upcoming November election.
And it gets even darker when you realize that these attacks appear to be starting right now.
🚨 Dutch Gov't Admit Pandemic Was 'Military Psy-Op' To Prepare Public for 'Extreme Depopulation'
ReplyDeleteIn a major development with potential impact on Bill Gates' trial in the Netherlands, a Dutch government official has disclosed that the Covid pandemic was orchestrated as a "military operation."
The official went on to admit that, throughout the pandemic, the nation was operating under direct orders from NATO.
According to the government official, the pandemic played out according to a coordinated, behind-the-scenes strategy, suggesting that the forced vaccinations and brutal lockdowns had nothing to do with public health, and everything to do with advancing a hidden agenda.
Dutch Gov’t Admit Pandemic Was ‘Military Psy-Op’ To Prepare Public For ‘Extreme Depopulation’
Delete🚨 World Leaders Sign WEF Treaty Introducing 'Age of Death' Laws in West
ReplyDeleteThe World Economic Forum has reportedly instructed world governments to dismantle age of consent laws while introducing something even more sinister: "Age of Death" laws.
Under this new system, individuals will no longer have the right to live beyond a government-mandated age - let’s say 70 years old, for example - without first obtaining state approval. If you’re deemed unworthy by a death panel, it’s straight to the “suicide pod” for you.
This is not science fiction. This is the reality being planned behind closed doors. Stay tuned as we uncover the dark implications of this global agenda and what it means for your future.
🚨 Bill Gates Admits 'Disease X' is Elite's 'Final Solution' for a New World Order
ReplyDeleteThe desperate elite are engineering the next phase of their control agenda, leveraging fear and panic through a new disease. According to a whistleblower from the Gates Foundation, Bill Gates has ramped up preparations for Disease X, a looming health crisis designed to justify forced vaccinations and forever lockdowns in 15 minute cities across the Western world.
If you’ve been connecting the dots, the pattern is disturbingly familiar: prominent tabletop exercises involving Bill Gates, the WEF and the WHO, mainstream media amplifying fear with synchronized narratives, governments quietly rewriting laws to enforce vaccinations, and Klaus Schwab dropping cryptic hints about the end of America and death of the nation state.
It’s a chilling rerun of the COVID-19 strategy, playing out in real time.
🚨 King Charles Signs WEF Treaty Authorizing 'One World Government' - Media Blackout
ReplyDeleteKing Charles has openly declared that the elite must launch a vast, military-style campaign to combat climate change, while calling for nothing less than a complete rewiring of the global economy. He has even suggested that traditional farming practices - and the livelihoods of countless farmers - should be sacrificed in the name of sustainability.
But it doesn’t stop there. Charles has a deeply troubling history of associating with questionable figures, including his well-documented relationships with Jimmy Savile and Lord Mountbatten - both of whom were later exposed as predatory pedophiles of the worst kind.
And yet, Charles’ supporters continue to bend over backwards to defend the indefensible.
Now, the King has gone even further. He’s declared the end of sovereignty as we know it, calling for the formation of a global government under the auspices of the World Economic Forum.
Good luck defending him this time.