Monday, 25 September 2023

20 Proofs NASA Faked the Moon Landings

Sep 15, 2023 

20 Proofs NASA Faked the Moon Landings

March 31, 2022

Whether you believe the Earth to be flat, globular, hollow, concave or otherwise, the freedom to independently travel and explore the Earth, from the North Pole to whatever exists South of the South Pole, to any and everywhere else, should be a fundamental and unalienable right.  Military vessels near the North Pole and Antarctica have repeatedly barred independent teams of explorers from traveling into these heavily patrolled and restricted waters.  The Antarctic Treaty prevents all independent travel South of the 60th degree South latitude, where rebels like Yarle Andehoy and his team have been repeatedly turned around at gunpoint, jailed and fined for daring to attempt.  What is so important in Antarctica that 53 of the most powerful countries in the world have agreed to patrol and enforce harsh restrictions and penalties on anyone who attempts to independently explore it?  Why has the entire continent of Antarctica and everywhere else on Earth below the 60th South parallel been caged off from us?  The only way we can experience Antarctica is by being a government employee and working at one of their bases, or doing one of their overpriced penguin tours along the Antarctic coast.  No one, even these very few humans, is granted the freedom to explore the continent, so even they are clueless as to what may exist at the furthest Southern extents of the Earth.

The world's governments, militaries, media, schools and literally everyone else except flat earthers claim with conviction and whole-heartedly believe that the South Pole is the Southernmost extent of their globe. And by definition this must be the case because to continue traveling Southwards beyond this Southernmost point is tantamount to traveling Northwards.  If the Earth is not a globe, however, and is actually an extended level plane as claimed by flat earthers, continuing to travel South of the South Pole would not and could not bring the traveler back North; on a flat earth, the traveler would instead continue Southwards into unknown Southern territories that don't exist on a globe.  If NASA, the world's governments, militaries, media, academia and/or anyone else involved in maintaining the legitimacy of the globe concept truly wanted to shut up flat earthers once and for all, this is how easy it would be.  Allow for independent travel South of the South Pole, or livestream a full South to North circumnavigation of the supposed globe starting in Antarctica and traveling South.  Show the world's flat earthers that traveling South of the South Pole will somehow bring you North.

YouTube:    / flateartheric  



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Ex-Russian space boss questions US Moon landing

We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Dit kan gecontroleerde oppositie Geert Wilders in zijn zak steken!

  2. Eric Dubay is not a saved believer in the Lord JESUS, but pray that he becomes is not too late for him either.

  3. Replies
    1. Did Baudet have a point after all? A.I. and former director Rocosmos say that moon landings were fake

    2. De maanlandingen waren nep en wie de Bijbel serieus neemt had dat kunnen weten want God schiep de zon en de maan en de sterren (planeten zijn ook 'sterren' die een eigen baan beschrijven boven de aarde) op dag vier van de schepping als LICHTEN!
      Je kan niet landen op een LICHT!
      De maan schijnt licht van zichzelf en weerkaatst niet het licht van de zon.
      Vaak zien we de maan en de zon teglijkertijd aan de hemel en dat is logisch omdat het allebei lichten zijn.
      Het licht van de zon verwarmt en het licht van de maan maakt kouder.
      Dat is met speciale thermomethers (die iedereen kan kopen) vastgesteld in het geval van de maan: objecten die door de maan worden beschenen zijn kouder aan het oppervlak dan objecten in de maanschaduw.
      En met de zon is het precies andersom.
      Wie dus de Bijbel NIET serieus neemt en nog gevangen zit in de leugens (van de Jezuïeten, namens satan) zoals de 'big bang' en 'evolutie', die is geneigd om te geloven dat de aarde een draaiende bal in de 'ruimte' is met de maan die om de aarde draait, en met aarde die om de zon draait, samen met de andere 'planeten'.
      Wie de Bijbel serieus neemt, weet dat de aarde NOOIT een 'planeet' wordt genoemd in de Bijbel.
      Dat is Bijbels gezien logisch omdat de aarde al bestond, drie hele dagen voordat de zon en maan en sterren en de planeten werden geschapen.
      Het doel van de 'oerknal theorie' en de 'evolutie theorie' is om de Bijbel belachelijk te maken en er is er maar één die daarbij belang heeft: satan de duivel!
      Wie dus nog steeds gelooft dat de aarde een draaiende bal is die om de zon draait en dat er missies mogelijk zijn naar de maan en mars en andere planeten, die is nog steeds in de ban van de leugens van satan.
      Dat was ik vroeger ook, maar God liet me eerst zien in 2013 dat het geo-centrische model juist is en het heliocentrische model een leugen is, en op 1 oktober 2016 zag ik de waarheid aangaande de juiste vorm van de aarde, dankzij God.
      Kort daarop werd ik er ook van overtuigd dat er nooit 'dinosauriërs' hebben bestaan, en werd ik verlost van een andere leugen, gerelateerd aan de 'evolutie'-leugen.
      Deze leugens maakten me destijds een atheïst...een God-loochenaar.
      Zo duivels zijn de 'oerknal' en 'evolutie' 'theorieën'!

    3. The moon landings were fake and anyone who takes the Bible seriously should have known that because God created the sun and the moon and the stars (planets are also 'stars' that describe their own orbit above the earth) on day four of creation as LIGHTS!
      You can't land on a LIGHT!
      The moon shines light of its own and does not reflect the light of the sun.
      We often see the moon and the sun in the sky at the same time and that makes sense because they are both lights.
      The light of the sun warms and the light of the moon cools.
      This has been established in the case of the moon using special thermometers (which anyone can buy): objects illuminated by the moon are colder on the surface than objects in the moon's shadow.
      And with the sun it is exactly the other way around.
      So anyone who does NOT take the Bible seriously and is still trapped in the lies (of the Jesuits, on behalf of Satan) such as the 'big bang' and 'evolution', is inclined to believe that the earth is a spinning ball in 'space' with the moon revolving around the earth, and with the earth revolving around the sun, together with the other 'planets'.
      Anyone who takes the Bible seriously knows that the earth is NEVER called a 'planet' in the Bible.
      That makes sense Biblically because the earth already existed three whole days before the sun and moon and stars and planets were created.
      The purpose of the 'big bang theory' and the 'evolution theory' is to ridicule the Bible and there is only one person who has an interest in this: Satan the devil!
      So anyone who still believes that the earth is a spinning ball that revolves around the sun and that missions are possible to the moon and Mars and other planets is still under the spell of Satan's lies.
      I used to be that way, but God first showed me in 2013 that the geocentric model is correct and the heliocentric model is a lie, and on October 1, 2016 I saw the truth about the correct shape of the earth, thanks to God.
      Soon after, I also became convinced that "dinosaurs" never existed, and was delivered from another lie, related to the "evolution" lie.
      These lies made me an atheist at the time...a God denier.
      That's how diabolical the 'big bang' and 'evolution' 'theories' are!


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

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