Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Europe approaching a ‘catastrophe’ – Hungary

 Peter Szijjarto speaks during a press conference in Budapest, Hungary, December 7, 2021

The continent’s leaders must snap out of their “war psychosis,” Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has warned  

“What really matters is what the Americans want to do,” Orban said, explaining that Ukraine is no longer a sovereign country. They don’t have any money. They have no weapons. They can only fight because we in the West support them.

Europe is moving closer to “catastrophe in every sense,” Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto declared on Monday, before extending Budapest’s veto on EU arms transfers to Ukraine.

“Europe is moving closer to a catastrophe - in every sense, unfortunately,” Szijjarto wrote on Facebook before meeting with EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg on Monday. “Now even bigger trouble could be prevented and many thousands of lives could be saved,” he continued, “but to do this one would have to break out of the war psychosis.” 

“I have no illusions that this will happen at the meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers in Luxembourg today,” he concluded.


Clown Prince Zelensky’s Nero Decree: Destroy Ukraine

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. The Ukrainians lost 41 Leopard-2 tanks in Zaporizhzhia

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  2. EU delivers ‘neither peace nor prosperity’ – member state
    The sentiment, recently expressed by Hungarian PM Viktor Orban, has been reiterated by his governmen

  3. Replies
    1. Fascists love each other very much.....

  4. Replies
    1. Half of Ukrainians see a Nazism problem in the country – “worrying” for Soros Foundation

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  5. Replies
    1. Philosopher
      "Germany has no intention to intervene in Russia’s internal affairs, Chancellor Olaf Scholz". Really? Protecting Russian citizens is an Internal Affair. So why are you sending weapons to Ukraine and support the nazi regime that are killing Russian citizens and soldiers? Putz.
      6 hr

      Mr Scholz for someone that doesn't want regime change in Russia you were awful jubilant for the 12 hrs you thought there was about to be one. You are the ultimate politician. Corrupt, stupid and can talk out of both sides of your mouth at the same time.

  6. EU state’s hotel industry boss counts cost of anti-Russia sanctions
    Latvia has lost a third of its tourists following a ban on most Russian visitors, Andris Kalnins has said

  7. Replies
    1. Moscow has repeatedly described any seizure of its assets by Western governments as theft and illegal under international law.

  8. Replies
    1. DavidBullock
      Today living in England my blood boils at the propoganda of the BBC and other western propoganda rags missinformation and brainwashing people here. We hear about the EU now filling criminal agression chargest against our homeland, Russia and the military leadership for their liberation of the Donbass and thwarting western plans for pillaging Ukraine at the epense of the Ukainianian people. What happened to the ICC charges against British and American troups in Afganistan and Iraq where there is video eveidence of executions, torture and humiliation of prisoners, Gitmo where civilians are held without charge and tortured for years on end. This world needs to be multipolar. We need to see a clear cut between the East and South from western parasitical warmongering terrorists of the EU, UK, US and Canadian regimes. NATO has to be disbanded and western nukes taken away from Russian boarders. The alternative is the west will not have to travel to MARS as this planet will be exactly like it in the next 10 years. What the EU is thinking about doing with Russian peoples money is ilegal and fraudulant and there will be a heavy and decisive retalitory process that will hit the west like a recking ball and we will not lift a finger to help them. What is about to hapen has been too long coming for the west, the way they have been acting. So western governments are to blame when it most effects western citizens and subjects. It is best we turn off our feelings about people of the west as their government bring down, I would say the anger of God, but maybe it is better we talk about their new idel Satan as this is what their governments seem to worship now. the thing is the west is following Titanic to its cold and high pressured death and they only have themselves to blame. All taps, and helping hands to the west must now be pulled in. Embasies closed any ties completely severed. They want to do this to themselves. Then we cannot just stop now at taking back former Russian land from Ukraine, but to take Kiev and the rest of Ukraine. Let us go for broke now to make sure NATO is not in Ukraine ever, and that political and military processes do not stop till NATO disbands and never to return. The alternative is to form a military wall from Norway, the baltic states, arround Belarus to protect it, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova making permentant Transinistan independence. Also butting off Georgia too. This wall will be dotted with tank implacements, missile batteries, garison forts that will be permenant features along NATO's expansion border to let them know there is nowhere else to expand to and that they will be constantly scrutinised and monitored for the slightest move. If they have military war games on Russian borders, fully armed fighter bombers will be on patrol right next to them, and missile drills will be run to make sure our homeland's safety. NATO and NATO member state merchent and civilian ships should be escorted by Russian military in the Baltic, Black and Meditaranean seas, Russia with China should start now having military bases, not on same scale as the US but strategicly placed arround the world to protect the smaller poorer states, especially in Africa and South America as they are decolonised and have American terror groups and insergency cells stripped ou from them. Any EU assets found should now be seised and used to finance the decolonialisation of African states helping them become self-suficient and be in charge totally of their own nations and resources. Kicking out all foreign compnies that are pilliging their nations. I would appologies for this rant RT, but saying sorry is a sign of weakness, and now is not a time for weakness or even politness to ones enemies. Praise be to our Lord God for giving us President Putin and Jinping who seem to have a far better outlook on world peace and growth than the enemy states of the west who worship the anti-christ.

    2. Interesting comment, but China is communist and communism was invented by the Jesuits and Russia lies just as much as the the rest of the world about the existence of 'nukes', the 'globe' earth and 'space' and when the fake pandemic started Russia cooperated with this CRIME against humanity.

    3. Plus: hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost in Ukraine but MILLIONS of people have been MURDERED by the jabs which shows that the Ukrainian conflict is a big DISTRACTION from that CRIME.

  9. Replies
    1. Feyd Rautha
      Threatens? Be a man, do it.

  10. EU state fines citizens for celebrating WW2 victory over Hitler
    For a number of Latvian nationals, the penalty was reportedly up to €350

    1. Michael Storyx
      Nazi ideology never died. Already after the end of WW2, it moved to America with the support of the US government, when the Americans gave asylum to Nazi scientists because of their knowledge. German governments paid pensions to Nazi soldiers, concentration camp guards and Gestapo officers. Some are now over 90 years old and still receive pensions from the German government. The same thing happened and is happening in Spain, Italy, Ukraine and other countries where this ideology took hold. Just take some time and ask the right questions to the internet browser. You will be surprised how Nazism continued to live its life even after the end of WW2. It's colossally disgusting. Liatvia is colossally disgusting.

    2. RandoOnline_
      So, the Nazis never really went away. They just got dispersed all throughout the West. It all makes sense now.

    3. Nazis are servants of the Luciferian Roman empire, disguised as the Roman Catholic church

    4. Tracie Smith
      This mental illness is why WW III will be a continuation of WW II.

    5. Yes, the Vatican is always behind it because it's Satan's headquarters on earth

    6. And every Pope is the ANTICHRIST

  11. Replies
    1. Mahin
      No better time to leave NATO!
      1 hr

      Mahin, Hungary is all talk. They get made to look like fools over and over and over and over and are even cut off from EU funds over silly corruption charges. Yet, they still insist on being EU/NATO slaves 😡
      12 m
      1 reply
      steve drake
      Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto; Please note NATO will fight till the last Ukrainian is dead this includes women and children.

  12. Replies
    1. Water
      Smart idea and smart suggestions from Sarkozy right there. After destruction of Libya, Gaddafi and his government that put him in power, the French man Sarkozy has suddenly become a peace maker and a holy man on Ukraine war.

  13. Replies
    1. “The policy of sanctions has failed,” he said, adding that “everywhere in the world, the European sanctions policy is being laughed at.”

  14. Thousands protest against EU state’s pro-Western government
    Czech demonstrators have called for the the country’s current leadership to resign over its support for Ukraine and ties to the US

  15. Replies
    1. Nigel Farage warns: the invasion of Lampedusa will destroy Europe

  16. Replies
    1. A super state is being created without any consent from the people, warns Polish MP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski

  17. Replies
    1. Earlier this month, reports emerged that Brussels is in the final stages of putting together its 12th sanctions package against Russia, and that it may include restrictions on Russia’s nuclear industry and liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports. However, in order for the European Commission to include any measures in the package, it requires approval from all EU member states.

    2. But the EU is busy changing this rule so that no single country can block a measure through a veto.

    3. That's because the EU SATANISTS HATE democracy!

  18. Replies
    1. Ukraine is a disgusting FAILED state, supported by the EVIL West

  19. Replies
    1. “As many migrants as possible”: EU presents program for “organized mobility”

  20. EU politicians think Ukraine conflict is a video game – member state
    Some European officials treat the crisis as if it’s a battle in Fortnite, Hungary’s foreign minister says

    1. “They suffer from military psychosis, and, for some mysterious reason, believe that arms shipments can bring peace.”

  21. Replies
    1. “We have no reason to be happy that the Germans are destroying themselves and are doing so with a whirlwind speed, perhaps faster than Hitler did,” Kover asserted.

    2. About the US ambassador to Hungary, David Pressman: It “doesn’t matter” what the US diplomat relays to the Hungarian government – and otherwise – given that Pressman apparently came to the country with a firm belief he was actually sent to govern it, Kover explained.

  22. Replies
    1. Hungary could lose all its voting rights in the EU – Accused of “wrong” voting on EU billions for Ukraine

  23. EU state proposes plan to end Ukraine conflict
    Foreign arms shipments have only prolonged the fighting, Hungary’s top diplomat has said

    1. Szijjarto said ending foreign arms shipments to Kiev is a top priority.

  24. EU state promises to stand up for Hungary
    Bratislava will not allow Ukraine's backers to punish Budapest for protecting its national interests, Robert Fico has pledged

  25. EU state calls for restrictions on Russian diplomats
    Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky has proposed limiting the movement of the embassy workers within Europe’s visa-free area

  26. EU boss makes election U-turn
    Charles Michel’s change of mind comes days before of a meeting between EU leaders on signing off on additional Ukraine aid

  27. Replies
    1. 'Suicide pact' threatens to flood EU with 75 million new migrants

  28. Replies
    1. The revolt is spreading through Europe, and the Brussels elites are terrified

  29. NATO member state opposes Biden’s pick bid to lead bloc
    Dutch PM Mark Rutte previously angered Hungary by saying it should be out of the EU or brought to its knees over gay rights

  30. EU nation’s PM posts ‘proof’ she doesn’t ‘eat Russians’ for breakfast
    Estonian PM Kaja Kallas has shared a veiled rebuke after claims that she is too hawkish to lead NATO

    1. She criticized the candidacy of Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who is believed to be the frontrunner to replace incumbent NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. If approved, he would become the fourth person from the Netherlands to lead the organization, she noted.

  31. EU state begins expelling Russians
    Russian citizens will be deported from Latvia by force if they don’t leave voluntarily, the country’s migration chief has said

  32. EU state blasts Biden’s ‘dictatorship’ remarks
    Hungary will not tolerate Washington’s “lies” about the country’s prime minister, FM Peter Szijjarto has said

    1. Budapest is “not obliged to tolerate such lies from anyone, even if that person happens to be the president of the United States of America,” Szijjarto added.

    2. The real boss of the US is SATAN himself!

  33. NATO state rejects €100-billion Ukraine war chest ‘madness’
    Hungary has vowed to oppose a five-year funding strategy for Ukraine just floated by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg

    1. since the money is to be collected over five years, this means NATO “expects the hostilities to continue for this period.”

  34. Replies
    1. Must-see: Hungarian minister exposes enormous hypocrisy surrounding sanctions against Russia in a fiery speech

  35. NATO state says Western policy on Russia-Ukraine has ‘completely failed’
    Sanctions have only hurt the EU and the conflict is far from over, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has said

  36. Replies
    1. No weird language anymore: there will be a limit on the amount of digital euros you can possess

  37. Replies
    1. “An economic crisis is needed, and that's why it's being created”


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”