Tuesday, 27 June 2023

'Heroic' Ukrainian officer blows up his own soldiers! - News updates 8

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Be careful what you wish for in Russia after a mutiny

Regime change in Russia has been a key objective of the globalist wing of US foreign policy since the 2014 Maidan coup, carried out at the behest of…

Prigozhin – Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?

I find it fascinating that the Western narratives surrounding Yevgeny Prigozhin are now emphasizing his virulent hatred of the Russian Ministry of Defense and calling him…

Preliminary autopsy of a failed coup at the end of June

This was top lols for me after an extremely stressful 36 hours. To put "go to Belarus" in quotes is to somehow...

Quickly in between – Cleaning old Newsletters

I'm again involved in a job that I absolutely don't feel like doing, nor time that I have better to spend. Recently got...

Putin orders reality check – No more Ukrainians on the battlefield, no sovereignty in Kiev

In short statements made late last week in Moscow - the significance of which was missed in the Western press -…

Biden's 'warning' of Putin's use of nuclear weapons is a perverted US projection

The United States - the only country to have ever used nuclear weapons in war against a largely civilian population - has...

What about the Ukrainian “counter-offensive”?

The long-heralded, long-awaited Ukrainian counter-offensive has officially begun! Hip Hip Hooray! Finally! Although the courage and bravery of the Russian army put them in…

It is unlikely that Wagner will open a northern front after Prigozhin's failed coup

Larry C. Johnson makes some compelling arguments, but ultimately his statement requires too many successive leaps of faith to be fulfilled, though there are…

Russia's Oscar-winning performance for Best Coup goes to Prigozhin as Best Actor

What if the Prigozhin "Coup" is Maskirovka? I want to explore that possibility. Earlier today (Saturday on the East Coast of the US) I was a…

Debunking the two main conspiracy theories about Prigozhin's failed coup attempt

Some in the Alt-Media community are convinced that Prigozhin is either a Western puppet assigned to stage a coup against President…

Bill Gates Caught Telling World Leaders It's Time For "Death Panels" To Reduce The World's Population

Globalist billionaire and depopulation fanatic Bill Gates has told world leaders it's time to use "Death Panels" to bring ordinary, law-abiding people to death...

Front news filmpscoop – Wagner posters go down all over Russia & Cossack troops storm AFU positions at Spornoe

All those visual war scenes that I come across on the net and don't do anything with because I don't think there's an interesting story attached to it, or...

Widow Says Her Husband Was MURDERED As Punishment "Because He Wasn't Vaccinated"

Registered nurse Elena Vlaica, 46, has spoken out many times about the murder of her husband Stuart in hospital 17 months ago....

Ukraine says it has launched offensives against Russian troops on several fronts (videos, photos)

The Ukrainian army has launched an offensive against Russian troops in several directions, Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar announced on 24...

Is a Titanic Conspiracy Theory Connected to the Sinking of the Billionaire Submarine?

Since the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912, theories have constantly emerged that question the official narrative. Some are ridiculous...

Human organ trafficking and child prostitution in Ukraine: Does only Russia's Maria Zakharova care?

This article addresses claims by Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova and others that Zelensky's Ukraine...

Prigozhin bowed his head after Putin mercifully gave him one last chance to save his life

His offer of amnesty and exile to Belarus was not a sign of weakness as the mainstream media and some in the Alt-Media claimed, but…

Prigozhin's gamble – Treason under another name

The 1997 Disney musical fantasy film Hercules features a particularly catchy song, Zero to Hero, which chronicles the rise of the film's star...

The musicians' uprising ends without bloodshed – Prigozhin in exile

Without the public support of any political figure in Russia, military or police unit, regional governor, or the officers of his Wagner group, Yevgeny Prigozhin…

Is there anything the American-European globalists are not willing to risk in order to bring Russia down?

There is an element within the US government, and I believe it is the dominant element, that will literally do anything to get the…

Scott Ritter: Ukrainian counter-offensive turns into a suicide mission

The long-awaited Ukrainian counter-offensive that began on June 4 has stalled. Moscow estimates Ukrainian losses at more than 13,000 troops and hundreds of tanks...

Thank Putin for stopping the COVID hoax

“As a kind of answer to the prayers of millions of people around the world, Russia began its military rescue operation in Ukraine. And suddenly…

Bizarre 'Titan' story just got weirder: US officials appear to have covered up discovery of implosion

In the worst news week for Biden's troubled presidency, a story unexpectedly surfaced that thrilled millions of Americans. It fed...

German Leopard 2A6 and Bradleys continue to be mercilessly destroyed (Video)

Another batch of the "best" tanks in the world having a bad day in Russia. Draw your own conclusions. Where are the Challengers,...

Video confirms Prigozhin is leaving Rostov, Kremlin says he's "going to Belarus" as part of deal

Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin was filmed Saturday leaving Rostov after striking a deal with the Kremlin that reportedly includes…

Front news movie scoop – Massive column of Chechen troops chasing Prigozhin & Russian Ka-52s hit Wagner convoy

All those visual war scenes that I come across on the net and don't do anything with because I don't think there's an interesting story attached to it, or...

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. Front news movie scoop – Ukrainian officer kills his troops fleeing their positions & Ukrop steps straight onto an AP mine

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  2. Suppose you are suddenly blown up: will you go to heaven or hell?

  3. Replies
    1. Front news movie pscoop - Belarus president Lukashenko opens up about the covid hoax & The ultimate proof why Lukashenko is a strong leader and boss

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  4. Ukraine outraged over Western expectations – Economist
    Kiev is reportedly frustrated with slow weapon deliveries from its partners who are demanding swift results from the operation

  5. Replies
    1. Professor calls Ukrainian counter-offensive suicidal: 'They don't stand a chance'

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    2. Professor John Mearsheimer warns Glenn Greenwald that the Ukrainian counteroffensive will result in significant casualties due to the Russian army's overwhelming artillery advantage, air superiority, and the undermanned and undertrained Ukrainian forces.

  6. Replies
    1. Front news film pscoop – Terrified AFU soldier comments on his first ever attack & Ukrainian “refugee” in Germany says she doesn't have to look for a job

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  7. Replies
    1. Front news filmpscoop – Russian Nuclear Energy Adviser says Kiev plans to attack ZNPP & Germans protest against deindustrialization and arming Kiev regime

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  8. Replies
    1. Front news movie scoop – New images of Nordstream pipeline & Entire Ukrainian section vaporized by Russian artillery blast

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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”