Thursday, 4 May 2023

The rapture has NOTHING to do with 'the news'


This is the ONLY and BEST NEWS:

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.



Russia is taking 3,000 more tanks out of storage – but NOT ALL will go to Ukraine

Last weekend, starting on Friday, Russia took another 3,000 tanks from various depots and loaded them onto trains. Those trains do NOT all go to...

Video: Heavy bombing of Belogorovka and Kupiansk – Moscow wants to strike at Siversk before the Ukrainians have time to recover from defeat...

Russian forces have begun a heavy bombardment of Belogkorovka, a strategic town located at the eastern "gateway" to Siversk, so…

Why do US and UK government experts praise Russia's electronic warfare skills?

Casual observers may have been surprised to see government experts from the US and UK testifying Russia's skills in a popular mainstream media outlet...

Ukraine embarrassed US: US senator denies calling Russian deaths “a good investment”.

US Senator Lindsey Graham has challenged Russian criticism of his comments during a recent trip to Kiev. In a by the office...

WHO wants to use "eavesdropping systems" to monitor people for "misinformation"

Congress is investigating the World Health Organization (WHO) after details emerge about the health organization's disturbing Orwellian plan...

Russian missile storm “prepares” Ukrainian counterattack: Everything from east to west was “wiped out” (Videos)

Russian missile storm "freezes" Ukrainian counter-offensive: troop concentrations, ammunition depots, train stations, etc. were hit from east to west. The cities of Kiev, Odessa (the port), Nikolaev, Lviv, Zhitomir, Poltava,...

Putin congratulates “good friend” Erdogan after Turkish election victory

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday congratulated Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his third term in office. Putin thanked Erdogan for his "personal...

“36 Hours in Bakhmut”: Surprising Truths in the Wall Street Journal

Under the title "36 Hours in Bakhmut: A Unit's Desperate Struggle to Hold Against the Russians" appeared these days in the...

Up to 70% of US-made Stryker infantry fighting vehicles delivered to Ukraine are out of service – report

The Ukrainian front lines are still waiting for the promised counter-offensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU). After months of military supplies from the West, training...

“The best money we ever spent”: Genocide is the true target of US investment in Ukraine (Video)

While British and American cruise missiles, grenades and drones are currently targeting Russian residential areas on a daily basis, US Senator Lindsey Graham visited Kiev to reassure Zelensky...

The USAF Chief said F-16s won't be a game-changer for Kiev, so why is the Kremlin so upset?

In view of the possibility of Kiev eventually getting F-16s, it is time to review the merits of both sides' assessments against…

American Actor And Filmmaker Ricky Schroeder Reveals Horrific Global Satanic Cult He Encountered In Hollywood (Video)

Silver Spoons child actor Ricky Schroeder spoke out on social media, sharing a horrifying Hollywood memory related to his theory about…

Russia: Evidence collected of bird flu pathogens with fatality rates up to 40% in humans in US biolabs in Ukraine

Not long ago, Mitt Romney threatened former MP Tulsi Gabbard for suggesting that the US was funding biolabs in Ukraine. In March 2022...

The Anti-Antisemitism Follies

Come, come and see, because it's time for the Anti-Antisemitism Foolishness again! That's right, folks, it's everyone's favorite unintentionally slapstick theatrical revue, with a...

Is Ukraine Babe Ruth, Billy Jack, Or Geraldo With Al Capone's Safe?

We live in a bizarre time. Ukrainian and US officials continue to publicly warn/threaten an imminent Ukrainian offensive to force Russia out of its recently acquired…

Zaluzhny kaput – Who is next in the Ukrainian collapse?

The man in the picture is General Valery Zaluzhny, commander in chief of the Ukrainian armed forces. There are no badges on his jacket, which is zipped up to…

Henry Kissinger, statesman, centenarian, war criminal

So, Henry Kisisinger did it. He has equaled the legendary Vietnamese general Võ Nguyên Giáp by living to 100 years and not...

Wagner has announced results of military operations in Ukraine

Wagner's sources have revealed the results of PMC military operations in Ukraine: Destruction of AFU manpower - 72,095; Prisoners...

In video 18+: Ukrainian Nazis hang Orthodox priest

Independent Italian journalist Anrea Lucidi has published a shocking video filmed by Ukrainian militants. Ukrainian Nazis Hanged a Priest, Probably...

Ukraine sent poor, untrained men into Bakhmut's meat grinder to spare better troops for the counter-offensive

Ukraine has sent untrained recruits into the battle of Bakhmut to spare its professional soldiers from an anticipated counter-offensive, The Wall Street Journal reported.

A new study points to a sudden and sustained rise in deaths and stillbirths in Germany from April 2021

In a new study, state-of-the-art actuarial science was used to examine deaths in Germany. The study aimed to estimate...

Watch: Putin warns that “woke” values ​​will destroy the West: “The same recipe Marxists used in 1917”

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that the far-left "woke" ideology being forced upon Western society is "evil" and the values ​​it...

Former UN Director Sounds Alarm: Global Elite Are All Pedophiles

At the highest levels of politics, finance and the entertainment industry, a shadowy cab of pedophiles uses their power to perpetuate the sickening crimes they...

Latest headlines – The tone of the West is shifting dramatically

There's been a huge deluge of startling and thought-provoking articles lately, which I haven't been able to see in other posts...

The next psyop has been launched as WHO warns of mass deaths as babies are born with deadly heart disease

As we have warned over and over in recent years, as the globalists have gotten away with the COVID bioweapon attack on America and the world, leaving them…

London posts vacancy for African mercenaries for Ukrainian counter-offensive – Guarantees accelerated citizenship in EU after contract expires

The United Kingdom is using search engines to recruit mercenaries from North Africa and the Middle East to take part in the Ukrainian counter-offensive, under the guise of…

How the West was lost… Kiev's regime whoring Russian oil and gas is the ultimate scam that spells doom for Western lenders

The oil and gas scam, like the whole war and arms scam and the charade that the West is "defending Ukrainian democracy" will be the downfall...

Russian tanks reach the Atlantic Ocean near Lisbon…

The "fake news" title of this article paints a picture of where the current US and EU foreign and military policies are in relation to...

Ukrainian claim about attack on Russian ship debunked

Let's give the Ukrainian government of Volodomyr Zelensky one thing - they are world-class liars. Yesterday I wrote about the attempt to...

The economic suicide of EU countries: Official data shows Germany has “sanctioned” itself into recession

German economy in recession after sanctions against Russia backfire. Germany has entered a recession after the latest official data showed a decline of…

China will shatter NATO's inflated illusions

We do indeed live in turbulent times. Important pieces of history are being written before our eyes. You may have noticed that "Dr. Doom" is sending ominous messages again...

20,000% increase in retinal damage after COVID-19 vaccination

Earlier this month (May, 2023), a large-scale study was published in the npj Vaccines journal, which is part of the Portfolio, and looked...

Poll: Nearly two-thirds of Americans view the media as "truly the enemy of the people."

Overall, more than half of those surveyed, from across the political spectrum, say they don't trust the media. According to a...

Disturbing video reveals Ukrainian army attack on civilian structure

Patrick Lancaster, a US military veteran and current war journalist on the front lines in Russian-controlled Ukrainian territory, filmed this week while…

Everything is getting much more dangerous and much stupider by the day

Moon of Alabama has an article about how an uncomfortable number of relatively coy foreign policy officials have left the Biden administration while…

FBI's 'U-Haul-Nazi flag' stunt at White House barricade widely ridiculed as blatant false flag

In recent years, the FBI has become less known as a federal "law enforcement agency" and more as a propaganda arm of the US "deep state", which leads to…

Findings from vaccine victims: Vaccine mRNA and spike protein still detectable in the body 2 years after vaccination

It would take "just a few days" for the mRNA of the experimental gene therapy against Covid-19 to break down and disappear in the body. Anyone who...

The EU has no leadership, just NGOs and think tanks telling it what to do, Hungarian minister says

No one has the courage and the ability to lead Europe today, which means that there is no political leadership in the European Union,…




  1. Back to the 'news', brought to you by Satan the devil....

  2. Replies
    1. I've read some comments and nobody says 'this was done by's all part of Satan's plan'

    2. And btw: I commented below articles on RT-Russia in the past and every time I got blocked....RT doesn't like the truth...

      Especially not about the Jesuits and that Joseph 'Stalin' himself was a Jesuit PRIEST and that communism was invented by the Jesuits of the Vatican.

  3. Replies
    1. Wasn't this a Russian FALSE FLAG? I mean, how was it possible that these drones could enter the airspace of Moscow?

  4. Replies
    1. Why don't they invent machines that can turn people like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates into DUCKS?

  5. ‘Time to say goodbye’ to British crown – Jamaican minister
    The former colony will also seek reparations from the monarchy, its Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs has said

    1. When will the US seek reparations from the British monarchy, or Australia or New Zealand or Canada etc?

    2. This will not happen because they're all controlled by the Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman empire

  6. Replies
    1. ROMAN CATHOLIC Belgium has STOLEN this money from Russia!

  7. Replies
    1. MOST Europeans are negative about immigration...

  8. Meanwhile: US banks halt trading as financial panic spreads
    More regional lenders see their shares plummeting, prompting regulators to intervene

    1. Satan has been quite busy today and the day isn't over yet....

  9. Russian military clarifies frontline situation in Ukraine
    Moscow has denied earlier social media reports of advances by Kiev

    1. All child raping Satan worshiping adrenochrome users want Russia to lose

  10. Replies
    1. Zelensky wanted to play the piano with his penis again...

  11. Replies
    1. It's about "building and defending a stable global order"

  12. Apple investigated for ‘planned obsolescence’
    French authorities are probing the tech giant for allegedly rendering its old iPhones unrepairable

  13. Apple investigated for ‘planned obsolescence’
    French authorities are probing the tech giant for allegedly rendering its old iPhones unrepairable

  14. More HORROR generated by SATAN: The latest GREAT RESET related news via

    Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

    The latest GREAT RESET related news via

    Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

    These are not Christian sites, so eat the fish and leave the bones.

    The latest great reset news on in Dutch

  15. De laatste berichten en zie hierboven The latest messages and see above

  16. Replies
    1. De schrijver van dit artikel snapt niet waar het om gaat: het profetische woord.
      Het doel van Satan en zijn aardse trawanten is dat er een situatie zal ontstaan die zal leiden tot de 'Gog en Magog coalitie van Ezechiël 38' dat gericht zal zijn tegen ISRAËL.
      Het profetische woord gaat VOORAL om Israël, want daar komt Satans tegenstander, God-de Heer JEZUS Christus terug naar ZIJN hoofdstad Jeruzalem!
      Satans doel is om dit uit alle macht trachten te voorkomen.....maar hij zal falen, zegt juist dat profetische woord.

    2. The writer of this article does not understand what it is all about: the prophetic word.
      The goal of Satan and his earthly cronies is that a situation will arise that will lead to the 'Gog and Magog Coalition of Ezekiel 38' that will be directed against ISRAEL.
      The prophetic word is ESPECIALLY about Israel, for there Satan's adversary, God-the Lord JESUS Christ, is coming back to HIS capital Jerusalem!
      Satan's goal is to try with all his might to prevent this…but he will fail, says that very prophetic word.

  17. Fox News tries to silence Tucker Carlson – media
    The network claims the host has violated his contract by starting a new show on Twitter

  18. Bedenkelijke site:
    Bericht: Russische krijgsgevangenen gebruikt als menselijk schild tijdens Oekraïense ontmijningsoperaties

    Dit artikel is een 'vertaling' van Russian POWs Used As Human Shields During Ukrainian Demining Operations

    In het originele artikel van staat dit: "according to Moscow’s authorities, the Western powers would also be responsible for the crimes, considering their unrestricted support for the neo-Nazi regime." veranderde dat in dit: "Volgens de autoriteiten van Moskou zouden westerse mogendheden ook verantwoordelijk zijn voor de misdaden, gezien hun onbeperkte steun aan het joodse regime."

    Dus "neo-Nazi regime" werd veranderd in "het joodse regime".

    Wat zegt dit over ''?
    Dat degene die achter deze site zit een Jodenhaters is.
    Ja, een zeer slechte Jood (Zelensky) 'leidt' Oekraïne, maar maakt dit Oekraïne een 'joods regime'?

    Zoals zovelen wil degene achter '' niet weten dat de Jezuïeten achter alles zitten en dat ze bewust bepaalde slechte Joden gebruiken om daarmee de aandacht van zichzelf af te leiden en de schuld aan 'de Joden' te kunnen geven.

    1. Questionable site:
      Message: Russian prisoners of war used as human shields during Ukrainian demining operations

      This article is a "translation" of Russian POWs Used As Human Shields During Ukrainian Demining Operations

      The original article states this: "according to Moscow's authorities, the Western powers would also be responsible for the crimes, considering their unrestricted support for the neo-Nazi regime." changed that to this: "According to Moscow authorities, Western powers would also be responsible for the crimes, given their unrestricted support for the Jewish regime."

      So "neo-Nazi regime" was changed to "the Jewish regime".

      What does this say about ''?
      That whoever is behind this site is a Jew hater.
      Yes, a very bad Jew (Zelensky) 'runs' Ukraine, but does this make Ukraine a 'Jewish regime'?

      Like so many, the person behind '' does not want to know that the Jesuits are behind everything and that they deliberately use certain bad Jews to divert attention from themselves and to blame 'the Jews'.

  19. Bedenkelijke site:

    Deze site brengt op zich vaak goed nieuws, maar men propageert op deze site het duivelse 'Channeling'

    1. Questionable site:

      This site often brings good news, but one propagates on this site the devilish 'Channeling'

    2. Het is de oude leugen van satan: 'je kunt als God zijn'. It is Satan's old lie, "you can be like God."

  20. Bedenkelijke site:

    Op deze site denkt men dat Poetin alleen maar goed is, terwijl Poetin samenwerkt met Moslims, meeging met de nep-pandemie, de globe-aarde-leugen uitdraagt, en de leugen van het bestaan van 'nucleaire wapens' uitdraagt.
    Tevens bezocht Poetin minstens drie keer de Antichrist = de Paus en ging hij vriendelijk om met Klaus Schwab.
    Poetin draagt zogenaamd het ware Christendom uit, maar de Russisch Orthodoxe religie heeft net zo min iets te maken met het ware geloof in de Heer JEZUS Christus als het Katholicisme of de Islam dat was uitgevonden door het Vaticaan en Augustijner monniken.

    1. Questionable site:

      This site thinks that Putin is only good, while Putin cooperates with Muslims, went along with the fake pandemic, propagates the globe-earth lie, and propagates the lie of the existence of 'nuclear weapons'.
      Putin also visited the Antichrist = the Pope at least three times and was friendly with Klaus Schwab.
      Putin supposedly propagates true Christianity, but the Russian Orthodox religion has just as little to do with true faith in the Lord JESUS Christ as Catholicism or Islam that was invented by the Vatican and Augustinian monks.

  21. The message of Zelensky’s top rival is pleasing for Western elites, but terrifying for Ukrainians
    Kiev’s former commander-in-chief, now ambassador to the UK, wants to turn his country into a weapons testing lab


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”