Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Ukraine 2014: The Masks of the Revolution - My Analysis

French documentary from 2016 in English

The problem: Ukraine is far from unity as this history* shows.
The country should be divided according to language borders because Ukrainian and Russian are related Slavic languages, but definitely not the same.
History shows that the entire territory of Ukraine is disputed and therefore there should be a fair distribution according to language and ethnicity.
This also applies to those areas in which there are other minorities who are affiliated with the mother countries, such as Romanians and Moldovans, Belorussians, Bulgarians, Hungarians and Poles.

Ukraine was not a problem when it became a neutral country after the breakup of the former Soviet Union.

It became a problem after the US in particular started to interfere with that country and also the EU.

(*Yes, I know that Wikipedia is left-partisan and that a lot is wrong, but even they can't just change the history of Ukraine.)

Putin had and has no problem with an independent Ukraine that has friendly ties with Russia and both 'the west', but 'the west' led by the US and also the EU deliberately caused strife in Ukraine long before 2014.

This is not because 'the west' loves Ukraine, but as a means of weakening and eventually bringing Russia down and dividing it into smaller parts that can be swallowed up by 'the west', within the framework of the ' unipolar world' led by the Vatican = disguised Luciferian Roman Empire 'west'.

The Bible makes it clear that 'the west' will eventually succeed and establish a world government led by the Antichrist = the Luciferian Roman emperor in disguise = the Pope.

However, this will only happen after the rapture of The Body of Christ and after the war of Ezekiel 38/39.

Everything that is happening now is to make that possible, led by Satan who is the true leader of the 'west', for the Pope is merely his most important pawn on earth.

Satan's goal is to try to prevent the existence of any Jews, especially in Israel, who will not have taken his Mark of the Beast, and the 'vaccines' are the prelude to that.

It is not about the 'vaccines', of course, but about the willingness of people to blindly obey the government coupled with a control system that will culminate in that Mark of the Beast.

If there were no more Jews who would have refused the Mark of the Beast then Satan would have won because then JESUS Christ would have no more motive to return to Israel to save a third of His people in the land of Israel and to establish His kingship over all the earth.

We know from the prophetic word that Satan will fail miserably, but he will drag many (and the majority of the Jews) down into his fall.

Some highlights of this documentary:

Btw this WAS the REAL Joe Biden!

When Victoria Nuland was still slim...


As reprehensible as many Ukrainians' Nazi sympathies are, it's understandable because they definitely don't want to be forced to be Russian.
And vice versa, the Russians in Ukraine do not want to be forced to be Ukrainian.
And this also applies to the other minorities in Ukraine.

This partly explains why the struggle in Ukraine is so fierce, because of course it also happens because the two superpowers, the US and Russia, are interfering.

In fact, all residents of Ukraine are Ukrainian citizens, but that is no longer the case for those former Ukrainians who voluntarily renounced their Ukrainian citizenship and adopted Russian citizenship.

The question now is whether those former Ukrainian citizens who have now become Russian citizens also have a right to the territory in which they live.

You would say yes because they are in the majority in those areas.

But the former Sudeten Germans also received that 'right' from the then great powers in the former Czechoslovakia in 1938 and as a result of the 'Munich Agreement', and we know that after Hitler-Germany lost the war the 'Sudeten Germans' were expelled from those areas.

After the loss of the German Empire and the break-up of Austria-Hungary at the end of the First World War, many German speakers came to live in new non-German states.
The Sudeten Germans were the most important example of this.

After the breakup of the former Soviet Union, many Russians came to live in non-Russian new states.

The Baltic States are an example of this and certainly Ukraine.

However, Russia (the Russian Federation) doesn't want a hostile Ukraine used by the US and NATO as a means of keeping Russia 'at gunpoint' at a relatively close distance from Moscow, even though all parties know that 'nuclear weapons ' do not exist, and all parties are LYING about that fact.

How can 'the west' beat Russia?

That is not possible!

But God can!

And that is why the devil and his Vatican West will shift the battle in such a way that the focal point will no longer be Ukraine but the Middle East where Russia is also present in Syria, near Israel, and the Iranians (the Persians) are also there.
And to an increasing degree, Islamic Turkey is also becoming involved as Turkey moves further and further away from 'the west'.

The 'Gog and Magog' coalition of Ezekiel 38 is getting closer.

What is 'needed' is a direct confrontation between Israel and Iran.

Since the secular state of Israel is an ally of 'the west', it is only a matter of time when this conflict will erupt.

But that won't happen before the rapture!

The prophetic word applies to Israel and not The Body of Christ in this dispensation of Grace.

And that dispensation of Grace ends at the time of the rapture.

The 2014 American Coup in Ukraine


Ukraine on Fire (2016)

Are you saved?

We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Ukraine warned it will have to pay for weapons
    A top Pentagon official has insisted that Kiev eventually needs to foot the bill for some shipments

  2. Replies
    1. The Russians enter the center of Bakhmut: The northern and eastern sides of the city captured (Videos)

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  3. Replies
    1. Back then it was still possible: this is how the media reported about Ukraine in 2014

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  4. Replies
    1. Western journalist makes remarkable discovery in Crimea (and is now on 'death list')

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  5. Replies
    1. Everyone who made the decision to deliver those weapons or repair them, along with foreign mercenaries and military trainers, ought to be considered legitimate military targets.

    2. While the US, NATO and the EU talk about the “freedom-loving people of Ukraine,” Thursday’s attack on Russia’s Bryansk Region shows that they are supporting “Nazi bastards, terrorist scum who attack civilians,” Medvedev said.

    3. “These are your proteges, Mr. Sunak, Macron, Scholz and Biden!” he wrote, addressing the leaders of the UK, France, Germany, and US. “And our attitude towards you is now the same as towards them. Your countries are now participants in the terrorist acts of the Ukrainian regime, and you are direct accomplices of terrorists.”

  6. Replies
    1. The Pentagon claims it is not a party to the conflict despite providing weapons, training, intelligence, and strategic combat decision expertise

    2. Dmitry Medvedev, said that Washington and its allies must be treated as direct parties to the conflict if “in addition to supplying weapons, they train personnel to operate them.”

  7. Replies
    1. Big defeat for the Ukrainians: The Russian pincers are closed – The Russians raise flag in the center of Bakhmut

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  8. Replies
    1. ProThought
      Why are most, if not all the filthy warmongers in high power positions of US Government, Jews?

    2. The Jesuits who run this world for Satan hide behind such Jews. But a Jew will never become POTUS. That's why a ROMAN CATHOLIC is the POTUS even though the REAL Joe Biden doesn't exist anymore.

    3. Then why was it possible that a REAL Jew became president of Ukraine?

    4. Ukraine has NEVER been a country and it doesn't have a homogeneous population as I explained in my article above.
      Ukraine should be divided into a Russian and a non-Russian part and that is exactly what Putin is doing now.
      Zelensky the Jew who speaks RUSSIAN as his mother tongue could become president of this FAKE country called 'Ukraine' thanks to his support from the Vatican controlled West.
      He's totally in the pocket of son-of-Nazi and Vatican controlled Klaus Schwab, and before he was elected he presented himself as a man of peace and as someone who would definitively put an end to all corruption in his country.
      But he has become the exact opposite and he is an undemocratic and corrupt dictator, fully supported by the corrupt West.

      The purpose of this is to incite Jew-hatred, because the Jesuits always use corrupt Jews for that purpose.

    5. The cynical thing is that Zelensky the Jew became president of the country where the Roman Catholic Nazis started the Holocaust during "World War 2", which was a Vatican-led operation to get rid of the "Jew problem" in Europe under cover of a deliberately created war.
      All the great powers of the time, and not just Hitler-Germany, were guilty of this.

  9. Replies
    1. Open letter to German embassy: Russian museum with black humor

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  10. Replies
    1. Rogue Trooper
      How does stealing Syria's oil keep Americans safe?

  11. Wagner’s Boss Prigozhyn: “Before we fought the professional Ukrainian army but today we see more and more elderly people and kids.”
    -> Bakhmut is falling as we speak and Zelensky pulled out the “good” units and threw in kids and old people to win time … despicable!

  12. Replies
    1. Mass demonstration in Berlin: 'We know that Russia is not our enemy'

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  13. Replies
    1. Marc Miller
      Bulgaria has an American governor, Petkov, educated in Havard. He and his comrade Vasilev, also a Harvard Eleve, took the power in Bulgaria some years ago and tried to silence the former government of B. Borissov. But the parliament chased them away by vote of no-confidence. Presently Bulgaria has no regular government. Same as the American governor in Germany, Scholz, and other European paladines: these usurpators do, what big brother in USA orders. So don't blame the Bulgarians . Their country is not free. It is controlled by the US.

  14. Replies
    1. “There is an ‘invisible hand’ pushing the conflict towards escalation and trying to use the Ukrainian crisis to serve a certain geopolitical agenda”

  15. Replies
    1. the move was further evidence that Washington is ready to support Nazis in the fight against Russia.

  16. Replies
    1. Russia has maintained that the influx of Western weapons into Ukraine will prolong the conflict without altering its outcome. The supply of fighter jets in particular is a “red line” that would place the West at “war against Russia,” former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned last week.

  17. Replies
    1. Grenchev
      Check this out: if Ukraine stays in Bakhmut, they bleed themselves dry and will be likely unable to mount their spring offensive -- which will result in America pulling funding / equipment because Ukraine cannot perform. Which is why America is trying to 'pressure' Zelensky to withdraw. BUT if Ukraine does withdraw from Bakhmut, Zelensky stands to lose the entire Donbas because - despite the bluffs of Bakhmut being 'symbolic' and of 'no strategic interest' Bakhmut is indeed a very important location. If Bakhmut falls, it is the end of Ukraine's iron grip of the Donbas. They will forever be on a back pedal for the rest of the conflict. No matter what Ukraine does - it is a bad situation. ... Alternatively, they could just negotiate with Russia and just cry "Uncle!" But Zelensky's too stubborn to do that.

  18. Replies
    1. Videos – Failed Ukrainian infantry attack on Wagner troops in Bakhmut

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  19. Replies
    1. “All of the drones were aimed at civilian targets… There are no military facilities nearby,”

  20. Replies
    1. Stu4Rus
      OF course they don't care about THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE in Crimea or elsewhere in Ukraine because to them, democracy doesn't exist if it doesn't suit them.

  21. Replies
    1. 150 meters “mushroom” in Avdiivka: Massive airstrikes with 1.5 ton bombs – The Russians broke through the fortifications and entered the city

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  22. Replies
    1. Mezgebu also suggested that the West is aware of the religious persecution in Ukraine, but – despite having the ability to intervene – it remains silent on the issue because it shares a “similar agenda” with Kiev

  23. Moscow claims to know culprit behind religious crackdown in Ukraine
    Washington uses Kiev’s policies as a tool against Russia, the Foreign Ministry has said

  24. EU nation renews effort to ban Russian nuclear energy – Reuters
    Lithuania is offering exemptions for some member states to push sanctions through, the news agency has claimed

  25. Ukrainian mayor bans largest Christian church
    The canonical Orthodox church has “ended” in Lviv, the official proclaimed

    1. Lviv has been one of the major centers of modern Ukrainian nationalism, which envisions a national identity not just distinct from Russian but hostile to it. Such sentiments are the strongest in territories of modern Ukraine that were ruled by Austria-Hungary and later Poland.

    2. Those territories were infected by the true church of Satan, the Catholic church!

    3. The mass murder of the Jews, but also many Russians and Poles, started in that part of Ukraine during the advance of the CATHOLIC German Nazis.

    4. Nazi Ukrainians killed a lot of Poles yet Poland is on the side of Ukraine...are they INSANE?

  26. Replies
    1. The West is controlled by the devil: you cannot compromise with Satan!

    2. anastasia2657
      the just war is simply this: It is the right to defend oneself when faced with the imminent threat of grave harm. That's why the US always has to lie to create the scenario for the "just war," eg. the sinking of the Lusitania, which was provoked; Pearl Harbor, which FDR deliberately provoked; the Gulf of Tonkin, which was a hoax; and 911, a false flag.

  27. Minsk agreements allowed me to arm Ukraine – ex-president
    Pyotr Poroshenko has said he turned to NATO to prepare for war instead of implementing the peace roadmap

    1. In the interview, Poroshenko endorsed the opinion of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, who argued last week that Minsk and Moscow should have “resolved” the Ukrainian situation in 2014-2015, instead of pursuing diplomacy. Poroshenko implied that his government would have been toppled in that scenario.


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”