Monday, 24 April 2023

‘Crazy’ that Russia and Ukraine still trade – Seymour Hersh (video)

The veteran investigative journalist detailed his claims of corruption in Kiev in an interview aired by RT (“I don’t know [whether] I should be giggling about it because it’s really quite a crazy situation,” he concluded.)

Russia and Ukraine, despite being locked in an armed conflict, continue to trade products and services with each other, a situation that journalist Seymour Hersh described as “quite crazy” in an interview with the TV show ‘Going Underground.’

“Oil and money transcends any sort of rationality, I guess,” Hersh said in the interview aired by RT on Monday. He added that it wasn’t too hard to find tell-tale signs of Ukrainian corruption.

Read more... 


Prophecy & Current Events Pt. 1 of 2 (A) - 04/08/22

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. Russia blows up underground bunker containing 200 high-ranking NATO officers in Ukraine

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

    2. Gilbert Doctorow talks on Press TV about Russian Kinzhal missile strike on NATO bunker in Lvov, Ukraine, which allegedly killed 200 NATO officers. Yandex news yesterday reported that crates with the remains of recovered officers were flown home.

  2. Replies
    1. Simplybe
      Seriously is there anyone at the NYT that isn't on the CIA payroll or a forever Democrat. Just wondering.
      7 m

      Simplybe, No
      7 m
      2 more replies

  3. Replies
    1. Velon
      Why Russia is so passive with this attack of terrorism by Ukrainians? I hope this is not another sham war designed by the globalists! Drop a tactical nuke on Zelensky and prove us all wrong . Show you care
      37 m

      nick nuts
      Velon, Russia still trades with Ukraine. No one cares about regular people.

  4. Replies
    1. Burton Bonham
      His name is Volodymyr it starts with a V. Last name Zelenskyy it starts with a Z......

  5. Replies
    1. His gun is loaded with cocaine

    2. MoiIci
      Big words from someone snorting cocaine in a bunker for over a year

  6. Ukraine calls for boycott of popular Irish whiskey
    Kiev’s envoy to Ireland is up in arms against Jameson, claiming the distillery’s exports fuel the Russian “war machine”

    1. The hypocritical 'government' of Ukraine itself still trades with Russia because money 'doesn't stink'.

  7. Replies
    1. Nick Papagiorgio
      "Meanwhile, Russia is “literally ready to use any means at its disposal” to deter threats to its security and the safety of its leadership, he added."

      I don't believe this is a concrete position held by the Russian leadership. It sounds convincing until you realize that "red lines" and ultimatums have already been set and crossed, while little to nothing happens as a result. Do you want to make a resounding and convincing statement about how far you will go to protect Russian sovereignty from an encroaching NATO? Flatten Kiev or one of the major cities in Western Ukraine being used to funnel supplies. All pretense will be wiped away in a matter of hours.

    2. Russia shouldn't talk but act and bomb all countries hat aided Nazi-America and Nazi-Ukraine

    3. But this will not happen because then it will be revealed that 'nukes' don't exist...

  8. Russian governor blames Ukrainian drone for explosion
    A library and post office were among the buildings damaged in the latest incident in Belgorod Region

  9. Replies
    1. So that Ukraine kan kill more Russian civilians, women and children

  10. Replies
    1. Europeans want peace in Ukraine, but Biden does not

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

    2. Biden is controlled by the Vatican and the Vatican is controlled by Satan

  11. Western states still buying Russian oil and gas – minister
    Those who sanctioned Moscow now rely on “workarounds” to get the country’s energy, Nikolay Shulginov says

    1. Of course! In Satan's world is all about MONEY!

  12. Replies
    1. rmc
      On .... There is no supply shortage in Ukraine .....
      Of course. Anybody that is paying the highest price will get the diesel. That's how the market work.
      That's why the EU sanction don't work too. Price is the best incentive.
      23 m

      rmc, Part of me wonders if it’s in Russias best interest to be selling fuel to the people who are trying to kill our civilians
      15 m
      1 reply
      Chris Davis
      What is this game? Russia needs to stop helping the Ukraine, indirectly.
      24 m

      Chris Davis, It’s all part of the plan
      14 m
      1 reply
      ...there in NO REASON, to do any business with enemy's. Not to feed you, not to heat you, not to sell oil to you... There HAS to be a SCORCHED EARTH policy to this problem. CORRECT, is ONLY ONE WAY. Not fractions of it, degree's of it, when it suits you. Half truths are the same as a lie. A poisoned well is half water.
      44 m

      TorresBob88, You’re not questioning Putin’s judgement, are you? None of us would like to be guilty of such a crime…
      12 m
      1 reply
      Imani Kay
      Ho Ho Ho, who woulda thought?, ho ho ho!
      58 m

      General Strike
      It’s called capitalism. Oh yeah. The restoration of capitalism in Russia is one of the greatest tragedies in history.
      1 hr

      Imani Kay
      business as usual. nothing new. the great irony of global economy
      1 hr

      A͏r͏t͏f͏u͏l͏ D͏o͏d͏g͏e͏r͏
      FYI, it's called 'extortion'.
      Ukraine could easily disrupt the pipeline to Hungary.
      1 hr

      A͏r͏t͏f͏u͏l͏ D͏o͏d͏g͏e͏r͏, are you suggesting Ukraine extorting Russia?
      9 m
      1 reply
      A͏r͏t͏f͏u͏l͏ D͏o͏d͏g͏e͏r͏
      I can just hear 'Adonis Cirillo' saying: "SEE! I TOLD YOU SO!"
      God, it's great he/it has left with his pot-shots against Russia.
      1 hr

      A͏r͏t͏f͏u͏l͏ D͏o͏d͏g͏e͏r͏, Russians know this is all part of the plan. Putin is allowing fuel to be sold so that he can cut it off as soon as he decides that no more Russians will be killed on the battlefield
      10 m
      1 reply
      Paulino Avina
      I still don't like Erdogan.
      1 hr

      Paulino Avina, Yes, Erdogan is important for Nato and Russia and he knows it. Unfortunately, the US financial system carries bigger carrots and sticks than Russian diplomacy.
      10 m
      1 reply
      Wu Sangui
      Ho ho ho. And they drink the same water that fall from the sky.
      1 hr

      nick Frank
      It's time for a new oil embargo against the demonic democratic party leaders and demonic Biden. The strategic oil reserves, were old salt mines, that can only be filled so many times, before the are completely destroyed. Delayed oil exports to Sodom and Gamorrah, would collapse the economy, destroy the u.s. currency.
      2 hr

      nick Frank, The US does not import Russian oil, that would not affect them
      7 m
      1 reply
      Fair target this «» @“Fuel deliveries are mainly made by rail via Poland,”
      2 hr

      Chris Davis
      Tziyon•Tawhid•&•The•Cr➕ss, Bomb Polish rail, then.
      22 m
      1 more reply
      Germany can figure out this energy conundrum, but their own Nordstream is a mystery and no leads or clues? Am speechless. 😂😛🤙🚽


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”