RFK Jr. and his team of lawyers and editors wrote an excellent exposé on Dr. Mengele 2.0 entitled, The Real Anthony Fauci.
if you read his book carefully, you would have noted that while he
provided charts showing that the major vaccines were all introduced after
the respective diseases they were supposedly preventing were all but
eradicated, he still did not reject these dangerous and ineffective
poisons. He also intimated that AIDS was Dr. Mengele 2.0’s first crime
against humanity, but then concluded that the disease most likely is in
fact real.
There have been rumblings that RFK Jr. is also anti-2A.
His most redeeming quality currently is that he is an anti-vaxxer when it comes to the COVID-19 slow kill bioweapons, as well as his position on mandates, lockdowns and masks.
His position on Ukraine is utterly misguided and naive.
But what about his take on the Great Reset’s endgame PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE?
POPE calls for WORLD UNITY, Urges "CLIMATE CONTROL is Top Moral Issue"
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
ReplyDeleteLook this up: According to Robert Kennedy Jr., Climate Skeptics Should be Put in Jail
Highlighted reply
7grainsofsalt 3
7grainsofsalt 3
3 hours ago
Oh wow! I was not aware of that one. Unbelievable!! That is the nail on the final coffin for me. Thank you for sharing this! I'll have it in a short one this week. Thanks!
De ontnuchterende waarheid over de oorlog in Oekraïne blootgelegd
ReplyDeleteThe sobering truth about the war in Ukraine exposed
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
US presidential candidate condemns Kremlin drone attack
ReplyDeleteWashington needs to stop the “deranged” escalation of the Ukraine conflict, said RFK Jr.
‘Dit is het belangrijkste filmpje over klimaatverandering dat je ooit zult zien, en het duurt slechts 4 minuten’
ReplyDelete"This is the most important climate change video you'll ever see, and it's only 4 minutes long"
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Auteur wordt na schokkend artikel over windmolens tot 2 keer toe van LinkedIn gegooid
ReplyDeleteAuthor is thrown off LinkedIn twice after a shocking article about windmills
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Wereldwijd evenement tegen de globalisten op 20 mei: ‘We zijn er klaar voor, kom maar op’
ReplyDeleteGlobal event against the globalists on May 20: 'We are ready, bring it on'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Among other things, I see controlled opposition Robert Kennedy Jr...
DeleteAnd they use the satanic image of the globe...
DeleteAartsbisschop pleit voor verbond tegen Davos-lobby en World Economic Forum: ‘We voeren een historisch gevecht’
ReplyDeleteArchbishop calls for alliance against Davos lobby and World Economic Forum: 'We are fighting a historic battle'
DeleteAnother controlled opposition figure...
DeletePeople are desperately trying to stop the devil...with the devil...
DeleteWorld registers hottest-ever day
ReplyDeleteTwo big lies in this article: man made climate change and the 'globe'.
DeleteRussia lies about these things just as much as the rest of the world!
Idiote klimaatactivisten die zichzelf aan de weg ‘vastlijmden’ hebben misschien een amputatie nodig
ReplyDeleteIdiot Climate Activists Who ‘Glued’ Themselves to Road Might Require Amputation
DeleteThis has nothing to do with climate change, but everything to do with Kennedy's credibility
ReplyDeleteElke (toekomstige) huiseigenaar moet dit zien
ReplyDeleteRFK Jr. demands Secret Service protection after assassination scare
ReplyDeleteKennedy to run as third-party presidential candidate – media
ReplyDeleteRobert F. Kennedy Jr. has reportedly decided to compete as an independent, potentially pulling votes away from incumbent Joe Biden
DeleteLeugenaar, leugenaar: RFK Jr. biecht op, vloog TWEE keer met Epstein
ReplyDeleteLiar, Liar: RFK Jr. Comes Clean(er), Cops to Flying W/ Epstein TWICE
DeleteRFK Jr. picks ex-wife of Russian Google co-founder as running mate
DeleteIsn't Kennedy the one that said Climate Change deniers (ie. those who know the truth) should be thrown in prison. If that is correct, then no more needs to be said. This is a strange choice but remember that Kennedy is a Democrat at heart. I agree with his stance on vaccines but there is something fishy going on here.
Robert F. Kennedy doet zeer gewaagde uitspraak over chemtrails: ‘We gaan een einde maken aan deze misdaad’
ReplyDeleteRobert F. Kennedy makes very bold statement about chemtrails: 'We are going to put an end to this crime'
DeleteKennedy: verbazingwekkend om te zien dat veel landen PRECIES doen wat het WEF hen opdraagt
ReplyDeleteKennedy: Amazing to see many countries doing EXACTLY what the WEF tells them to do
DeleteKennedy kondigt aan: we gaan de chemicaliën uit de CHEMTRAILS halen
ReplyDeleteKennedy announces: we are going to get the chemicals out of the CHEMTRAILS
Delete‘Paniek’ bij 5 grootste farmaceutische bedrijven na winst Trump, Kennedy wil bezem erdoor halen
ReplyDelete'Panic' at 5 largest pharmaceutical companies after Trump win, Kennedy wants to sweep it clean
DeleteKijk: Kennedy vertelt hoe Bill Gates 242 miljoen dollar verdiende aan het Pfizer-vaccin
ReplyDeleteWatch: Kennedy Reveals How Bill Gates Made $242 Million From Pfizer Vaccine
DeleteCovid-tribunalen? Zo wil Kennedy de corruptie aanpakken
ReplyDeleteCovid Tribunals? This is how Kennedy wants to tackle corruption
DeleteVideo: De gruwelijke waarheid uitgelegd in 3 minuten en 23 seconden
ReplyDeleteVideo: The Horrifying Truth Explained in 3 Minutes and 23 Seconds
DeleteWhat Kennedy does NOT say is that Blackrock is controlled by the Vatican, the Jesuits and SATAN
DeleteKennedy wil immuniteit vaccinmakers OPHEFFEN om ze aansprakelijk te kunnen stellen voor prikschade
ReplyDeleteKennedy wants to REMOVE immunity for vaccine makers to hold them liable for injection damage
DeleteKijk: Kennedy vraagt waarom Bill Gates en de CIA in 2019 samen Event 201 organiseerden
ReplyDeleteWatch: Kennedy Asks Why Bill Gates and the CIA Co-Hosted Event 2019
DeleteVideo: Kennedy ontmaskert Bill Gates en onthult hoe hij 242 miljoen verdiende aan het opdringen van de Pfizer-prik
ReplyDeleteVideo: Kennedy exposes Bill Gates and reveals how he made $242 million pushing the Pfizer shot
DeleteSchokkend: de gruwelijke experimenten van Fauci op kinderen
ReplyDeleteShocking: Fauci's Horrific Experiments on Children
DeleteEx-running mate Kennedy onthult link tussen ‘chemtrails’ en bosbranden
ReplyDeleteEx-running mate Kennedy reveals link between 'chemtrails' and wildfires
DeleteDeze biowapens zijn al een tijdje in ons midden: ‘Gelukkig is het maar een complottheorie, toch?’
ReplyDeleteThese bioweapons have been around for a while: “Luckily it’s just a conspiracy theory, right?”
DeleteKennedy wil epidemie van chronische ziekten aanpakken, opent onderzoek naar kindervaccins, straling en nog veel meer
ReplyDeleteKennedy aims to tackle epidemic of chronic diseases, opens research into childhood vaccines, radiation and more