Tuesday, 17 January 2023

The WEF meeting in Davos shows the front line in the War of the Systems

The participation list of the World Economic Forum in Davos shows where the dividing line lies in the struggle of the systems for the new world order.

A hotly debated question at the moment is whether Putin's Russia and China are actually fighting against the Western world order, or whether they are merely part of a large-scale deception and are in fact cooperating with the Western elites, who are currently in Davos for the annual gathering of the World Economic Forum (WEF) meet. I have stated my position on the issue many times and clearly, and it is also the subject of my new book, Putin's Plan, writes Thomas Röper .

Putin's Russia and China oppose the globalist world order desired by the West, and Putin has never participated in the WEF's Young Global Leaders program or its predecessor Global Leaders for Tomorrow—despite popular belief to the contrary. I pointed this out in this article , which links all the participant lists of these programs. I have gathered more details and background on the subject here and here is the very interesting history of the formation of the Young Global Leaders program.

The WEF meeting in Davos shows the front line in the War of the Systems

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The revealing participant list of the WEF meeting

That it is not just my thesis that Russia and China are tooth and nail against the plans of the West, but that this is true, according to the list of participants of the current meeting of the World Economic Forum, which was leaked by an investigative journalist . You can find and download it in this article .

The full list of participants for the WEF meeting, which starts today, is 79 pages and the participants are sorted by country. Therefore, everyone can easily find out which countries are sending official representatives – up to dozens of heads of government and many more ministers – to the meeting and from which countries businessmen or other representatives are coming.

The list clearly shows which countries are in fact under the control of the WEF and send their government members there, many of whom (up to and including heads of government) go through the programs of the WEF, have committed themselves to the goals of the WEF of Klaus Schwab and owe their careers to these WEF networks.

And from the list you can also clearly see which countries oppose the influence and goals of the WEF by looking at the countries from which no representative comes.

There is not a single representative of China on the list, the same goes for Russia. Interestingly, there is a representative of Belarus on the list, but that is failed former presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, whom most people have probably long forgotten. Iranians are also nowhere on the list and there is only one candidate from Venezuela, for example.

On the other hand, if you look at the fact that almost a hundred people have been invited from Germany, for example, and almost fifty from France, and that even the EU is represented by almost twenty people (namely almost the entire EU Commission and EU heads von der Leyen and Michel), it becomes clear which policies of which states are influenced (or directed) by the WEF – and which states avoid the WEF.

And you can also very well see on the list who is leading the WEF, because I couldn't even count the US representatives. They fill 20 of the 79 pages of the participant list. By comparison, the nearly 100 participants from Germany only fill three pages, while an estimated 600 to 700 representatives come from the US.

“Western democracy” is really an oligarchy

Also (and especially) for the US, the US government only does what its oligarchs want. This (Russian) view of the US was expressed in an interview a few days ago by the head of the Russian Security Council :


“In reality, the US state is just a shell for a conglomerate of huge corporations that dominate the country and try to dominate the world. For the transnational corporations, even US presidents are just extras who, like Trump, can be muzzled.”

This is definitely not my “sick conspiracy theory”. This is evident from a large study by two professors from well-known American universities in 2014. They used numerous polls to determine whether what is written into laws in Washington is what the majority of American citizens want. The result: zero percent agreement between the will of the voters and the laws that the elected representatives then passed.

According to the study, the US is not a democracy, but an oligarchy, where a few very rich and powerful people decide what gets done. But for the people the illusion of democracy is created. And the US brought this “democracy” to Europe after the war, and therefore the same applies to the states of the EU and to all states of the “Western community of values”.

You've probably never heard of this research because the media has barely reported it. When it comes to criticizing the system, the media is silent.

Oligarchs or philanthropists?

This coincides exactly with what I have elaborated and touched on in my books “Abhängig Beschäftigt” (Dependent Workers, about how the “western democracies” function and who really has the power there), “Inside Corona” (in which I use the example of the pandemic to show how this power is exercised) and “Putin's Plan” (on Russia's ideas of a fairer world order): in the West, clans of oligarchs rule, pretending that the world is only democracy, i.e. the people, reigns in the West.

In reality, a system has been created in the West in which oligarchs (called “philanthropists” by the media ) hold power. Through their companies, lobbyists and foundations, they not only determine policy, but even get whole laws passed that they want. I gave a random example of that years ago, details can be found here .

So the essence of “western democracy” is that it is a sham democracy where what a rather small group of billionaires want is actually carried out.

The “front line” in the battle of the systems

Think what you like about the political systems of Russia and China, but one thing is clear: they want political decisions to be made by governments, not oligarchs. Putin broke power from Russia's oligarchs very quickly after coming to power more than 20 years ago, and China also showed its internet companies their limits as they tried to build political influence a few years ago.

That is why Russia and China (and the other states the US-led West sees as enemies) have banned the work of most Western political foundations (NGOs) in their own countries, wanting to keep their influence outside their own countries. They do not want a few Western (mainly American) oligarchs to dictate politics in their countries, as is the case in the countries of the West.

And this is precisely where the “front line” runs in the clash of systems we are experiencing: it is about who will be in power in the future – the governments of the states or the richest billionaire clans and their foundations. At its core, this is the question of the future world order, as I have shown in detail in my latest book “Putin's Plan” over 300 pages and 180 sources.


What this battle of systems entails, I show here with one of the many examples. As I said, you can find more details and background information in my books “Abhängig Beschäftigt”, “Inside Corona” and “Putin's Plan”. In total, the books contain about 1000 pages and 800 sources on the subject.

Public-private partnerships

A central element of the power of the oligarchs in the West is the media-lauded public-private partnerships, which I have written about in detail in the book “Inside Corona”. The gist of it is this: because the state is supposedly so inefficient, as much as possible should be done by “private parties”. This is used to justify privatizations and also programs of the Western oligarchs, who, as I said, are however called “philanthropists” by the media.

And it goes like this: An oligarch's foundation comes up with a nice-sounding project, say fighting hunger, donates "generously" $ 50 million for it, and then Western states are so enthusiastic about it that they give it $ 500 million, for example. add. The foundation then has $550 million and uses it to buy something (seeds, farm equipment, food, etc.) to (supposedly) fight hunger. The trick is that these goods are bought from companies owned by the “generous” philanthropist – thus turning 50 million of his own money into 550 million of his own money.

This is a very simplified description, but at its core it really works like this, of which I have shown numerous examples in “Inside Corona”. This is also the reason why all supposed philanthropists keep getting richer, while according to the official account they give away all their wealth for the benefit of humanity. In reality, they give nothing away at all, but use a little of their own money to pocket many times more taxpayers' money. In this way they become richer and more powerful.

These public-private partnerships have now become a central element of the Western system and are constantly expanding.

And now comes the crucial point: in all public-private partnerships, it is always only the states of the West that finance them with taxpayers' money. Other countries, especially Russia and China, are not playing the game. They do not support the Western oligarchs in this most central issue.

And this is exactly what the current list of participants in the WEF shows, because after the systemic war in Ukraine turned from a Cold War into a "hot war", the few contacts that existed between the WEF (and other institutions of the Western oligarchs) on the one hand and Russia and China on the other.

Speech(s) by Putin

In addition, Russia has openly declared war on the Western system, in which the foundations of the oligarchs effectively hold power. This could of course be taken as a show, but along with the above I see no evidence that it is a show. On the contrary, if you look at the details, Russia is resisting what the Western oligarchs want to impose.

There are countless speeches in which Putin has spoken out against this economic model of the West. He used to be diplomatic about it, but now he hardly cares. On August 16, 2022, Putin gave a speech about this , which I have translated. In his speech he was as clear as he has ever been.

Putin spoke openly about the fact that (democratically elected) politicians do not rule in the West, he spoke instead about “Western globalist elites” – a clear paraphrase of the people I call “Western oligarchs” here. Putin said they represent a model “that allows the whole world to be parasitized” – so in plain language he said that a few Western oligarchs are draining (“parasitizing”) the whole world.


A good summary of what is happening now, in my view, was the following passage from Putin's speech:

“It is clear that the Western globalist elites' actions include such actions as trying to divert the attention of their own citizens from the acute socio-economic problems — declining living standards, unemployment, poverty, deindustrialization — in order to blame their own failures on others. countries – on Russia and China – that defend their position, pursue sovereign development policies and do not submit to the dictates of supranational elites.”

Putin was no longer talking about Western states wanting to implement their policies, but about “the dictates of supranational elites” – again a very clear euphemism for those I call “Western oligarchs”.

The final clash of systems

Russia has now openly declared war on this Western system, as evidenced by all statements made by leading Russian politicians since the beginning of the escalation in Ukraine. And I experienced it myself when I was in Moscow for a longer period of time. I had many interesting conversations with experts I met when I was invited to discussion panels on Russian television or for other conversations.

All these talks had one overtone : Russia will no longer diplomatically describe the system of the West with fancy formulations, but will now call things by their names and (along with China?) the states of the world an alternative system of international political and offering economic cooperation. Russia is building a world order in which people are allowed to get filthy rich but have to stay out of politics, while politics in the West has long been dictated by oligarchs who, through their foundations and lobbyists determine what gets decided in the West and what doesn't.

Russia wants a world order in which no state (or small group of states) can dictate to other states how one should live, what form of government or even what “values” a state should represent. It is about a multipolar world order in which the states of the world treat each other on an equal footing, without threatening each other with sanctions or otherwise exerting pressure.

That is Russia's goal and that is what the conflict between the West and Russia is really about. But such a world order would mean the end of the "parasitic" system of globalization that the West has imposed on the world so far. We are – no exaggeration – in the final battle of the systems. Ukraine is just a pathetic pawn with which the US ruling elites want to weaken Russia by imposing proxy war in Ukraine on Russia. It's cynical, but unfortunately that's how geopolitics works .

The Moscow talks just mentioned gave me the idea to write my latest book, Putin's Plan, to show what War of the Systems is really about. In this article I can only give a small overview.


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We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. While I believe that Putin is not on our side simply because he's not saved, I still believe that God is using him to antagonize Satan.
    China is a different story, as communism was invented by the Jesuits, but China is also being used to hold back Satan's one world government until the rapture.
    Russia and China lie just as much about the existence of 'nuclear weapons' and about the correct shape of the earth and about 'space travel' and these lies also come from Satan and his Jesuits.

    The main lie, of course, is that we must do something to be saved when it comes to what God has DONE for us through JESUS.

    In case you're not saved: GET SAVED;
    We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
    So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
    If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
    Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.

  2. Replies
    1. Here's why the Great Reset is doomed to fail

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  3. Replies
    1. Schwab kicks off World Economic Forum with speech on 'mastering the future'

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  4. Replies
    1. Klaus Schwab, George Soros Pull Out Last Minute From WEF Davos Summit – Update!

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

      Klaus Schwab, George Soros Pull Out of WEF Davos Summit At The Last Minute

  5. Replies
    1. Watch: Swiss MP (Greens) calls for 'smart' 15-minute cities on WEF

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  6. Replies
    1. Must see: reporter confronts AstraZeneca boss at WEF

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  7. Replies
    1. Davos: electric cars for the plebs, fuel cars for the WEF VIPs

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  8. Replies
    1. Pfizer boss Albert Bourla receives 29 questions at the WEF and cannot answer 1

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  9. Replies
    1. Journalist bumps into Klaus Schwab: this is what happened

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  10. Replies
    1. Davos debates whether Putin will be killed or carried off after Russia's defeat

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  11. Replies
    1. Tony Blair advocates at the WEF for 'digital infrastructure' to keep track of who has been vaccinated

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    2. Tony Blair is a Roman Catholic

  12. Replies
    1. Princess lockdown exit: 'World leaders are starting to get very nervous'

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  13. Replies
    1. Trouble in paradise: mutiny broke out within the World Economic Forum

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  14. Replies
    1. Davos participant simply puts it: goal is to create a 'new world order'

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  15. Replies
    1. Senator puts finger on the sore spot: this is what the World Economic Forum is about

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  16. Replies
    1. This is what the Western green, sustainable 'digital revolution' looks like in Africa

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  17. Replies
    1. MEP is fed up with Great Reset: 'Frans Timmermans can have my portion of insects'

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  18. Replies
    1. Klaus Schwab: 'Whoever controls these technologies will, in a sense, control the world'

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  19. Replies
    1. 12-year-old girl rants against Klaus Schwab: 'How dare you!'

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  20. Replies
    1. Professor: World order transformation requires 'shock'

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  21. Replies
    1. Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss makes remarkable statement about new world order

    2. Ze waagt het woord 'democratie' te gebruiken maar destijds had niemand van het volk op haar gestemd om premier te worden van het VK.

    3. She dares to use the word 'democracy', but at the time no one of the people had voted for her to become Prime Minister of the UK.

  22. Replies
    1. World Economic Forum sparks fear of Marburg virus: 'Should we be concerned?'

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  23. Replies
    1. Mike Yeadon gives 2 important pieces of advice during demonstration

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  24. Replies
    1. This is how Hungary protects the population against insect food

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  25. Replies
    1. The World Economic Forum made these 8 predictions for 2030

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  26. Replies
    1. WEF servant Sanna Marin loses Finnish elections and this is what the Finns get in return

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  27. Replies
    1. EU: Manufacturers do not have to declare that food contains insects

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  28. Replies
    1. Polish Secretary of State throws a spanner in the works of Schwab and calls for 'anti-insect law'

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  29. Replies
    1. World Economic Forum gaat globalistische Agenda 2030 ‘versnellen’ na ‘onvoorziene tegenslagen’

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  30. Replies
    1. World Economic Forum announces 'Summer-Davos' and this is where the meeting will take place

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  31. Replies
    1. World Economic Forum wants to drastically reduce the number of cars by 2050

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  32. Replies
    1. UncleFester
      Not coming to my table! No franken-food!
      2 hr

      Marc Miller
      UncleFester, But it is sooo healthy! It is made from cancer cells.

    2. It is made from cancer cells.


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