Monday, 26 December 2022

Medvedev: there can be no business with the Anglo-Saxon world because it is a thief, a swindler, a card-sharp that could do anything

 Card sharp

Ex-Russian president outlines timeline for reconciliation with the West

Click on pic

The US has nothing left to offer the world – Putin

We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. Dr_Spock
      It's Time to put the lights out, as well as the heating systems in Ukraine - just in time its for New its Year celebrations! Let's all see some "real" New Year firework displays lighting up Ukraine's night skies!
      6 hr

      if a “Soviet-made” jet drone can travel from eastern Ukraine and reach its final destination deep 900km into Russia 's territory now imagine what a modern high tech drone can do ? it shows how vulnerable Russia's strategic military assets are !
      7 hr

      Gipson, These Soviet-era drones have quite recently been extensively modified by US military personnel operating in Ukraine: outfitted with high resolution image-enhancing cameras and GPS location targeting tech. With Ukraine's bunch of monkeys left to their own devices, these drone's would be worth diddly squat today!

  2. Replies
    1. But these fascist symbols in Congress don't lie and they are always there, with or without a visit from Zelensky or the Pope: 1&iax=images&ia=images

  3. Replies
    1. Dr_Spock
      And here we have it - the proof that Ukraine is losing on the battle field Ukraine's crying out for the UN to mediate in so-called peace talks - with its senseless pre-conditions attached and not worth the paper they're written on!

  4. Replies
    1. Look who President Zelensky joins hands with

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  5. Replies
    1. Moscow’s top diplomat said the “collective West,” led by the United States, is already at war with Russia

  6. Replies
    1. The whole country is on fire: Russia bombs Ukraine for 24 hours with all available conventional weapons – the worst attack since the start of the war

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  7. Replies
    1. Professor: Not Russia, but THIS is the biggest threat to peace in Ukraine

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  8. Replies
    1. Russia is preparing for something “really big”: Hits base of NATO advisers and mercenaries – Rocket waves with 400 missiles and drones in 3 days (Videos)

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  9. Replies
    1. Bakhmut falls! – Advisor Zelensky: “We have thousands dead” – 30 times more victims than the Russians! – Ukrainians ambushed (Hard video)

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  10. Replies
    1. Another airstrike on Kiev: “The Russians sent several waves of Shahed” – Critical infrastructure was targeted

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    2. “The Russians sent several waves of Shahed,” the governor continued, referring to the Iranian-made Shahed-136s.
      Ukrainian and Western lies because Russia does not use these weapons because it has enough drones of its own making.

  11. Replies
    1. this attack is a lie. It was not carried out by highly trained Ukrainian troops sitting on an ample supply of Himars. This was done with Western supplied intelligence that identified the troop concentration and provided the coordinates for launching a precision strike. Moreover, it is highly likely that NATO troops were helping operate the Himar system. This attack actually is a sign of Ukrainian and Western desperation. It changes nothing in terms of the strategic picture.

  12. Replies
    1. it is “already obvious that the main reason for what happened was the turning on and mass use mobile phones by personnel – contrary to the ban – within the range of enemy weapons” which has allowed Ukrainian forces to trace their coordinates

  13. Replies
    1. Ukraine has repeatedly asked the US to support it with longer-range weapons. However, Washington has so far been reluctant to meet this request over fears of escalation.

      In September, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned the US that should it provide Kiev with such weaponry, it would cross a “red line” and make America “a direct party to the conflict.”

  14. Replies
    1. “Bakhmut is on fire”: Thermobaric attack on Ukrainian positions in the city – Watch video

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  15. Replies
    1. Stunning video: Russian drone penetrates all NATO air defenses of Kiev and finally destroys the target!

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  16. The fact that RT Russia reports this so matter-of-factly shows that Russia and the West are just playing a game, because all those Western arms shipments to that disgusting regime in Ukraine are enough reasons to declare war on these countries, but Putin will not do that because then it is shown that "nuclear weapons" do not exist and also that "satellites" do not exist because the earth is not a spinning ball in space but on the surface is a stationary round disk surmounted by a dome-shaped firmament, just as the Bible says.

  17. This whole conflict is part of the 'great reset'.

    And the prophetic word is not about a conflict between Russia and the west but about Israel and Gog and Magog, right after the rapture, Ezekiel 38/39.

  18. Replies
    1. “You probably know how many civilians were killed in Donetsk and the frontline cities by French weapons and French mercenaries. It’s hundreds of people, including children,” the letter reads.

    2. “As for the piece of shrapnel that the surgeons cut out from my spine, I ask you to pass it on to French President Emmanuel Macron. And also tell him that no one will escape responsibility for the war crimes of France, the US, UK, Germany and other NATO countries in Donbass,” he wrote.

  19. Replies
    1. (Videos) All-Russian Attack on Soledar: The city falls – Ukrainian troops barrage into the salt mines – New Azov Stable!

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  20. Replies
    1. The Russians evacuate the administrative buildings and the town hall of Soledar: Raise the Russian flag – Fighting in the mines – Official end of Bakhmutskoye (Videos)

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  21. Replies
    1. Eine weibliche Endung muss schon sein, wenn es um die grüne Außenministerin geht. Da reicht der "Mensch" nicht, da muss die Menschin her. Annalena Baerbock, die Faselprinzessin der deutschen Außenpolitik, will den Präsidenten der Russischen Föderation vor den "Internationalen Strafgerichtshof" in Den Haag zerren. Frau Baerbock sitzt als "Young Global Leader" im Spinnennetz des Weltwirtschaftsforums. Schon ihr Opa Waldemar war im Auftrag des "Führers" als Offizier der faschistischen Wehrmacht gegen Russland unterwegs. Die junge Führerin Annalena will die Russen heute gleich global erledigen. Denn mit dem deutschen Wirtschaftskrieg will sie "Russland ruinieren".

    2. The gentle-woman: Baerbock wants to punish Putin

      A female ending is a must when it comes to the Green Foreign Minister. Since the "man" is not enough, there must be the woman. Annalena Baerbock, the fairy princess of German foreign policy, wants to drag the President of the Russian Federation before the "International Criminal Court" in The Hague. Ms. Baerbock sits as a "Young Global Leader" in the spider web of the World Economic Forum. Even her grandfather Waldemar was on the order of the "Führer" as an officer of the fascist Wehrmacht against Russia. The young leader Annalena wants to finish off the Russians globally today. Because with the German economic war she wants to "ruin Russia".

  22. Replies
    1. Salix
      What about trying your green party colleague and former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer, a protégé of Madeline "It was worth to kill 500.000 Iraqi children" Körbel Albright for lying and leading Germany in it's first war of aggression since WW2, the completely illegal war against former Yugoslavia?? But of course for WEF's Annalena Bockwurst, western wars of aggression with tens of million of Afghan, Pakistani, Iraqi, Libyan, Syrian, Palestinian etc. victims are all fine and dandy.
      28 m

      Rogue Trooper
      Annalena Bareback: Thicker than ticket touts wad! Ukrainian law isn't and never will be international law, you might manage it in EU law, but you have no chance on an international level.

  23. Replies
    1. Miguel66
      Do you know what this means? German tanks on the battlefield with Russia. Have the Germans forgot about WW2 ? Obviously not learnt and forgotten history. The USA and unfortunately our war mongering stooges in London through desperation are now encouraging Germany and Japan to rip up their agreements and join the war wagon. Is there no stopping these desk job neo cons?
      1 hr

      And so Germany is now following the Pied Piper, which is the US. And we all know what happened to those who followed the Pied Piper.
      2 hr

      Phill Casedy
      Dr_Spock, Hounestly I dont think the german people want this. They dont have the army to put up a fight. The US has been putting pressure on them for a long time. I dont know how this works. However I think that germany isnt that reliable for the US to count on. They know verry well the the pipleine was blown up on Amerika's behalf.

  24. Replies
    1. Rcc
      I enjoyed watching his speech and response to the MSM, he undertook something no British politician could do. The best part was the way Lavrov gave Sky News a real lecture, answering her rather stupid questions with a detailed answer which she seemed not to like. Perhaps being told the truth was an unusual thing for Sky, based upon their normal Ukraine broadcasts in Britain.

  25. Replies
    1. And that's why all sides dare to escalate

  26. Replies
    1. Moscow warned Washington and other NATO states that such supplies would cross a “red line” and make them “a direct party to the conflict.”

  27. Replies
    1. Richard7
      Well, they stole North America from the natives, they have stolen parts of other countries along with various natural resources so stealing other peoples financial assets should be seen as par for the course for them.
      1 hr

      Seems the US has made Piracy is Great Again, but instead of fighting against it, they have embrace it.


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”