The Antichrist Reveals Himself
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
ReplyDeleteThe Catholic 'Mary' is in fact the Babylonian 'Queen of Heaven' (in the Bible) or Semiramis.
The Catholic 'jesus' is in fact her son Tammuz and he's in the Bible.
This son was so called the reincarnation of the Babylonian sun-god Nimrod (in the Bible), and every Pope is in the position of that Babylonian sun-god.
Look at the symbols of the sun in the Catholic church and the Swastika is also a symbol of that sun-god.
Of course most Catholics don't know this because the Vatican has misled them from that start of the Roman Catholic church and this church is the disguise of the Luciferian-Babylonian Roman empire.
ReplyDeleteIn order to be saved we don't have to be baptized.
Baptism is part of the Kingdom Gospel by JESUS to Israel and it doesn't apply to the Body of Christ that consists mainly of non-Jews, gentiles. The same goes for the ritual of the Last Supper.
The doctrines for the Body of Christ are found in the epistles of the apostle Paul, the ONLY apostle of the gentiles, and we should read the entire Bible from (t)his perspective.
The other apostles were appointed by the Lord JESUS to Israel only.
The Gospel of our salvation is 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and this is the Gospel of JESUS (!) through Paul.
PfizerGate: Tragische waarheid achter COVID-19 vaccins: 50k Britten zijn in 8 maanden tijd plotseling gestorven door vaccinatie, waardoor een aftelling van 5 maanden tot de dood leidde
ReplyDeletePfizerGate: Tragic Truth behind COVID Vaccines: 50k Brits have Died Suddenly in 8 Months due to Vaccination causing a 5-Month Countdown to Death
DeleteDe slachtoffers van AstraZeneca
ReplyDeleteThe Victims of AstraZeneca
DeleteShock: 25-cm lange bloedklonter verwijderd uit levende persoon die was gevaccineerd
ReplyDeleteShock: 10-Inch Clot Removed from LIVE Person who was Vaxxed
DeleteDubbel-gevaccineerde, dubbel-geboosterde vrouw test 12 keer positief op COVID en mist voor de 3e keer Kerstmis met familie
ReplyDeleteDouble-Vaxxed, Double-Boosted Woman Tests Positive for COVID 12 Times, Misses 3rd Xmas with Family
DeleteEuroparlementslid haalt uit naar viroloog Marc Van Ranst: ‘Deze man moet onderzocht worden’
ReplyDeleteMEP lashes out at virologist Marc Van Ranst: 'This man must be psychologically examined'
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Het bewijs is overtuigend: Covid-vaccinatie was massamoord
ReplyDeleteThe Evidence Is Conclusive: Covid Vaccination Was Mass Murder
DeleteJapanse wetenschappers onderzoeken verband tussen Covid-prikken en sterfgevallen, ernstige bijwerkingen – “Wij denken dat het vaccin verband houdt met immuunafwijkingen”
ReplyDeleteJapanese Researchers Investigate Link Between Covid Jabs and Deaths, Severe Adverse Reactions
DeleteIn Japan breekt de dam en spreken professoren zich uit
ReplyDeleteIn Japan, the dam breaks and professors speak out
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Vaccinverkoper van het jaar: WHO-chef zegt dat COVID-boosters “door landen worden gebruikt om kinderen te doden” – Fake factcheckers gaan door het lint
ReplyDeleteVaccine Salesman of the Year: WHO Chief Says COVID Boosters “Are Used by Countries to Kill Children” – Fake Fact-Checkers Freak Out
DeleteHet zou zoveel erger zijn geweest als ik niet was gevaccineerd
ReplyDeleteIt Would Have Been So Much Worse If I Hadn’t Been Vaxed
DeletePolitici raken in paniek, leugens over vaccins ontmaskerd
ReplyDeleteAustralian Senator Takes Hard Stand Against COVID Jabs
DeletePoliticians panic, vaccine lies exposed
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BREAKING: De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie onderschrijft de lijst met potentiële ernstige bijwerkingen van mRNA-injectie: 100% van de DEATHVAX™ ontvangers hebben hartschade
ReplyDeleteBREAKING: The World Health Organization Endorses List of Potential Serious Adverse Effects of mRNA Injection: 100% of DEATHVAX™ Recipients Have Heart Damage
Delete“Ongekende vaccinramp”: Een interview met professor Masanori Fukushima
ReplyDelete“Unprecedented Vaccine Disaster”: An Interview with Professor Masanori Fukushima
DeleteAustralische arts die kinderen injecteerde, VALT DOOD na het nemen van dezelfde covid-injecties die hij op kinderen pushte
ReplyDeleteChild-jabbing Aussie physician DROPS DEAD after taking very same covid injections he pushed on kids
DeleteAls de vaccin-verzwakte immuniteit explodeert, verwacht dan drie dingen van de regering om het te verdoezelen
ReplyDeleteAs Vaxx-Weakened Immunity Explodes, Expect Three Things From Government to Cover it Up
DeleteNBA-speler zegt dat “duizenden” atleten zijn gestorven door COVID-vaccinatie
ReplyDeleteNBA Legend Claims ‘Thousands’ of Athletes Died From COVID Shot
DeleteDe zoveelste “complottheorie” wordt bewaarheid – Vaccins voeden varianten en veroorzaken ziekte
ReplyDeleteYet another 'conspiracy theory' comes true - Vaccines fuelling variants and causing sickness
DeleteSchokkend laboratoriumonderzoek van COVID-vaccins
ReplyDeleteShocking Lab Investigation of COVID Vaccines
DeleteEr komt iets kwaadaardigs deze kant op (en met iets bedoel ik mRNA ontregeling van het immuunsysteem)
ReplyDeleteSomething wicked this way comes (and by something, I mean mRNA immune system dysregulation)
DeleteArts slaat alarm: de tumoren zijn groter dan OOIT
ReplyDeleteDoctor sounds the alarm: the tumors are bigger than EVER
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“Turbo Cancer”: Dr. Charles Hoffe Says 2/3 of His Patients’ New Cancer Diagnoses are Stage 4
Voormalig NFL-speler (38) die opriep ongevaccineerden in de CEL te gooien sterft plotseling
ReplyDeleteFormer NFL player (38) who called for unvaccinated people to be thrown into JAIL suddenly dies
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‘Allemachtig, lees de reacties op deze oproep, on-voor-stel-baar’
ReplyDelete'Good heavens, read the responses to this call, unbelievable'
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Er zijn 23 kinderen overleden en NIEMAND praat erover
ReplyDelete23 children have died and NO ONE talks about it
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Twenty-Three Canadian Children Have Died in the Past Month, and No One Is Talking About It
Pandemie van de gevaccineerden: Het sterftecijfer in Japan is vier keer zo hoog na Pfizer “booster” prikken
ReplyDeletePandemic of the vaccinated: Death rate in Japan is four times higher after Pfizer "booster" jabs
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Duitse studie stelt vast dat COVID-19 vaccins de pandemie in stand hielden en het immuunsysteem deden falen
DeleteGerman study finds that COVID-19 vaccines perpetuated the pandemic and caused immune system failure
Zoveel hartstilstanden hebben zich al voorgedaan in de Europese sportcompetities
ReplyDeleteSo many cardiac arrests have already occurred in European sports competitions
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Covid Vaccin Nieuws: Hoe lang kunnen Covidianen nog de schijn ophouden?
ReplyDeleteCovid Vaccine News: How much longer can Covidians keep up appearances?
DeleteDe PfizerGate catastrofe: Het verband tussen COVID-vaccins, miljoenen oversterftegevallen & lagere sterftecijfers onder ongevaccineerden
ReplyDeleteThe PfizerGate Disaster: The link between COVID Vaccines, Millions of Excess Deaths & Lower Mortality Rates among the Unvaccinated
DeleteRobert Jensen (de Nederlandse ‘Alex Jones’) zei al VIJF KEER kort in zijn shows dat het einddoel is de implementatie van het Merkteken van het Beest ‘uit de Bijbel’ (Openbaring 13).
DeleteHet is typisch dat bijna niemand het daar over heeft, behalve mensen zoals ik, en als dat ’teveel’ gebeurt dan worden zulke mensen de mond gesnoerd.
Ik geloof zelf dat het niet te stoppen is, maar dat het wel zo lang mogelijk tegengehouden kan worden.
Profetieën zijn namelijk net onwrikbare computerprogramma’s die onherroepelijk afdraaien.
Dat weten de satanisten van de ‘elite’ ook, de (zwarte) Paus voorop.
Robert Jensen (the Dutch 'Alex Jones') already said FIVE TIMES briefly in his shows that the end goal is the implementation of the Mark of the Beast 'from the Bible' (Revelation 13).
DeleteIt is typical that hardly anyone talks about it, except people like me, and if that happens too much then such people are silenced.
I myself believe that it cannot be stopped, but that it can be prevented for as long as possible.
Prophecies are like immovable computer programs that run irrevocably.
The satanists of the 'elite' know that too, the (black) Pope in the lead.
‘Opvallend’: In 2 maanden ZES plotse overlijdens in de luchtvaartwereld
ReplyDelete'Striking': SIX sudden deaths in the aviation world in 2 months
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The BIG REVEAL PART 2 / Hugo Talks
ReplyDeleteTHE BIG REVEAL PART 2 / Hugo Talks full video
DeleteNieuwe studie bewijst dat Covid-vaccins ineffectief en gevaarlijk zijn: Drievoudig gevaccineerde Australiërs hebben 35x meer kans op ziekenhuisopname
ReplyDeleteNew Study proves Covid Vaccines are Ineffective & Dangerous: Triple-Vaccinated Australians are 35x more likely to be Hospitalised
DeleteFirst case of ‘Kraken’ Covid variant detected in Russia
ReplyDeleteThe Independent: “Woede over poging van samenzweringstheoretici om de dood van Lisa Marie Presley in verband te brengen met vaccins”
ReplyDeleteThe Independent: "Anger over conspiracy theorists' attempt to link Lisa Marie Presley's death to vaccines"
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Japanse deskundigen verbijsterd over hoog aantal Covid-doden
ReplyDeleteJapan's experts baffled by high Covid deaths
DeleteTiffany Dover Resurrection / Hugo Talks
ReplyDeleteIt's not her! 🤓
DeleteA STRONG DELUSION (revised) Hugo Talks