Monday, 15 August 2022


 Moscow unveils look of its new space station

This proves that Russia is on the same side as the CRAZY IDIOTS TERRORIZING this world



Read more BULL CRAP...



What They Did Not Tell You About Satellites And Don't Want You To Know...So I'm Telling You


Prophecy & Current Events Pt. 1 of 2 (A) - 04/08/22


Putin, not just wearing a mask, but dressed in a kind of spacesuit against the 'killer virus'


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

CORONA CRIMINAL Trump endorses wearing a MASK against Covid-19 after weeks of criticism, is immediately blasted for being too late

After weeks of pundits criticizing the president for not promoting or wearing a mask to protect against the coronavirus pandemic, Donald Trump took to Twitter to endorse the act because “there is nobody more patriotic” than him. 
“Many people say it is patriotic to wear a face mask when you can’t socially distance,” Trump tweeted on Monday along with a black and white photo of him wearing just such a mask. “There is nobody more patriotic than me, your favorite president.”

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Chatting With Celeste Solum - wearing a MASK is SATANISM - the governments try to force us to become SATANISTS too!

So if you go along with the CORONA measures you go along with the SATANISM of the SATANIC ROMAN EMPIRE, disguise as a CHURCH, the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH and its SATANIC JESUITS whose true god is LUCIFER THE DEVIL!
And if you take their VACCINE you have pledged your allegiance to the DEVIL, which means you will have 'fun' for a FEW years, but you will end up in God's LAKE OF FIRE for ETERNITY,
because God=JESUS will PUNISH you FOR EVER for having become an ALLY of ADVERSARY=SATAN!
If you choose the MARK of the BEAST, you have SEALED YOUR FATE and you have become a FALLEN ANGEL in the flesh, and you will go into the EVERLASTING PAIN, together with many others but in LONELINESS.
BUT.....if you pledge your ALLEGIANCE to OUR maker, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, God manifested in SINLESS human form, you'll LIVE FOREVER in ULTRA HAPPINESS, together with Him and His beloved on a BRAND NEW (flat) EARTH under a BRAND NEW HEAVEN!

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Mask Ritual Is Mind Control On A Mass Scale!

Monday, August 17, 2020

Monday, August 10, 2020

Invasion of the New Normals

They’re here! No, not the pod people from Invasion of the Body Snatchers. We’re not being colonized by giant alien fruit. I’m afraid it is a little more serious than that. People’s minds are being taken over by a much more destructive and less otherworldly force … a force that transforms them overnight into aggressively paranoid, order-following, propaganda-parroting totalitarians.

MASK OF THE BEAST - Hyatt Place is Above the Law!

The hypocritical hotel employee at first didn't have his mask over his mouth and nose and later, when he found he couldn't avoid being filmed, quickly put his mask on his nose and mouth.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Masks are useless but very useful to make you comply to the NWO

and masks are even harmful to your health, but that's exactly what they want ....
I don't agree with everything in this video, because the maker believes in 'millions of years of evolution' and because this video doesn't really explain what the function of viruses is, which you can check out below, but nevertheless it's a good video that shows masks do not help and do more harm than good.

Mask Facts: The Science & History Of Masks In Medicine

Here are some of their pawns:

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Corona is a religion

Corona is a religion.
Its followers can be recognized by a mask and they adhere to the social distancing rules of their religion.
They have unshakable confidence in the government and believe they contribute to keeping the population healthy.
Many of them are also adherents of the "human-induced global warming" religion.
They're all afraid of dying!
They're also afraid of people who disagree with them, and according to the animal fight or flight instinct, they're willing to go to great lengths to fight such people and try to suppress them because they believe that these opponents endanger their lives.
They have a firm belief in the "redeeming vaccine" that's on the way and that the "infallible government" will offer them, and that normal life will return, but greatly improved.
They believe that all who disagree are standing in the way of "progress" and they believe these people should be put out of the way.
As far as they're concerned, they may be put into concentration camps, where these 'rebels' could possibly be changed, and if not, they feel these people should be eliminated.

Friday, July 24, 2020

‘Do as I say, not as I do’? Twitter goes berserk after mask advocate Fauci forgoes his own Covid-19 guidances

Anthony Fauci has taken a tongue-lashing on social media, after photographs of the top US doctor showed him ignoring guidelines put in place to stop the spread of coronavirus. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Masked Til Death - Liberty and Justice For None!

Phoenix rising from the ashes in Book of Mythological Creatures by Masonic Author and Publisher Friedrich Johann Justin Bertuch (1747-1822)

Donald Trump - New World Order (THE FUTURE) is now 2020-2021 MUST WATCH!

Monday, September 28, 2020

Rutte (crime minister of the Netherlands) said:
'hard action is needed'
no public welcome at professional and amateur football
The Netherlands is introducing curfews for cafes

Face masks advice in regions (as a stepping stone to future masks wearing obligation)

Friday, September 18, 2020

Until recently, the Pope never wore a mask and what did this scumbag do?

 September 9, 2020

Pope sports a face mask for the first time in public

Pope Francis quickly removed his face mask as he emerged from his car

Pope Francis was seen Wednesday for the first time wearing a protective face mask as he attended his second traditional general audience before a limited public presence after a six-month suspension.

The pontiff -- known for a fondness for close personal contact -- however quickly removed the mask as he emerged from the car carrying him to the audience, which was suspended in February over the coronavirus pandemic.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Friday, September 4, 2020

NAZI Police SCUMBAG harasses PAYING train passenger for refusing to be MUZZLED by Britain's DEVILISH government

British Transport Police has been pelted with virtual tomatoes online after an officer was filmed trying to heavy-handedly enforce the mask-wearing order on a stubborn passenger, ending up in an intense one-on-one scuffle.

The footage has caught the eye of multiple viewers and shows a uniformed Liverpool transport police officer in the middle of a heated argument with a commuter, who’d apparently refused to wear a compulsory mask. “I do not have to wear a mask,” he insists, adding it’s “against the law to challenge me.” 

Saturday, November 7, 2020


Britain died for me this week. It’s become a Covid-obsessed police state, and I don’t understand what it stands for anymore

"Put your fear in the trash can"


Saturday, October 31, 2020

ANTICHRIST and CORONA CRIMINAL Pope Says 'Lady' COVID Must be Obeyed, Forgoes Mask

Pope Francis on Wednesday described the COVID-19 pandemic as a tough "lady" taskmaster who must be obeyed, but he and most close aides did not wear masks at his general audience.

At the start of the indoor audience, Francis apologized to people for not coming down from the marble stage.

Monday, October 26, 2020

It is not about Corona but about the collapsed world economy!


The first thing to understand about the science of Economics is that it has been deliberately made unnecessarily complicated for centuries. This is done on purpose to hide how an extremely small elite has complete financial control over all major political developments including all wars. The banking cartel reduces democracy to a puppet show.

Author Gary Allen has said:

“Once you understand that socialism was not designed to share wealth, but is really a method of maintaining power and control over wealth, then the apparent paradox of the super-rich promoting socialism suddenly becomes apparent. In fact, it actually makes sense that power-seeking megalomaniacs should use Socialism as a tool. Communism and Socialism are not movements for the oppressed masses, but were created by the financial elite. ”

Friday, October 16, 2020



  • The corona crisis must be renamed the “Corona Scandal”
  • It is:
    • The biggest tort case ever
    • The greatest crime against humanity ever committed
  • Those responsible must be:
    • Criminally prosecuted for crimes against humanity
    • Sued for civil damages
  • Deaths
    • There is no excess mortality in any country
    • Corona virus mortality equals seasonal flu
    • 94% of deaths in Bergamo were caused by transferring sick patients to nursing homes where they infected old people with weak immune systems
    • Doctors and hospitals worldwide were paid to declare deceased victims of Covid-19
    • Autopsies showed:
      • Fatalities almost all caused by serious pre-existing conditions
      • Almost all deaths were very old people
      • Sweden (no lockdown) and Britain (strict lockdown) have comparable disease and mortality statistics
    • US states with and without lockdowns have comparable disease and mortality statistics
  • Health
    • Hospitals remain empty and some face bankruptcy
    • Populations have T-cell immunity from previous influenza waves
    • Herd immunity needs only 15-25% population infection and is already achieved
    • Only when a person has symptoms can an infection be contagious
  • Tests:
    • Many scientists call this a PCR-test pandemic, not a corona pandemic
    • Very healthy and non-infectious people may test positive
    • Likelihood of false-positives is 89-94% or near certainty
    • Prof. Drosten developed his PCR test from an old SARS virus without ever having seen the real Wuhan virus from China
    • The PCR test is not based on scientific facts with respect to infections
    • PCR tests are useless for the detection of infections
    • A positive PCR test does not mean an infection is present or that an intact virus has been found
    • Amplification of samples over 35 cycles is unreliable but WHO recommended 45 cycles
  • Illegality:
    • The German government locked down, imposed social-distancing/ mask-wearing on the basis of a single opinion
    • The lockdown was imposed when the virus was already retreating
    • The lockdowns were based on non-existent infections
    • Former president of the German federal constitutional court doubted the constitutionality of the corona measures
    • Former UK supreme court judge Lord Sumption concluded there was no factual basis for panic and no legal basis for corona measures
    • German RKI (CDC equivalent) recommended no autopsies be performed
    • Corona measures have no sufficient factual or legal basis, are unconstitutional and must be repealed immediately
    • No serious scientist gives any validity to the infamous Neil Ferguson’s false computer models warning of millions of deaths
    • Mainstream media completely failed to report the true facts of the so-called pandemic
    • Democracy is in danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models
    • Drosten (of PCR test), Tedros of WHO, and others have committed crimes against humanity as defined in the International Criminal Code
    • Politicians can avoid going down with the charlatans and criminals by starting the long overdue public scientific discussion
  • Conspiracy:
    • Politicians and mainstream media deliberately drove populations to panic
    • Children were calculatedly made to feel responsible “for the painful tortured death of their parents and grandparents if they do not follow Corona rules”
    • The hopeless PCR test is used to create fear and not to diagnose
    • There can be no talk of a second wave
  • Injury and damage:
    • Evidence of gigantic health and economic damage to populations
    • Anti-corona measures have:
      • Killed innumerable people
      • Destroyed countless companies and individuals worldwide
    • Children are being taken away from their parents
    • Children are traumatized en masse
    • Bankruptcies are expected in small- and medium-sized businesses
  • Redress:
    • A class action lawsuit must be filed in the USA or Canada, with all affected parties worldwide having the opportunity to join
    • Companies and self-employed people must be compensated for damages


Monday, October 12, 2020

'Politicians must have been bribed to push through this Great Reset' - We're dealing with VERY EVIL MASS MURDERERS on behalf of SATAN THE DEVIL!

 "Politicians must have been bribed to push through this Great Reset"

However, politicians won't do that (but we like to be positively surprised). The state terror only seems to intensify, with the consequences for civilians becoming more and more severe and painful. Until major popular uprisings will inevitably break out everywhere, according to the American top economist Martin Armstrong, possibly as early as February 2021.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Covid expert TERRORIST Fauci says pandemic’s ‘WORST YET TO COME’ (yet again)

Infectious diseases expert Dr. Anthony Fauci has warned Americans that the worst ravages of the coronavirus pandemic are yet to come. But the government physician’s proclamation is not his first doom-laden prediction. 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Oorlog in Den Haag, gefilmd verleden 1940-1945 - War in The Hague, filmed past 1940-1945


3:08 - 4:20 Jodenvervolging = Persecution of the Jews and in the near future Prosecution of the mask and vaccine refusers.

And we're already at the beginning, because it's already being made difficult for people who don't want to wear a mask out of conviction and soon it will also be made difficult for people who refuse a vaccine.

Ultimately, it will be made impossible for the mask and vaccine refusers to survive.

These measures are being introduced as gradually and systematically as they were with the persecution of the Jews and on behalf of the same organization: the Vatican and the Jesuits.

In the US it's mainly Jesuit educated Anthony Fauci who is responsible for this and President Trump is NOT stopping him!

Quite the contrary, because Trump also has an interest in the vaccine business.

Jood (say yoat) is the Dutch word for Jew.

In May 1942 a 'Star of David' becomes mandatory
Ultimately, 14,000 Jews are deported from The Hague by the German Nazis.
At least 12,000 of them were murdered.


The Vatican Announces It Will Open Its Archive On Pope Pius XII Who Allowed Nazi Germany To Kill Millions Of Jews And Did Nothing To Stop It


The Vatican didn't 'allow' Nazi Germany to kill (burn alive!) millions of Jews and Christian non-Jews: it ORGANIZED it!
And currently the Vatican is behind the GREAT RESET, disguised as a bogus pandemic, and the next GENOCIDE

“The Masks Speak”- Prophecy Update

Before 'Corona' only TERRORISTS and CRIMINALS and WEIRDOS wore MASKS in public in western societies.


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

MJ Told Us What Time It Is! MASK OF THE BEAST

 Before 'Corona' only TERRORISTS and CRIMINALS and WEIRDOS wore MASKS in public in western societies.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Van Morrison - No More Lockdown


Criminal History Of Fauci And Birx as told by Dr Robert Willner (1994) who revealed the HIV Hoax!

Criminal History Of Fauci And Birx as told by Dr Robert Willner (1994) who revealed the HIV Hoax!
Deadly Deception Dr Willner  Corona virus they are using  same game plan in 2020 with Faucci  

Vatican Announces Today That Pope Francis, The King Of Vatican City, Will Take The Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine, Says It ‘Must Be Universal’ For Whole World

 The Vatican will launch its vaccination program against the coronavirus during the first quarter of 2021, which will also allow the pope to travel safely to Iraq in March. The vaccination will not be mandatory for Vatican workers and residents, noted the head of the Vatican’s health department, Andrea Arcangeli, but will be made available for anyone who wishes to receive it. “It must be universal, for everyone,” he said. The pope has reiterated that in the race to produce a coronavirus vaccine, successful results must be shared by all. 


Thursday, December 17, 2020

Oudere man wordt de Vomar uitgesleurd voor het niet dragen van een mondkapje - 17/12/20 Masker NAZIS in actie! - Older man is dragged out of the Vomar for not wearing a mouth cap - 17/12/20 Mask NAZIS in action!

 Vomar in Den Helder sleurt oude man de winkel uit voor het niet dragen van een mondkapje.

Bron: Facebook

 Vomar* in Den Helder drags an old man out of the shop for not wearing a face mask.
Source: Facebook

Saturday, November 28, 2020

NAZI-BRITAIN, London: 150 Freedom fighters arrested by British MASKED Corona TERRORISTS dressed as riot police

Demon possessed, masked CORONA CRIMINALS dive on a freedom-loving citizen in an ORGY of VIOLENCE, completely disregarding the COVID-19 TERROR measures they impose on freedom-loving citizens such as 'social distancing' so that supposedly no one can be 'infected' with the Coronavirus, of which every sane person knows that it's a HOAX.

Massive crowds gathered in central London on Saturday to protest lockdown measures designed to SO CALLED combat the Covid-19 pandemic, and police followed through on their THREAT to arrest FREEDOM LOVING CITIZENS, leading to multiple clashes. 

SATAN HAS LITTLE TIME! Lucira / Lucifer-ase DNA changing VACCINES you wont feel GOD anymore! 2021

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The mask and its function


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Biden Administration Issues Order For Police To Begin Arresting People Caught Without A Mask On Their Faces And Prosecute Them Criminally

 Masks must be of a style approved by the federal government and must fit properly. Failure to comply will result in being prohibited from traveling, booted from the transit in question, and potential criminal penalties. "CDC reserves the right to enforce through criminal penalties," the agency adds, though it claims not to intend "to rely primarily on these criminal penalties." The feds may also implement "additional civil measures enforcing the provisions" of the order (which "is not a rule within the meaning of the Administrative Procedure Act," the CDC notes, "but rather is an emergency action"). 


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

PEOPLE POWER! AUSTRIA To REOPEN Shops And Schools / Hugo Talks #lockdown


Politiestaat Nederland - Police state of the Netherlands - My comments

  The cabinet is destroying more than you would like or The government destroys more than you want



Fauci flip-flops again, says there's NO DATA to indicate that wearing multiple masks is beneficial in fighting spread of Covid-19

Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde, just like his master, the Pope:

Just when he seemed to be a proponent of the double-masking fad, US Covid-19 czar Dr. Anthony Fauci has again reversed his expert advice, saying there is “no data” to show that multiple masks provide increased virus protection.

Double-Mask, Double Flip-Flop - Are You Kidding Us All Fauci?

Monday, February 1, 2021

Medical Tyranny: CDC Announces All Travelers Must Wear Two Masks, Threatens Arrest

 The Center for Disease Control has issued a new coronavirus order requiring DOUBLE masks to be worn for all forms of public transportation in the United States.


Saturday, January 16, 2021

The time has come: First detention camp for Covid offenders in Germany a fact


A building that used to host people seeking asylum in Germany is being converted into a “corona jail,” a detention facility for people who repeatedly violate quarantine, the German tabloid Bild reported.


Thursday, January 14, 2021

Lockdown Britain turning into East Germany? No, in many ways it's worse than the old DDR. Believe me… I was there

“I don’t want to live in East Germany,” says Nigel Farage in a new video in which he expresses concern at where Britain is heading. He has a point; I was in the DDR in 1989 and found it to be less oppressive than Britain today. 

Humanity is in extreme and imminent danger!

Very important video of some time ago.
In this video you'll see the connection with communism and the World Economic Forum of Klaus Schwab.
What is not revealed in this video is de connection with the JESUITS who invented COMMUNISM and with Satan Satan and HIS Vatican=disguised Roman Empire.
And what is also not revealed in this video is HOW to get SAVED by the Lord JESUS Christ and how to escape the things that are planned by the gangsters of the Vatican-Jesuit-satanic NWO.


Thursday, December 31, 2020

Supermarkets or Malls are an American invention and they're all used as CONCENTRATION CAMPS by the Vatican NWO in order to get everybody to accept the 'vaccine'

 That's why Supermarkets stay open during 'lockdown'=house arrest of INNOCENT people by our EVIL and CORRUPT governments.

 Astor Market in New York, one predecessor of the modern supermarket operated in 1915–1917.

In the early days of retailing, products generally were fetched by an assistant from shelves behind the merchant's counter while customers waited in front of the counter and indicated the items they wanted. Most foods and merchandise did not come in individually wrapped consumer-sized packages, so an assistant had to measure out and wrap the precise amount desired by the consumer. This offered opportunities for social interaction: many regarded this style of shopping as "a social occasion" and would often "pause for conversations with the staff or other customers".These practices were by nature slow and had high labor intensity and therefore also quite expensive. The number of customers who could be attended to at one time was limited by the number of staff employed in the store. Shopping for groceries also often involved trips to multiple specialty shops, such as a greengrocer, butcher, bakery, fishmonger and dry goods store; in addition to a general store. Milk and other items of short shelf life were delivered by a milkman.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

CDC unveils ‘encouraging’ new Covid-19 rules... allowing vaccinated Americans to not wear mask outside & at small gatherings

The US health authority has declared that those who receive the Covid-19 vaccine no longer need to worry about wearing a mask outside – but for those meeting in indoor public spaces, the restrictions remain in place.

The new guidance, issued on Tuesday by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), follows in the footsteps of the CDC’s previous mask-based health advice. Those initially argued that healthy individuals and those who were not wearing a mask should avoid everyone else.

 Satirical version:

Friday, April 23, 2021

Masks are meant to DEHUMANIZE

 Masks make you look like a TERRORIST and that's exactly what Satan wants


Friday, April 9, 2021

Face Masks Reduce Retinal Vessel Density

 Who are you going to follow: The sociopath Fauci or scientists who ran tests on subjects wearing masks?

From The Review of Optometry:

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, face masks have become a part of people’s everyday lives when in public, including during exercise. Researchers decided to investigate whether mask wearing influences activities such as exercise and sought to determine the possible impact mask wearing has on retinal microvasculature.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Polish Pastor Chases Cops Out of Church on Easter Weekend: ‘Get Out! You Nazis!’ | Faithwire

 A Polish pastor at a church in Canada went viral after his blunt response to cops showing up at his church on Easter weekend, presumably to crack down on Covid restrictions. 

Sunday, March 14, 2021

A cop broke the foot of a 65-year old Texas woman who knows there is no pandemic and who therefore refuses to wear a mask

VIDEO: Woman arrested for refusing to wear face mask at Galveston bank


RAW...Woman arrested after not wearing mask at Galveston bank talks with FOX 26 

The woman, identified in multiple reports as Terry White, later calls the other customers in the bank - who appear to be supportive of the officer's move to arrest her - a "bunch of sheep"

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Keep that mask on: Fauci says face coverings could be needed even in 2022, as he defines new ‘normality’

White House health adviser Anthony Fauci has triggered a fresh round of rage online by saying people in the US may be required to wear face masks to protect themselves and others from Covid-19 even in 2022.

Appearing on CNN, Fauci was asked on Sunday to define the “normality” he and President Joe Biden have promised towards the end of this year as more and more people are vaccinated. Pressed specifically as to whether masks would be an everyday part of life next year, Fauci declared himself open to the possibility. 

“It is possible that that’s the case,” he said, “and it depends on what you mean by normality.”


Think Masks werent a stepping Stone, well Guess Whats Next ..RFB


Monday, February 8, 2021

Veel koffie liefhebbers in Maastricht, de politie vindt dat maar niks - 06/02/21 Many coffee lovers in Maastricht, the police don't like that - 06/02/21


People agree to 'go for coffee' somewhere, which is a code term for demonstrating somewhere against the corona TERROR measures. The police, of course, pick up such messages and ensure on behalf of the STATE to suppress them.


Sunday, February 7, 2021

Hundreds march through Copenhagen to protest Covid-19 lockdown & plans for vaccination passports (VIDEO)


Hundreds march through Copenhagen to protest Covid-19 lockdown & plans for vaccination passports (VIDEO)

People opposing the Danish government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic marched through the capital in a fresh protest on Saturday. Unlike some previous events, this week’s gathering remained peaceful and prompted no arrests. 

And of course the Nuke hoax also the proves Russia is on the same side as the psychopaths who are terrorizing this world for Satan.

We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.




  1. Replies
    1. This article is like a fairy tale written by a severely disturbed psychiatric patient

  2. Replies
    1. Fighting the empty space between their ears....

  3. Replies
    1. Russia is LYING! There is no "ISS"! of course the US is LYING too on behalf of Satan and his Vatican.

  4. ‘We’ve got aliens living on this planet’ – India’s first cosmonaut
    The real “aliens” are those who destroy our planet for personal gain, Rakesh Sharma told RT

  5. Replies
    1. Countering the influence of the WEF and getting out of the WHO: this is what is stated in the manifesto of Nigel Farage's party

  6. Replies
    1. Britain shaken by wave of riots, this is what's behind it


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”