Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Het einde van de Nederlandse democratie - The end of the Dutch democracy (testimony of a former female police officer)
Dit is burgemeester J. v. Zanen van Den Haag. Achter hem Agenda 2030 van de V.N
This is Mayor J. van. Zanen of The Hague. Behind him the U.N. 2030 Agenda
Fractievoorzitter GroenLinks ook voorzitter stembureau in Edam
Group chairman GreenLeft also chairman of the polling station in Edam
Hugo de Jonge confirms that his uncle is a member of the electoral council
Willem-Jan Pelle, vote counter in Haarlemmermeer, indicates that votes for the PVV and the FvD will disappear.
if you vote for Thierry (Baudet) or Geert (Wilders), we will tear up your ballot paper, kissesss

Photos of the removal of the campaign boards of the Forum for Democracy in the municipality of Zwijndrecht.
afgelopen zondag voor het eerst naar een demonstratie geweest, samen
met mijn broertjes en schoonzusjes. De sfeer was heel erg gemoedelijk en
mensen liepen met bloemetjes en hartjes. Er waren mensen van alle
leeftijden, van kinderen tot bejaarden. Er had niemand iets kwaads in de
zin. Ook wij waren totaal niet uit op rellen.Het
Malieveld is ontzettend groot en biedt plaats aan 70.000 demonstranten.
Van het Malieveld was die zondag slechts 5% bezet door vreedzame
demonstranten.We wilden ‘s middags halverwege de demonstratie het Malieveld nog verlaten, maar dit mocht niet.Plotseling
rond het eind van de vreedzame demonstratie begon de ME na slechts één
keer niet duidelijk omgeroepen te hebben dat de mensen het veld moesten
verlaten charges uit te voeren op de mensen die vooraan zaten. Er werden
onschuldige mensen gebeten door politiehonden en terwijl ze op de grond
lagen sloegen werden ze door meerdere ME’ers op hun hoofd geslagen (Dit
is poging tot doodslag). Onder deze mensen waren ook (slechthorende)
ouderen die totaal geen idee hadden wat er allemaal gebeurde. Zo was er
een bejaarde vrouw met een rollator die door een ME-busje bewust omver
werd gereden. Een oude man met bebloed gezicht en kleine kinderen die
weg moesten rennen voor een groep ME’ers die met getrokken wapenstokken
op paarden op ze af kwamen gerend.Zelf
zag ik in de chaos hoe mijn jongste broertje tijdens het verlaten van
het Malieveld zonder enige reden werd gegrepen door een politiehond die
zijn been aan stukken trok en de ME’er stond tegelijkertijd met zijn
wapenstok op zijn hoofd te slaan. In de emotie die toen bij mij ontstond
heb ik geprobeerd de hond van hem los te krijgen. De hond liet gelukkig
uiteindelijk mijn broertjes been los, anders had zijn been nog verdere
letselschade opgelopen. Vervolgens
liet de ME’er de hond los op mij, omdat ik mijn broertje wilde redden
en terwijl ik gebeten werd door de hond kwamen er meerdere ME’ers
aanrennen die me op mijn hoofd en nek begonnen te slaan met hun
wapenstok terwijl ik op mijn buik in het gras lag. De agent die het
eerste bij me kwam toen ik op de grond lag loste zelfs een
waarschuwingsschot om bezorgde omstanders op afstand te houden.Vervolgens
werd ik als een zware crimineel, met gekruiste handen op mijn rug in de
boeien geslagen en deze werden zo ver aangedrukt dat mijn polsen bijna
braken toen ik overeind werd getild. Het bloed gutste uit mijn been en
hoofd en ik werd in een arrestantenbus gezet en ze lieten mij hier ruim
een half uur inzitten. Vervolgens ben ik naar het hoofdbureau in Den
Haag gereden en in de cel gegooid terwijl ik dringend medische hulp
nodig had. Nadat ik in de politiecel duizelig en benauwd werd en bijna
in elkaar zakte kwam er eindelijk iemand die zei dat ik misschien wel
met de ambulance naar het ziekenhuis moest. Dit gebeurde uiteindelijk en
ben onder politiebegeleiding in de ambulance naar het ziekenhuis
gebracht waar ik behandeld aan ben aan de bijtwonden, maar er is
nauwelijks gekeken of ik een hersenschudding had opgelopen na alle
klappen op mijn hoofd. Terwijl ik het ziekenhuis werd ingereden met 4
politieagenten om de brancard heen zag ik mijn schoonzusje in de
wachtkamer, maar die mocht niet bij me werd gezegd. Toen begreep ik dat
mijn broertje ook daar in het ziekenhuis lag.Vervolgens
ben ik in een arrestantenbus terug gebracht naar de politiecel terwijl
ondertussen het verband was losgelaten en de hechtingen waren los
gelaten. Opnieuw bloedde ik hevig en mijn wonden zijn opnieuw in de cel
behandeld, maar terwijl ik in de cel lag ‘s nachts ging het opnieuw
hevig bloedde en alle lakens en de hele cel zaten onder het bloed. Er is
helemaal niet goed gekeken naar de schade die ik heb opgelopen na de
klappen op mijn hoofd.Ik
heb in totaal meer dan 30 uur in een kleine politiecel gezeten en kwam
er pas aan het einde achter dat mijn broertje er ook in een cel zat. We
zijn nog nooit in aanraking geweest met politie of justitie en hebben
nog nooit een vlieg kwaad gedaan en nu dreigt er nog een rechtszaak
tegen ons te komen vanwege openbare geweldpleging en het niet luisteren
naar de oproep om het veld te verlaten.Wat
dit geestelijk en lichamelijk heeft gedaan voor mijn broertje, mijn
familie en mij valt niet goed te praten, of je het nou eens bent met het
doel van deze demonstraties of niet. Demonstreren is een grondrecht
voor iedereen.Naar
mijn inzien is de ME tijdens alle vreedzame demonstraties tegen de
overheid bewust er op uit om de boel te laten escaleren, terwijl er
totaal geen dreiging is. Tijdens de BLM-demonstraties in coronatijd
demonstreerde politie en ME zelf mee door geknield, met een gebalde
vuist in de lucht tussen de demonstranten te zitten.Ik raadt mensen aan om dit bericht van een ex-politieagent/ME’er/rechercheur te lezen:
The Malie Field is very large and can accommodate 70,000 protesters. Only 5% of the Malie Field was occupied by peaceful protesters that Sunday.
We wanted to leave the Malie Field halfway through the demonstration in the afternoon, but this was not allowed.
Suddenly around the end of the peaceful demonstration, after only one time failing to make a clear announcement that people should leave the field, they began to charge the people in front. Innocent people were bitten by police dogs and while they were beating on the ground they were hit on the head by several riot police (This is attempted homicide). Among these people were also (hearing impaired) elderly people who had absolutely no idea what was going on. For example, there was an elderly woman with a walker who was deliberately knocked over by a riot van. An old man with a bloodied face and small children who had to run away from a group of riot police who came running towards them with batons drawn on horses.
I myself saw in the chaos how my youngest brother, while leaving the Malie Field, was grabbed without any reason by a police dog who pulled his leg to pieces and the rioter was simultaneously hitting his head with his baton. In the emotion that arose in me then I tried to get the dog free from him. Fortunately, the dog eventually let go of my brother's leg, otherwise his leg would have sustained further injury.
Then the riot cop released the dog on me, because I wanted to save my brother and while I was bitten by the dog several riot cops came running and started hitting me on the head and neck with their baton while I was on my belly laying in the grass. The officer who came to me first when I was on the ground even fired a warning shot to keep worried bystanders at bay.
Then I was handcuffed like a serious criminal with crossed hands behind my back and these were pressed so far that my wrists nearly broke when I was lifted to my feet. Blood gushed from my leg and head and I was put in a detention van and they let me sit here for over half an hour. Then I drove to headquarters in The Hague and thrown in jail while in urgent need of medical attention. After I got dizzy and short of breath in the police cell and almost collapsed, someone finally came and said that I might have to take the ambulance to the hospital. This eventually happened and I was taken in the ambulance under police escort to the hospital where I was treated for the bite wounds, but it was hardly checked whether I had suffered a concussion after all the blows to my head. While I was being driven into the hospital with 4 police officers around the stretcher, I saw my sister-in-law in the waiting room, but she wasn't allowed to be with me, they said. Then I understood that my brother was also there in the hospital.
Then I was taken back to the police cell in a detention van while in the meantime the bandages had come off and the stitches had come off. Again I bled profusely and my wounds were treated again in the cell, but while I was in the cell at night it started bleeding profusely again and all the sheets and the whole cell were covered with blood. The damage I sustained after the blows to my head has not been properly looked at at all.
I spent a total of more than 30 hours in a small police cell and only found out at the end that my brother was also in a cell.
We have never been in contact with law enforcement or harm a fly and now we're threatened with another lawsuit for public assault and failure to listen to the call to leave the field.
What this has done mentally and physically for my little brother, my family and me is hard to justify, whether you agree with the purpose of these demonstrations or not. Demonstration is a fundamental right for everyone.
In my opinion, during all peaceful demonstrations against the government, the riot police is consciously out to let things escalate, while there is no threat at all. During the Black Lives Matter demonstrations in corona time, police and riot police themselves demonstrated by kneeling, with a clenched fist in the air, sitting among the demonstrators.
I recommend that people read this message from an ex-police officer/riot police officer/detective:

Written by me, ex police officer, riot police officer detective etc. For more than 25 years I have worked with much love and pleasure within the police organization. Until now more than 10 years ago.
Follow-up to the 3 previously drawn up letters that are listed below as an appendix.
🕊With great disgust, disgust and indignation I was confronted with the many visual material of a scene that looked more like WARFARE than an action by a professional police organization.
I tried to view photos in close-up. Could I still discover a soul behind your helmet and that uniform?
Unfortunately, I have to answer in the negative. Your face fanatic, contorted, grim with wild eyes shows no trace of humanity anymore..........
I look again. Another photo. I have to recognize a facial expression, right? Something that makes me feel like I'm dealing with a person?
Unfortunately ......... 😔.
Equipped with protective clothing, from head to toe, armed with all the weaponry that is part of your uniform, or should I say: your armor.
This is how ROBOCOP 2021 has been created for me.
Equipped with this armor, accompanied by fellow Robocops, transported via armored vehicles, you went on your way to the umpteenth demonstration. You had the greatest fun at the desk and enjoyed the anticipation.
"Without mouth rags, neck blows."
"Whacking Wappies"
"Squirting wappies"
Etc etc.
Here the camaraderie was tightened up a bit.
Colleagues who have doubts, dread it or still try to distance themselves are drawn into the group and eventually succumb to peer pressure.
The campaign plan is already ready. You will receive a briefing in which assignments and locations are clearly discussed and coordinated.
At that point you cannot use resistance. Because only together you are strong ..... right?
The transformation from individual to device takes place at the desk. There is no more room for feeling and emotion, you leave every form of compassion, compassion and human thinking at the bureau. You are now part of the big picture, your riot police section, which is part again of the real bunch. What a great sense of power that gives you.
🕊In the service vehicles, on the way to the locations, the atmosphere is raised a bit further ..............
You will receive your final instructions on site and off you go ........
You no longer perceive anything, children, men, women, without regard to the person you stand for your assignment.
"Wipe" the area. Asking, summoning, ordering. It doesn't help. People don't leave ....................
You indicate that they do not comply with your order or claim, after which the starting gun sounds.
This command is equivalent to giving the starting shot for the man who is in the starting blocks for his race.
You go completely loose. With everything you have in you, you try to fulfill your service assignment.
The long baton is quickly reached. The person/demonstrator who falls is mistaken for resistance.
Strike with the baton wherever you can hit that person!!!!!!!!! If he stays there because he has no other choice, use your fists, kick with your steel-nosed combat boots, use handcuffs, pepper spray and receive assistance from your colleague Robocops, police horses section, police dogs, water cannon .... ......... no resources are left unused.
That "person" has to get out of there.
You cannot see through the haze before your eyes that the man in front of you is in need. No eye for the many injuries you cause, the blood and his lifeless body. In the meantime surrounded and held by 3 Robocops and a service dog that has been given the assignment "fixed". 😳😱.The dog has bitten into the leg of this nonviolent unarmed man who already had nowhere to go. All this man has tried is to escape a life-threatening situation co-created by you.
I'm not even talking about the further performance. 🤫
Finally, area wiped clean, fulfilled the service assignment, you drink a cup of coffee shoulder to shoulder and/or end this performance by consuming "a greasy bite" from the cantine service car that came along to provide you with food and drink.
Laughing and proudly we talk about the performance of the day ......................
🕊The protesters/wappies. (a swear word for anti-corona protesters)
Have you ever studied the question "Why are they actually there?". Then you should have concluded that they are there for you too. They stand for their own, but also your freedom in the broadest sense of the word. They are there because they feel responsible for their fellow human beings, their loved ones, children, etc., so that they, like us before, want to ensure that they can live in a free world in the future. The world for which our ancestors fought with heart and soul at the time. In the hope that every victim back then was not in vain.
Your wappies are a reflection of society, consisting of your colleagues 😉, ex colleagues, neighbors, friends, fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, children, grandchildren, lawyers, attorneys, doctors, teachers, hotel restaurant cafe entrepreneurs, care staff etc etc. They try to fight nonviolently for everything that used to be so natural.
From being able to breathe fresh air, to the freedom to come and go wherever and whenever you want. With the only one
"weapon" their voice.
Many, like me, immerse themselves in their rights, engage in truth-finding outside the mainstream media channels, because everything is censored and inform each other about this.
We stand for justice, which was very important to you when you joined the police force.
The motto
"VIGILAT UT QUIESCANT". He watches that they may rest. During the reorganization in 1994, this motto changed to "WATCHFUL AND SERVICEABLE"
In both cases, however, it is indicated that the police are at the service of society. Really??????? 😳.
Then you eventually come home in your plain clothes. Does your partner and/or child ask about your experiences of that day ................
The next day your child will come to you crying. Other children have recognized you during your performance and "speak" to your child about it.
Are you saying that wappies are life-threatening monsters that pose a danger to society .........? Monsters that Daddy has to destroy so that they can sleep peacefully again..........?
What kind of world do you live in then? Have you put yourself completely outside society? Are you no longer aware of norms and values? Respect and reverence? Peace and security?
🕊 Refuse ..................
You no longer agree with this policy, refuse to participate in this insane way of police action any longer. This has nothing to do with what you once started working for the police for. You are looking for a way out.
I will show you that way with love, because it is there.
If you have any questions, I invite you to send me a personal message. Maybe I can help you on your way. My help is selfless and safe. It stays with me. But maybe I can help you further based on my own experiences, or I can protect you from potential pitfalls.
🕊Never will I say that the road you will walk will be easy. Never will I say this is the easiest way out. You will probably get to know the darkest side of this organization and it will be the biggest "fight" you have ever fought.
But in the end it offers you the opportunity to present yourself as a human being. A beautiful person. Someone with emotions, feelings, love, happiness, strength and zest for life. Someone who radiates and is proud. What your loved ones are proud of. This forms the basis for the first step in the new life.
Welcome to our world ............... 🥰😘👌❤.
With kind regards;
Previously drafted letters.
Yvonne Freespirit

January 17, 2021
I thought about posting this for a long time, but in the end I decided to do so because of the action of the police/ riot police today at Museum square in Amsterdam.
For 25 years I have worked with heart and soul for this organization. From being one of the first women at the riot police to detective and everything in between to surveillance service etc.
How proud I was when I graduated and was allowed to start my service in Rotterdam. I was not a world improver, but I enjoyed the contact with the public intensely, in whatever sense. I learned very quickly that the way you approach people was also the way you were treated yourself. Whether this was a case of assistance or the issuing of an official report. I had a wonderful time that I cherish to this day. Every day I came home with a feeling of pride. I had the feeling that I could contribute to a better society.
I quit 10 years ago. I noticed a change was being made, which I had difficulty with. I was forced to make decisions when I didn't support them. Decisions that came from The Hague and not from the local mayor who knew so well what was going on in the city. Decisions that prevented me from being able to help those who needed it, but instead helping those with the most power and money. Naturally, the public was the victim of this. After some fierce confrontations with executives, I decided to hang my uniform on the coat rack for good, and I have not regretted it for a day. In fact, a whole new world opened up for me, one in which I could be proud of myself, could use my feelings and intuition, etc.
During the whole *C event I already do research, regardless of the information the Media gave. I soon had the feeling that something was wrong, because measures conflicted with each other and the best journalists posted one-sided coverage.
I grew up with the fact that I could make my voice heard, mind you.....respectful. Suddenly I was forbidden to give my opinion, I was called a conspiracy thinker, tin foil hat etc. Often Peter and I talked about this and we started to worry about limiting our freedom, something that has always been so natural to us. Not for a second have we worried about a virus. After all, we had always had viruses around us, have sometimes been quite sick from an Influenza, for example, but that in turn meant that you were forced to face the facts by taking better care of yourself with regard to a healthy lifestyle.
However, the repression continued to worsen, making suspicion that a virus was being used for a political power game became a certainty. We have therefore started to try to warn people, via social media but also in daily life.
And now today, (and during previous demonstrations).
There you are, with your helmet on, wearing protective clothing, bulletproof vest, long baton, handcuffs, etc. Hiding behind your shield. You look ahead and see people who have been destroyed by the measures, are desperate, have to do with their bankrupt companies, depressed children, parents who are no longer allowed to see them because they are locked up in their care home, etc. made trips to make their voices heard together. A voice that has made it possible that YOU too, COULD live in freedom.
What then goes through your mind when you see that your presence is absolutely DISPROPORTIONAL in relation to where you are at that moment. No violence is being used against you, there is no reason for you to fear what is going on before your eyes, yet you are standing there and YOU FOLLOW A COMMAND.
RIOT POLICE BATON HIGH. RIOT POLICE FORWARD, RIOT POLICE CHARGE!!!!!!!! And there you go, you obediently follow the order given and do what you think you should do. Sweep the entire square.
What then goes through your mind if an elder does not leave quickly enough or a child who is left with a fear of death in the eyes because of your performance. Then these people won't get away quickly enough, but because there should be no gap in the line, you decide to "help" these people. Now full of adrenaline you push and hit as if there were a herd of coke-sniffing out of control hooligans in front of you. Disrespectfully, you raise your long baton and hit that elderly man who stood there with his daughter with their voice as the only weapon. Fathers had gone with children because they wanted to teach their children that FREEDOM is something that should never be taken away from you.
What's going on in your mind, you under that helmet, together with your colleagues.
And then it's time to go home. You change in the locker room and hang your uniform in the closet. You change and look in the mirror. Who do you see then? What do you think then?
Then you go home to husband/wife/partner/children/parents and then they ask you how your day has been.
What do you tell them then?
I was just obeying an order? 🥺😥.
Until when do you hide behind an order and the individual that you are again emerges? The man/woman of flesh and blood who can be proud to provide assistance to those who need it?
23 januari 2021
Iedereen heeft een keus.
...............Ik heb er lang over nagedacht...........
Vanmorgen las ik een verklaring van Politie Rotterdam tav invoering van de Avondklok.
Avondklok: blijf binnen.
Vanaf vanavond geldt een avondklok van 21.00 uur ’s avonds tot 04.30 uur ’s ochtends. Deze zware maatregel moet ervoor zorgen dat mensen elkaar minder ontmoeten. Zo gaan we de verspreiding van het coronavirus tegen. Wij gaan er vanuit dat, net als bij de overige covid maatregelen, het overgrote deel van de mensen zich houdt aan de avondklok.
We gaan handhaven op het niet naleven van deze maatregel. Tijdens de avondklok mogen mensen niet zonder geldige reden tussen 21.00 uur en 04.30 uur buiten zijn. Meer informatie over de avondklok, dus bijvoorbeeld over wat een geldige reden is om tóch buiten te zijn, vind je op de website van de Rijksoverheid. Daar lees je ook precies wanneer je welke formulieren bij je moet dragen.
Neem sowieso altijd je identiteitsbewijs mee!
Wij nemen we de handhaving van de nieuwe maatregel voor onze rekening. De boete op een overtreding van de avondklok is €95. Kijk voor meer informatie op
Nav mijn eerdere inzending als reactie op de demonstratie in Amsterdam heb ik vele reacties mogen ontvangen. De meeste liefdevol, hartverwarmend en motiverend. Ook intense, emotionele reacties van ex collega's in gewetensnood.
De heftigste reacties ontving ik mbt de bijgevoegde foto. Deels '40-'45 en deels '2021.
Deze foto heb ik niet geplaatst om mijn ex collega's te schofferen, kwetsen of tegen de schenen te schoppen. Ik heb niet voor niets met hart en ziel voor deze organisatie gewerkt waarbij ik intens mooie, dierbare en leerzame ervaringen op mocht doen.
Toch ben ik er destijds mee gestopt.
Ik zal niemand vertellen dat deze weg "the easy way out" is. Ik ben door een hel gegaan en heb helaas destijds de duisterste kant van deze organisatie leren kennen. Ondanks deze zware periode, ben ik intens dankbaar en blij dat ik die keus destijds heb gemaakt.
Ik kon me niet langer verschuilen achter mijn uniform (lees: organisatie) maar stond er alleen voor, als individu. En in plaats van steun te vinden vanuit deze organisatie vond ik een ernstige vorm van weerstand/onbegrip/tegenwerking. Gelukkig was ik in staat een sociaal netwerk op te bouwen die mij weer
leerde om te functioneren als mens/individu.
Zo kreeg ik de kans om mezelf beter te leren kennen, mijn gevoel, emotie en intuïtie te leren gebruiken en te koesteren.
De foto heb ik geplaatst om bewustzijn te creëren, om aan te geven hoe "gemakkelijk" het is om af te glijden. Zo lang je je blijft "verschuilen" achter je uniform, zolang je je opdrachten, bevelen op blijft volgen, hoef je ook niet te dealen met de mens achter dit uniform.
De mens die deel uit maakt van het uitvoeren van een duivels plan waarbij het volk het slachtoffer is/wordt. Daar waar een organisatie trots is op de kreet: hulp verlenen aan hen die dit behoeven, is de betekenis van dit woord heden ten dage, ver te zoeken.
Enkele overeenkomsten van Politie Nazi Duitsland (Reichs Sicherheits Haupt-Amt, RSHA '33 - '45) en de huidige Nationale Politie Nederland.
De grootste overeenkomsten vond ik hier:
☆het invoeren van een reorganisatie waarbij de organisatie komt te vallen onder een 1-hoofdige leiding.
☆verandering van taak, van veiligheid en misdaad bestrijding naar bestrijding van ongewenst gedrag. (Het controleren van gedragingen).
Gelukkig zijn er inmiddels tegengeluiden. Eén er van is de uitspraak van ACP voorzitter Gerrit van der Kamp.
Wil je dit delen? Tag mij dan zodat ik op de hoogte kan blijven van de reacties en daarop kan reageren.
Uiteraard kan een ieder mij een persoonlijk bericht sturen.
January 23, 2021
Everyone has a choice.
...............I've been thinking about it for a long time...........
This morning I read a statement from the Rotterdam Police regarding the introduction of the Curfew.
Curfew: stay indoors.
Starting tonight, a curfew will apply from 9 PM until 4:30 AM. This heavy measure is intended to ensure that people meet less. This is how we prevent the spread of the corona virus. We assume that, as with the other covid measures, the vast majority of people adhere to the curfew.
We will enforce non-compliance with this measure. During curfew, people are not allowed to be outside without valid reason between 9:00 PM and 4:30 AM. More information about the curfew, for example about a valid reason to be outside, can be found on the website of the National Government. There you can also read exactly when to carry which forms with you.
Always take your ID with you!
We are responsible for the enforcement of the new measure. The fine for a curfew violation is €95. For more information, go to
In response to my earlier entry in response to the demonstration in Amsterdam, I have received many responses. Most loving, heartwarming and motivational. Also intense, emotional reactions from ex-colleagues in distress of conscience.
I received the strongest reactions regarding the attached photo. Partly '40 -'45 and partly '2021.
I have not posted this photo to insult, hurt or kick in the shins of my ex colleagues. It is not without reason that I have worked with heart and soul for this organization, where I was able to gain intensely beautiful, precious and educational experiences.
Yet I stopped at the time.
I will not tell anyone that this road is "the easy way out". I went through hell and unfortunately got to know the darkest side of this organization at the time. Despite this difficult period, I am deeply grateful and happy that I made that choice at the time.
I could no longer hide behind my uniform (read: organization) but stood there alone, as an individual. And instead of finding support from this organization, I found a serious form of resistance/incomprehension/opposition. Luckily, I was able to build a social network that brought me back
learned to function as a person/individual.
This gave me the opportunity to get to know myself better, to learn to use and cherish my feelings, emotions and intuition.
I posted the photo to create awareness, to show how "easy" it is to slide down. As long as you keep "hiding" behind your uniform, as long as you keep following your orders, commands, you don't have to deal with the person behind this uniform.
The human being who is part of the execution of a devilish plan in which the people are/become victims. Where an organization is proud of the slogan: to help those who need it, the meaning of this word is nowadays hard to find.
Some agreements of Police Nazi Germany (Reichs Sicherheits Haupt-Amt, RSHA '33 - '45) and the current National Police of the Netherlands.
I found the biggest similarities here:
☆ the implementation of a reorganization in which the organization falls under a one-man management.
☆ change of task, from security and crime prevention to combating undesirable behavior. (Checking behaviors).
Fortunately, there are now opposing views. One of these is the statement of ACP chairman Gerrit van der Kamp.
Do you want to share this? Then tag me so that I can stay informed of the reactions and respond to them.
Of course anyone can send me a personal message.
9 februari 2021

February 9, 2021
My personal fight from police officer to civilian.
In addition to:
I am deeply grateful that at the first signs after yet another reorganization, I decided to change course. Becoming empowered within this organization will cost you your head. As long as you sail along, you can benefit from the better things within this organization (raise, promotion, training, in short career opportunities, etc.). The moment you become critical, you will be corrected immediately and if that doesn't help you'll find it back in, for example, performance interviews. So-called "interested and confidential" conversations were written out and used against you. In addition, your direct colleagues were strongly discouraged to keep in touch with you because this could have consequences for them.
The word injustice takes on a completely different meaning 😏. Finally, I decided to call in sick to prevent them from destroying everything I had built up over 25 years.
The more resistance I experienced, the more certain I knew I would never return. I never wanted to be a part of that again. Together with my husband we entered the fight and we "won" it. It sounds very strange, but despite the fact that as a detective I no longer wore a uniform for years, I felt naked in the great outside world. Only then did I realize how this organization was a part of my life. I was not an officer who accidentally ended up with this organization. I wanted to make a difference, stand up against injustice and protect those who needed it. Fortunately, I was able to discover this for many years during my work as a detective and family detective. However, the greatest satisfaction and recognition did not come from the organization, but from the person for whom I could make a difference. I always balanced the line between professional and emotional. As a result, I was able to create the most beautiful connections. However, the things that mattered to me, the person behind the victim, putting an arm around someone, sometimes even letting go of my tears at terrible events or during a period after a "case" to visit a surviving relative again to ask questions how things are going, or remain available by telephone for these people,
were labeled redundant and unproductive for the organization. No more time could be set aside for that. That change.
So you can imagine it tearing your heart apart if you have to leave it behind.
When I finally saw the light shining at the end of the tunnel again, I discovered the other person in myself. Fortunately. A person with passion and compassion and intuition, etc. This person 😉 has benefited enormously from my horses, they reflect better and more honestly than any counselor. They let me discover myself at my pace. I'm still grateful to them for that every day and that is why I can still intensely enjoy endless rides or simply being together with my horses. They have given me and my husband a wonderful life back where the beautiful memories will forever keep a warm place in my heart. 🙏❤🙏
Criminal investigation into AstraZeneca after teacher dies after vaccination, but Italy continues to vaccinate
ReplyDeleteAnd yet another one sacrificed on the altar of the international sect of "sacred vaccines."
Authoritative pro-vaccine expert, formerly employed by GSK, among others, calls on WHO to stop vaccination immediately because "it turns a very harmless virus into an uncontrollable monster"
Italian prosecutors in Sicily and the Piedmont region have launched a criminal investigation into the death of a 57-year-old teacher (picture) who died just hours after being injected with the AstraZeneca vaccine. Already 24 countries have temporarily suspended the AstraZeneca vaccine due to similar serious side effects and deaths. In Belgium, a 30-year-old healthcare worker became blind in one eye in the first night after receiving this vaccine. Despite this, authorities insist that it is all "coincidence."
In Italy, nearly 400,000 AstraZeneca vaccines have been seized after at least 15 reported deaths and an additional 22 cases of pulmonary embolism. The most recent victim is 57-year-old music teacher Sandro Tognatti from Biella. On Saturday afternoon he got vaccinated, after which he developed a high fever almost immediately. The next morning his wife found him dead in his bed.
Last week, dozens of teachers in Italy called in sick after being vaccinated. Schools even had to close because there were no replacement teachers to be found.
The Netherlands is one of the countries that temporarily put AstraZeneca's "chimpanzee" adenovirus vaccine on hold after many people became critically ill or died from serious blood clots. France and Italy have now resumed their vaccinations after EMA director Emer Cooke has said these situations are "not unexpected", and "there is no evidence that the vaccinations have caused these conditions."
"Vaccinations create uncontrollable monster"
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, an internationally recognized pro-vaccine expert who has worked with and for GSK, Novartis, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the GAVI alliance, calls on WHO to stop corona vaccinations immediately, because these are ``turning a very harmless virus into an uncontrollable monster” (see also our March 15 article:“ Most Read British Medical Author Issues Unprecedented Warning Against Covid Vaccines ”).
Vanden Bossche says that vaccinating at the height of an epidemic is the dumbest thing you can do, and that it goes against all applicable scientific maxims and principles.
Almost 2 million Dutch people have already been injected with the highly controversial gene therapy 'vaccines' from Pfizer, Astra Zeneca and also Moderna, with which they unwittingly participate in the largest medical experiment of all time, which in my opinion is by far the greatest crime against humanity that has ever been committed on this planet in all of history.
Xander still believes the earth is a 'planet' and a 'globe'...
DeleteDutch hospitals on ‘code black’ standby for beds as Netherlands sees biggest Covid-19 infection rise since 2020
ReplyDeleteA 'rise' in new Covid-19 'infections' based on the fraudulent PCR-test
DeleteLet me repeat: Sep 10, 2020
ReplyDeleteBelarusian President Lukashenko Says IMF Offered A Billion USD Bribe to Impose Covid-19 Lockdown
Now we see another dimension to the German push to remove Belarus President Lukashenko!
Armstrong Economics –
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in August 2020 via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:
• impose “extreme lockdown on his people”
• force them to wear face masks
• impose very strict curfews
• impose a police state
• crash the economy
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko refused the offer and stated that he could not accept such an offer and would put his people above the needs of the IMF and World Bank. This fact can be verified using most search engines.
Now IMF and World Bank are bailing out failing airlines with billions of dollars, and in exchange, they are forcing airline CEOs to implement very strict policies such as forced face mask covers on everyone, including small children, whose health will suffer as a result of these policies.
And if it is true for Belarus, then it is true for the rest of the world. The IMF and World Bank want to crash every major economy with the intent of buying over every nation’s infrastructure at cents on the dollar
Hitler could escape when the Netherlands was still partly occupied by the Nazis so they could use its airspace for Hitler's flight to Spain
ReplyDeleteThe 'allies' didn't shoot at his plane because it was all part of the plan...of the VATICAN
DeleteAnd from Spain Hitler went in a real submarine with other top-Nazis to South-America
DeleteAnd at the end of the first world war the German Kaiser fled to the Netherlands
DeleteThanks to the Dutch 'Queen' who cooperated with....the Vatican..all monarchies serve the Vatican
DeleteHugo de Jonge neemt ongeldig paspoort mee naar stemstraat en wordt naar huis gestuurd - 17/03/21
ReplyDeleteHugo de Jonge takes invalid passport to voting street and is sent home - 17/03/21
DeleteMax Igan - Terrorist Police are using harsh brutality to enforce illegal Government Covid rules.
ReplyDeleteOld protestor MURDERED by German police
ReplyDeletePolitieke tactiek van Minister Mark Rutte
ReplyDeletePolitical tactics of Minister Mark Rutte
DeleteONTHULLEND: Vier agenten pikken het politiegeweld en de korpscultuur niet langer!
ReplyDeleteREVEALING: Four Cops No Longer Accept Police Violence and Corps Culture!
DeleteStraat wordt afgezet met lint - Amsterdam - 20/03/21
ReplyDeleteStreet is cordoned off with ribbon - Amsterdam - 20/03/21
DeleteDemonstranten zijn ingesloten - Worldwide Rally for Freedom & Democracy - 20/03/21
ReplyDeleteProtesters are enclosed - Worldwide Rally for Freedom and Democracy - 20/03/21
DeleteHuig Plug LIVE #25. Huig verbrandt zijn stempas!
ReplyDeleteHuig Plug LIVE # 25. Huig burns his voting pass!
DeleteDe bussen staan al klaar - Amsterdam 20/03/21
ReplyDeleteThe buses are already ready - Amsterdam 20/03/21
DeleteKnokploeg van de politie verwijderd demonstrant van het dak - 20/03/21
ReplyDeletePolice thug squad removes protester from roof - 3/20/21
DeletePolitie ramt er weer lekker op los - Amsterdam, Museumplein - 20/03/21
ReplyDeletePolice on the loose again, beating up people - Amsterdam, Museum square - 20/03/21
DeleteIf you'd like to legally beat people up for no reason, join the police!
DeleteWorldwide Rally For Freedom and Democracy Amsterdam 20/03/21
ReplyDeleteRedder in nood komt met boot - 20/03/21
ReplyDeleteLifesaver comes by boat - 03/20/21
DeleteProtesters flee from the police by boat
DeleteVeteranen tegenover de politie (ME) op het Museumplein in Amsterdam - 20/03/21
ReplyDeleteVeterans opposite the riot police (Mobile Unit) on the Museum square in Amsterdam - 20/03/21
DeleteVrouw (relschopper) sprayt pepperspray op demonstratie in Amsterdam - 20/03/21
ReplyDeleteWoman (rioter) sprays pepper spray on demonstration in Amsterdam - 20/03/21
DeleteVeteranen worden door waterkanon bespoten en blijven staan! - Amsterdam - 20/03/21
ReplyDeleteVeterans are sprayed by water cannon and stand! - Amsterdam - 20/03/21
DeleteArnold Karskens van Ongehoord Nederland door politie meegenomen van Museumplein
ReplyDeleteArnold Karskens of Unheard Netherlands taken by police from Museum square
DeleteVerslag Arnold Karskens van corona-manifestatie op Museumplein en afvoeren door politie
ReplyDeleteArnold Karskens' report of corona manifestation on Museum square and removal by police
DeleteKorpschef politie wil eenduidig coronabeleid: 'Ongenoegen neemt toe'
ReplyDeletePolice chief wants unambiguous corona policy: 'Dissatisfaction is increasing'