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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'
“Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”

Artist name: Vera Bergkamp Demonratten '66 Demon Rats '66 Vera Bergkamp COC Gay Objectives - Demolition of the Netherlands - Cove...
Pre-rapture 'news' concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to Israel Pre-opname 'nieuws' aangaande de we...
White House coronavirus czar resigns
ReplyDeleteFrankrijk: Aanplakborden waarschuwen voor gevaren van COVID-19 vaccin – politiek en media overstuur
ReplyDeleteFrance: Billboards warn of dangers of COVID-19 vaccine – politics and media upset
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Hundreds of Children Diagnosed With ‘Childhood Dementia’ – Doctors Baffled
ReplyDeleteAustralia: Hundreds of Queensland teachers will have their pay cut as punishment for not getting vaccinated
ReplyDeleteSenator doet smeekbede aan alle artsen en verpleegkundigen: ‘Stop deze waanzin’
ReplyDeleteSenator pleads with all doctors and nurses: 'Stop this madness'
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Duizenden artsen demonstreren in Neurenberg: ‘We moeten hier een einde aan maken’
ReplyDeleteThousands of doctors demonstrate in Nuremberg: 'We must end this'
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Nuremberg Code Violations: "We Must Ensure This Does Not Happen Again"
DeleteDoor Gates gefinancierde fabriek kweekt 30 miljoen muggen per week die worden vrijgelaten in 11 landen
ReplyDeleteGates-funded factory breeds 30 million mosquitoes a week that are released in 11 countries
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Research conducted in Indonesia has shown that mosquitoes carrying Wolbachia offer 77 percent protection against dengue fever and 86 percent are effective against hospitalization. Just like his 'corona vaccines' offer almost 100 percent 'protection' against corona and hospitalization.
The mosquitoes are released not only in Colombia, but also in Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, New Caledonia and Vanuatu. That's 11 countries.
Gates plans to breed hundreds of millions of Wolbachia mosquitoes. What could possibly go wrong?
Waarom nemen de hoogste vaccinambtenaren plotseling ontslag?
ReplyDeleteWhy are the Top Vaccine Officials Suddenly Quitting?
DeleteComputergestuurde thermografische beeldvorming en analyse van levend bloed na COVID-19 injectie
ReplyDeleteComputerized Thermographic Imaging and Live Blood Analysis Post C19 Injection
DeleteAmerikaans officieel regeringsrapport zegt dat COVID-19 vaccins het risico op kanker met 143.233% keer doen toenemen
ReplyDeleteOfficial Government Reports prove the COVID Vaccines cause Cancer
DeleteTRUMP TRAP SPRUNG: Media FLIPS, sets stage to blame Trump for widespread vaccine injuries and deaths
ReplyDeleteNieuw Brits onderzoek: het ziet er niet goed uit voor de gevaccineerden
ReplyDeleteNew UK Study Pre-Print Shows Death Rates Have Been Worse in the Vaxxed Since Jan 2022
DeleteModerna sues Big Pharma rivals over vaccine patents
ReplyDeleteThe POISON makers are now suing each other
Delete"Wetenschappers" waarschuwen dat autorijden plotseling een piek in het aantal hartaanvallen veroorzaakt
ReplyDelete'Scientists' Warn That Driving Is Suddenly Causing Spike in Heart Attacks
DeleteDrie- of viervoudige COVID-19 gevaccineerden ontwikkelen nu zweren – Geen apenpokken
ReplyDeleteTriple or Quadruple COVID-Vax Recipients Now Developing SORES -- **NOT** Monkeypox
DeleteVAIDS neemt toe: Het meest gevaccineerde land in Europa beleeft de hoogste oversterfte
ReplyDeleteVAIDS Rising: The Most DEATHVAXXED™ Nation In Europe Is Experiencing The Highest Excess Mortality
DeleteDe schrikbarende oversterfte in Australië wordt steeds erger
ReplyDeleteAustralia's excess death toll just keeps getting worse
DeleteKijk: zo zag dit 12-jarige meisje eruit na haar eerste Pfizer-vaccin
ReplyDeleteWatch: This is what this 12-year-old girl looked like after her first Pfizer vaccine
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Critical update: 2021-22 AUS Deaths are massively exceeding 5 yr avg. Australian vaccine massacre?!
ReplyDeleteIsraël publiceert sterftecijfers en die zien er niet goed uit
ReplyDeleteIsrael publishes death figures and they don't look good
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