Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Return of the Flat Earth

 Jul 19, 2022 See the amazing flat world in infrared for hundreds of miles ! After 2 1/2 years I finally flew again. LAS to LAX to PDX, at 25 000' and 35 000'


The Holographic Moon (Intro)


  1. Replies
    1. Flat earth is the truth and that leads to THE TRUTH = JESUS Christ


      Pinned by JTolan Media1
      38 minutes ago
      flat earth does not save, Jesus saves!
      30 minutes ago
      Flat Earth is a proof of God creation!
      24 minutes ago
      @Subjohny but the question then becomes which God, which is probably a more serious problem. Ancient people have no problem accepting FE, but they go astray.

  2. It's clear you have never been a true flat earther, and you're certainly not a Biblical flat earther, because God created the sun and the moon and the stars (and planets = wandering stars) on day four of creation as LIGHTS!
    You cannot land on a LIGHT.
    When I listened to your first video it was clear to me that you were intrigued by the flat earth concept but you have never truly come to the conclusion that the earth is flat and round, with a dome shaped firmament:

    Airborne Flat Earth Analysis in Infrared, Las Vegas from 28000' and 190 miles away!
    JTolan Media1
    41.2K subscribers
    25,659 views Jun 20, 2018
    I've been studying the flat earth "phenomena" since 2016 and recently took to the skies with infrared cameras to see how far we can see and at what elevation angle, to test the assertion that the horizon rises to eye level with altitude. Infrared can penetrate the blue haze of the atmosphere and we can see farther than ever before, have a look, its simply incredible!


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