Saturday, 28 May 2022

The Holographic Moon (Intro)

May 28, 2022 An intro to a mind-blowing journey into reality. La Luna has finally given up its secrets.


JESUS is not dead and His earth is flat and He created the moon and the sun and the stars (and the planets) as LIGHTS IN THE FIRMAMENT!


God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also. God placed them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, Genesis 1:16-17
Correct now planets were never created...only sun and moon and stars
 @Yahshua's Disciple  the word planet simply means wandering star… and YHVH did create the stars.. wandering implies breaking from the circuit that He created them to run in and scripture does speak of these! “….. wandering stars for whom the blackest darkness has been reserved forever. Jude 1:13 -
 @Sperry’s Spot  13 Raging G66 waves G2949 of the sea G2281, foaming out G1890 their own G1438 shame G152; wandering G4107 stars G792, to whom G3739 is reserved G5083 the blackness G2217 of darkness G4655 for G1519 ever G165. xref-1
 @Sperry’s Spot  stars not planets...nowhere in the original text Hebrew and Aramaic and Koine Greek is this word planets only in the corrupted English translations by heliocentric translators...example...2Ki 23:5 And he put down H7673 the idolatrous priests H3649, whom the kings H4428 of Judah H3063 had ordained H5414 to burn incense H6999 in the high places H1116 in the cities H5892 of Judah H3063, and in the places round about H4524 Jerusalem H3389; them also that burned incense H6999 unto Baal H1168, to the sun H8121, and to the moon H3394, and to the planets H4208, and to all the host H6635 of heaven H8064. note note note View more... H4208 Original: מזּלה Transliteration: mazzâlâh Phonetic: maz-zaw-law' BDB Definition: constellations signs of zodiac (maybe)
 @Sperry’s Spot  hope that helps and clears it up for u
 @Yahshua's Disciple  oh I didn’t mean to leave you with the impression that I was unclear about anything… I’m well educated and informed about the original languages.. I was speaking to the etymology off the the English word, planets.
 @Yahshua's Disciple  late Old English planete, in old astronomy, "star other than a fixed star; star revolving in an orbit," from Old French planete (Modern French planète) and directly from Late Latin planeta, from Greek planētēs, from (asteres) planētai "wandering (stars)," from planasthai "to wander," a word of uncertain etymology. Perhaps it is from a nasalized form of PIE root *pele- (2) "flat; to spread," on the notion of "spread out," "but the semantics are highly problematic," according to Beekes, who notes the similarity of meaning to Greek plazein "to make devious, repel, dissuade from the right path, bewilder," but adds, "it is hard to think of a formal connection." So called because they have apparent motion, unlike the "fixed" stars. Originally including also the moon and sun but not the Earth; modern scientific sense of "world that orbits a star" is from 1630s in English. The Greek word is an enlarged form of planes, planetos "who wanders around, wanderer," also "wandering star, planet," in medicine "unstable temperature."
 @Sperry’s Spot  I understand ur point...once again planets are not in scripture or were created
 @Yahshua's Disciple  planets are stars… they simply don’t follow the same circuit as the rest of the stars.. their “star trails” look like sacred geometric patterns while the rest are simply circular…
 @Sperry’s Spot  First Known Use of planet 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense...scripture finished inside of the 1st century
 @Sperry’s Spot  hope this helps an educated person
 @Sperry’s Spot  no such thing as planets...what science calls planets are just stars ...
 @Yahshua's Disciple  can’t you see that we are saying the same thing? I just added a bit of etymology into the mix of information saying that planets are just stars…
 @Yahshua's Disciple  smh… it’s like you’re just hoping for someone to argue with… the word planet is a real word, people use it… they are simply ignorant of its etymology and only know the new definition of the word… most people are very unfamiliar with language.. they haven’t a clue when they say the word planet they are calling those lights in the heavens that move to their own circuit, wandering stars..
 @Sperry’s Spot  I'm not hoping for "ministry" is this ...And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if YHVH perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will. II Timothy 2:24‭-‬26 ...this is what's going on between us...ur greatly deceived
 @Sperry’s Spot  I've tried to help u ...I'm a servant and my service has been well my friend...
 @Sperry’s Spot  its amazing what seems to be an educated person u can't seem to discern what scripture teaches...I guess these verses apply to a "learned" person as yourself .. always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. II Timothy 3:7
 @Yahshua's Disciple  smh… yah.. you just want to fight.. never mind man your right.. you have all the info.. peace
 @Yahshua's Disciple  did I solicit you for help though.. 🤔
 @Sperry’s Spot  no u didn't "solicit" me for help...I jumped in to correct u my confused suggestion go back and reread my comments and replies and pray for discernment...
 @Yahshua's Disciple  your ego is so big you fail to see we agree.. wow
 @Sperry’s Spot  When I was an atheist I thought all religious people are insane... Some Christian-religious people really are nuts, even if they believe in the flat earth and most of them believe in the WRONG Gospel.  
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.  
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. 
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready. 
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.

The Holographic Moon, part1

May 28, 2022 A mind-blowing journey into Reality. La Luna has finally given up its secrets! Part 1 
Holograms only have one side and no mass :)
Correct ...moon and stars and sun mass...lights are not terrestrial objects...
 @Yahshua's Disciple  God created heaven and earth first and THREE DAYS later He created the sun, moon and stars (and planets =wandering stars) as LIGHTS and as a CLOCK
 @Hans S  wrong...Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. Genesis 1:16 ..... No planets created or mentioned in scripture...
 @Yahshua's Disciple  Incorrect, and read a GOOD Bible:
2 Kings 23:5 1599 Geneva Bible
And he put down the Chemarims, whom the kings of Judah had founded to burn incense in the high places, and in the cities of Judah and about Jerusalem, and also them that burnt incense unto Baal, to the sun and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.

Isaiah 13:10 1599 Geneva Bible
For the stars of heaven and the planets thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.

2 Kings 23:5 King James Version
And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.

Are you saved or did you help JESUS to get you saved?
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.

One thing is certain: you are ashamed to belong to JESUS (Yeshua) because you are AFRAID to tell other people who you are.
Become an honest person and get saved.
 @Hans S  2Ki 23:5 And he put down H7673 the idolatrous priests H3649, whom the kings H4428 of Judah H3063 had ordained H5414 to burn incense H6999 in the high places H1116 in the cities H5892 of Judah H3063, and in the places round about H4524 Jerusalem H3389; them also that burned incense H6999 unto Baal H1168, to the sun H8121, and to the moon H3394, and to the planets H4208, and to all the host H6635 of heaven H8064. note note note View more
 @Hans S  H4208

Original: מזּלה
Transliteration: mazzâlâh
Phonetic: maz-zaw-law'
BDB Definition:


signs of zodiac (maybe)

Origin: apparently from H5140 in the sense of raining
TWOT entry: 1173
Part(s) of speech: Noun Feminine
Strong's Definition: Apparently from H5140 in the sense of raining ; a constellation, that is, Zodiacal sign (perhaps as affecting the weather):
 @Hans S  thats from the perverted KJV and the how they mistranslation of the stars
 @Hans S  Then he removed the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense on the high places in the cities of Judah and in the places all around Jerusalem, and those who burned incense to Baal, to the sun, to the moon, to the CONSTELLATIONS, and to all the host of heaven. II Kings 23:5
 @Hans S  I do rad all the English translations aka perversions but always refer back to the original text Hebrew and Aramaic and Koine Greek...English translations will deceive u my friend...
the sun & moon & stars are focused plasma
 @The TruManZoo  Are you familiar with “vibes of the cosmos” youtube channel 🤯
 @The TruManZoo  “Vibes of the cosmos” (YouTube channel) the moon is a active reflection of the known world & un known realm ! the plasma moon is a map !!!!!!! please check out plasma moon map ! once you see it you will never un see it , its undeniable…..just find Africa as a reference point & the rest of our known world is right there to see
 @Yahshua's Disciple  Who's "Yahshua's Disciple"? A nobody with a bag over his head. When God saved me He didn't tell me I should read the Bible in Hebrew and Greek, and I read the Bible in my own language, Dutch.



  1. @Komatose And your name is not Komatose lol

    I'm Komatose. I'm a 24 years old and love to talk gaming!

    This existence is NOT a game!
    When I was 24 I was rescued by our creator and before that I was an agnostic and before that I was an atheist.
    When I got to know our creator through the Bible I still believed the earth is a globe, but in 2013 I discovered the geocentric model and that the heliocentric model is a lie.
    And on October 1, 2016, when I was 56, I discovered the flat earth reality.
    Watch my re-uploaded video (made by someone else) Scientific EVIDENCE of a DIFFERENT Earth
    on my channel.
    This is the video that convinced me back then.


    Ceezo S
    Ceezo S
    2 days ago
    Blessings to all, and what a beautiful flat earth it is.
    Yahshua's Disciple
    Yahshua's Disciple
    2 days ago
    The earth is not flat or a spinning globe but a stationary enclosed horizontal sea level everywhere plane with mountains and valleys ...
    Hans S
    Hans S
    2 days ago
    @Yahshua's Disciple So this means that the surface is flat.
    The earth is round and flat with a dome shaped firmament made of glass like material, which holds everything in, including the ice wall, which didn't exist before the flood when there was only ONE huge continent and when there was no snow and ice. Below the earth is the HOT underworld, and the whole enclosed system stands on at least four pillars, serving as God's footstool, which gives us an idea of HOW BIG our creator is.
    This HUGE creator came on earth in the form of JESUS Christ:
    We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
    So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
    If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
    Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
    Hans S
    Hans S
    2 days ago
    I'm more impressed by the person who created the moon, the sun, the stars and planets = wandering stars and the earth and EVERYTHING and His name is JESUS Christ: get to know Him and get saved!
    Jeremy Beckman
    Jeremy Beckman
    22 hours ago
    @Yahshua's Disciple that's what most people mean when they say flat earth.
    Highlighted reply
    3 hours ago
    The earth is not flat lol.
    Ceezo S
    Ceezo S
    3 hours ago
    @Yahshua's Disciple yes Ik flat with pillars and a dome.


  2. @Yahshua's Disciple You MIX the Gospel of the Kingdom for Israel with the Gospel of Grace by Paul
    on behalf of JESUS and you're deceived yourself.
    And you lie about who you are so you have no leg to stand on, because you are ASHAMED to belong to JESUS in public.
    In your self-righteousness you call yourself 'Yahshua's Disciple' as if you're a JEW.
    Hebrew speakers call JESUS, YESHUA and the MEANING is the same: 'I AM SALVATION' and 'I AM' (YAH) is God's name.

    Rightly dividing the Word is the goal of this article, and it is an indispensable key to proper understanding of the Bible. The abundance of scriptural evidence detailed in the third section makes it very clear that Revelation is doctrine for Israel, which was written to Jews who believed in Jesus Christ, by an apostle of the circumcision, for direct application in the prophetic "kingdom" dispensation. At the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, God placed that dispensation in abeyance in 70 AD, to be resumed in the future tribulation.

    The entire book of Revelation, including chapters 1-3, is deeply rooted in Old Testament prophecy. It is doctrinally aligned with the epistles of Peter, James, John, and Jude, all of whom were apostles of the circumcision, as well as to the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Hebrews, and the Old Testament.

    The dispensation of grace in which we now live is revealed in Romans through Philemon, our Apostle Paul's letters to the Gentiles, with Acts being the book of transition between the two dispensations.

    Source: The Seven Churches of Revelation
    Matthew McGee
    Hans S

    1. Hans S
      1 minute ago (edited)
      @ThisDay&Age I'm a former atheist who became a believer in God-JESUS-creation-the Bible in January 1984 when I had just become 24.
      I believed in all the lies of this world like the 'Big Bang' THEORY (invented by a Jesuit Priest), the THEORY of 'evolution' (strongly promoted by the Jesuits, who also inspired Charles Darwin), Heliocentrism, which was promoted by occult 'scientists' who were anti-God of the Bible and which the Vatican endorsed though they pretended to be promoters of the Biblical geocentric model. I believed in the 'solar system' and the 'universe' and I believed in 'space exploration' and the 'manned moon landings'
      I became an adherent of the geo-centric model in 2013 and a flat earther on October 1, 2016 at the age of 56.
      More importantly: I got REALLY saved from God's ETERNAL WRATH in January 2017 when I finally believed in 'once saved, always saved'.
      I never went to 'church' before I got rescued by the God of the Bible in 1984, and after that I learned what that is, and since quite some time I don't go to 'church' again but I have fellowship with fellow believers through other means.
      So believing in God has NOTHING to do with going to 'church' (meeting or gathering of fellow believers in God-the Lord JESUS Christ).
      It has EVERYTHING to do with the BIBLE because our creator revealed Himself through that book!
      When God rescued me in 1984 He told me to read His book, because He knew I had never read it, and I thought a bit the same like you.
      Read that book!
      You can do it online: Bible Gateway
      Or get yourself a real Bible.
      The Bible means 'The Book'.
      I tell you from my FAITH in OUR creator the following and this is about life and death, heaven and hell:

      We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
      So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
      If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
      Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.

    2. Yahshua's Disciple
      Yahshua's Disciple
      11 hours ago
      @Hans S sleep well...
      Yahshua's Disciple
      Yahshua's Disciple
      11 hours ago
      @ThisDay&Age and how do u know this ?
      Yahshua's Disciple
      Yahshua's Disciple
      11 hours ago
      @The TruManZoo beware of that satanic tool
      Yahshua's Disciple
      Yahshua's Disciple
      10 hours ago
      @ThisDay&Age i don't watch false teaching reprobates...keyword to ur definition "roughly"'ve been greatly deceived and blinded my friend...sleep well..
      10 hours ago
      @Yahshua's Disciple why because you said so 😆 I have personally never had a better relationship with my creator than i do now ….. so do we live stuck to a flying ball speeding through infinite space faster than the speed of light …….? what is the nature of our reality? so far you all you’ve done is regurgitate words from a book written by men ! i can go outside and zoom in on the moon and see a perfect map of or known world & unknown world so are you saying my eyes are deceiving me ?
      Yahshua's Disciple
      Yahshua's Disciple
      10 hours ago
      @ThisDay&Age whats ur creators name
      Yahshua's Disciple
      Yahshua's Disciple
      9 hours ago
      @ThisDay&Age just like the other clowns of the FE community who mock scripture and Yahshua...
      9 hours ago
      @Yahshua's Disciple if we’re going to clarify i don’t believe in nor do i pray to Jesus! i pray to the one and only God & i haven’t stepped foot in a church since i’ve been old enough to tell my mother no thank you ! i see God everywhere….why would i need to pay homage to a creepy old guy in a robe and give him money to feel acceptance ! i think we agree on more than we both might think but i will say it baffles me that you won’t take the time to hear me out by looking at these videos with an open mind ! if you think you have all the answers then maybe your the deceiver ? “in my humble opinion” (you should try it) everything i’ve stated or tried to show through videos only reinforces my faith and solidifies the fact that I believe we live on a creation & not a ball rock flying through space suck to a sun by something called gravity 🤦‍♂️
      9 hours ago
      @Yahshua's Disciple it’s time to come down off your high horse ! So now if i don’t call God by your name i am automatically discredited 😆
      9 hours ago
      @Yahshua's Disciple how about you tell me what Gods name is lets start there …..
      Hans S
      Hans S
      7 hours ago
      @Yahshua's Disciple That's typical a remark of someone who belongs to Satan = adversary.
      Yahshua's Disciple
      Yahshua's Disciple
      6 hours ago
      @Hans S The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

      II Thessalonians 2:9‭-‬12
      Yahshua's Disciple
      Yahshua's Disciple
      6 hours ago
      @Hans S can't repent or get saved on ur own will but God's will...But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

      John 1:12‭-‬13 you've greatly deceived in ur false gospel


    3. @ThisDay&Age YouTube didn't allow me to post a reply

      Hans S
      9 minutes ago
      YouTube is controlled by Satan the devil


      18 hours ago (edited)
      @Hans S thank you for your inspiring words ! Reading the bible is something id like to do ive just herd mix things about King James bible as well as the others where do you suggest i start ?

    4. My comment was removed for some sinister reason so I try again.
      I said I recommend the Geneva Bible 1599 if you're able to read the older English.
      You can go to Bible Gateway
      and there you'll find more versions which you can use for comparison.
      I also suggest you watch my video on my channel, called
      Budgies, the Bible and the Gospel of Grace
      and read the description box and follow the links.
      I also suggest you watch a Biblical film about JESUS and that's the Gospel of Luke and the film is called
      JESUS | The JESUS Film 🎬 English | Official Full Movie
      Here on YouTube and ignore the intro with the 'universe' and 'galaxies' and the globe earth.
      The rest of the film is correct, but it's NOT our Gospel, because that's 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, but if you want to have an idea about who JESUS was (is) then this film is an excellent introduction.
      God bless on your journey.


  3. You can already read in the Bible the right information
    : God created heaven and earth first and THREE DAYS later He created the sun, moon and stars (and planets =wandering stars) as LIGHTS and as a CLOCK
    Highlighted reply
    2 hours ago
    @Hans S Correct. Also the light of day (daylight) was created 4 days before the sun. If the sun disappeared, we would still have daylight. The daylight takes the same circuit as the sun, which means we have Day and Night with or without the sun. Plants would continue to grow and we would continue to be able to see even if the sun (with its harsh light) disappeared. Ps 74:16 mentions day, night, heavenly lights, and sun as all being different things.
    Hans S
    Hans S
    37 minutes ago
    @jobethian09 👍


    Neil Williams
    Neil Williams
    5 days ago
    I cannot wait until part 2! :)


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”