Thursday, 28 July 2022
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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'
“Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”

Artist name: Vera Bergkamp Demonratten '66 Demon Rats '66 Vera Bergkamp COC Gay Objectives - Demolition of the Netherlands - Cove...
Pre-rapture 'news' concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to Israel Pre-opname 'nieuws' aangaande de we...
Wetteloze tiran Zelensky doet nazi-fascisten na, maakt ZWARTE LIJST van VS-wetgevers en journalisten terwijl hij MILJARDEN van de belastingbetalers afroomt
ReplyDeleteLawless tyrant Zelensky echoes Nazi fascists, issues BLACKLIST of US lawmakers and journalists while skimming BILLIONS from US taxpayers
DeleteJe weet dat het slecht wordt voor Oekraïne wanneer MSM de propaganda betwist
ReplyDeleteYou Know It Is Getting Bad for Ukraine When PBS Disputes the Propaganda
DeleteScott Ritter over de EU sancties: Als ik Rusland was, zou ik ik zeggen “Wel, dat was het dan, wij sluiten de deuren. Sterf!”
ReplyDeleteScott Ritter on EU sanctions: If I were Russia I would say “Well, that's it, we're closing the doors. Die!”
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Duitsers gewaarschuwd voor tekort aan toiletpapier & Video honderden Tsjetsjeense soldaten met op de uniformen tekst “Naar Kiev”
ReplyDeleteGermans warned of a shortage of toilet paper & Video hundreds of Chechen soldiers with the text "To Kiev" on the uniforms
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Ukrainian MPs approve ‘special status’ for Poles
ReplyDeleteFrench car giant reveals cost of quitting Russia
ReplyDeleteZelensky vertelt de Amerikanen dat zijn land belangrijker voor hen moet zijn dan hun eigen land
ReplyDeleteZelensky Told Americans That His Country Should Be More Important To Them Than Their Own
DeleteKiev knew prison it shelled held Ukrainian POWs – DPR
ReplyDeleteUS and UN react to Ukraine POW camp shelling
ReplyDeleteIf telling the truth puts me on Ukraine’s ‘Russian propagandist’ blacklist, I’ll wear that tag proudly
ReplyDeleteEr zijn bewijzen dat het artillerievuur op de Oekrainse Azov-krijgsgevangen in Jelenovka werd afgevuurd vanuit de Amerikaanse HIMARS
ReplyDeleteThere is evidence that the attack on the pre-trial detention center in Yelenovka was delivered from the HIMARS MLRS
DeleteRussia invites UN and Red Cross experts to investigate POW camp bombing
ReplyDeleteZelensky's elite battalion destroyed – Russia
ReplyDeleteStichting Bill Gates financiert programma voor Oekraïense vluchtelingen
ReplyDeleteBill Gates Foundation Funds Program for Ukrainian Refugees
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Kiev orders forced evacuation of Ukraine-controlled DPR areas
ReplyDeleteMore civilians maimed by Ukrainian landmines dropped on Donetsk – mayor
ReplyDeleteThe myth of the HIMARS 'game changer': American-supplied rocket system is effective, but it won't bring victory to Ukraine
ReplyDelete“Dit zijn beesten, geen mensen”: Zelensky laat veroordeelde kinderverkrachters, folteraars vrij om uitgedunde militairen te versterken
ReplyDeleteUkraine not America's business – top US conservative
ReplyDeleteUkraine limiting Russian gas flow to EU – Gazprom
ReplyDeleteMars-II rocket system arrives in Ukraine
ReplyDeleteOpnieuw twee HIMARS en een Harpoon-lanceerinrichting in Oekraïne vernietigd
ReplyDeleteTwo HIMARS And A Harpoon Launcher Destroyed In Ukraine – Russian MoD
DeleteTerwijl MSM een illusoir narratief over Oekraïne pushen, erkent VS legerleiding nu dat de oorlog verloren is
ReplyDeleteWhile Establishment Media Pushes Delusional Narrative on Ukraine, US Military Brass Now Recognizes the War is Lost
Delete‘Deep mistrust’ between US and Zelensky – NYT
ReplyDeleteRussia accuses Ukraine of mistreating POWs
ReplyDeleteCollege suspends pianist over Ukraine concert
ReplyDeleteToday, Ukraine bombed a Donetsk hotel full of journalists – here’s what it felt like to be there
ReplyDeleteUkrainian forces ‘put civilians at risk’ – Amnesty
Griner jailed for nine years in Russian drugs trial
US ‘artificially’ stokes tensions – Kremlin
Germany risks facing ‘winter of anger’ – media
Five killed as Ukraine shells Donetsk – DPR
Russia tackles ‘toxic’ currencies
Ukraine asked for POWs to be placed in prison it shelled – Russia
Kiev blasts Amnesty report on Ukraine risking civilian lives
Situatierapport Oekraïne – Verslag ter plaatse – Ingestorte Oekraïense frontlinie
ReplyDeleteUkraine SitRep - On The Ground Report - Ukrainian Frontline Collapses
DeleteZelensky angered by lack of help from EU
ReplyDeleteOverzicht van de bloedige Oekraïense aanvallen op burgers in Donetsk op 4 augustus (Video’s 18+)
ReplyDeleteOverview Of Bloody Attacks By Ukrainian Forces On Civilians In Donetsk People’s Republic On August 4 (18+)
DeleteNieuwe groepen Oekraïense troepen staken de strijd terwijl Rusland blijft malen
ReplyDeleteNew Batches Of Ukrainian Troops Quitting the Fight as Russia Grinds On
DeleteWaarom zwijgen zij over kinderhandel in Oekraïne?
ReplyDeleteWhy Do They Keep Silent About Children Trafficking in Ukraine?
DeleteOekraïne vlag-emoji’s verdwijnen van profielen na vernietigend Amnesty-rapport dat “menselijke schilden” aan het licht brengt
ReplyDeleteUkraine Flag Emojis Disappear From Profiles After Damning Amnesty Report Spotlights ‘Human Shields’
DeleteUkrainian strike in Donetsk kills 3 civilians – officials
ReplyDeleteWestern special ops vets training Ukrainians – The Guardian
ReplyDeleteUkraine snatching up millions worth of Russian assets – Zelensky
ReplyDeleteUS prepares new weapons package for Ukraine – Reuters (so that more Russian civilians can be murdered)
ReplyDeleteDe Oekraïense president geeft toe dat hij militair het onderspit delft tegen Rusland, en niemand neemt er notitie van
ReplyDeleteUkrainian president admits defeating Russia militarily, and no one takes notice
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Kijk: tv-presentator sloopt president Zelenski in 5 minuten – ‘Hier klopt iets niet’
ReplyDeleteWatch: TV host demolishes President Zelensky in 5 minutes – 'Something isn't right here'
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De “vleesmolen” van Peski: Hoe de Oekraïense leiding haar soldaten opoffert
ReplyDeletePeski's “meat grinder”: How the Ukrainian leadership is sacrificing its soldiers
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70% of Western weapons sent to Ukraine don’t reach troops – CBS
ReplyDeleteCBS: Slechts 30% van de door het Westen aan Kiev geleverde wapens bereikt de frontlinie
DeleteDe New York Times braakt voorverpakte Oekraïense praatjes uit
ReplyDeleteThe New York Times Struggles With Russian and Ukrainian Strawmen
DeleteZelensky wants Russia sanctioned for ‘nuclear terror’
ReplyDeleteSweden to prepare Ukrainians for military service
ReplyDeleteMost Ukraine aid is a ‘scam’ – US lawmaker
ReplyDeleteAmnesty apologizes after Ukrainian pressure
ReplyDeleteEx-US special rep for Ukraine predicts when fighting will end
ReplyDeleteRussia takes out 45,000 tons of NATO ammo – MoD
ReplyDelete“Russische propaganda” betekent gewoon ongehoorzaamheid
ReplyDeleteDe Oekraïne-mythe brokkelt af
ReplyDeleteThe Ukraine myth is crumbling
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Ban all Russians everywhere, Zelensky demands
ReplyDeleteGerman media sheds light on Zelensky’s ‘secret deals’
ReplyDeleteZelensky using Hitler’s playbook - former Russian president
ReplyDeleteZelensky aide explains Ukraine's ‘information warfare’
ReplyDeleteThe US is AT WAR WITH RUSSIA using Ukraine as a proxy
DeleteGerman minister apologizes for photo in Ukraine
ReplyDeleteTerrorizing the people at home and laughing with Nazis in Ukraine
DeleteOn-air protest Russian journalist charged
ReplyDeleteNew York Times: Zelensky verliest steun van de VS
ReplyDeleteNew York Times: Zelensky loses US support
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Ukraine eyes promotion of English language
ReplyDeleteZelensky aide explains why Ukraine won’t negotiate with Russia
ReplyDeleteOekraïne doet goede zaken met illegale orgaantransplantaties
ReplyDeleteUkraine is a paradise for black transplantologists
DeleteHet Zelensky-narratief verschuift
ReplyDeleteThe Zelensky Narrative is Shifting
DeleteOne dead in Ukrainian shelling of city hosting nuclear plant
ReplyDelete"Great victory" for Ukraine: they killed a fellow Ukrainian who was walking his dog!
DeleteUkraine failed to mount counteroffensive – ex-Pentagon adviser
ReplyDeleteGermany opposes Russian-visa ban - Scholz
ReplyDeleteRussische leger trekt Oekraïense steden zonder slag of stoot binnen: ‘Blij dat we zijn bevrijd van criminelen’
ReplyDeleteRussian army enters Ukrainian cities without a fight: 'Glad we were freed from criminals'
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Zelensky faces furious criticism from Ukrainians — WaPo
ReplyDeleteUS has doomed Europe to hunger and cold – Russia
ReplyDeleteEuropeans now have to pay much more for their energy bills than before the Ukraine crisis and that is the fault of the US government and its criminal sanctions policy, partly due to the docile criminal European governments that don't serve the interests of European citizens, but serving the interests of the criminal Washington regime.
DeleteUkraine calls Germany ‘addict’ then offers hit
ReplyDeleteEVIL Zelensky lists ‘red lines’ for talks with Russia
ReplyDeleteRusland maakt de dood bekend van 20 “Amerikaanse huurlingen” bij luchtaanval in Charkov
ReplyDeleteRussia announces the death of 20 «US mercenaries» during airstrike in Kharkov
DeleteDe komst van de Oekraïense ISIS – “De tektonische platen zijn verschoven”
ReplyDeleteThe arrival of Ukrainian ISIS – “The tectonic plates have shifted”
DeleteUkrainian officials accused of stealing trainloads of aid
ReplyDeleteGerman minister vows to back Ukraine ‘no matter what voters think’
ReplyDelete‘President Zelenski verhuurt zijn Italiaanse villa voor 50.000 euro aan Russen’
ReplyDelete'President Zelenski rents his Italian villa for 50,000 euros to Russians'
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Ukraine mulls legalizing porn
ReplyDeleteAlexander Nepogodin: As the media speculates about plots to oust Zelensky, how secure is Ukraine's Western-backed leader?
ReplyDeleteZelensky guard appears to wear Nazi insignia