Wednesday, December 16, 2020
The Death of Controlled Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko after speaking about 9/11 WTC 7 Building 7
Danny Jowenko was a Dutch expert in controlled demolition who testified that WTC7 collapse could only be due to controlled demolition.
He died in a single car crash on a straight road in the village of Serooskerke, the Netherlands, on 16th July 2011
Sunday, March 22, 2020
The Corona '9/-11' TERROR ATTACK by the 'elite' on the world population, turning CITIZENS into fellow CIA agents
Trump’s Covid-19 Programme: Crisis Response, Turning Tables, and Corona-tion


Thursday, April 18, 2019
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
They Are Deceiving You: The No Plane - Hologram / CGI Theory - John Lear, Judy Wood, DISINFO EXPOSED
They Are Deceiving You: The No Plane / Hologram / CGI Theory - John Lear, Judy Wood, DISINFO EXPOSED
Thursday, April 28, 2016
The Imperial Agenda and the Petro-Dollar ~ Bible Signs of the END ! (4)
The Imperial Agenda and the Petro-Dollar ~ Bible Signs of the END ! (4)
A 10-part series by Bruce Telfer, showing how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled in our time.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
I am still amazed there are people that still think our government had nothing to do with 911
Only on the internet it's still possible to get the right information.
I'm Dutch, and like many people I used to believe the 'offical' interpretation of 9/11, because back in those days I didn't have yet an internet connection and I relied on Dutch and international 'news', which was (and still is) in fact being controlled by the Vatican NWO.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
The brainwashing called '9/11' - 911 the hoax uncovered
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Friday, May 24, 2013
by simonshack - Nov 4, 2010There's an extremely popular video on Youtube. It's called :
It was published on Feb 18, 2008 - and has now totalled 1,347,485 views
I guess people just love watching falling pixels...
Of course this video has been taken down by VATICAN controlled Google-YouTube because Satan doesn't want people to be informed.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Can you see that Bob McIlvaine is nothing but an actor?
Here are 3 more sobbing scenes of this obvious CIA agent:
"TAKE 5" for Bob McIlvaine : watch?v=N7xwVIoNwb0 (at 1min25)
"TAKE 6" for Bob McIlvaine : watch?v=VFgcRwfCF9s (at 6min30)
"TAKE 7" for Bob McIlvaine : watch?v=ujqTXhy05tw (at 2min25)
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Broer zag 9/11, zus was in Boston - manipulatie van de MSM en de overheid
Lees HIER het bericht.
Maar waar gaat het me om?
Het gaat me om de manipulatie-techniek van de overheid (waar de NOS deel van is) om ons te MISLEIDEN!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Agenda=LIES Prevail(s) Over Truth
Dec 28, 2012
In the Western world truth no longer has any meaning. In its place stands 'agenda'.
Agenda is all important, because it is the way Washington achieves hegemony over the world and the American people. 9/11 was the “new Pearl Harbor” that the neoconservatives declared to be necessary for their planned wars against Muslim countries. For the neoconservatives to go forward with their agenda, it was necessary for Americans to be connected to the agenda.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Evil America
America has become what Nazi Germany
and the Soviet Union used to be By John Kaminski
- Remember the Red Menace, also known as the Communist threat? Or how about the Third Reich, the creator of which became the chief metaphor for evil in the 20th century?
- Most Americans, certainly those younger than 30, don't remember either. Hell, they don't even remember Vietnam or Nixon or The Beatles. The terms and their connotations are totally unfamiliar, unless encountered in history texts. Millions of Americans simply do not remember what America used to stand for - freedom, justice, equality - and as a result, don't fully comprehend the appalling reality of what America has become.
The 9/11 Reichstag Fire
9-11 Thermite and the WTC Collapses
The 9/11 WTC Collapses:An Audio-Video Analysis
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Ann Barnhardt is NOT an IDIOT 2
1. If you want to completely lose my respect, send me 9-11 truther garbage ...... You would be better off just having "idiot" tattooed across your forehead.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Tien jaar na 9/11 - Ten Years after 9/11 - 2
Vandaag is het 10 jaar geleden dat de 'aanslagen' van 9/11 (11 september 2001) plaatsvonden.
Ik was thuis toen het gebeurde en mijn TV stond aan, want in die tijd keek ik regelmatig naar CNN, BBC-World en EuroNews om te zien of er mogelijk interessant nieuws zou kunnen zijn.
Tien jaar na 9/11 - Ten Years after 9/11
Vandaag is het 10 jaar geleden dat de 'aanslagen' van 9/11 (11 september 2001) plaatsvonden.
Ik was thuis toen het gebeurde en mijn TV stond aan, want in die tijd keek ik regelmatig naar CNN, BBC-World en EuroNews om te zien of er mogelijk interessant nieuws zou kunnen zijn.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
De komende wereldleider
Wat denken de mensen hier over 9/11 ?
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373
ReplyDelete9/11 was an inside job = state terrorism and the perpetrators are the same as those who are behind the current 'great reset'.
DeleteProminente Chinese diplomaat suggereert dat VS aanslagen van 9/11 hebben uitgevoerd
ReplyDeleteProminent Chinese diplomat suggests US carried out 9/11 attacks
DeleteBiden extends 9/11 emergency
ReplyDeleteEyewitnesses saw (cruise) missiles and not planes.
ReplyDeleteOf course these eyewitness accounts were kept from the mass media.
Independent demolition experts classified 9/11 as a clear case of controlled demolition.
At least one of those experts died mysteriously.
They used crisis actors who were supposedly relatives of the so-called victims in WT1 and 2, but these buildings were empty when they collapsed under controlled conditions.
Using the computer techniques of the time they suggested that airplanes had been used, that people committed suicide by supposedly jumping out of the buildings, and most of all WT7 collapsed like a house of cards while it was not hit by the so-called airplanes and was well away from WT1 and 2.
It turned out that the entire operation was led from WT7 with the cooperation of the then mayor Giuliani and therefore that building had to be destroyed quickly in order to erase the traces.
The Pentagon was also hit by a cruise missile, while it was suggested that it was an airplane, and that so-called plane that punched a hole in the ground in Pennsylvania was also a cruise missile.
The 21st anniversary of the 9/11 attacks is the 1st anniversary of America’s new reality
ReplyDeletePutin’s name removed from 9/11 memorial
DeleteOpeens worden overal ter wereld UFO’s gespot, wat is er toch aan de hand?
ReplyDeleteSuddenly UFOs are being spotted all over the world, what is going on?
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
'Special' service: Declassified Guantanamo court filing suggests some 9/11 hijackers were CIA agents
ReplyDeleteThis story is a diversion: no planes flew into the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon building, nor did another plane crash in Pennsylvania.
DeleteThe evil US government used cruise missiles that were computerized into "airplanes" as the general public saw on TV.
Eyewitnesses did indeed see cruise missiles, but their testimonies were ignored by the satanic mass media.
The WTC buildings were undermined and empty well in advance so that they could be blown up by controlled demolition.
It was SUGGESTED that it was a terrorist attack by "Muslim terrorists" for the purpose of depriving citizens of their liberties through the Patriot Act and other measures, and to have an excuse to invade Afghanistan and later Iraq under false pretenses, as part of 'regime change' in various countries.
Everything was organized by the Vatican Jesuits, and the Catholics In Action (CIA) are part of that.
There were therefore hardly any civilian casualties and 'crisis actors' were used to suggest that there were grieving relatives of the 'victims'.
The images of 'victims who jumped down in desperation from the burning buildings' were also manipulated through computer animations.
Through total control of the mass media, the diabolical governments around the world were able to tell the same lies as they did later in 2020 with the so-called 'pandemic'.
So why isn't Russia telling the truth about this?
DeleteBecause Russia lies just as hard about important things like 'nuclear weapons' that don't exist and about 'space travel' that doesn't exist because they know there is no 'space' and that the earth is stationary and round and flat with a firmament.
Ruslang also lied about the so-called 'pandemic' and this proves that Russia is simply part of the satanic Vatican world order, and that it now plays the role of 'enemy of the free west'.
China and other major countries are in the game, and in fact all countries on Earth are in the game.
Oh SH*T, it's starting again | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteKijk: Tucker Carlson komt te dicht bij de waarheid!
ReplyDeleteWatch: Tucker Carlson gets too close to the truth!
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Building 7 REVEALED! The TRUTH about 9/11 and what really happened | Redacted with Clayton Morris
DeleteEyewitnesses saw (cruise) missiles and not planes.
Of course these eyewitness accounts were kept from the mass media.
Independent demolition experts classified 9/11 as a clear case of controlled demolition.
At least one of those experts died mysteriously.
They used crisis actors who were supposedly relatives of the so-called victims in WT1 and 2, but these buildings were empty when they collapsed under controlled conditions.
Using the computer techniques of the time they suggested that airplanes had been used, that people committed suicide by supposedly jumping out of the buildings, and most of all WT7 collapsed like a house of cards while it was not hit by the so-called airplanes and was well away from WT1 and 2.
It turned out that the entire operation was led from WT7 with the cooperation of the then mayor Giuliani and therefore that building had to be destroyed quickly in order to erase the traces.
The Pentagon was also hit by a cruise missile, while it was suggested that it was an airplane, and that so-called plane that punched a hole in the ground in Pennsylvania was also a cruise missile.
No planes flew into the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon building, nor did another plane crash in Pennsylvania.
The evil US government used cruise missiles that were computerized into "airplanes" as the general public saw on TV.
Eyewitnesses did indeed see cruise missiles, but their testimonies were ignored by the satanic mass media.
The WTC buildings were undermined and empty well in advance so that they could be blown up by controlled demolition.
It was SUGGESTED that it was a terrorist attack by "Muslim terrorists" for the purpose of depriving citizens of their liberties through the Patriot Act and other measures, and to have an excuse to invade Afghanistan and later Iraq under false pretenses, as part of 'regime change' in various countries.
Everything was organized by the Vatican Jesuits, and the Catholics In Action (CIA) are part of that.
There were therefore hardly any civilian casualties and 'crisis actors' were used to suggest that there were grieving relatives of the 'victims'.
The images of 'victims who jumped down in desperation from the burning buildings' were also manipulated through computer animations.
Through total control of the mass media, the diabolical governments around the world were able to tell the same lies as they did later in 2020 with the so-called 'pandemic'.
DeleteEyewitnesses saw (cruise) missiles and not planes.
Of course these eyewitness accounts were kept from the mass media.
Independent demolition experts classified 9/11 as a clear case of controlled demolition.
At least one of those experts died mysteriously and you mentioned him.
11 minutes ago
RIP to Danny Jowenko, the Dutch demolitions expert who testified in a documentary in 2006 that Building 7 was a controlled demolition. He died in a mysterious single vehicle car accident in 2011.
Delete@daz090979 And they found the hijackers' passports intact, but the body parts were found badly battered?
And you believe that?
No planes flew into the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon building, nor did another plane crash in Pennsylvania.
The evil US government used cruise missiles that were computerized into "airplanes" as the general public saw on TV.
Eyewitnesses did indeed see cruise missiles, but their testimonies were ignored by the satanic mass media.
The WTC buildings were undermined and empty well in advance so that they could be blown up by controlled demolition.
It was SUGGESTED that it was a terrorist attack by "Muslim terrorists" for the purpose of depriving citizens of their liberties through the Patriot Act and other measures, and to have an excuse to invade Afghanistan and later Iraq under false pretenses, as part of 'regime change' in various countries.
Everything was organized by the Vatican Jesuits, and the Catholics In Action (CIA) are part of that.
There were therefore hardly any civilian casualties and 'crisis actors' were used to suggest that there were grieving relatives of the 'victims'.
The images of 'victims who jumped down in desperation from the burning buildings' were also manipulated through computer animations.
Through total control of the mass media, the diabolical governments around the world were able to tell the same lies as they did later in 2020 with the so-called 'pandemic'.
26 minutes ago
Been telling people this for the last 10 years and most people get pissed off that you would even say something like this. What is really mind blowing is the debris field of human body parts. You should check that out, it shows how people were exploded not crushed and body parts were flung 100s of ft and even on top of surrounding buildings.
28 minutes ago
Had not heard that piece ... makes sense. Thanks for adding that angle!
12 minutes ago
So very true! They found bone fragments of victims on roofs of buildings far, far away from ground zero! These were discovered relatively close to the time of disaster but the testing required didn’t exist for some time later (years).
Deze fabelachtige voorspelling is met stip de meest opzienbarende gebeurtenis rondom 9/11
ReplyDeleteThis fabulous prediction is by far the most sensational event surrounding 9/11
Delete9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes
DeleteThis Pentagon 9/11 Report Only Aired Once Then Was Memory-holed Forever For Obvious Reasons
ReplyDeleteDuitse professor: we wisten op 9/11 meteen dat het gecontroleerde sloop was
ReplyDeleteGerman professor: We knew immediately on 9/11 that it was a controlled demolition
DeleteLetter from Osama Bin Laden goes viral
ReplyDeleteThere were no islamic attacks on 9/11 2001because it was an inside job and everything the government said about it is a LIE
DeleteOp nieuwe beelden van 9/11 is ‘iets heel vreemds’ te zien: wat valt jou op?
ReplyDeleteNew 9/11 footage shows ‘something very strange’: what do you notice?
ReplyDeleteProbeer niet te lachen: Telegraaf komt met ’trucs’ om ‘complotdenkers’ op andere gedachten te brengen
ReplyDeleteTry not to laugh: Telegraaf comes up with 'tricks' to change the minds of 'conspiracy theorists'
DeleteStand for the Truth: A Government Researcher Speaks Out | 9/11 Evidence and NIST
Delete‘Het is een grof schandaal dat de mensen die in de wereld aan de touwtjes trekken hiermee wegkomen’
ReplyDelete“It is a gross scandal that the people who pull the strings in the world get away with this”
DeleteKomPlot Voorstelling | George van Houts
DeleteConspiracy Show | George van Houts
DeleteGeorge van Houts weet niet dat de duivel overal achter zit VIA zijn Jezuïeten en het Vaticaan = het vermomde Luciferiaanse Romeinse rijk, met als doel om de ANTICHRIST aan de wereldmacht te helpen zoals het in de BIJBEL geprofeteerd staat.
DeleteDie ANTICHRIST is de PAUS = de vermomde Luciferiaanse Romeinse KEIZER!
George van Houts doesn't know that the devil is behind everything VIA his Jesuits and the Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman Empire, with the goal to help the ANTICHRIST to world power as prophesied in the BIBLE.
DeleteThat ANTICHRIST is the POPE = the disguised Luciferian Roman EMPEROR!
George van Houts is geen fan van Israël...