Thursday, 7 April 2022

Strategic Miscalculation? Financial Sanctions Directed against Russia Could “Topple the West”?

A new Cold War would cripple the American empire

The West, following the lead of the United States, has reacted to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by introducing a “crippling” regime of sanctions. It is a “total economic and financial war” aimed at “caus[ing] the collapse of the Russian economy”, the French finance minister Bruno Le Maire candidly admitted. And yet many of the current sanctions appear to be run-of-the-mill restrictions used against several countries in the past. A number of them — including export bans and the freezing of certain assets — have been imposed on Russia since its annexation of Crimea in 2014. Even the much-discussed exclusion of a number of Russian banks from the main international banking message system, SWIFT, is not new, having already been used against Iran, with mixed results.

The most controversial aspect of the new sanctions regime is without a doubt the freezing of Russia’s offshore gold and foreign-exchange reserves — about half of its overall reserves — but even this is not unprecedented: last year, the US froze foreign reserves held by Afghanistan’s central bank in order to prevent the Taliban from accessing its funds; the US has also previously frozen the foreign-exchange reserves of Iran, Syria, and Venezuela.




  1. Replies
    1. Btw: my internet provider has blocked RT Russia on orders of the criminal Dutch government and in their turn on orders of the criminal EU dictatorship.
      But I'm able to watch their reports on rumble.

  2. Replies
    1. Danish Ukraine volunteer reveals: "Russian prisoners of war are executed in Ukraine"

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  3. Replies
    1. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation officially removed all Tochka-U missiles years ago, they were replaced by modern Iskanders. Moreover, there is not a single video confirming the combat use of Tochka-U missiles by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or the armies of the DPR and LPR in the Donbass.

      Meanwhile, the MSM are already spreading claims about Russian Iskander missile, blaming Russian forces for another fake massacre of civilians.

  4. Replies
    1. Boecha- More video proof and findings that seem to make the "Russian massacre" unbelievable

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  5. "On March 6, the Russian Ambassador to the UN denounced what you have been advocating for two years: he declared that Donald Trump is the legitimate President of the United States, and that the election was falsified, with the complicity of European nations, using the Dominion apparatus. And we know that, in order to advance the agenda of the Great Reset, it was necessary to get rid of Trump, who would never have allowed either the pandemic farce or the escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis.

    Allow me to speak to you as a Bishop. I first denounced it two years ago, but now the ferocious and violent assault of these conspirators is so obvious that they are no longer even hiding. It is an attack by the elite that has as its purpose the destruction of everything that is part of our identity, of our culture, and of our Faith. It is an infernal elite, who desire death and hate life; who desire disease and hate health; who hate peace and desire war; an elite that it is based on lies and detests truth; an elite who want slavery and tyranny and hate the freedom of God's children. It is an elite that hates God, hates Our Lord Jesus Christ, and has devoted itself to the service of Satan."

  6. The bishop was very slyly this time not talking about 'Mary' and only about 'Jesus Christ' and 'Christ' and about 'Saint Paul' to make himself more credible towards Protestants, but he betrays himself by portraying the Vatican puppet, Donald Trump , as the one who wouldn't have let all this happen, and who could have done good business with Putin for the sake of all of us and against the 'global elite'.
    But both Trump and Putin have shaken hands with the Antichrist, the Pope, the Luciferian Roman emperor in disguise.

    Both the US and Russia lie about the existence of "nuclear weapons", about the true shape of the earth, about the existence of "satellites" and "space travel", about the fake pandemic, and both have "vaccinated" their peoples, though Putin's "vaccine" is not an mRNA injection, much to the dislike of the Satanists of the world order, because it keeps Putin's soldiers strong, while the US poisons its army, just like the people.
    For the same reason, China has not injected its army with the mRNA poison, but just like Russia with real vaccines.

    The only person who can solve this misery is the Lord JESUS ​​Christ, for He is God!

  7. Replies
    1. Hal Turner is wrong: WW3 has already begun and it's the 'Great Reset', the poisonous mRNA 'vaccines', leading up to the implementation of the Mark of the Beast, AFTER the rapture of the world wide Body of Christ.

      AFTER the rapture the war will not be about Ukraine but about ISRAEL, according to Ezekiel 38/39.

      It will start at the beginning of the great tribulation, the time of Jacob's Trouble, because then Israel will burn SEVEN years of fire from the abandoned military equipment from 'Gog and Magog'.

      After the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to Israel, the world will forge the weapons into plowshares and not burn them!

      The 'Gog and Magog' alliance will mainly use Russian war material and that contains a material that is stronger than steel, but that burns better than coal.

  8. Replies
    1. Missile attack on train station in Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk was a false flag operation

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      Russia Claims Latest Missile Attack Is ANOTHER False Flag

  9. Replies
    1. Helicopter with foreign mercenaries shot down over Mariupol – France furious

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  10. Replies
    1. Who is behind Friday's attack on the train station in Ukraine that killed 50 civilians?

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  11. Replies
    1. General Cloutier and the Dungeons of Azovstal

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  12. Replies
    1. No surprise: the Pope is on the side of the Ukrainian Nazis and fascists.

      “Pope Francis has condemned “the massacre of Bucha” and kissed a Ukrainian flag sent from the town where tied bodies shot at close range littered the streets after Russian troops withdrew and corpses poked out of a mass grave at a church.

      “[The flag] comes from the war, precisely from that martyred city, Bucha,” he said, kissing it and holding it up for the audience of several thousand, which broke into applause.”

      A few days before the pontiff had “implicitly criticised Russian President Vladimir Putin over the invasion of Ukraine,” The Independent reported.

      The Pope is the disguised Luciferian Roman Emperor and a JESUIT, and he and the Jesuits and their hero Satan, whom they rather call by his former name, Lucifer, are behind the disaster in Ukraine and the 'great reset' leading up to the implementation of the Mark of the Beast.
      The Pope is the 'Vicar of Christ' = the in place of Christ = the true meaning of the word 'Antichrist'.
      Every Pope is a blasphemer who thinks they are more powerful than God and they allow themselves to be called 'Holy Father'.

  13. Replies
    1. Read this text, if you are European it will hurt you, you will suffer, but you must read it – “What you see now is the death of Europe”

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  14. Replies
    1. Russian Defense Ministry: Slovak S-300 destroyed in Ukraine shortly after delivery

  15. Replies
    1. Russia: 'Top Nazi' killed in Ukraine

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  16. Replies
    1. DO NOT FIGHT FOR THE UK OR FOR THE USA. If you choose to believe the lies of those government nitwits, liars, and sociopaths, you will likely get what CossackGundi is getting right now.

      For what its worth, Ukraine is losing this conflict and is going to lose. Period. Full stop.

      Ukraine never had a chance against Russia. Only an idiot would think otherwise.

      Ukraine lost when they decided to accept western money to overthrow the Democratically elected President, Viktor Yanukovich, in 2014. They lost again when they elected a west-financed puppet government in Kiev. They lost again when the people of Crimea voted in a referendum, to leave Ukraine and return to Russia. They lost again when the people of Luhansk and DOnetsk decided they, too, were leaving Ukraine for Russia - but Ukraine said "no" and sent the Ukraine Army to bomb them.

      Ukraine lost again when their army in Luhansk and Donetsk was confronted by "Little Green men" sent in by Russia to protect the civilians in Luhansk and Donetsk.

      Ukraine lost again when they signed the Minsk Agreements, then did absolutely NOTHING to implement them for five years, and instead continued to bomb civilians in Luhansk and Donetsk.

      Ukraine lost again when they openly incorporated actual NAZIS into their government, police, and military.

      Ukraine lost again when Luhansk and Donetsk declared Independence and invited Russia in to protect them.

      Ukraine lost again when the Kremlin called on February 23, and gave Ukraine five hours to accept the terms of the Minsk Agreement, accept that Crimea was now Russian territory, and allow Luhansk and Donetsk to be free, then IGNORED the Kremlin ultimatum at the behest of the British and Americans. Once that five hour window expired, the Russian Army entered Ukraine.

      Ukraine's public relations machine would have people think that Ukraine is the victim; they are not. They are the perpetrators . . . they brought all this upon themselves and they are losing.

  17. Replies
    1. Hundreds of Italian parliamentarians refuse to listen to Zelenski's speech

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  18. Replies
    1. French journalist awaits big surprise in Ukraine: 'The Americans are calling the shots'

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      Telegraaf reporter Wierd Duk also saw the fragment and responds : “French who want to fight in Ukraine encounter American instructors, according to CNews: 'We determine who can participate', they said. 'Not the Ukrainians'. This is the US-Russian war, fought on Ukrainian battlefields. That's how we have to look at it."

  19. Replies
    1. Testimony: Huge Bioweapons Production Facility Under Azovstal Steel Plant, Doomsday Race Weapons

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      Ukraine: Für die NATO wird es explosiv

  20. Replies
    1. Russia Intelligence Director: “The impression remains that Western elites are only using the emerging situation to carry out long-cherished plans to actually abolish the middle class”

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  21. Replies
    1. Terror against imprisoned opposition leader Medvedchuk – Zelensky regime wants to torture him to get confessions

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  22. Replies
    1. Support concert for Ukraine canceled – uses “Russian” musical instrument

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  23. Replies
    1. Nazi-Poland is stealing from Russia and gives the loot to Nazi-Ukraine

  24. Replies
    1. The West should react to Moscow’s offer of fast-track citizenship to Ukrainians by sending more weapons to Ukraine, Kiev insists

  25. Replies
    1. Former Moscow chief rabbi urges Russian Jews to flee after top official attacks Chabad

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      Ex-Moscow chief rabbi calls on Russia Jews to flee after top official attacks Chabad

  26. Replies
    1. Moscow has repeatedly criticized Western sanctions and called the restrictive measures against Russian businessmen “international banditry” and the freezing of assets “theft.”

  27. Replies
    1. Four European countries could disappear for the sake of US interests

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  28. Kissingers sprookjes voor idioten

    Kissingers idee om vrede te brengen door Oekraïne tot de NAVO te laten toetreden is net zo gek als de gedachte om een brand te blussen met kerosine.


    1. Kissinger’s Fairy Tales for Idiots

      Kissinger’s idea of bringing peace by having Ukraine join NATO is as crazy as the thought of putting out a fire with kerosene.

  29. Replies
    1. One is reminded of American journalist Thomas Friedman’s international bestseller of the late nineties, ‘The World is Flat’. At the time, he was referring to the coming together of everything and everyone in the context of globalization. But nowadays the metaphor needs altering. Today, the message should be somehow simpler and even flatter, because otherwise there is no way for people to grasp the frightening multidimensionality that abounds.

    2. And once again the flat earth is mocked as if this truth has something to do with the 'coming together of everything and everyone in the context of globalization'

  30. Replies
    1. Orionstar10
      Kissenger gets closer to hell. You know all politicians in the west ARE AFRAID TO DIE. THEY GET THEIR MONTHLY SHOT SO THEY CAN LIVE LONGER.

  31. Replies
    1. The west is controlled by the Vatican and the Vatican is controlled by Satan....that's why.

  32. Replies
    1. The final declaration also states that:

      BRICS will strengthen cooperation on food security among the countries of the grouping and beyond;
      The BRICS leaders expressed concern about the use of unilateral sanctions and their negative impact on developing countries;
      The BRICS countries see the UN as the cornerstone of the international system;
      The BRICS countries support the aspirations of Brazil, India and South Africa to play a greater role in the UN Security Council;
      The BRICS countries are concerned about conflicts in the world and insist on peaceful resolution of differences through dialogue;
      The BRICS countries supported the strengthening of the non-proliferation mechanism for weapons of mass destruction;
      The BRICS call for greater representation of developing countries in international organizations and multilateral forums;
      The BRICS countries agreed to work on increasing mutual tourist flows;
      BRICS supports the African Union’s 2063 agenda, including the establishment of a continental free trade area.

    2. The problem with BRICS is that the UN is also controlled by the Vatican...

  33. Replies
    1. Donato A. Mura
      The Netherlands has expropriated farms that did not comply with EU climate change legislation, blamed on cow defecation, while the Dutch government secretly invested huge sums in Ukrainian farmers and farmland without informing the Dutch population about it.

      In January 2022, a month before Russia started the SMO, the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte went together with Minister Wopke Hoekstra (Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands and Minister of Foreign Affairs) to Ukraine to discuss the farmland in Eastern Ukraine.

      Ukraine promised the Dutch a big share of the farmland in Eastern Ukraine, while the Dutch promised Ukraine full support (military?) on the things to come. A month after the meeting the Russian SMO began.

      While the SMO was presented to the Dutch citizens as full surprise, unprovoked, the Dutch politicians must have known something about the expelling of the Russian speaking population in Eastern Ukraine and the farmland that would come available for business.

      The Dutch politicians wanted to close all farmers in the Netherlands and move the business to Eastern Ukraine, ...and as the Ukrainian war was progressing, the Dutch politicians kept supporting Ukraine with all necessary means.

      ring any bells?


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”