Sunday, 19 December 2021

2nd Improved 2019 Reaction Video: Ukulele Player hears NIGHTWISH First Time Ever!

Dec 6, 2021
I wasn't satisfied with the first attempt
in my experimental use of the OBS program, for which I used Kelly's video and I made a new one with better sound and an improved layout of the two videos.
The hardest part was syncing the two videos as Kelly stops several times for a response.
Here's the original video:
And here's the video NIGHTWISH - Ghost Love Score (LIVE IN BUENOS AIRES 2012)
Open Broadcaster Software®️



  1. Replies

    1. "This is the most personal song I’ve ever written.
      My testimony for the whole world. With this song I want to apologise to everyone who deserves my apology. It also makes an “I don’t care” -statement to the ones who deserve it. The song is also about what Nightwish means and has meant to me. It (Nighwish) is everything, without it I’m dead. I have created it and it has created me.

      When I pass away, this song’s lyrics are what I wish to be remembered by: An Ocean Soul."

      Tuomas Holopainen


      IM Διmιtrι
      2 months ago

  2. Replies

    1. Great second analysis and I also discovered Floor
      (from my country) and Nighwish from Finland through Ghost Love Score and did you know this?
      For all Floor Jansen fans: Singer Floor Jansen confesses to Flair: 'I thought metal was terrible music'

      Floor Jansen (39) tours the world as lead singer of the metal band Nightwish and recharges in her house in the woods in Sweden. When she participated last year with 'Beste Zangers', the Netherlands finally got to know her. "Somehow I like that, stupid huh?"

      She initially did not know the program with which she broke through in the Netherlands, nor did the other artists who participated. She has been living with her Swedish husband Hannes - with whom she had daughter Freja in 2017 - in Sweden for five years and doesn't watch Dutch television. Why did she participate? She was impressed by the footage she saw. Besides, there was a good chance that through her this would make people curious about metal in general and Nightwish in particular. In the last episode she sang Phantom of the opera together with Henk Poort in an unparalleled way, the footage went all over the world. And now the whole of the Netherlands knows who Floor Jansen is.

      She is relaxed at one of the tables in the lounge. Denim jacket, jeans, long dark hair. Around her, people are busy making calls or working on their laptops. In between, Floor is in a calm state of being. She drinks tea, speaks softly, almost shyly. She talks about how nice Sweden is. About their remote home in the woods. It is a bit like Limburg where she spent part of her childhood.

      Had Limburg not been an option?

      “Hannes and I lived in Finland when we met. I had moved there because Nightwish is a Finnish band. Although I sing in English, I wanted to learn the language and it works best when you immerse yourself in it. Finnish is very difficult, I never learned to speak it well. Of course it doesn't help if you have a Swedish man. Hannes missed Sweden and because I was already used to the peace and space in Finland, we moved there. We now have a very nice house in the countryside. With a dog and cats, and my two horses. When we moved into this house, with a huge plot of land around it, I immediately said I wanted horses. That was my girlhood dream.”

      You were bullied as a child, you call that a dark period, was being with the horses a way to escape for a while?

      “Because we moved often, I was always an outsider. I spoke differently than the children in my class, looked different, was tall. That bullying lasted seven years. My parents often went to school, but there they calmly said that there was nothing they could do. I can still get angry about that, because you actually say: 'Bad luck for you, just figure it out'. I withdrew to my own world, to nature, to the horses. So yes, in a way that was a flight.”

      “So was music, by the way. At one point those were the two things I went for. My career choice test also showed equestrian sport and conservatory. I really wanted to go to the conservatory, until I understood that the vocal training was either very classical or jazz. I had nothing to do with either of them. That is why I went to the Equestrian Center Deurne, a horse training course. That was very hard. I ended up there from high school and had to work hard every day. Some muscles in my body had become so hard that the blood flow in my arms was no longer functioning properly. I had a failure in my hands, so bad that I could hardly drive because I let the reins slip out of my hands all the time. It just wasn't fun anymore. When I heard that there was going to be a rock academy, I immediately registered.”

      Were your parents surprised that you started doing this?


    2. "I don't think so. I was also involved in musicals at school, so it didn't come out of the blue. I think they have kept their heart, because of course it is very insecure. But they have always been behind me. They said: 'You have a talent, you have to do something with it.' My father plays the guitar and sings. He's more in the blues corner. My sister Irene also sang in a metal band for a while and we also performed together. But I'm the only one in our family who made it her job."

      Were you immediately into metal?

      “I didn't really like it at all. A friend of mine was listening to it and I thought, what kind of horrible music is that? I was a little late developing my own taste. In the first school band I sang in, we played pop and rock songs. I also really liked grunge, but more to listen to. It wasn't until I moved to Limburg and made friends who listened to different metal bands that I saw the beauty of it. It's not just loud screaming and screeching guitars. The music we make with Nightwish has so many nuances, it's pop, folk, rock, symphonic passages, it's very accessible and melodic. For me, this kind of metal music is the ultimate combination of heavy music, pure feelings and female vocals.”

      Metal music is a man's world, do you thrive on that?

      “I don't really know any better. I stepped into this life from school. I actually don't realize that I work almost exclusively with men. It works well for me, I like it too. Men are very direct, there is no hassle. I never think: what is your hidden agenda? I do notice, now that I'm getting older, that I miss female company. Just because women look at things differently and that's sometimes a relief when you're only surrounded by men. That's why it was nice that at the time my female friend went along on tour as a nanny. I had very different conversations with her. She also saw when I was not feeling well and immediately asked how I was doing. Men don't ask that quickly, or don't even notice."

      By joining 'Best Singers' you hoped that more people would listen to your music. Did that work?

      "Yes. Our concerts in the Netherlands were immediately sold out. The nice thing is that it went both ways. A lot of people who listen to my music have also embraced Henk Poort. What I'm especially happy about is that I was able to show that metal isn't just satanic music, sung by screaming angry men."

      Do you also think: finally known in the Netherlands?

      “Haha. Somehow I like that, stupid huh? It bothered me that we are known all over the world and barely got a foothold in the Netherlands.”

      Translated from an article in the Dutch magazine 'Flair' from May, 20, 2020 (Zangeres Floor Jansen biecht op aan Flair: ‘Ik vond metal vreselijke muziek’)

  3. Replies

    1. Jack in a box and here I am
      Your favourite mirror and
      Your only honest reflection and your guide
      I am your deepest fear, the one you'll always hear
      I am the devil in disguise, I am your dreams

      I am the sneaky connection to your most devilish reflection
      The scary imagination of the real you

      I represent what you deny
      You're never scared so why are you running away
      From the temptation of my words
      Oh you don't know what I could do for you
      Or I could put you through...
      And you don't really understand that only fear leads this game

      Face your demons
      Hear that inner voice
      It calls, it cries for you
      Just listen well
      I'm the one who'll tell terrifying, scary, dreadful tales

      You'd better listen
      That's some free advice
      So what scares you the most
      Let me know, I'll be a good host
      I want to tell you how your fear looks and how to play the game

      Face your demons
      Hear that inner voice
      It calls, it cries for you
      Just listen well
      I'm the one who'll tell terrifying, scary, dreadful tales

      War is breaking loose, it cannot be stopped
      Cars are racing by and you're getting crushed
      Friends are dying slow with a lot of pain
      You just fear it all

      Bleeding from a wound that you cannot see
      And you're seeing things that can never be
      God is not made up and he wants revenge
      You just fear it all
      You just fear, you can only fear
      Face your demons

      So did you know that all your memories
      Color all you'll ever be in a dark and misty cloud that I am floating on
      I'm still the voice that speaks inside your head
      The demon under your bed
      I am the one who haunts your soul with devilish lust for fright

      Face your demons
      Hear that inner voice
      It calls, it cries for you
      Just listen well
      I'm the one who'll tell terrifying tales
      Face your demons
      Hear that inner voice
      It calls, it cries for you
      Just listen well
      I'm the one who'll tell terrifying, scary, dreadful tales

    2. It's interesting that people who don't believe in God talk about the devil and demons. When I was an atheist I loved to listen to Rainbow with the late Ronnie James Dio who sang 'The devil is me And I'm holding the key To the gates of sweet hell Babylon' and I loved the music but I totally didn't know what he was talking about, because I didn't believe in the existence of God, the devil, demons and deities and the supernatural and it was all nonsense to me.

    3. Without knowing it many people who don't believe in God are very religious because they BELIEVE in the Big Bang theory that was invented by a Jesuit priest and in evolution that was also promoted by the Jesuits through Darwin, so they are in fact satanists because these doctrines are from Satan....which they don't know.

      Floor Jansen and her fans make the hand sign of the devil very often and they don't even know WHY they're doing it.
      It was the late Ronnie James Dio who made this hand sign popular.


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