The vaccination industry is a Frankenstein Monster of immense proportions
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Big Pharma History - How John D Rockefeller Created Western Medicine
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Piloten en stewardessen sterven nog steeds plotseling en onverwacht
ReplyDeletePilots and flight attendants still die suddenly and unexpectedly
DeleteThe goal is to destroy all civil aviation so that only the elite can travel by private jets, because the 'great reset' says we will own nothing and still be happy...locked into 15 minute boroughs eating bugs and fake meat that causes cancer and are monitored 24 hours a day...
DeletePfizer hoopte gebruik van foetuscellen voor coronavaccin geheim te houden
ReplyDeletePfizer hoped to keep the use of fetal cells for corona vaccine secret
DeleteMoedige, onafhankelijke lezers – ik ben zo trots dat ik een van jullie ben
ReplyDeleteBrave, independent readers – I’m so proud to be one of you
DeleteKijk: tv-presentatrice valt neer tijdens live-uitzending
ReplyDeleteWatch: TV presenter falls during live broadcast
DeleteWetenschapper Bill Gates geeft toe: “50% van de gevaccineerde mensen zal spoedig sterven”
ReplyDeleteBill Gates Scientist Admits: ‘50% of Vaccinated People Will Soon Die’
DeleteThe vaccinated
ReplyDelete"You are now classed as cattle"
Alarmerende studie onthult oorsprong van long covid
ReplyDeleteAlarming study reveals origins of long covid
DeleteLong covid = vaccine damage
DeleteSTUDIE: COVID-vaccins veroorzaakten wijdverspreide schade bij Noorse kinderen, waaronder anafylaxie, myocarditis, gezwollen lymfeklieren, blindedarmontsteking
ReplyDeleteSTUDY: COVID vaccines caused widespread damage to Norwegian children, including anaphylaxis, myocarditis, swollen lymph nodes, appendicitis
DeleteThe poisonous 'vaccines' were invented on orders of the Luciferian Jesuits of the Vatican
Delete“Smoking Gun bewijs” toont aan dat Covid-prikken “ontworpen om te doden” zijn
ReplyDelete‘Smoking Gun Evidence’ Shows Covid Shots Are ‘Designed to Kill’
DeleteHoe zullen ze deze laatste cijfers over oversterfte verklaren?
ReplyDeleteHow will they explain these latest figures on excess mortality?
DeleteJapan stelt talloze bijwerkingen covidvaccins aan de kaak: ‘Ongekend in de menselijke geschiedenis’
ReplyDeleteJapan denounces numerous side effects of Covid vaccines: 'Unprecedented in human history'
DeleteDe vaccinatie-industrie is een Frankensteinmonster van immense proporties
ReplyDeleteThe vaccination industry is a Frankenstein Monster of immense proportions
DeleteCovid gevaccineerden testen positief op HIV, waarschuwen meerdere studies
ReplyDeleteCovid Vaxxed Are Testing Positive for HIV, Multiple Studies Warn
DeleteDeze arts heeft slecht nieuws voor de gevaccineerden
ReplyDeleteThis doctor has bad news for the vaccinated
DeleteLaat alle ogen gericht zijn op Slowakije: hier wordt nu stevig doorgepakt
ReplyDeleteLet all eyes be focused on Slovakia: action is now firmly being taken here
DeleteArts doet verontrustende ontdekking bij onderzoek naar overlijdensberichten
ReplyDeleteDoctor makes disturbing discovery while investigating obituaries
DeleteOvermatige sterfte in 2023 in verband met de vaccinatiegraad tegen Covid in 25 Europese landen
ReplyDeleteExcess Mortality in 2023 Associated With Covid Vaccination Rates in 25 European Countries
DeleteAIDS-achtige ziekte verspreidt zich snel onder gevaccineerden, waarschuwen deskundigen
ReplyDeleteAIDS-Like Illness Spreading Rapidly Among Vaccinated, Experts Warn
DeleteEd Dowd: Het aantal sterfgevallen in Groot-Brittannië is met maar liefst 22% gestegen onder 1 tot 14-jarigen na de introductie van de ‘vaccins’
ReplyDeleteEd Dowd: Deaths in Britain have risen by a whopping 22% among 1 to 14-year-olds after the introduction of the 'vaccines'
DeleteBewijs! Zo worden gegevens over vaccindoden weggemoffeld
ReplyDeleteProof! In this way, data on vaccine deaths is concealed
DeleteMijlpaal: hof geeft opdracht tot onderzoek naar mogelijke aanwezigheid grafeenoxide in covidprik
ReplyDeleteMilestone: court orders research into the possible presence of graphene oxide in Covid shots
DeleteKijk: Deze arts ziet de gruwelijke gevolgen van de prik en trekt zijn mond open
ReplyDeleteWatch: This doctor sees the horrific consequences of the injection and opens his mouth
DeleteThe doctor also saw that a child was given a corona shot before an operation without the parents knowing about it. He sees blood clots in young people and heart problems in young people.
DeletePeer-reviewed onderzoek toont aan dat Covid-vaccins 14x meer mensen doodden dan redden
ReplyDeletePeer-reviewed research shows that Covid vaccines killed 14x more people than they saved
DeleteJapanse emeritus hoogleraar over covidvaccins: ‘Dit is moord, er is een slachting aangericht’
ReplyDeleteJapanese professor emeritus about Covid vaccines: 'This is murder, a massacre has been committed'
DeleteSlachtoffer van vaccinatieschade confronteert premier: ‘KIJK ME AAN!’
ReplyDeleteVictim of vaccine damage confronts Prime Minister: 'LOOK AT ME!'
DeleteVaccines will do the job slowly and quietly
ReplyDeleteShe is right: the people who were injected uncritically did so of their own free will, with exceptions, such as some of the children, the psychiatric patients, the mentally retarded, and the elderly.
Delete‘Schokkende beelden’: vreemde witte prop uit lichaam van overledene gehaald
ReplyDelete'Shocking images': strange white clot removed from deceased's body
DeleteWithout autopsy, there can be no certainty about the science
DeletePfizer To Rake In Trillions From Turbo Cancer Deaths, Insider Claims
ReplyDeleteTurbo cancer is set to claim the lives of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people in the next few years, according to a Pfizer insider who warns that everybody vaccinated with mRNA is a walking, talking time bomb waiting to explode.
But it gets even worse. The mRNA roll out is only in its infancy. The sick and twisted ghouls responsible for the massive spike in turbo cancers are now set to reap massive financial benefits by forcing the entire world to get vaccinated against the problem they caused in the first place.
The globalist elite are using the pharmaceutical industry to carry out the greatest crime against humanity in history, and as usual they are determined to hide their wicked agenda in plain sight.
Dr. Robert Malone waarschuwt dat de Franse wet om anti-Vaxxers gevangen te zetten zich verspreidt naar andere landen
ReplyDeleteDr Robert Malone Warns French Law to Jail Anti-Vaxxers Is Spreading to Other Nations
DeleteOnthutsende cijfers: beerput rond covidprik ‘gaat langzaam maar zeker open’
ReplyDeleteStaggering figures: cesspool around Covid shot 'is slowly but surely opening'
DeletePlotseling gestorven: Fauci loog en honderdduizenden kinderen stierven als gevolg van COVID-vaccinatie volgens het geheime CDC-rapport
ReplyDeleteDIED SUDDENLY: Fauci Lied & Hundreds of Thousands of Children Died due to COVID Vaccination according to Secret CDC Report
DeleteVideo: Populaire arts en influencer draait 180 graden over de experimentele gentherapie
ReplyDeleteVideo: Popular doctor and influencer turns 180 degrees on experimental gene therapy
DeleteThe biggest crime in the history of medicine
DeleteTop 7 VAN DE GRIEZELIGE WAARHEDEN die de gezondheidsautoriteiten NIET willen dat je weet over Covid-19 “vaccins” en “boosters”
ReplyDeleteTop 7 OF THE SCARY TRUTHS that health authorities DON'T want you to know about Covid-19 “vaccines” and “boosters”
DeleteDe vaccinindustrie is een fraude; al 225 jaar maken vaccins mensen ongezonder
ReplyDeleteThe vaccine industry is a fraud; for 225 years vaccines have been making people unhealthier
DeleteTurbo Cancer - the new Pandemic?
ReplyDelete25% van de mensen die zijn gevaccineerd heeft nu Vaids, waarschuwen topwetenschappers
ReplyDelete25% of Vaxxed Now Have VAIDS, Top Scientists Warn
DeleteHogere sterfte gevonden onder gevaccineerde patiënten die in het ziekenhuis zijn opgenomen voor COVID-19: nieuwe studie
ReplyDeleteHigher Mortality Found Among Vaccinated Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: New Study
Delete585 miljoen doden of gewonden en enorme schade aan zwangere vrouwen door covid-injecties, zegt de dokter en waarschuwt Amerikaanse medische organisaties
ReplyDelete585 million killed or injured and massive harm to pregnant women by covid injections, doctor says placing American medical organisations on notice
DeleteDeze studie mag je niet lezen: COVID-19-vaccins hebben veel meer levens gekost dan gered
ReplyDeleteYou should not read this study: COVID-19 vaccines have cost far more lives than they have saved
DeleteWe're suing Springer Nature for $250M in punitive damages for the unethical retraction of our COVID harms paper
DeleteDeze afwijkingen zien Nederlandse post-mortaalonderzoekers bij overleden mensen
ReplyDeleteDutch post-mortem researchers see these abnormalities in deceased people
DeleteGeluidsopname bewijst dat corona jaren van tevoren werd gepland: ‘Dit zou iedereen WOEST moeten maken’
ReplyDeleteSound recording proves that corona was planned years in advance: 'This should make everyone FURIOUS'
DeleteThe Jesuits run the Pentagon and the Pentagon serves the Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman empire
DeleteDeze video van prof. Capel is na 3 jaar toch nog te heftig en weer gecensureerd
ReplyDeleteAfter 3 years, this video by Prof. Capel is still too intense and has been censored again
DeleteIk heb destijds deze -op zich- goede video gezien, maar op 14 minuut 30 seconden maakt Pierre Capel de platte aarde-waarheid belachelijk.
DeleteDit is het probleem van veel 'waarheidsvinders' dat ze op belangrijke punten gelijk hebben, maar op andere belangrijke punten ongelijk hebben.
I saw this - in itself - good video at the time, but at 14 minutes 30 seconds Pierre Capel ridicules the flat earth truth.
DeleteThis is the problem with many 'truth seekers' that they are right on important points, but wrong on other important points.
Iemand zegt bijvoorbeeld in de reacties dat het WEF overal achter zit. Dat is ten dele waar, want het WEF wordt zelf aangestuurd door de Jezuïeten van het Vaticaan die de hele wereld controleren namens SATAN de DUIVEL, die ze liever bij zijn oude naam LUCIFER noemen.
DeleteOmdat velen dit WEIGEREN in te zien, omdat ze denken dat het Vaticaan weining te vertellen heeft, worden ze makkelijk misleid.
Men WEIGERT in te zien dat het Vaticaan het vermomde (als de Rooms Katholieke kerk) Luciferiaanse Romeinse rijk is en dat elke Paus de vermomde Luciferiaaanse Romeinse keizer is, de 'in plaats van Christus' = de ANTICHRIST.
Men WEIGERT daarom ook om de BIJBEL serieus te nemen en te erkennen dat wat geschreven staat in Openbaring 13 over het merkteken van het beest waar is, en dat dat het einddoel is van alle 'vaccinaties'.
Vooral WEIGERT men te geloven in JEZUS Christus en dat er SLECHTS in HEM redding is!
For example, someone says in the comments that the WEF is behind everything. That is partly true, because the WEF itself is controlled by the Jesuits of the Vatican who control the entire world on behalf of SATAN the DEVIL, whom they prefer to call by his old name LUCIFER.
DeleteBecause many REFUSE to see this, because they think the Vatican has little to say, they are easily misled.
People REFUSE to see that the Vatican is the Luciferian Roman Empire in disguise (as the Roman Catholic Church) and that every Pope is the Luciferian Roman Emperor in disguise, the 'in place of Christ' = the ANTICHRIST.
People therefore REFUSE to take the BIBLE seriously and to recognize that what is written in Revelation 13 about the mark of the beast is true, and that that is the end goal of all 'vaccinations'.
Above all, people REFUSE to believe in JESUS Christ and that there is salvation ONLY in HIM!
De schokkende waarheid over chronische ziekte: wat ze je niet vertellen
ReplyDeleteThe shocking truth about chronic illness: what they don't tell you
DeleteOnderzoek levert verrassende resultaten op: transgenderisme wordt veroorzaakt door vaccins
ReplyDeleteResearch yields surprising results: transgenderism is caused by vaccines
DeleteKinderarts klapt uit de school: ‘We worden betaald om je kinderen te vaccineren’
ReplyDeletePediatrician reveals: 'We are paid to vaccinate your children
DeleteFlashback: daklozen en armen sterven na test met vogelgriepvaccin
ReplyDeleteFlashback: Homeless and poor die after bird flu vaccine test
DeleteBig Pharma History - How John D Rockefeller Created Western Medicine
ReplyDeleteJohn D Rockefeller was an oil billionaire that destroyed medicine. Learn how he created Western medicine and ruined health.
DeleteLearn more about Rockefeller
Rockefeller Medicine
We have an evil and corrupt medical system. The one you can thank is John D Rockefeller. He was an oil billionaire that became the richest man in the United States
In 1863 he opened his first oil refinery in Cleveland. Rockefeller believed that competition was sin, and that he needed to eliminate the competition. Therefore he started to buy every oil refinery that he could find in Cleveland, and within two years he owned most of them. Over a decade later, his company Standard Oil owned most oil refineries in the United States.
His control over the oil market created the first American monopoly. The government didn't like this, so they forced his company to split into smaller companies.
Because of Rockefeller's greed, not many people liked him. He wanted to fix his reputation, but at the same time, earn even more money. Then he found a brilliant solution.
Rockefeller found out that there was a way to use his oil to create drugs. His oil was only worth about a nickel per gallon, but if he used his oil to create drugs, he could earn millions of dollars per gallon.
In order for him to succeed with his plan, he bought a German company I.G Farben. It was the same company that would later assist Hitler when he killed Jews. Rockefeller's biggest threat was natural health. One big problem with natural remedies was that it wasn't possible to patent them. Therefore he needed to eliminate it.
DeleteThe first step in the takeover of the medical system was to take over the medical schools. Rockefeller then employed a man called Abraham Flexner. His task was to make a report of the medical schools in America.
Flexner was against natural health and believed that it was quackery, and that hospitals needed to use allopathic scientific medicine. Flexner released his report in 1910.In his report, he said that American schools should impose higher admission and graduation standards.
Congress then accepted his report and medical schools had to teach allopathic medicine. When Rockefeller got the green light that medical schools had to teach allopathic medicine he and the Carnegie family gave grants to medical schools.
Rockefeller also created the American Medical Association. This organization introduced a medical licensing system. Only doctors that had a license could work as a doctor, and everyone else that used natural remedies got eliminated.
The Rockefellers are one of the biggest names in the eugenics movement. It's the belief that the world is overpopulated and that we need to shrink it. Rockefeller and other elite banking families believed that they were better than anybody else and that they needed to create a pure race.
The eugenics movement started in America before Hitler killed Jews. It was actually the Rockefellers that introduced this concept to him and helped him kill a lot of people. The Rockefellers also started the organization Planned Parenthood. Bill Gates' father was once the leader of this organization, and that's the reason why Bill Gates is so involved in eugenics.
Federal Reserve Board Meeting
The Rockefellers and the other elite banking families also created the Federal Reserve. It's a central bank in America that creates money from thin air.Bankers met in secrecy in Jekyll Island, Georgia, in 1910. Their plan was to take over the financial system.
In 1913, they got Congress to pass a bill, where the money would be created from a central bank. And with the control over the production of money, the Rockefellers, and other elite families could now buy everything they wanted.
The aim of Big Pharma medicine is not to make people healthy. Instead, its goal is to make everyone sick, because you can't earn a lot of money if people are healthy.
You can't become healthy if you follow the corrupt system. Psychopaths created the medical system that we have today, and they still run it. Unless we don't realize this, we will continue to stay sick and never heal.
John D. Rockefeller KILLED Natural Medicine & Started Big Pharma!
DeleteDe makers van uw ‘veilige en effectieve’ vaccins zijn voor de rechter gesleept wegens het financieren van TERRORISME
ReplyDeleteThe makers of your 'safe and effective' vaccines have been taken to court for funding TERRORISM
DeleteDoctor refuses to accept vaccinated patients. He will not let those who made a bad decision...
Delete31866 Views - 3 years ago
ReplyDeleteThe Australian Taxation Office (ATO) a Private Corporation, now proven, working WITH Big Pharma (they share Stakeholders like Bank of America & Blackrock - why the Public Private Partnerships should never have happened) to ILLEGALLY FINANCIALLY COERCE Parents to inject their Children. There you go Australia. There's your Rights disappeared for you 👇👇👇
Uitvaartondernemers hebben het stervensdruk, terwijl de zomer normaal gesproken een zeer rustige periode is
ReplyDeleteFuneral directors are very busy, while summer is normally a very quiet period
Delete‘Ronduit schokkend’: geen enkel (kinder)vaccin is ooit via een officiële controlegroep getest
ReplyDelete'Downright shocking': no (children's) vaccine has ever been tested by an official control group
DeleteWaarom krijgen baby’s een hepatitis B-prik? ‘Er wordt een oorlog gevoerd tegen onze kinderen’
ReplyDeleteWhy are babies getting hepatitis B shots? ‘There’s a war being waged against our children’
DeleteThe Hepatitis B vaccine is mandated for children to attend public schools in 47 states.
DeleteHepatitis B is transmitted through needles or sexual contact, so why is this vaccine pushed babies on their first day of life?
Doctors don’t have a valid answer. In fact, if you ask them why your child needs the Hep B shot on the first day of life, they give you the lame excuse that there could be a hepatitis B-infected needle on the playground.
The thing is, there are ZERO documented cases of a child contracting Hepatitis B from an infected needle found on a playground.
Ex-pharma consultant @calleymeans
says, “If the same fervor that our institutions use to push vaccines was pushed towards not poisoning kids with our food, we would save trillions of dollars in healthcare costs.
Not only that. “We would not have a budget crisis in this country” and “We would unlock human capital like we can't even believe.”
“So anyone that says lifestyle interventions fail is totally full of sh*t. The piggy bank for medicine is basically managing lifestyle conditions that aren't cured yet.”
Schokkende nieuwe onthullingen over het Moderna-vaccin
ReplyDeleteShocking New Revelations About the Moderna Vaccine
DeleteZe willen niet dat je dit gesprek over vaccineren beluistert
ReplyDeleteThey don't want you to listen to this conversation about vaccination
DeleteZo ziek is onze bevolking: het is nog veel erger dan je denkt
ReplyDeleteThis is how sick our population is: it's much worse than you think
DeleteHet heeft geen enkel nut om baby’s een hepatitis B-vaccin te geven, waarom doen we het dan toch?
ReplyDeleteThere is no point in giving babies the hepatitis B vaccine, so why do we do it anyway?
Delete14.000 Britten zeggen invalide te zijn geraakt door de prik, maar volgens de overheid zijn ze niet invalide genoeg
ReplyDelete14,000 Britons say they have been left disabled by the jab, but the government says they are not disabled enough
DeleteIn de toekomst is ieder kind gevaccineerd | Welkom in de jaren 20 en 30
ReplyDeleteIn the future, every child will be vaccinated | Welcome to the 1920s and 1930s
DeleteGezondheid komt door gezond leven en gezond eten en niet door vaccinaties. Health comes from healthy living and healthy eating and not from vaccinations.
Filmpje: zoveel geld krijgen kinderartsen om kinderen te vaccineren (het is schrikbarend veel)
ReplyDeleteVideo: This is how much money pediatricians get to vaccinate children (it's shockingly much)
DeleteZorgelijk: wat je moet weten over het nieuwe vaccin tegen apenpokken dat zojuist is goedgekeurd
ReplyDeleteWorrying: What you need to know about the new monkeypox vaccine that was just approved
DeleteKennedy schokt publiek: ‘Geen ENKEL vaccin is ooit getest, dat is NOOIT gedaan!’
ReplyDeleteKennedy Shocks Audience: 'No vaccine has ever been tested, that has NEVER been done!'
DeleteDoorlopen, niets te zien hier: bijsluiter mpoxvaccin vermeldt dat 1 op de 175 gevaccineerden hartproblemen krijgt
ReplyDeleteMove along, nothing to see here: MPOX vaccine package insert states that 1 in 175 vaccinated people develop heart problems
DeleteKennedy onthult door wie de COVID-19-vaccins werkelijk zijn gemaakt (nee, niet door Pfizer)
ReplyDeleteKennedy Reveals Who Really Made the COVID-19 Vaccines (No, Not Pfizer)
ReplyDeleteKijk: Kennedy onthult in 3 minuten de schokkende waarheid over vaccins
Watch: Kennedy Reveals Shocking Truth About Vaccines In 3 Minutes
DeleteEr zijn ongeveer 100.000 Amerikanen die nog nooit gevaccineerd zijn en dit zeggen de data
ReplyDeleteThere are about 100,000 Americans who have never been vaccinated and here's what the data says
DeleteArts onthult in 1 minuut hoeveel aluminium, kwik en chemicaliën kinderen binnenkrijgen door vaccins
ReplyDeleteDoctor Reveals in 1 Minute How Much Aluminum, Mercury and Chemicals Children Ingest Through Vaccines
DeleteRampzalige peiling: enorm aantal ouders gelooft leugens van de overheid en media over vaccins niet meer
ReplyDeleteDisastrous poll: Huge number of parents no longer believe government and media lies about vaccines
DeleteErnstige zorgen over veiligheid van RSV-prik die ze in 2025 aan alle baby’s willen geven
ReplyDeleteSerious concerns about safety of RSV vaccine they want to give to all babies by 2025
DeleteDit is de oorzaak van de afname van sterfte door mazelen (nee, het is niet het vaccin)
ReplyDeleteThis is what's causing the decline in measles deaths (no, it's not the vaccine)
DeleteWaarom vaccinatieprogramma’s zomaar eens de grootste medische oplichting ooit zouden kunnen blijken
ReplyDeleteWhy Vaccine Programs Could Be the Biggest Medical Scam Ever
Delete‘Krankzinnige’ vaccinatieplicht voor kinderen vanaf 6 maanden: ‘Niemand praat hierover’
ReplyDelete'Insane' vaccination requirement for children from 6 months: 'Nobody talks about this'
DeleteKennedy: in geen miljoen jaar zou ik een griepprik nemen en dit is waarom
ReplyDeleteKennedy: Never in a million years would I get a flu shot and here's why
DeleteKennedy spreekt steun uit voor mazelenprik, maar DIT is de oorzaak van de afname van sterfte door mazelen
ReplyDeleteKennedy Supports Measles Vaccine, But THIS Is Driving Decline in Measles Deaths