Klaus Schwab the singing testicle - Have a Great Reset
DAVOS in the CATACOMBS: Klaus Schwab’s Secret Vatican Connection
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Petitie roept Rutte op om weg te gaan uit Davos: ‘We moeten geen slippendragers zijn van Schwab!’
ReplyDeletePetition calls on Rutte to leave Davos: 'We should not be supporters of Schwab!'
DeleteDavos: Escortdiensten “volledig geboekt” terwijl WEF begint – Lokale bevolking draait de mondiale elite een poot uit
ReplyDeleteDavos: Escort services “fully booked” as WEF begins – Locals take advantage of global elite
DeleteWaarom hebben het WEF en alle anderen het opeens over “Ziekte X”?
ReplyDeleteWhy is The WEF And Everyone Else Suddenly Talking About “Disease X”?
DeleteWEF Davos 2024
ReplyDeleteImages speak for themselves….
Kijk: ‘Vrijheidshater’ Von der Leyen staat als tiran op WEF-podium te trappelen om u en mij de mond te snoeren
ReplyDeleteWatch: 'Freedom hater' Von der Leyen is eager to silence you and me as a tyrant on the WEF stage
DeleteOngelooflijk: ze praten nu openlijk over de ‘nieuwe wereldorde’ op het WEF
ReplyDeleteUnbelievable: they are now openly talking about the 'new world order' at the WEF
DeleteWEF-lid vergelijkt vrije meningsuiting met ‘fascisme’ en eist censuur van X
ReplyDeleteWEF Member Compares Free Speech to ‘Fascism,’ Demands Censorship of X
DeleteZelensky roept op tot directe militaire interventie van Europese landen in Oekraïne op WEF-bijeenkomst in Davos
ReplyDeleteZelensky calls for direct military intervention of European nations in Ukraine at WEF Davos meeting
DeleteArgentijnse president Milei geeft globalisten optater in Davos
ReplyDeleteArgentinian President Milei slams globalists in Davos
DeleteHet WEF-artikel dat werd verwijderd omdat het onthulde dat we in de toekomst gemonitord en gecontroleerd zullen worden en afhankelijk zullen zijn van bedrijven
ReplyDeleteThe WEF article that was removed because it revealed that in the future we will be monitored, controlled and dependent on companies
DeleteWelcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better
DeleteWhat's missing is the implementation of the Mark of the Beast...
DeleteStoltenberg: Meer wapens naar Oekraïne is de weg naar vrede
ReplyDeleteStoltenberg: More weapons to Ukraine is the way to peace
DeleteAlcohol, seks & drugs – bunga bunga feestjes met escorts op de WEF top in Davos?
ReplyDeleteAlcohol, sex & drugs – bunga bunga parties with escorts at the WEF summit in Davos?
DeleteAfwijzing van de Nieuwe Wereldorde: “Fu** you, Klaus Schwab!” – Satirische clip gaat viraal
ReplyDeleteRejection of the New World Order: “Fu** you, Klaus Schwab!” – Satirical clip goes viral
DeleteVon der Leyen legt hier uit: niet u, maar de EU bepaalt wat u wel en niet mag zien
ReplyDeleteThe EU is the revived LUCIFERIAN ROMAN EMPIRE
DeleteHang on! The WEF really just said this! Klaus Schwab honestly think you're stupid | Redacted News
ReplyDeleteDavos Elites Plan to BOMB THEIR WAY to Peace; WEF Promises ‘NEW ORDER’
ReplyDeleteVice City: Can the decadent Davos elites really solve the world's problems at their sin-filled gathering?
ReplyDeleteKijk: de meest belachelijke onzin uit Davos tot nu toe in 75 seconden
ReplyDeleteWatch: The Most Ridiculous 75 Seconds Of Bullshit From Davos Yet On Ecocide
DeleteWEF-adviseur Harari over terugkeer Trump: ‘Dit zal genadeklap zijn voor wereldorde’
ReplyDeleteWEF advisor Harari on Trump's return: 'This will be the final blow to world order'
DeleteThe WEF's climate SCAM just got EXPOSED with facts | Redacted News
ReplyDeleteBam: Davos is geïnfiltreerd door waarheidssprekers
ReplyDeleteBam: Davos has been infiltrated by truth-tellers
DeleteJe zult niets bezitten – omdat ze alles zullen stelen
ReplyDeleteYou Will Own Nothing – Because They Will Steal Everything
DeleteZwaar gestoorde Davos-ganger beweert dat ‘klimaattransitie’ niet mogelijk is zonder mondiale ‘CO2-belasting’
ReplyDeleteSeverely disturbed Davos attendee claims 'climate transition' is not possible without global 'CO2 tax'
DeleteHUGE: Sweden going AGAINST cashless agenda
ReplyDeleteWorld Economic Forum is grootste bedreiging voor de mensheid
ReplyDeleteWorld Economic Forum is Greatest Threat to Humanity
DeleteBizar ‘satanisch’ kunstwerk gespot op het WEF in Davos
ReplyDeleteBizarre 'satanic' artwork spotted at the WEF in Davos
DeleteI went undercover to the World Economic Forum.
DeleteThere is simply no substitute for being there in person.
Watch my new documentary where I give you a peak behind the curtain of the WEF and their agenda.
And all these satanists constantly use the word 'planet' while the earth is NOT a 'planet'
DeleteBizar satanisch wandtapijt tentoongesteld op WEF-top in Davos
DeleteBizarre Satanic Tapestry Displayed at WEF Davos Summit
DeleteZoon van WEF-oprichter heeft slecht nieuws voor de wereldbevolking
ReplyDeleteSon of WEF founder has bad news for the world's population
DeleteDuring the 'pandemic' people did not die from the virus, but from the ventilators and the drugs that were administered. 20 million people have now died or been damaged and the curve is rising, he warned.
DeleteItalië: Groen licht voor insectenmeel – Veevoer voor mensen
ReplyDeleteItaly: Green light for insect meal – Animal feed for humans
DeleteVolgende: alle groenten dienen te worden vervangen door tulpenbollen....
DeleteNext: all vegetables should be replaced by tulip bulbs....
DeleteMedeoprichter Greenpeace: alleen miljardairs kunnen zich straks voedsel veroorloven, de rest zal sterven
ReplyDeleteMeedogenloze globalisten VIEREN de ondergang van arme mensen die zich basisbehoeften als elektriciteit en voedsel niet meer kunnen veroorloven: “Het geeft ons eigenlijk wel hoop en optimisme”
ReplyDeleteHeartless globalists CELEBRATE demise of poor people who can no longer afford basics like electricity, food: “It gives us some hope and optimism, actually”
DeleteDe Great Reset is dood, lang leve de Great Reset
ReplyDeleteThe Great Reset is dead, long live the Great Reset
DeleteFilmpje: Spaanse politie tegen de Spaanse boeren, de boeren wonnen
ReplyDeleteVideo: Spanish police against the Spanish farmers, the farmers won
DeleteRob Roos waarschuwt bij Del Bigtree voor ‘nieuwe vorm van communisme’
ReplyDeleteRob Roos warns of 'new form of communism' at Del Bigtree
DeleteKlaus Schwab: bereid je voor op een transhumanistische toekomst
ReplyDeleteKlaus Schwab: prepare for a transhumanist future
DeleteKlaus Schwab wil je katten en honden afpakken
ReplyDeleteKlaus Schwab wants to take your cats and dogs away
Delete‘On-ge-looflijk dat Klaus Schwab dit gewoon publiek kan zeggen en niet opgepakt wordt’
ReplyDelete'It's unbelievable that Klaus Schwab can say this publicly and not get arrested'
DeleteEuroparlementariër Rob Roos: De elites hebben besloten dat we “verkeerd leven” en “alles moet veranderen” in de naam van “klimaatverandering”
ReplyDeleteMEP Rob Roos: The elites have decided we are “living wrongly” and “everything must change” in the name of “climate change”
DeleteKandidaat-burgemeester over 15-minutensteden: ‘We zitten voor de rest van ons leven in een open gevangenis’
ReplyDeleteCandidate mayor about 15-minute cities: 'We are in an open prison for the rest of our lives'
DeleteKlaus Schwab treedt af als voorzitter van het World Economic Forum
ReplyDeleteKlaus Schwab steps down as chairman of the World Economic Forum
Delete‘Waarom het aftreden van Klaus Schwab geen goed nieuws is’
ReplyDelete'Why Klaus Schwab's resignation is not good news'
DeleteWaarom je ver uit de buurt moet blijven van vleesvervangers en andere vegaproducten
ReplyDeleteWhy you should stay far away from meat substitutes and other vegetarian products
DeleteWorld Economic Forum promoot autovrije wijk in Utrecht: ‘Gewoon doorlopen, zijn immers maar complottheorieën!’
ReplyDeleteWorld Economic Forum promotes car-free district in Utrecht: 'Just keep walking, after all, these are just conspiracy theories!'
DeleteThe unelected World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling on governments of “sovereign” nations to enforce restrictions on how frequently members of the general public can wash their clothes.
ReplyDeleteThe WEF urged limits such as jeans being washed no more than “once a month.”
The globalist organization argues that the planet is being destroyed by “global warming” due to members of the public washing their clothes.
By placing restrictions on clothes washing, the WEF insists that governments will force their citizens to “help the planet.”
The WEF has published new guidelines for the taxpaying masses to “wash our clothes less to help the planet.”
“70% of the CO2 emissions generated by a cotton t-shirt come from washing and drying it,” the WEF explains in a video shared on social media.
Globalisten willen aan alles in de natuur een prijskaartje hangen, van het water dat we drinken tot de lucht die we inademen
ReplyDeleteGlobalists want to put a price tag on everything in nature, from the water we drink to the air we breathe
DeleteKlaus Schwab zegt dat mensheid gedwongen moet worden om samen te werken met globalistische elites
ReplyDeleteKlaus Schwab says humanity must be forced to cooperate with globalist elites
DeleteKlaus Schwab is a servant of the ANTICHRIST: the POPE!
DeleteIn 2 minuten uitgelegd: Waarom de globalisten de voedselproductie proberen over te nemen
ReplyDeleteExplained in 2 minutes: Why the globalists are trying to take over food production
DeleteThe 'globalists' = the servants of the satanic Vatican who also promote the globe earth lie and 'evolution'.
Delete🚨 WEF Memo Reveals Plan To Depopulate the World of 1 Billion White People by 2030
ReplyDeleteThe World Economic Forum in Davos has ordered global authorities to radically reduce the number of white people in the world by 2030.
If you thought the Great Replacement was nothing more than a conspiracy theory, you might want to think again.
According to a WEF report, white people are responsible for the vast majority of the world’s problems including climate change and colonialism, and in the interests of an equitable future for the globe, the number of white people must be reduced as a priority.
The WEF has enlisted the United Nations to help with the plan and the results are already playing out before our eyes.
ReplyDeleteSchrik niet: dit zit er in veganistische room
Don't be alarmed: this is what's in vegan cream
DeleteKijk: Globalistische plannen voor een post-menselijke toekomst uiteengezet in epische toespraak
ReplyDeleteWatch: Globalist Plans for a Post-Human Future Outlined in Epic Speech
Delete4x toxische stoffen in je eten: ‘we vergiftigen onze kinderen massaal’
ReplyDelete4x toxic substances in your food: 'we are massively poisoning our children'
Delete‘Welkom in Dystopië’: door de overheid gesteund centrum gaat insecten in supermarktschappen leggen en promoten
ReplyDelete‘Welcome to Dystopia’: Government-backed center to promote and put insects on supermarket shelves
DeleteKlaus Schwab roept op tot ‘wereldwijde samenwerking’ om ‘desinformatie’ te bestrijden
ReplyDeleteKlaus Schwab calls for ‘world wide cooperation’ to combat ‘disinformation’
DeleteOud-parlementslid zegt wat geen enkele andere politicus durft te zeggen: ‘Ze hebben 90 procent niet meer nodig’
ReplyDeleteFormer MP says what no other politician dares to say: 'They don't need 90 percent anymore'
DeleteEr wordt gepleit voor belasting op vlees en zuivel om ‘klimaatdoelen te halen’: ‘We moeten echt af van fout SDG-beleid’
ReplyDeleteThere are calls for taxes on meat and dairy to 'achieve climate goals': 'We really need to get rid of wrong SDG policies'
DeleteGevreesde methaanremmer Bovaer ook ingezet in Nederland
ReplyDeleteFeared methane inhibitor Bovaer also used in the Netherlands
DeleteArts over methaanremmer Bovaer: ‘Mensen maken zich terecht zorgen’
ReplyDeleteDoctor on methane inhibitor Bovaer: 'People are right to be concerned'
DeleteVeevoeradditief Bovaer ‘gelinkt aan sterilisatie’
ReplyDeleteCattle feed additive Bovaer 'linked to sterilization'
DeletePlantaardige oliën gelinkt aan alarmerende stijging aantal darmkankergevallen
ReplyDeleteVegetable oils linked to alarming rise in colon cancer cases
DeleteRamadan: samen genieten! Kerstdiner: CO2-emissie in de gaten houden!
ReplyDeleteRamadan: Enjoying Together! Christmas Dinner: Keeping an Eye on CO2 Emissions!
DeleteKijk, luister en huiver: Dit is de depopulatie-agenda van het WEF – ‘Het is het hart van fascisme’
ReplyDeleteWatch, Listen and Shudder: This is the WEF’s Depopulation Agenda – ‘It’s the Heart of Fascism’
DeleteSmullen maar: EU keurt wet goed voor insecten in brood
ReplyDeleteEnjoy: EU approves law for insects in bread