Monday, 4 December 2023

Why I don't believe Larry Johnson is 'ex-CIA' and read my comments

Dec 3, 2023  
By the way, I agree with what Larry said regarding JESUS Christ, but read my comments...

The problem with the US is that it's controlled by the most evil and corrupt organization in history: the Vatican! And the Vatican is the disguised Luciferian Roman empire, using the US as it's military arm.
The Vatican doesn't give a damn about the US citizens!
In fact the Vatican doesn't give a damn about any people anywhere on earth!
The Vatican is all about money and power.
And it's not a coincidence that 'Biden' is a Roman Catholic, and anyone who has eyes in their heads can see that the 'Biden' we see is not the real Joseph Biden.
The 'Biden' we see is a puppet of the so called 'deep state' controlled by the Jesuits of the Vatican.
Israel didn't occupy Gaza until October 7 and it doesn't occupy Judea and Samaria, which the Israel-unfriendly world likes to call the 'west bank'.
Jordan illegally occupied the 'west bank' from 1948 till 1967 and then Israel defeated Jordan in the 1967 war and since then Israel has in fact LIBERATED Judea and Samaria and east Jerusalem, with one big problem: a lot of hostile mostly Islamic Arab Muslims live there as well.
Now the Israeli-unfriendly world wants to force Israel to share the country with people who HATE them!
That's the core of the problem and it's not Israel's fault, because there are many Muslim Arabs living within 'official' Israel and they are Israeli citizens, but the Arab Muslims in Gaza and many of them also in the 'West bank', don't want to share the land with the Jews, but they want to destroy Israel.
This conflict is NOT about land but about religion and ideology: the God of Israel vs the god of Islam!
And then realize that Islam was created by the Vatican....
I don't believe someone can become an 'ex-CIA'.
The CIA is so evil they would never allow it!
And what is the CIA?
It's in fact 'Catholics In Action' and the Gestapo of the Vatican!
Gaza shares a border with Egypt, but the 'Egyptian brothers' of the Gazans don't want to help them by allowing them to flee to Egypt, while many Gazans are in fact people with Arab-Egyptian roots. The same applies to Jordan.
I don't understand why the title is 'Russia Mocks Israel As Putin Decimates Ukraine'.
The figure of 15,000 casualties is provided by the terrorist organization Hamas that wants to destroy Israel.  
So how accurate is this figure?  
Anyone who asserts Hamas doesn't want to destroy Israel is lying.

Veteran of the CIA & State Department, Larry C Johnson, on Ukraine, Donbass & Russia



We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.



  1. Larry Johnson comes across as a 'good Catholic' who's in favor of Donald Trump, who won the election in 2016 largely thanks to the Catholic voters.
    But Donald Trump is also a deceiver and he started the cursed 'vaccine' campaign and like all US presidents he visited the Pope to give him honor.
    Donald Trump is also not against Klaus Schwab.
    Klaus Schwab is a son of a high ranking Nazi and a servant of the Pope!
    And the Pope is the Vicar of Christ = the 'in place of Christ', which is the meaning of the word ANTICHRIST!

  2. Replies
    1. MASS MURDERER Tedros Adhenom Ghebreyesus has asked the Israeli military to reconsider.

  3. Replies
    1. Clear case of projection: the US accuses Russia of what it itself is guilty of

  4. Replies
    1. The Pentagon (Pentagram) is run by the Jesuits, so you can be sure they're lying

  5. Pentagon threatens Americans over Ukraine – Tucker Carlson
    Fund Ukraine or your children will have to fight Russia, X host claims Congress was told

  6. Replies
    1. Israel belongs to God, so anyone who wants to give Israel to Hamas belongs to the devil

  7. Replies
    1. The NYTimes now admits that Ukraine is using "people snatchers" to grab men off the streets and throw them into the front lines against Russia. The Times says these men have no training and Ukraine is using harsh tactics to force these men to fight. Ex-CIA analyst Larry Johnson says it's about time that the NYTimes showed up to reality.

  8. Replies
    1. Rakoni Zivkovic
      US has a ‘clear plan’ for Ukraine’s future but it doesn't have one for USA – Blinken

  9. Replies
    1. Dec 24, 2023
      Follow Larry Johnson at In this insightful video, Larry Johnson delves into several pressing geopolitical issues, shedding light on the complex dynamics that currently shape global affairs. One noteworthy point of discussion revolves around Jake Sullivan, a key figure in the White House, allegedly urging Israel to conclude its ongoing conflict before the 2024 election. Johnson raises thought-provoking questions about the potential motivations behind such requests—whether it is to prevent interference with the election or to present a favorable image of President Biden before voting day.

      The video also explores the escalating tensions near the Red Sea involving the US Navy and Yemen's Houthis. Johnson provides valuable insights into the identity of the Houthis and the broader context of the geopolitical landscape in the region. The strategic significance of the Red Sea and its implications on international relations adds depth to the analysis.

      China's financial gains, exceeding $150 billion, resulting from Russia's actions in Ukraine become a focal point of discussion. Johnson speculates on whether this financial benefit influenced China's endorsement of Russia's attack post-Olympics. The interconnectedness of global economic interests and geopolitical strategies comes to the forefront in this segment.

      Addressing Ukraine's struggle in the ongoing conflict, Johnson raises concerns about their potential loss, not just due to military factors but also financial constraints. The video touches on the proposal of the US providing $300 billion in seized Russian assets to Ukraine, contemplating the potential repercussions on US-Russia relations.

      The breakdown of negotiations for a new ceasefire between Israel and Hamas becomes a significant aspect of the discussion, with Johnson expressing concerns about the prolonged duration of the conflict and the possibility of a hostage exchange before the year's end.

      The video concludes with a thought-provoking inquiry into the reasons behind other Muslim nations refraining from attacking Israel and their seeming reluctance to offer refuge to Palestinians. This comprehensive analysis provides viewers with a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted geopolitical landscape and encourages a deeper exploration of these critical global issues.

      For those seeking insightful discussions on geopolitics and international relations, Larry Johnson's video offers a wealth of information, blending analysis with thought-provoking questions.

  10. Trump's US Supreme Court Petition Explained | Alan Dershowitz
    Alan Dershowitz discusses the removal of Donald Trump from the Colorado ballot by the Supreme Court, highlighting the appeal by the Colorado Republican Party. Former Trump Attorney Jay Sekulow emphasizes the threat to the constitutional republic. Dershowitz then shifts to his book, "War Against the Jews: How To End Hamas Barbarism," addressing the challenge for Israel to combat Hamas without losing the PR battle globally. He explores the reasons behind the support for Palestine, questioning whether it stems from innocent casualties or ignorance. Dershowitz also touches on Iran's admission of supporting Hamas, contemplating whether the focus should be on Iran or Hamas. Finally, he addresses media bias in blaming Israel for water scarcity, clarifying the actual situation.

  11. Replies
    1. Vatican = Satan controlled USA wants to force the Jews to live with their enemies in one country

    2. By the way, that's what the WHOLE world wants!

  12. Replies
    1. 🚨 BREAKING: The history of Chabad JEW TUNNELS uncovered.

      “Aleister Crowley wrote about the pogroms being due to recurring evidence of Jewish ritual sacrifice throughout Europe. These tunnels in Moscow were used as escape routes under the synagogues.”@a_westgate

      This has apparently been going on for centuries. That escape route looks exactly like the one in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.

  13. Replies
    1. CIA = Catholics In Action = Gestapo of the ROMAN EMPIRE

  14. Replies
    1. Larry Johnson: 'Zelensky is now Hitler crazy in a bunker'

    2. Larry Johnson believes Israel doesn't even has the right to exist anymore...

    3. Too bad for Larry Johnson because Israel is going to exist for a very long time

    4. NOT the STATE of Israel, but God's ISRAEL! After the Second Coming of JESUS Christ

  15. Western mercenaries used to fill Kiev’s expertise gaps, ex-CIA man tells RT
    French fighters killed in Ukraine could have been clandestine weapons specialists, Larry Johnson has said

  16. US condemns Moscow terrorist attack
    There is “no indication” that the attack has any connection to Ukraine, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby has said

    1. Gino8877
      Wow, Kirby was quick to say it's not the Ukrainians meaning they did it. What an arse h*.

  17. Replies
    1. Why President Joe Biden's son is untouchable

  18. Replies
    1. Former CIA analyst: This is the real reason why Western countries continue to support Ukraine

  19. Replies
    1. Ex-CIA agent exposes the West: it's all about the children

  20. Replies
    1. Putin says there will be no peace talks as 180,000 civilians are evacuated

    2. Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) previously released an interview with a captured Ukrainian soldier who allegedly took part in Kiev’s cross-border operation, in which he said he had been ordered by his commanders to shoot civilians during the attack.

    3. President Putin has condemned the incursion and accused Ukrainian forces of “indiscriminate strikes on civilians.” The Russian leader warned that any peace talks with Ukraine would be impossible as long as such actions continue.

  21. Replies
    1. Larry Johnson also fails to make it clear that 'Biden' is FAKE and that the US is ruled by SATAN!


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”