Thursday, 1 June 2023

Zelensky issues ultimatum to NATO

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky at the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan, May 21, 2023

The Ukrainian president has reportedly threatened to skip an upcoming event if Kiev doesn’t get a membership roadmap 

This Jewish junkie and megalomaniac and servant of the satanic Jesuits of the Vatican is being used by them as their pawn while in their turn they're being used by Satan as his pawns....while in his turn Satan is overruled by God-the Lord JESUS Christ who uses Satan to PUNISH the world because most of the world DOESN'T CARE ABOUT HIM!

And remember that in the past when ALL people on earth didn't care about their own creator He DESTROYED the ENTIRE WORLD and He rescued only EIGHT people during the FLOOD.

NOT Satan did that but GOD!

He DROWNED about SIX BILLION people!

Satan is an INSECT compared to God!

People are even tinier insects compare to God!

Matthew 10:28

1599 Geneva Bible

28 And fear ye not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him, which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.    'him' = God and God is JESUS!

Song for today: Humble Yourself

"There is an old saying ... don't give space to a cocaine addicted Jew with a Hitler complex."

Read this below in the comments...


...Ukrain while he politely oversees the affair.
24 m
He knows they will never be accepted into nato or eu, now is his best time to threaten n blackmail. Go big or go home aye?
25 m
Hush, little Zelky, don't say a word, NATO gonna buy you a mockingbird.
And if that mockingbird don't sing, NATO gonna buy you a diamond ring......
25 m
Mahin, : D
17 m
1 more reply
L. Hansson
The Ukrainian military must wake up and see that NATO sacrifices the Ukrainian people inn a very cynical geopolitical "game" to bleed Russia. At the Vilnius summit the NATO leaders will dump Ukraine they will not send NATO soldiers into this tragic war, only drip feed Ukraine with obsolete weapons.
26 m
Spoiled brat having tantrums.
28 m
Isn't it a bit too late to be issuing ultimatums zele? What are your options; beginning talks with Russia? you can't bite the hand that feeds you, even for your travels, do you travel on Air Ukraine? Silliness & stupidity without bounds.
29 m
Bibi Nutcaseyahu
If the rest of the world gang up like these nato nations there will no war at all. Everybody can use article xyz or 123. The only war that will happen is world war, which is a better option. NATO will keep giving membership to Tom dick and harry. China and Russia must do the same and not worry or think too much into it. Safety should be the priority
29 m
Zelenskyy's Ultimatum is but another one of his JOKES, but nobody is laughing.
31 m
Maybe there is something in European air n water that they became subservient to this horror IT-clown command.
32 m
Any idiot knows why NATO wont give security guarantees., because those guarantees cannot be fulfilled without WW3. This idiot can't understand this simple thing.
32 m
Poor Zelly has finally smelled the coffee - Ukraine is a useful idiot for NATO, nothing more nothing less. USA would never ever engage in a direct war with Russian army - they'll just look for the next idiot
34 m
Lolo39, When this one is over I don't think US/NATO will have another chance to reiterate as they'll be too busy trying to survive, unless they are dumber than we think...
29 m
1 reply
Like it or loath it but man being what he is and looking back at Gods story the situation we find ourselves in today is fairly predictable, if anything it could be a lot lot worse, no WW3 or genocides, it could have been a lot better but that would have meant using our hearts with love and putting away all the usual suspects, you know - pride, ego, vanity, greed, selfishness, lust, coveting, false dreams, etc. Lets wish everybody all the very best and hope we find and are given the true path.
36 m
elenzyk sacraficing Ukr and Ukrainians for NATO-US colonization. There is no opposition parties due to nazism, and now that election is suspended it makes it even more real this maniac elensky is working only for foreign power colonisation. USA kelps meddling and installs various crooks to do their bidding, the world is not blind
37 m
Wow, Nazis fighting Nazis! Priceless 🤣🤣🤣🤣
37 m
Lelensky is panicking as the Russians are poised to win the Ukranian war. What many people don't know is that the real intention for a fast track ascension to OTAN is to received political immunity for him and his Nazi goons from judicial prosecution for war crimes against humanity that have been committed by his regime in Donbass region.
38 m
Vivekwhu Vivekwhu
Oh no! Zelly not attending a NATO meeting will destroy the mighty NATO itself, even more than any amount of Khinzals! How absurd can Zelly get? I wonder what happens to puppets when the strings get cut?
39 m
Vivekwhu Vivekwhu, the same it happened when Saddam Hussein an Manuel Noriega when their strings were cut off. Zelenskyy's collapse is near.
26 m
1 reply
Scott Morisson
My ultimatum to Jewlensky: Either stop snorting the cocaine. Give up indulging in sodomy and stop ripping off western taxpayers.
39 m
Suresh Ji
Stupid puppet of US Terrorism.
40 m
Dominic Rice
had a dream. I think I know where the Ukraine will attack. Russia.
Big Mouth Graham gave it away as there is only one target that would
impress him that much. Russian lands / Moscow. Shaping probing has
already occured. Pass this on. The shock will be huge crisis to have
60,000 to 90,000 men in Russia. Think about it. It's their style,
something crazy. They already tested your response. Don't discard
this, pass it up. A friend
41 m
Hey, Zelenskyy, remember Merkel on the Minsk agreements? Well, what comes around, goes around.
41 m
If he hasn't figured out that he and Ukraine are just disposable pawns in someone else's game to win, he should resign and run away.
42 m
An expanded Donbass buffer zone needed already today.
42 m
Cloude Castay
Zelensky sence the wind changing course , is like a man lost in the ocean desperately looking for a piece of wood to stay afloat
42 m
'US lied about Ukraine’s NATO prospects – ex-Obama official: Lying is effectively standard practice for diplomats in the “real world,” [former U.S. Ambassador to Russia] Michael McFaul says'

'Walt questioned why Washington has been consistently pushing for Ukraine’s NATO membership, despite the security concerns raised by Moscow. “In 2021 we kept reiterating that Ukraine was going to join [NATO],” he said. “We kept saying that, over and over again.”

McFaul interrupted the professor, suggesting that Washington has never actually been serious about such prospects. “And did you believe that?” the ex-ambassador asked.

“So, our diplomats are lying?” Walt shot back. “Yes! Yes, that’s the real world, guys, c’mon,” McFaul replied, drawing laughter from the audience.

“Our diplomats are lying all the time, yet the Russians should trust them when they’re offered assurances,” Walt noted, spurring applause from the audience.', RT 5/21/22
1 hr
Kevin Siemionow
Lol free security
44 m
John De Man
He simply cannot join Nato. His masters knows it. They're using him full time.
44 m
Cloude Castay
John De Man, Zelensky is victim now of an old Jewish trick To fool someone in order to used him
41 m
1 reply
Scipione Antonio Rino Tagliaferro
My 11 y.o. son behave the same way. Well, no... he is a bit more adult.
46 m
Tom One
Scipione Antonio Rino Tagliaferro, Yup, but it clear the idiots reasoning….he knows damn well the West won’t fund his futile war for ever and obviously in NATO they’d have to.
44 m
1 reply
Strange. All I have ever read about Zelensky is: Zelensky demands. Zelensky wants. Zelensky threatens. Zelensky needs. I never hear: Zelensky works. Zelensky gives. Zelensky is thankful.
49 m
Till-Eulenspiegel, He's a Jew
45 m
1 reply
I hope you use the time to think about what you have done to your own the way maybe ask the EU when you will get membership there too
51 m
Syria Forever
Unfortunately not something completely out of range, Ukrainia will be excepted into the NATO-crime syndicates in 2023, bcs there is a good chance those criminals want to ignite WWIII. They know very well, if they wait much longer, according to my knowledge the benchmark is around 2025/26, there is no chance at all to succeed over BRICS and co. Beside, it is the perfect moment to destroy most of existent 'history' to establish the upcoming new time-line. More or less the same those creature did end of the 18th, beginning of the 19th century when a new time-line was integrated and kicked off around the Wiener Kongress in 1814/15.
51 m
Syria Forever, Very possible, and Europe will suffer the most, as it has many times before!
46 m
3 more replies
卐elensky's arrogant stupidity won't do much to improve anything while Putin and his increasing allied support are already winning numerous major economic battles. In addition Putin keeps progressing, applying strategic, surgical and effective military interventions with minimal collateral damage. So, whatever 卐elensky is saying or doing is becoming more and more negligible...
51 m
Dear God, Jewelensky announced an ultimatum, the world is shaking with fear 😨
51 m
Tom B
Skipping the meeting is a great idea. He can use the time to crawl back into his bunker and seal the door permanently shut behind him.
52 m
NATO to Zelenskyy: “We can’t allow Ukraine to become a member when it has neo-Nazis in the military and government.” Suckers! Haha
52 m
Brian Ineedprep
Gimme World War 3. Why should the world risk WWIII over what even the Western Media only a few years ago described as one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
52 m
a nato membership now ,would lead to WW3. Ukraine" No Nato-Block Free" the only solution , if urkaine choose this way before it would be a import link btw east and west with a bright future, but now its hell and no way with zelensky as leader
54 m
Stefan Lazarevic
Gimme, gimme, gimme roadmap after midnight!
Won't somebody help me chase these shadows away?
Gimme gimme gimme roadmap after midnight!
Take me through the darkness till the break of the day!
55 m
Michael Leister
Someone slap him, just enough to put some sense in him.
56 m
Time the Village Idiot of Ukraine had a Fatal Accident caused by the CIA !!
56 m
Noel Falk
Let us see if Zelensky will get his way this time round. This will be interesting...😏
57 m
who is Zelensky ?
57 m
Danny Howard
first things first...get rid of this horrible scrote of a human so sick of seeing his face
57 m
Sammy Isaac
An ultimatum is given from a position of strength, a beggar can't issue an ultimatum.
57 m
Mightiest Helmutz
Threats by skipping a meeting ? I would say this is comical but...............
58 m
NATO’s Frankenstein
59 m
He needs to re-read that treaty .None of NATO and especially the US is forced to act with boots on ground or a hot war. They can all have tea on silver service, have a talkfest ,visit their hot sweet kept women and then go home.
59 m
I think this criminal said last year that Ukraine was a de facto member of NATO.
Let's say this again:
As it was legitimate for USA to prevent the Russian missiles destined for Cuba (1962), the same goes for Russia to prevent by all means the establishment of NATO in Ukraine.

As of February 24, 2022, we can report the following:
1-Some NATO mercenaries were made prisoners of war during the siege of Mariupol.
2-A Kinzhal Hypersonic strike destroyed a 400ft underground bunker in Ukraine (March 9, 2023) burying hundreds of senior NATO personnel under rubble.
3- Advanced NATO weapons (Patriot batteries, British DU shells, Storm-Shadow long-range missiles, HIMARS launchers, etc.) were destroyed as soon as they arrived in Ukraine.
4-NATO command centers were recently vaporized by Kinzhal Hypersonic missiles in late May 2023.

NATO in Ukraine and Russian security interests cannot coexist; either NATO or Russia must die.
Russia cannot die in its ancestral Soviet territory, period.
59 m
It is called a ROAD MAP to WWIII i.e. a highway to hell. This guy is crazy, Russia does not want Ukraine merely guarantees of it's own safety and people. It is happy as is the US that this remains a backwater. He is soo stupid he does not realise the US wants to kill Russians and destabilise the federation not to uphold so called democracy and freedom. If this idiot were ever granted NATO membership expect F16 and drones to cross Russian borders enmasse, pipelines to burn and troop movements. There is an old saying ... don't give space to a cocaine addicted Jew with a Hitler complex.
59 m
Stimi Thimpsin
The Ukrainian gov is a usurp US appointed clown show
59 m
Dance it off, camo-boy or go play some piano.
1 hr
No One there wants you there save Weapons Merchants and Anti-RUS Racketeers.
1 hr
This green shirt clown knows that nato can't go to war with russia so he uses this to threaten n blackmail them. If u work with the devil nazzis then prepare to be crucified.
1 hr
John De Man
Clown threatening his masters. What a comedian.
1 hr
That is a warning to NATO/EU. Once you get Ukraine in, THEY will tell you what's cooking and if you do not do as told, they will make your life difficult. Ukraine is a quarrelsome lot - don't touch..
1 hr
kenneth meechan
The man hasn't been in his own country for weeks now, why is anyone anywhere listening to this prick. Why haven't the Ukrainians themselves taken him out?. He is obviously not there for them.
1 hr
kenneth meechan, Ukrainians have started taking out their commanders. I am sure camo-boy is nowhere near Ukraine. I don't think he is thàt stupid.
1 hr
1 more reply
This is where Nato throws him to the wolves
1 hr
NATO is scared that once Ukraine is in then they are officially at war with Russia and Russia can then nuke anyone of them starting with Finland, Poland and .......well this may be exactly what US wants...US will just sit back and triumphantly pick up the spoils after that
1 hr
klaus_km, Don't bank on it. The u.s, is definitely not out of reach.
1 hr
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Glenn Schulz
the meeting would b a clow among clowns give some money he will stay home
1 hr
george clony
Anyone hear noise coming from this pimple on that NATo's ass?
1 hr
"membership roadmap" .... can they afford the repayments let alone the membership stamp? Will this be the same Ukraine proclaiming to have committed 'terrorist activity' via luxury yacht🤣😂😅blew up NordStream and German economy?!!!
1 hr
Van Wilder
There are only two possible outcomes: 1. Zelensky’s threat provide the US and NATO with the necessary off-ramp they so desperately seek or 2. Zelensky gets he knows that Washington wont let go of it’s money laundering cash-cow i.e The War in Ukraine
1 hr
Sit pretty! Beg! That-a Boy! You won't get a bone, but you'll definately get a limp biscuit! Welcome to the vassals club! Hegemony so much fun!!!
1 hr
What happen if sleepy joe answer back and said this clown? "If you skip then your going straight jail for war crime" you are only a puppet and you should not dictate your master!
1 hr
Luckyone, Somehow he obviously has a very firm hold on them. Wonder what it could be......
1 hr
1 reply
Ukraine will NEVER be a part of NATO.
1 hr
This elensky should be traced down and eliminated as they call it.
1 hr
Norseman, Uhmmm, no, him & his entourage must be captured alive & physically well, for prosecution. Psychologically not well by any means or measure, all of 'em.
1 hr
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Graham Woodward
Quite rightly Russia cannot and will not accept any type of NATO membership for Ukraine including a a typical Macron fudge on the issue. This is understandable as a constant state of aggressive standoff would be created on Russia's borders, and the US would make absolutely certain that the Russian people would never be able to feel safe or secure in their own lands. Furthermore since when has the so called North Atlantic Treaty Organisation covered territories outside, that are not in the North Atlantic?
1 hr
Graham Woodward, Since they promised to protect the occupiers of Palestine.
1 hr
1 reply
Sub Atomic Particle
Is he finally realizing he has been had and used by the West when Bozo the clown stopped the negotiations and said they would support him to win the conflict that couldn’t be won.
1 hr
Damian Hellson
Good for you Zelenky it is time for you to retire on a tropical island peacefully , leave the Ukrainian affairs to somebody that wants to bring peace and prosperity to Ukraine, do not forget to take with you your NAZI battalions , you will need it for your own protection.
1 hr
Could be that he has already been told that the focus of this meeting will be on Serbia and how to further oppress the Serbians over kosovo. Hence he is bleating at loosing the limelight as all ham actors do.
1 hr
Does anyone really care if this clown shows up begging for more money?
1 hr
Enyalion, Well somehow, he seems to have a very firm hold on 'em. Amazing, to say the very least. Wonder if epstein plays or played a part in it.................
1 hr
1 reply
1 hr
'The Ukrainian president has reportedly threatened to skip an upcoming event if Kiev doesn’t get a membership roadmap? "

Ultimatum? Threats?

Does this clown really believe he is the master of the universe? Then again, if i keep demanding & my demands are comprehensively being met & and i am persistantly equipped for & abetted in perpetual mass murder, i probably will also lose touch with sanity & reality AND keep demanding.

The absolute ultimate & unprecedented in the spoilt bratt category.
1 hr
The cat now scratching the hands of the owner...For once, we can sit back and laugh in the midst of a tragic situation.
1 hr
What does the little garden nome think this war is about? Does he think Russia likes to have NATO and its array of missiles, radars and tanks to be with on its borders?? Russia needs to be careful and keep its eye on the other former Soviet satellite states. Once Ukraine runs out of manpower they will drag another country into this war. I say again, there is no choice but to fully occupy Ukraine lest this cancer grows
1 hr
Clown head now too big to go through the door, the west has been giving them all the entitlement n free wheel to do as they pleases to destroy russia. This clown forgotten that what been given to him will soon ran out, EU is not producing own weapons n it may take years to procure more from the makers / MIC. They should start collecting sticks n stones as weapons.
1 hr
Beggar threatening donors. Only a brainless idiot can do it.
1 hr
South African Guy
WTF, How Stupid is this guy . He actually should not be invited to attend a Nato meeting, they are not part of Nato and as long as Russia is in Ukraine they cant Join NATO ,He should just sit tight in in a corner in Ukraine and think long and hard about what he has done.
1 hr
"Zelenski ultimatum to NATO" ----- Zelenski has only ONE mission: Depopulation of Ukraina.
1 hr
ChewChow, Bingo!
1 hr
1 reply
Sure offer them anything! Just as they offered Russia! Minsk 1-2, Join guarantees 1-2-3-4 same bullshit slightly different smell. What a moron! A Jew neo-nazi asking fourth Reich nazis for guarantees. Fodder and WMD is the modus operandi of the west.
1 hr
Act of desperation
1 hr
Know All
One comedian bully 30 odd jokers. And spineless EU populace pocket the insult.
1 hr
This is a good way for the US/NATO to deescalate the conflict while saving face a little, i.e. snub Zelenskyy so he walks away from them then gets belligerent and rogue so they can cut him off. Let his Nazis deal with him, then watch Ukraine spiral.
1 hr
Tom_Sansone, ha ha ha ha ha, de-escalation not likely, too much money invested now, blackrock owns too may assets, the IMF is owed too much money, they own the US banana republic and won't let this go until they have been paid, escalation demonstrates they are afraid when Russia wins they will loose the lot, and so they should.
1 hr
2 more replies
Once a beggar, always a beggar. Does he realize NATO is using Ukraine for the sole purpose of harming Russia and doesn't give a hoot about the wellbeing of Ukrainians?
1 hr
Wow! The beggar is now demanding. Ha ha ha.
1 hr
Red Star
You, comedian, understand that after Ukraine’s total surrender to the Russian Forces, what will remain of Ukraine would be the Nazi-Western Ukraine with no chance of ever joining either Nato or the European Union. But there will be a pro-Russian government, obedient to Moscow! Stupid Idiot American Puppet! You have the blood of dead Ukrainian on your filthy hands!
1 hr
how would you say NO without actually saying No? .. Delayed Response, Ambigous Response, Wait to consult a 3rd party... Ukraine will NEVER be in NATO... They are more of a LIABILITY than an ASSET... Ukraine not in NATO makes them DISPOSABLE.
1 hr
Paul Chapman
***Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky will skip a NATO meeting in Lithuania in July unless the alliance provides Kiev with the security guarantees it wants***

Who does this Begging 🤡 think he is to give ultimatums to anyone? 😳

Ukraine isn't even in NATO, so he should not even be at these meetings in the first place, so cares if he doesn't show up???🤔
1 hr
Ukraine is the new Afghanistan and both EU and NATO are about to run out of options.
1 hr
Kenyan, They cannot afford a new Afghanistan never mind fight an opponent that does not need to tend to the goat heard for half the battle.
1 hr
1 reply
Paul Chapman
Some mod keeps deleting my post, there are no bad words in it 😔
1 hr
Paul Chapman, I get that too, frustrating innit.
1 hr
1 more reply
His leverage is to tell the world at his next live international broadcast that he was promised membership if he ended peace negotiations.
1 hr
JohnC, Hope he does that. Then moronic western citizens might realise what happened in reality.
1 hr
1 reply
Red Star
I didn’t bother reading the whole article because this absurd man, Zelensky, thinks that he is actually somebody, not realizing that he is still considered a comedian by those around him. This war will go down the history as the utter humiliation of American Foreign Policy and its Crony Western Allies— Canada, France, Germany, and Poland, to name the real losers.
1 hr
Red Star, Like Regan he was selected based on his limited acting skills, learn the script and do nothing else, no other reason.
1 hr
1 reply
David Barneby
I guess Lithuania will be saved Zelensky's presence at the NATO meeting . Ukraine at war doesn't qualify for NATO membership while at war . Stoltenberg can promise all he likes but NATO members are not going to vote Ukraine a member . I do believe that if Ukraine suddenly became a member , that NATO member states would not mobilize and go to war on its behalf . In reality NATO member are the support group behind US hegemony , one world order and nothing more . Supplying weapons and ammunition is the limit of NATO's military action .
1 hr
David Barneby, I also doubt soldiers from NATO members are willing to die in Ukraine.
1 hr
1 reply
David Barneby
I guess Lithuania will be saved Zelensky's presence at the NATO meeting . Ukraine at war doesn't qualify for NATO membership while at war . Stoltenberg can promise all he likes but NATO members are not going to vote Ukraine a member . I do believe that if Ukraine suddenly became a member , that NATO member states would not mobilize and go to war on its behalf . In reality NATO member are the support group behind US hegemony , one world order and nothing more . Supplying weapons and ammunition is the limit of NATO's military action .
1 hr
David Barneby, I also doubt soldiers from NATO members are willing to die in Ukraine.
1 hr
1 reply
'US lied about Ukraine’s NATO prospects – ex-Obama official: Lying is effectively standard practice for diplomats in the “real world,” [former U.S. Ambassador to Russia] Michael McFaul says'

'Walt questioned why Washington has been consistently pushing for Ukraine’s NATO membership, despite the security concerns raised by Moscow. “In 2021 we kept reiterating that Ukraine was going to join [NATO],” he said. “We kept saying that, over and over again.”

McFaul interrupted the professor, suggesting that Washington has never actually been serious about such prospects. “And did you believe that?” the ex-ambassador asked.

“So, our diplomats are lying?” Walt shot back. “Yes! Yes, that’s the real world, guys, c’mon,” McFaul replied, drawing laughter from the audience.

“Our diplomats are lying all the time, yet the Russians should trust them when they’re offered assurances,” Walt noted, spurring applause from the audience.', RT 5/21/22
1 hr
Good enough to die for nato but not worthy of membership. Dieing ukrainian's must feel really special
1 hr
Anyone heard anything more regarding Gonzalo Lira? .... Seems he's been forgotten - like he never existed...
1 hr
Beam Me Up
Zelensky is making an attempt to make use of his few trump cards left. He would lose in such way, no-one would even remember.
1 hr
We must sadly realise that the beloved 🤡 of the west controls their Circus 🎪
1 hr
Extortionist at work!
1 hr
good luck with that Z. you now realize you've been played the whole least you were able to skim millions!!
1 hr
Toxik, Hundreds of millions, if not billions.
1 hr
1 reply
Zelensky....The Mouse That Roared...
1 hr
Sucker the Clown! Haha
1 hr
Seems he cannot tell the difference between a leash and a roadmap.
1 hr
🤣🤣🤣 Zelensky on good drugs
1 hr
Rattle has been launched from the pram, and the dummy has been spat out, its tantrum time, much wailing and gnashing of gums ahead.
1 hr
1 hr
1 reply
They have been used by the MIC to drain coffers of the people on both sides..of the Atlantic. Now the 🤡 is worried. The next stage should be a 🍿 show..
1 hr
Marko Jhorr
Roadmap - defeat Russia, take back crimea. Sign instrument of surrender of Russia with Putin, apply for NATO 😂🤣
1 hr
Howie J
Marko Jhorr, Would you like fries🍟with that ?.
1 hr
1 more reply
Howie J
Good. Let him play 'Where's Waldo' somewhere else.
1 hr
"Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky will skip a NATO meeting in Lithuania in July unless..."

Oh, no! How can a NATO summit be held without that non-member Ukraine?
1 hr
Zelensky is a spoiled Jew acting like a drama queen
1 hr
Henry Redbird
Here's one for you Zelensky. Why don't you SHTFU! Crawl back into whatever hole you came from. Because after the War, we're going to find you, and all the people who caused this.
1 hr
Win or lose what's the difference? When will the war mongering and killing of people by NATO finally end? The NATO needs to be dissolved.
1 hr
Colin D
He's threatening to not attend a meeting of a club of which they are not members? How strange.
1 hr
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky will skip a NATO meeting in Lithuania in July HE should NOT EVEN BE ALLOWED as they are not part of nato
1 hr
Zelensky should dig a Deep bunker
Because now everyone understands the tricks and circus is no longer funny
1 hr
Hey invite me to your party, or else I'm not coming.....Go Fucnk yourself Zeely-boy my fagutty cretin.
1 hr
Mark M
this guy aged 20 years in 5 years, must be extremely constipated, try some sauerkraut and sour milk to get things going.. lol
1 hr
Ukraine as Natzo member=Instant WW3.
1 hr
Corro Camino
Nuke Kiev, kill jewlensky.
1 hr
Comment has been deleted
1 reply
This little punk is in no place to demand anything! His drug addled brain makes him think he is emperor of Europe and can threaten anyone to give this little piss-ant what he wants, but they will cave to shut him up.
1 hr


We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.




  1. Weapon US gave Ukraine spotted in cartel hands – Mexican media
    A Gulf Cartel member was filmed with what Milenio TV said was a Javelin anti-tank missile

  2. Replies
    1. Colonel reveals what will happen in Ukraine: 'This is just the beginning'

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  3. Pentagon to pay for Starlink in Ukraine
    Elon Musk had restricted some features of the satellite network, accusing Kiev of weaponizing it

    1. Last month, however, former Roscosmos head Dmitry Rogozin said Russia was unlikely to shoot down Starlink satellites because that would be an act of war, even though Moscow had “all the necessary means” to do so.

    2. Again, this is proof that Russia ia also LYING because Satellite Hoax - Satellites Do Not Exist!

  4. Russia should have launched Ukraine operation in 2014 – Lukashenko
    Moscow and Minsk persisted with doomed diplomatic efforts for too long, the Belarusian president believes

    1. But that didn't happen because Putin was busy cooperating with Klaus Schwab and the POPE!

  5. Ukrainian drones attack Russian city – governor
    Several UAVs were shot down near Kursk, the top regional official has said

  6. NATO member warns it will never fight Russia
    Hungarian PM Viktor Orban has vowed Budapest would never go to war with Moscow under the current administration

  7. Replies
    1. The Chechens have taken on the task of “cleaning” the Marinka enclave of Donetsk, held by the Ukrainians since 2014

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  8. Replies
    1. Each Patriot battery costs around $1.1 billion, according to estimates by the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) think tank, cited by Forbes. The total cost of Zelensky’s demand thus translates to a military aid package worth $55 billion, which is more than the total amount of US military aid allocated to Kiev thus far.

  9. NATO states may send troops to Ukraine – ex-chief
    Poland could lead a “coalition of the willing,” Anders Rasmussen has claimed

  10. No Western troops will enter Ukraine – Kiev
    Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has rejected the idea of a Polish-led mission

  11. Replies
    1. But Putin is still not doing enough to make it impossible for Western weapons to enter Ukraine by hitting those targets in western Ukraine where those weapons cross the border (especially from Poland) into the country.
      From the outset, Putin should have focused his operation on western Ukraine because without Western weapons Zelensky cannot continue for long.
      This casts suspicion on Putin that he is playing the game of the big corporations because the influx of Western weapons systems allows him to test his Russian weapons and show potential buyers of Russian weapons how good his weapons systems are.
      He should also have long since established a buffer zone in northern Ukraine that borders Russia in order to make it impossible for terrorists to invade Russia from Ukraine.

      Putin has no option but to conquer ALL of Ukraine and rid it of Nazis and Russians-haters.

  12. Replies
    1. The US CHILD RAPISTS and SATAN WORSHIPERS want more bloodshed!

    2. Van Wilder
      And to think there are still people who are so blind…wait not blind, DUMB…who cannot see the very obvious money trail that leads back to the military industrial complex and every corrupt politician on the hill. And of course to their counterparts in Europe and the UK.

    3. Right: Satan's power is based on the power of MONEY

  13. More than ten NATO states don’t support Ukraine's bid – Kiev
    The other 21 member states have already assured Ukraine of support, the deputy head of President Vladimir Zelensky’s office says

  14. Replies
    1. Russia's goal is to END the existence of Ukraine as a STATE

  15. White House issues NATO warning to Ukraine
    Kiev has demanded clear guarantees regarding its future in the US-led military bloc

    1. Volodymyr Zelensky is the YASSER ARAFAT of the west!

  16. Replies
    1. Germany is reportedly wary that Kiev would immediately invoke Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, which stipulates that an attack against one NATO member “shall be considered an attack against them all.”

  17. Ukraine gets NATO reality check from US
    Washington’s envoy to the alliance says Kiev should not expect to receive an invitation this summer


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”