Is the W.H.O. the Terrorist Wing of the UN?
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The rapture has NOTHING to do with 'the news'
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Dr. Coleman: Is de WHO de terroristische vleugel van de VN?
ReplyDeleteDr. Coleman: Is the W.H.O. the Terrorist Wing of the UN? See above
DeleteAmish gemeenschappen die CDC Covid richtlijnen trotseren hadden ’90x lager sterftecijfer’ dan de rest van de VS
ReplyDeleteAmish Communities Defying CDC Covid Guidelines Had ’90x Lower Mortality Rate’ Than Rest of US
DeleteCovid prikken doodden wereldwijd 13 miljoen mensen, waarschuwt topdeskundige
ReplyDeleteCovid jabs killed 13 million people worldwide, top expert warns
DeleteDoor te weigeren de risico’s van de prik te erkennen, helpt Trump de COVID-cultus om verantwoording te ontlopen
ReplyDeleteBy Refusing To Acknowledge The Jab’s Risks, Trump Helps The Covid Cult Evade Accountability
DeleteVier NZ rugbyspelers ernstig gewond; vaccinschade wordt een misdaad van ontkenning
ReplyDeleteFour NZ rugby players critically injured; vaccine harm is becoming a crime of denial
Delete‘Er komt een golf pandemieën op ons af, de ene na de andere’
ReplyDelete"A wave of pandemics is coming our way, one after the other"
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Dr. McCullough: The Powers That Be Are Telegraphing the Next Pandemic
Delete“They [Tedros, Hotez, Fauci, Gates] are all publicly stating with great enthusiasm that there will be another pandemic — a serious one. And that COVID-19 is just a warm-up for the next pandemic,” reported Dr. @P_McCulloughMD
“We ought to be ready for treatment and not necessarily concede to lockdown, social distancing, and wait for a vaccine. That failed miserably with COVID,” he expressed.
“And I think that’s what these vaccine enthusiasts want. They want one after another. In fact ... CEPI, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation. The business plan says there will be a wave of pandemics, one after another. And there’s only going to be one solution for each one — a vaccine.”
The United Nations 2023 SDG Summit Marks A ‘New Phase Of Accelerated Progress’ Towards Agenda 2030 And Their Sustainable Development Goals
ReplyDeleteDe VN heeft een schokkend verraderlijk plan bedacht voor wereldheerschappij
ReplyDeleteThe UN Has Come Up With A Shockingly Insidious Plan For Global Domination
Delete"a major “global shock” for the United Nations to literally take authority over the entire planet"...the earth is not a 'globe' and not a 'planet'.
DeleteAdvocaat in Europarlement: ‘Als mensen het zouden weten, zou men dit verschrikt massaal afkeuren’
ReplyDeleteLawyer in the European Parliament: "If people knew, they would be horrified to reject this en masse"
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Internist trekt aan de bel: we ondergaan een staatsgreep
ReplyDeleteInternist sounds the alarm: we are undergoing a coup
DeleteBill Gates’ WHO zegt dat klimaatverandering massale vaccinaties tegen migrerende muggen vereist
ReplyDeleteBill Gates’ WHO Says Climate Change Requires Mass Vaccinations Against Migrating Mosquitoes
DeleteWHO slaat alarm over “zorgwekkende” Covid-golf die deze winter komt met “toenemend aantal doden”
ReplyDeleteWHO Sounds Alarm Over “Concerning” Covid Wave Coming This Winter With “Increasing Deaths”
DeleteWHO-chef dringt er bij mensen op aan om boosterprikken te halen omdat “Covid hier is om te blijven”
ReplyDeleteWHO Chief Urges People To Get Booster Shots Because ‘Covid Is Here To Stay’
DeleteGet a jab that doesn't help but hurts and put on a mask that doesn't help but hurts
DeleteCroatian MEP Warns Humanity That W.H.O. Trying To Seize Control With Global "Emergency Transfer"
ReplyDeleteUnbelievable: W.H.O. Director Dr. Tedros Admits He Didn't Get Vaxxed
ReplyDeleteWHO verklaart zichzelf in feite nu de “Wereldregering” te zijn
ReplyDeleteWHO Declares It Is Now the De Facto ‘World Government’
Delete11 Lidstaten verzetten zich tegen het totalitaire pandemieverdrag van de WHO
ReplyDelete11 United Nations member countries PUSH BACK against pandemic declaration
Delete‘Terwijl iedereen de andere kant opkijkt wordt er iets totalitairs klaargezet dat zijn weerga niet kent’
ReplyDelete'While everyone looks the other way, something unprecedented in totalitarianism is being prepared'
DeleteThe Powergrab of the WHO - Philipp Kruse - Pandemic Treaty - Nederlandse Ondertitels
DeleteGezondheidsrichtlijnen van de WHO worden gewijzigd: dit wordt voorgesteld
ReplyDeleteWHO health guidelines are being changed: this is proposed
DeleteThe WO is run by the Jesuits....and Satan
DeleteZoon van medeoprichter WEF: ‘De WHO is géén gezondheidsorganisatie’
ReplyDeleteSon of co-founder WEF: 'The WHO is not a health organization'
DeletePalestina nauwelijks gevaccineerd en geen lid van de WHO – dit zijn de redenen waarom
ReplyDeletePalestine barely vaccinated and not a member of the WHO – these are the reasons why
DeleteWHO-directeur-generaal klaagt over online “samenzweringstheorieën” over WHO-pandemieverdrag
ReplyDeleteWHO Director General Complains About Online “Conspiracy Theories” About WHO Pandemic Treaty
DeleteWist je dat de WHO zichzelf strafrechtelijke immuniteit heeft verleend?
ReplyDeleteDid you know that the WHO has granted itself criminal immunity?
DeleteGod zal al deze misdadigers hun verdiende loon geven: de poel van vuur!
DeleteGod will give all these criminals their just reward: the lake of fire!
DeleteWHO-baas klaagt over ‘complottheorieën’: ‘Het is geen machtsgreep’
ReplyDeleteWHO boss complains about 'conspiracy theories': 'It is not a power grab'
DeleteEstland en Slowakije verwerpen het Pandemieverdrag van de WHO
ReplyDeleteEstonia and Slovakia reject the WHO Pandemic Treaty
DeleteWHO probeert de regels te overtreden en deze Europarlementariërs komen daartegen in verzet
ReplyDeleteWHO is trying to break the rules and these MEPs are protesting against it
DeleteHet verzet groeit: Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie hoeft niet te rekenen op Slowakije
ReplyDeleteResistance is growing: World Health Organization does not have to count on Slovakia
DeleteSteeds meer landen verzetten zich tegen de overname van de wereldmacht door de WHO
ReplyDeleteMore and more countries are resisting the WHO's takeover of world power
DeleteThe WHO is an instrument of the EVIL LUCIFERIAN ROMAN EMPIRE
ReplyDeleteThe World Health Organization (WHO) has announced plans to rollout a global police force that will be responsible for punishing citizens who spread non-mainstream content on the Internet.
ReplyDeleteDictatoriaal pandemieverdrag van de WHO dreigt te mislukken – als gevolg van ‘leugens en complottheorieën’
ReplyDeleteWHO dictatorial pandemic treaty threatens to fail – due to 'lies and conspiracy theories'
DeleteBoem: Verzetsbeweging tegen globale dictators deelt flinke tikken uit op het slagveld
ReplyDeleteBoom: Resistance movement against global dictators deals heavy blows on the battlefield
DeleteCancer cases set to soar by 77% – WHO
ReplyDeleteOf course due to the 'vaccines'
DeleteTedros beweert dat WHO géén maatregelen heeft opgelegd tijdens corona, dus ook geen lockdowns
ReplyDeleteTedros claims that WHO has not imposed any measures during corona, including also no lockdowns
DeleteGroep wetenschappers maakt zich grote zorgen over WHO-pandemieverdrag: ‘klassiek westers imperialisme’
ReplyDeleteGroup of scientists is very concerned about WHO pandemic treaty: 'classic Western imperialism'
Delete‘WHO-baas staat op het punt Wereldgezondheidsdictator te worden, tenzij wij hem tegenhouden!’
ReplyDelete“WHO boss is about to become World Health Dictator unless we stop him!”
DeleteVolgens de ongekozen WHO-directeur moet u stoppen met het eten van zoveel vlees want dat is niet goed voor het klimaat
ReplyDeleteAccording to the unelected WHO director, you should stop eating so much meat because it is not good for the climate
Delete49 senatoren roepen op om uit de onderhandelingen over het pandemieverdrag te stappen
ReplyDelete49 senators are calling to withdraw from the negotiations on the pandemic treaty
DeleteSlowakije gooit roet in het eten van WHO-pandemieverdrag: ‘Dit is fantastisch nieuws’
ReplyDeleteSlovakia throws a spanner in the works of WHO pandemic treaty: 'This is fantastic news'
DeleteKijk: WHO-baas Tedros lacht in zijn vuistje na vraag over volgende pandemie
ReplyDeleteWatch: WHO boss Tedros laughs into his fist when asked about the next pandemic
DeleteWat je moet weten over WHO-baas Tedros, die het pandemieverdrag door onze strot wil duwen
ReplyDeleteWhat you need to know about WHO boss Tedros, who wants to shove the pandemic treaty down our throats
DeleteWho is Dr. Tedros, the Director General of the W.H.O.?
DeleteDr. Tedros has a record tarnished by scandal, terrorist ties, and a history of allowing those under his care to die.
We must oppose the W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty.
Please REPOST and SIGN the petition at
International Wake-Up Call: WHO plans insidious coup in 194 countries!
DeleteThe Tedros File – Will the Head of the WHO Become the Most Powerful Man in the World?
DeleteWHO-pandemieverdrag ‘is een knevelverdrag van de ergste soort’
ReplyDeleteWHO pandemic treaty 'is a gag treaty of the worst kind'
DeleteDonderspeech tijdens WHO-protest: ‘We staan voor het hoofdkwartier van één van de meest kwaadaardige organisaties’
ReplyDeleteThunder speech during WHO protest: 'We are standing in front of the headquarters of one of the most evil organizations'
Delete‘Criminele terreurorganisatie’ WHO merkt apenpokken aan als internationale crisis: ‘Daar gaan we weer’
ReplyDelete'Criminal terrorist organization' WHO labels monkeypox as international crisis: 'Here we go again'
DeleteOp 22 september wordt dit ‘verdrag’ bezegeld, waarmee voor van alles en nog wat de noodtoestand kan worden uitgeroepen
ReplyDeleteOn September 22, this 'treaty' is sealed, with which a state of emergency can be declared for anything and everything
DeleteArts waarschuwt voor horrorpact dat bij de VN is gesloten: ‘Dit komt er op ons af’
ReplyDeleteDoctor warns of horror pact concluded at the UN: 'This is coming our way'
ReplyDeleteWHO-directeur-generaal: het wordt tijd om agressiever op te treden tegen ‘anti-vaxxers’
WHO Director-General: It's time to take more aggressive action against 'anti-vaxxers'
DeleteTedros wil anti-vaxxers wurgen met zijn blote handen....Tedros wants to strangle anti-vaxxers with his bare hands
Delete“Do you know who started the World Health Organization? Rockefeller!!”
ReplyDelete“Do you know what Rockefeller was in to? EUGENICS!!!!”
Kijk en huiver: Gynaecoloog uit Kenia onthult hoe beestachtig de WHO in zijn land tekeerging
ReplyDeleteWatch and Shudder: Kenyan Gynecologist Reveals How WHO Cruelly Went On in His Country
DeleteArgentinië klaagt WHO-baas Tedros aan wegens misdaden tegen de menselijkheid
ReplyDeleteArgentina charges WHO chief Tedros with crimes against humanity